Friday 25 October 2013

Letter/Story 70 Part B - Katrina’s Story One.

Part B – The First Special Weekend.
            On the Friday evening, Elizabeth arrived and was dropped off at the gate after 5 pm. She walked through the lower garden gate left open for her and locking it behind her. She came in through the back door of the guest house to wait there for me. Nobody was seen by her because everybody was getting ready to leave in the van.
            I made a show of packing a small bag as per usual but just before the van arrived to take the staffs into the town I was slipped away to join Elizabeth into the guest house. I was surprised how easy I slipped away unnoticed just like Sarvesh said it would be. But I did notice Amita greeting all the staffs and wishing them a happy day off. She does not usually do this and so I knew she was helping take the attention from me.

            Since the guest house was close to the main driveway we heard the van leave and not long after two other vehicles arrive. We heard the main gate roll shut and close with a clang. With the gate-man away in the van, I wondered who operated it, then Amita appeared in the guest house.
            "Did you close the gate?" I asked her.
            "Yes, Katrina, who else would do it?"
            "I didn't know you could do such a thing," I replied which was a bit cheeky.
            "Katrina, I know more about this house than you could ever believe."
            She smiled when she saw the confusion on my face. 

            “Now,” she said, changing the subject. “You cannot go back into the servant’s quarters because the House Manager may notice somebody has stayed there so we have arranged for you to stay in the main house tonight and tomorrow night.” 

            She looked at me, “Katrina have you packed your overnight bag like I asked?”

            I nodded yes.

            “Good girl,” she said.  Then she smiled, “And we did that without any of them knowing you were staying behind. That was fun too. A bit like a secret spy game wasn’t it.”

            Then she looked at Elizabeth. “You must be Elizabeth. I am Amita,” she said smiling as she held out her hand."

          “I am sure Katrina has told you what is happening so all I’ll say is welcome to our house and I hope you have a nice stay even if you are doing some work for us.”

            “Thank you, Misses,” said Elizabeth.
            She gave a nod, almost like a bow which caused Amita to smile. 

            “Now Katrina, our guests have already arrived. We are planning dinner at about seven o’clock," she began. "Before then we will be with them in the main lounge. Girls, take your bags to the kitchen for the moment until we know where you will be staying. Katrina, you were helping cook with the meal today. You know what she prepared so have it ready to serve on time. Elizabeth you can help Katrina. She will show you where everything is.”

