Friday 4 October 2013

Letter/Story 68 Background

                                                                               Posted by Allan
Hi, Allan here.
        This is not so much of a sexy story but instead more of a fill-in story where Sarvesh gives us some background on the sexy weekends he was organising.  

The story was added for two reasons:-
         First, this part of the volume was a bit one sided with the stories from New Zealand. So we felt it might be good to find out what was going on in India.
         Secondly, we wanted to set the scene for the stories written by Hansini which appeared two weeks ago and the big story by Katrina in two weeks' time. Both these stories were set against the 'special' weekends Sarvesh was holding so we felt we needed to bring you up to speed on these weekends and what happens in them.

        Now the character Brian is named after one of Susan's boyfriends. He did a lot to help with many of the stories, particularly the ones at the resort on the Great Barrier Reef so we decided to honour him with his name appearing in the stories too. As you will see by reading the writers page, Brian disappeared after a while as Susan and he split up but his name remains here to remind us of the help he gave us.

Update on Brian - October 2013.
        Brian does a Goggle search and rediscovers the blog. After discussions between him, Susan and Anne he begins to start adding background material to stories he helped write. Later he and his wife begin writing Brian's Page.

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