            She went to the door and then suddenly stopped, “Oh Sarvesh told me to give you these.” And she handed us each an envelope and I knew our wages were inside. I couldn’t believe it; they paid us even before we did any work!
            Then she was gone.
            When we went through the house to the kitchen we heard voices in the main lounge as we passed, but the door was closed.
            Elizabeth was impressed with the house. “It is such a big house and so beautiful inside,” she said.
            “Yes, it is.” I agreed. Then I added, “But wait until you see the rest of it upstairs, it is even better.”
           She was admiring the statues, the paintings and many other items I just take as normal, until finally, I had to ask her to hurry up. 
            We went on into the kitchen, again Elizabeth was amazed. It was a big kitchen, as well as the traditional cooking they had modern Western-type stoves and ovens. At the back, there was a whole room for the chill room with fridges and freezers. Once again it was now normal for me because I was working in there almost every day with my house duties.
            We made sure everything was heated and ready to serve at seven, then began by laying out the large table in the dining room for eight people.
            Just before seven, Amita appeared. She was now wearing a pale blue nightie now which was clearly see-through as well. All she wore underneath were some tiny G-string panties.
            “OK girls. Are you ready to go?”
            “Yes Misses,” I replied.
            “Very good,” she replied. “And by the way Katrina, Sarvesh wants you to address us as Sarvesh and Amita for these weekends.  No more Sir and Misses. Is that OK?”
            “Yes, Amita” I replied. It seemed strange calling her that.
            Then she caught Elizabeth looking at her. She smiled. “We are having a naughty nightie and underwear night. Do you like my outfit? Do you think they will like it?”
            No knowing what to say Elizabeth just nodded.
            When Amita disappeared Elizabeth asked me. “Will they all be dressed like that?’
            “I don’t know. I expect so,” I said with a giggle. Then I added, “It might be fun to see if they are.”
            We were taking care of the final details when the guests came in. And yes they were all wearing their sexy clothing too. Amita wasn’t the only one wearing see-through too and some of the guys wore daring things too. We had just finished placing the food on the table and most of the guests were seated when Sarvesh finally arrived. He was wearing a long shirt made out of mesh which clearly revealed his body underneath. He just wore a tiny G-string underneath which barely covered him in front.
            The guests clapped him and he posed for them turning around to give the full effect for them. Then he took his seat at the head of the table, while Amita sat facing him at the other end.
            Looking over at us he said, “Thank you for the meal girls. You are Elizabeth?"
            She nodded, giving a slight bow to acknowledge him.
            "Welcome to my house.”
            Then he looked over the table and said, “Katrina why isn’t there a place set for you and Elizabeth?  We were expecting you would be joining us.”
            Before I could say anything Amita replied. “I think the girls might want to eat in the kitchen tonight dear.”
          “Of course,” he replied. “I entirely understand.”
            We finished serving and went back to the kitchen.
            “Did you see what they were wearing?” Elizabeth giggled to me.
            “Yes they were so sexy.... so revealing weren’t they?”
            Then she lowered her voice and said, "Think these weekends are going to be fun."
            I smiled at that. I had to agree with her on that one.
            We had our meal and after they had finished we cleared away the table and then cleaned up in the kitchen. We were just about finished when Amita appeared again. She has this habit of walking so silently that it seems like it too, she suddenly appears.
            “I hope you were not too shocked with our costumes.” she giggled.  “Now in about an hour, we will be serving drinks and snacks. After that, you are free for the rest of the evening. Is that OK?”
            “Yes of course,” I said. Then I added, “Oh Misses---- sorry I mean Amita."
             I saw Amita smile at that. Then I continued. "Where will we be sleeping?”
            “Oh yes, I forgot to tell you didn’t I.” She laughed and then added, “You will be staying in our room, the master bedroom.”
            “But that is your room. We can’t sleep there.”
           “No Katrina, I told you these weekends are different. We want you to use that room.”
           “But where will you be sleeping?”
           “Not there.... that room is best for you both. It is away from other parts of the house. I will be sleeping somewhere…. Somewhere else….I expect. That is if I get any sleep,” she giggled. “And by the way, you are welcome to use the spa pool tonight too.”
            We served the drinks and snacks and then returned the trays to the kitchen. We then went up to the master bedroom.
           As I had told her the second floor was even more impressive than the first. There was the medieval soldier with armour at the top of the main stairs like a guard. The two beautiful lions, real ones, not statues, who seemed to be guarding one passageway to the side. I told Elizabeth it was my job to dust these each week.
          We took that passageway between the two lions that led to a large wooden door. This was the entry to the master bedroom area. It was always kept tightly locked. To enter you had to take the key from the House Manager so we could do our house tasks within there. 
           Today the door was unlocked so we went inside. Elizabeth was very impressed. There was our own bathroom and an area to sit and watch TV and of course that massive bed. I showed her the spa garden outside.
            Just then there was a knock on the door. I opened it and Sarvesh was there. “Sorry to disturb you girls, I have to retrieve something first.”
            He went to the small cupboard then unlocking it he got out two large books with black leather covers. He then went to the door. “Well girls, enjoy your evening. Amita wants you to be ready for breakfast at eight.”
            He almost went out the door and then stopped. “Oh Katrina, one more thing. Did Amita say you can use the spa pool too?”
            Without waiting for an answer he went on. “We have some oil in the water so don’t wear any clothing. It will be ruined. Lock the door after me and nobody will be in this end of the house OK?  It will be completely private.”
            Then he was gone. I went across and clicked the lock on the door. I turned around and she was smiling.
            “Look at this place it is better than even a hotel.” She skipped across the floor and hugged me. “Thank you, Katrina, for asking me.”
            We had brought some soft drinks and some finger snacks with us too. We sat down on a soft couch to watch the TV for a while. When Elizabeth started going through the channels she discovered nearly 20 of them. I didn’t know there were so many. We even found a bit naughty one too.
            “Shall we watch this one?” she laughed. “I want to see what it is like.”
            “OK,” I said. “But then I want to try the spa pool.”
            “What Katrina. Without anything on?”
           “Why not? We are both girls and the door is locked so no one else can come in and see us.”
            “Ok,” she giggled like a little school girl. “Let’s try it now?” 

            Elizabeth went into the bathroom and a few minutes later came out with a towel wrapped around her. I went in and quickly undressed. Taking a towel I wrapped it around me as well and then I joined Elizabeth in the bedroom.
            “Come on,” she said pulling open the slider door and stepping outside into the small hidden garden.
            She went to the spa and put a hand in the water. ‘Ouu it feels so nice.”
            Turning away from me she opened the towel letting it drop to the ground. She was completely naked underneath. I’d been friends with Elizabeth for a long time but I had never seen her naked before and I watched as she climbed into the pool. Then she turned to see I still hadn’t moved.
            “Come on hurry up. The water is lovely.”
            I quickly stripped off my towel and joined Elizabeth in the water. As I climbed in I was conscious of her watching me. Being naked like that I was feeling shy, even in front of just another girl. But then I slipped down into the warm water. It was so nice. The water felt a bit different sort of oily like Sarvesh said.
            “I wonder what they use to make the water so nice?” I asked.
            “I don’t know but it's nice isn’t it.”
            “Oh, there are bubble jets too. Do you want to try?”
            “OK let’s turn them on.”
            I pushed a button on the poolside and jets of bubbles came out all over the pool. It felt so nice and as I lay back against the side of the pool. I looked over at Elizabeth and saw she was doing the same. As she lay back, against her side of the pool and I could see the dark nipples of her breasts just breaking the surface.
            She suddenly opened her eyes and saw me looking at her. She looked down following to where my eyes had been looking and then smiled, slipping down slightly lower into the water.
            “This is nice in this pool, don’t you think,” she said. “And I think it is a tiny bit naughty being naked outside in the pool.”
            I didn’t answer. I just nodded my head. But I did agree with her there, it was a bit naughty, well actually for me, very naughty.
            Suddenly she said, “Katrina, what do you think they are doing now?”
            “I don’t know,” I said. “Probably having some fun, I bet.”
            “Maybe they are having an orgy?” she giggled with her voice lowered.
            “What makes you say that?” I asked looking at her with interest.
            “Well, Amita did say she might not get much sleep tonight and she didn’t seem to know where she was going to sleep. Maybe she also doesn’t know who she will be sleeping with.”
            “Well they aren’t all wearing sexy clothing for nothing are they?”
            “I suppose not.”
            I must be a bit naïve because I didn’t even think about that. I just thought they would be doing a bit of nude swimming and things like that. But when I thought about it I began to think maybe Elizabeth was right too. Maybe there was more to these private weekends than just a bit of nude swimming.
            After our spa, we just showered off the oily water and then without putting anything on we just slipped into bed under the sheet. I have never slept nude in a bed before and it felt so nice being like that with the cool sheets against my naked body in that nice soft bed.
           After watching TV for a while we then fell asleep. It was a lovely bed and I had a lovely sleep.

            Next morning I woke to find myself on my side with my back against Elizabeth. I could feel her warm body and naked breasts pressed against my back. But what surprised me was her arm which lay across me with her hand cupping my breast. What was she doing I thought? Was she touching me while I was asleep?
            I gently moved her hand and tried to pull away from her to get up but she felt me moving and woke up.
            “Good morning, Katrina,” Elizabeth said dreamily.
            “Good morning, Elizabeth. How did you sleep?”
            “Oh wonderful,” she said. “This bed is so comfortable isn’t it?”
            I wanted to relax and enjoy it too but I felt important to get started on the work we needed to do before the guests came to breakfast.
            “Come on, it’s getting late Elizabeth, we better be going now. I’ll just take a shower first and then you can follow me.”
            I had my shower and then got dressed putting on a T-shirt and jeans. Elizabeth also wore jeans as well. We then went down to begin preparing the breakfast. To my surprise, Amita was already there. She had the coffee made, breakfast was ready and the table laid out too.   
            “Why didn’t you call us Amita? We could have helped you,” I said.
            “It is Ok,” she replied. “I was awake so I decided to come down anyway.”
            She poured us each a cup of coffee and sat down beside us. It seemed to be a bit strange that we had been paid to do the work she had just done. Here was Amita now serving us, pouring coffee for us. This is a bit different too, I thought, we should have been serving for her, not her serving for us.
            “Now I want to talk with you and prepare you for what is happening today,” she began. “After breakfast, we will be outside with our guests while it is cooler playing games like tennis. At around 10:30 we will be serving morning tea. We will have coffee or tea and see those small crackers over there. What you will need to do is put some cheese and pickle on each one just before they come out. Use that special cheese I brought in the market yesterday. You know the one Katrina.”
            She then continued. “For the rest of the morning we will be outside but as it gets hotter we will go to the pool. Maybe take a swim before lunch at about 1 pm. Cook has already made the lunch so you’ll just need to heat some of it up. For lunch, we will be serving the special white wine which is in the chill room.
            After lunch, we will again be out under the shade by the pool and maybe more swimming. I will tell you about the evening meal later but just keep in mind that we will be serving refreshments, drinks and snacks during the afternoon.
            Now after cleaning up from breakfast, you are free until morning tea. As we will be outside the family room will be empty if you want to use it. But you are welcome to join us if you want. Although I suppose you may be more comfortable by yourselves.” 

            So that was how our day began. We had set a place for ourselves and joined them for breakfast. This felt so strange for me to be bringing the food to the table then sitting to eat it with guests. But it was good when I got used to it. They were all nice people and very friendly to us. I looked around at the people there and wondered who they were and where they came from. I think Amita saw me looking because she suggested we should be introduced to our guests.
           I knew Sarvesh and Amita of course. There was another couple who I had often seen visiting at the house, a businessman called Jeevan and his wife Mandara. Then there was a man who they said was Head Game Keeper in the Game Reserve, called Mootie and his wife Hansini. Then finally, the last couple Brian who once worked here as a gardener, but he left before I started, and his wife Mega.
            We quickly cleaned up and went into the family room. This is the smaller of three lounge reception areas on the ground floor. It was used as a more private room for special guests or when Sarvesh and Amita wanted to be alone. I liked the photograph on the wall in this room, a view of Sarvesh, standing beside Amita with his arm around her. There is a lake in the background. On the other wall was a photograph of a woman sitting on a large crocodile holding a gun. Beside her was the man I met at breakfast, Mootie. On the other side was that European man I know as Mike from New Zealand. I knew the story about how she has shot the crocodile who was eating all the animals because it was famous in our town.   
            After watching a movie on the TV for a while Elizabeth began to get a bit bored.
            Suddenly she said, “I wonder what they are doing outside.”
            “I expect they are playing tennis and things like Amita said.”
            “Shall we go and have a look?” she laughed.
            “Ok,” I agreed.
            We turned off the movie and went out to find some were playing tennis and some were sitting nearby playing cards.
            Amita was playing and when she saw us she called, “Hi girls, come over and watch the fun. Us girls are killing the guys.”
            “No you aren’t,” said a man on the other side we are only two points behind.”
            We sat in two chairs to watch. They were playing a closely fought game with no quarter given on either side. What surprised me was that all four players were totally naked.
            Well with a very sharp shot from Amita’s partner Mandara and they beat the boys by one point. They let the guys know about it too. Making out they had won by far more than they had. I thought that was so funny how they teased the men, that surprised me too that Amita would be so cheeky to her husband and a man who was a guest. She did say things would be different on these special weekends, now I was finding out how.  

            Soon it was time to get ready for the morning tea. We cut slices of cheese and pickle and put them on the crackers. While we were working Elizabeth said to me, “These people aren’t shy at all are they?”
            “No they are bold aren’t they?”
            “They didn’t even care that they were totally nude,” she laughed.
            "I think they enjoy being like that."
            "Yes so do I," she laughed. "Very naughty people."
            We both laughed at that.
            We made the tea and coffee and took everything out to the tables beside the tennis area. I poured each person either their coffee or tea while Elizabeth handed around their crackers.
            Soon they were commenting on how delicious the cheese and pickles were. I was just packing up to take the trays back when Sarvesh asked us to stay. We poured a coffee each and took some crackers and found seats to sit down.
            I couldn’t believe I was sitting down having morning tea with a group of people, half of which were totally naked while the rest were not much better. I was suddenly aware of my clothes. Suddenly I felt very overdressed. 

            We took the trays back to the kitchen and quickly cleaned up. Then Amita arrived. She was still completely naked.
            “If you would like to use the pool for a swim it is nice out there now. We are going to carry on with our games for a while. Those boys are not taking their defeat too well. They want a re-match, the pool will be free for a while.”
            Elizabeth said, “I’d like to swim but I didn’t bring my bathing costume.”
            “That’s OK. I have thought about that. You can borrow one of mine. What about you Katrina?”
            “Oh, I don’t usually go swimming so I do not have any swimming things.”
            “Well, you can borrow one off me too if you like.”
            Soon we ended up in the bedroom looking at a large collection of swimming costumes. I was surprised she had so many. But the problem was most of them were bikinis.
            “It’s OK I do have this one-piece,” Amita said holding one up in front of her. “You are taller than Katrina and so I think this will fit you better.”
            She then looked at me, “Now Katrina what about you? You are a bit shorter in your body than me.”
            Suddenly she said, “Yes, I have just the thing.” She pulled out a red one-piece and held it up. “This was not mine it was Lizamoa’s, the girl who recently went to New Zealand. She did not need it so she left it for me but it doesn’t really fit me.”
            I took it from her. “It was a favourite of hers; I was surprised that she left it behind for me. You remember Mike. He brought it for her but it should fit you, Katrina.” (See Letter 27 & Letter 29.)
            “Oh,” I said. “Did he really?”
            Suddenly I was more interested to the swimsuit.
            “Yes, it seems he likes buying swimming suits for girls.”
            “Who is Mike?” Elizabeth asked.
            “Oh just someone who stayed at our house and Katrina got to meet him. I think he would like to know you have it so if it fits, you can keep it Katrina.”
            Elizabeth was looking at me strangely but I looked down at the one-piece more closely now. For some reason knowing Mike had brought it seemed to make a big difference. It was almost like he had brought it for me which of course was silly.
            “Oh just one thing, Katrina. There is no lining in the top so it hugs a bit tightly to your….. to your body. Try it on and see if it fits.”
            We tried the swimming costumes on and then stood in front of the mirror. Yes, I had never worn anything like this before but I thought I looked good in it. Elizabeth looked good in her one as well. Her breasts are bigger than mine and she filled out the suit giving her body a very good shape.
           I like my red swimsuit. It looked good on me and made my body look good too. I noticed the bottom part which ended so close to my pussy. It showed the swell of my pussy down between my legs. It made me feel a bit shy like that but I sort of liked it too. The one problem with mine was that it hugged tightly to the shape of my breasts and being unlined was showing the shape of my nipples too. At first, I was reluctant to wear it but when Amita commented on how good it looked on me I decided to wear it.
            “Now quickly girls. Get down and have a swim before the pool gets taken over with naked people,” she said laughing.
            Picking up a towel each we started down to the pool. Amita followed us until she disappeared heading back to her guests again. 

            The water felt cool when I stepped down the first step into the pool. I looked around at Elizabeth and she was following straight behind me. I had seen this pool almost every day but I had never gone swimming. I know that Sarvesh and Amita allow staff to use the pool sometimes but I never had.
            The next step brought the water up to the bottom of my swimming costume and then one more step and it was above my waist. Elizabeth was beside me as I took the last step and found the water almost up to my shoulders.
            It was nice in the water. Cool but not too cold. I liked it. Elizabeth was able to swim and she swam to the other end and back but as I couldn’t. I was a bit scared the first time, so I stayed near to the steps.
            When Elizabeth came back to me she looked at me. “Katrina that suit is very hugging on you.”
            I looked down and the red material was skin tight. Every curve of my breast could be seen. Now I was in the cold water my nipples stood out even more than before. I was a bit shocked but then Amita did warn me it would be like this anyway. I just decided I would make sure I was covered if anyone else came.
            We played with a ball we found floating in the pool. At first just throwing it to each other and then we were trying to keep from the other person. It was fun but after some time in the water, I began to feel a bit cold. We got out and sat on some chairs beside the pool. I put a towel around my shoulders just in case anyone came so I could pull it around me and cover my breasts.

            We sat chatting for a long time and then we heard voices. Soon all the others had joined us at the pool. They were soon jumping and diving into the water. Those who were not already naked soon shed the last of their clothing. I noticed that two of the girls were last to do this and they stepped into the water holding hands. I thought it almost seemed as if they were a bit shy being naked. Now we were watching eight very naked people splashing and playing in the water. Soon a game developed with the ball. They were playing one team against the other and it looked like fun.
            Then Sarvesh called to us, “Come in and join us girls.”
            I looked across at Elizabeth and then at those in the pool. It looked like fun playing that game. I wanted to but I was concerned about what I was wearing.
            Then Elizabeth said, “Come on Katrina. I’m going in again.”
            She got up throwing off the towel and jumping in to join in the game. I then decided to join in too. I knew my costume was a bit revealing but I was mostly under the water and of course, it was nowhere near as revealing as the other girls who wore nothing at all.
            It was a lot of fun and after a while, I almost forgot that most of those in the pool were totally nude. What I did notice was that sometimes people made contact with their bodies, when taking the ball. Once when I was taking from Brian, I lost my balance and fell against him. He must have felt my body front contact his. When Sarvesh tried to take from me he attacked me from behind and I felt his arm across my breast. He must have known that too. But we had a good game and I was even on the winning team.
            Once the game was over I suddenly remembered lunch. What time I asked Sarvesh who was the only one wearing a watch. I was shocked when he told me it was well after one.
            Amita saw my shock and said, “Don’t worry Katrina. I knew we were late but I saw you were having so much fun. We can get lunch ready now. I’ll come and help you.”
            “I’m coming too,” said a woman called Hansini.
            Soon all four of us, two in swimming costumes and two naked, were working in the kitchen. When it was ready we took the food out to the tables where everyone was beside the pool. Of course, Elizabeth and I stayed to take our lunch with them. 
            During lunch, Sarvesh looked over and noticed the swimming togs I was wearing. “That suit is nice on you Katrina. It is a very nice colour.”
            “Thank you,” I replied. “Yes, I like the colour too.”
            “Did you know it was Lizamoa’s first bathing suit?”
            “No, I didn’t,” I said.
            I did know but I knew Elizabeth was listening. I also felt a bit embarrassed at the attention he was drawing to my swimsuit.
            “Well, when Lizamoa went to visit New Zealand, like you, she didn’t have a suit to take bathing. Shanti and Mike took her to the shop to buy one and Mike brought it for her.”
            “There he is again,” said Elizabeth. “Who is this Mike fellow, Katrina?”
            “He is just a very kind and caring man,” I told her as I glanced over to see both Sarvesh and Amita smiling. I wondered what their little joke was in what I had just said. 

            We cleaned up the lunch things and then Elizabeth went to watch something on the TV. I wasn’t interested and so I went to lie down. We both still kept our swim suits on since they were dry. I could hear voices from the pool area but not much of what they were saying.
            I was lying on the large bed when Amita walked in. I think she was a bit surprised to see me there.
            “Are you alright Katrina?” she asked me.
            Yes, Amita. Just a bit tired after all the swimming.”
            “It was fun wasn’t it?”
            She went to the little cupboard and took those two large books out. I began to wonder what they were.
            “Maybe soon you can bring us some cool drinks by the pool. The men will be taking beer but we girls will be happy to have some more of the white wine. And one fruit drink for Hansini the girl who helped us with the lunch.”
            “Ok,” I replied, “I’ll get them now.”
            After she had left I went back down to get Elizabeth and then I went into the kitchen to organise the drinks. Soon Elizabeth joined me and we got out the cold beer along with frosted glasses for the men and then we got out the wine for the girls.
            Soon we were taking the drinks out to the pool area. When we had handed around the drinks we sat down to take ours as well. I don’t like wine so I drank a fruit drink like Hansini but Elizabeth had a small glass of wine. We had also brought out some snacks which we handed around as well.
            One of the men, Jeevan I think his name was, had one of the black books open. He began to read what sounded like a letter. Amita told me later that this was Letter - 43. At first, I didn’t take too much notice until I heard the name, Mike. Jeevan then stopped and explained to his listeners that this was a story written by Mike about how he first came to know his wife Shanti. Now my interest really was captured. I listened closely as the story told how Mike offered to help Shanti with a very bad speech problem. ‘See’ I said to myself. ‘I knew this was a very kind and caring man.’
            The story continued until we got to the point where he actually asked her out on a date. I was enjoying the story so much that I couldn’t take my eyes off Jeevan. It was a beautiful story. Such a romantic story about how their love began. But I didn’t know until later that half those listening were now watching me rather than him. Watching my facial expressions as the story unfolded.
            Then he reached the part where they were together in a car near a forest place I think. This is where the story changed becoming more and more sexy. Although it was still a good story very well written, the story now was telling about them making the love games with each other. I didn’t want to listen to this very private events but I couldn’t stop listening either.
            Well, the ending was she whispered to him “I am yours forever,” and he replied, “Yours forever.”
            That was just so romantic. It showed they had so much love for each other. I began to think it was almost worth all the sexy parts just to hear those last few words they said to each other.
            So now I knew part of what was in the black books. As I went off to get more drinks I was thinking to myself what a wonderful story. I began to think that even the sexy parts were important to the story.
            Elizabeth stayed by the pool but Amita came into the kitchen. “Did you like the story, Katrina?”
            “Yes, it was a very romantic story.”
            “I’m glad you liked it,” she added. “We knew you would like that story that’s why Jeevan read it.”
            “You chose that just for me?” I asked with surprise.
            “Yes,” she replied. “I thought you would like it so I asked Jeevan to read it if you came to sit with us.”
            Over the last day, I had come to see a new side of Amita. Before she had always been nice to us but being the owner of the house she was always remote from us. We mainly had been instructed in our work by the House Manager. Now I have come to know what a lovely lady she really was.
            I then had enough courage to ask her about the book. She told me the whole story how it started many years ago when Joseph and Shanti began writing letters to each other. Later more people have become involved and they each have a copy of all the letters.  She went on to explain the many letters are of some very erotic adventures, most of them about real events as well.
            I was amazed to learn about this book and deep down I thought one day I would like to read some of the letters myself. Little did I realise that within a few months I would be writing a letter for the book as well. 

            Now back to my story:-
            She helped me prepare the drinks and we took them out to the pool. I looked hard at Elizabeth, giving her a frown because I was wondering why she didn’t come and help me like she was supposed to. It was later that she told me Amita had stopped her.
            When we arrived they were listening to Hansini who was just begun reading a story. I realised that this story had been written by her and she was telling the story about how she had first heard about The Letters Book. (See Letter/Story 66)
            Later Amita told me that this was the first time this story had been read out and later the next day she sent it to New Zealand for them to read as well. I also realised that Hansini and her husband had only been involved for a short time and they were still a bit new to all of this. I also found that one of the other couples was very new as well and that this had only been their second weekend at Sarvesh’s.
            Sipping on my drink I sat back to listen to her story. It was a good story with a lot of good detail too. In spite of the sexy side, I was coming to realise these stories were very interesting stories.
            She told us how it all began over what sounded like a very sexy happening in the Game Reserve in which it appeared her husband had some part of. I didn’t understand all the details about this but she said that story was already in the book. (Letter 14)
            Then she told us about how they were invited to the big party. Now I know why the pool area was closed off the evening after that party. Anyway, we were so busy in the kitchen we didn’t really realise what was going on outside.
            She then told us about the first “Nude Day” they attended. That was when Sarvesh first began having regular weekends sending us away for the weekend off.
            The best part of her story was on the two occasions where first she bared her breasts and then later went fully nude. She wrote this well telling us about her embarrassment but excitement at the same time.
            On the first day, she described how she had borrowed at bikini off Amita and gone swimming with that. Then came the play fight between Amita and Mandara as they tried to take each other’s top off. Once they were topless soon Hansini had decided to join them like that as well.
            In the next part of her story, Hansini was telling us about the second day she was at Sarvesh’s house. This time she told us an exciting story how she had got herself into a Strip Chess game against Sarvesh. I thought it was very sexy knowing that you could lose your clothes over a game and I was surprised that she had even accepted the challenge to play the game.
            But the story told how she eventually won the game and the boys had ended up naked. But there was a surprise ending when Amita sneaked up behind Hansini pulling her bikini bottom off as well. That was a bit funny too.
            She went swimming nude then and joked about how easy it had been once her clothes were off.           

            I began thinking what it would be like if I did the same thing. It had felt nice swimming naked in the spa pool so how would it feel for me if I was naked swimming with these people. I was lost in my own thoughts when suddenly I realised that Amita was talking to me and everyone was looking at me.
            “Where were you Katrina?” she said laughing.
            “Sorry, Amita.”
            “Come and help me with the dinner. You too Elizabeth.”
            We went off to prepare for the dinner but still, I kept thinking about the story I had heard. I made a mistake and put the wrong knives on the table.
            Amita spotted my mistake, “Hey Katrina, you are not with us today.”
            “Why Amita,” I asked not sure what she meant.
            “Look at what you have put on the table.”
            I looked and saw my mistake. “Oh! I’m sorry Amita. I don’t know what I was doing.”
            “I do,” she replied “Your mind is on something else, isn’t it?” she laughed. 

            Elizabeth and I joined them for the evening meal and then cleared away afterwards. They were now all in the lounge, where we delivered their after dinner drinks. Amita then told us we were free for the night. We were sleeping in the main bedroom again and so soon we went up to the room. Elizabeth had a movie on the TV she was watching but I wasn’t too interested. I found a magazine and was flicking through the pages not really reading it.
            When we decided to get some more soft drink I said I was happy to go down and get it. While I was in the kitchen Amita walked in completely naked.
            “Hello Katrina,” she said to me.
            “I was just getting drinks for us,” I told her.
            “That’s OK. I told you to help yourself.”
            Then as if it was an afterthought she said, “Katrina could you wait here a minute. There is something I would like to show you.”
            She was gone for only a minute before she returned holding what looked like a catalogue.
            “Sarvesh and I were thinking that you were feeling out of place in your clothes today. We thought you might be more comfortable if you had something more like a swim suit. Then you can also join us in the pool too.”
            “But you gave us swim suits to wear for swimming,” I replied.
            “Yes I know but we were thinking about something more like this,” she said.
            She held open a page showing a girl in a bikini. Then she looked back at me.
            “Well, what do you think?”
            “Wearing something like that is a big step to take,” I told her.
            “What if you had something to go over it?”
            She showed me another page of the same girl but now she wore the short wrap-around skirt and a small cover-up which still left her bare around the middle. Both were made of the same material as the bikini.
            “Would that be better and then you could just wear the bikini when you are in the pool.”
            “Well maybe,” I said still not sure.
            “Anyway take this with you and show Elizabeth and let me know what you decide so I can order it for next time. Oh, I supposed you both will be willing to help us next time now you know what it is like these weekends.”
            “Yes, we are both happy to help you again.”
            “That’s good,” she said with a smile. “Let me know about the suits.”
            With that, she was gone. Taking the catalogue under my arm I picked up the drinks and headed for our room.
            When I showed Elizabeth the bikini she thought it was so revealing.
            “It doesn’t hide much does it?” she said.
            “No, it doesn’t.” I agreed.
            “Well, Katrina. Would you wear it?”
            “I am not sure but I am thinking about it.”
            “Really?” she said surprised.
            “Well, it is not so bad. And it is only when we go swimming. The rest of the time we can be liked this,” I said showing her the other page.
            “That is not so bad,” she agreed. 

            Later before we got into bed Elizabeth was packing her bag ready for the morning when she spotted the envelope again. She picked it up and opened it finding the money inside. It was a lot of money, more than we had been expecting. When I checked mine, I found they had given me the same amount which was more than the twice my usual wage which we had agreed to.

            We didn’t get to the spa that night and next morning we had to be up early ready to make breakfast. Our guests arrived and we had breakfast with them and then Elizabeth and I had to rush to put everything away as quickly as we could.
            I noticed Amita was just finishing with a load of clothes she had washed and was using the clothes dryer to quickly dry them. That explained the new dryer they had brought and never seemed to get used. It was for the sexy gear they wanted nobody to see.
            At about 10 minutes to 11 just before the staff van was due, a taxi arrived for Elizabeth and I. We each took our bags and left the house. The taxi drove to Elizabeth’s house and the driver said he would wait for me. Leaving my bag I got out and walked her to the door.
            “Did you have a good weekend,” I asked her?
            “Yes it was a lot of fun, and the work wasn’t much at all, was it?”
            “No, it wasn’t. Amita has asked if we will do it again,” I told her. “I said we would be happy too.”
            “Of course we would,” she agreed.
            “What about the bikini set she showed us? What do we tell her?”
            “I would like to have tried it on first. But if she orders it then I suppose we will have to wear it won’t we?”
            “Yes,” I agreed.
            Then suddenly she laughed. “Oh tell her yes. It is not that bad if we can wear the cover-ups most of the time. And not as bad as what they will be wearing,” she added with another laugh.
            So with that, she said goodbye and went inside. I got into the taxi which returned to the house. I went to pay the driver but he said it was already taken care of. So taking my bag I went into the servant quarters as if I had just arrived from my weekend off. Soon I was into my working uniform listening to the other staffs talking about what they thought Sarvesh and Amita did for the weekend.
            I smiled to myself and thought, “They would have been shocked if they really knew what happened here while they were away.” 

            Two weeks later, Amita called me to the office. She handed me a package and when I opened it I found the bikini set she had ordered. I held it up and it appeared smaller than it had looked in the catalogue. I then checked the matching skirt and top as well.
            “This one is for you,” she said. And handing me another package she said, “This one is for Elizabeth. She is a bit bigger than you so I ordered a size large. Can you give it to her?”
            I took the packages back to my room and then went back to my duties. Later in the evening I locked my door and took off my uniform. Naked I stood in front of the mirror holding the bikini up against me. Then I tried it on, first stepping into the bottom and then putting the top on. It took a bit to get the top right. I had to adjust it a couple of times until it fitted snuggly to my breasts.     
            I looked at myself in the mirror. It sure was a sexy bikini. More daring than I had expected. Next I picked up the short skirt and slipped it on. It only just covered the bikini bottom and still revealed most of my thighs. Last I put on the cover-up. It just slipped on over my head and loosely covered the top part of my body. The bikini top was covered but it ended not very far below my breasts. But it was enough to cover me, anyway better than just in the bikini.
            Taking off the skirt and cover-up I looked at myself in the bikini again. I noticed some hair peeping out at the tops of my thighs. Steeping out of the bottoms I took some scissors and gently trimmed my hair. Putting my bottom back on I adjust it so no hair now showed.
            This time when I looked in the mirror I felt more comfortable. I turned around looking at myself from all angles. I admired the shape it gave to my body, the way it curved over my breasts and I was happy with it too. The way the bikini bottom showed my bottom too and the shape in front over my pussy too. It was sexy but I liked it. I knew it was only for the weekends, only when everyone else is naked.
            Like I said, it sure was sexy but I was beginning to like it too. It showed off my body well and I was thinking even made me look better than I was too.
            “Yes,” I said, smiling to myself. “I will be wearing this for the next weekend.”


  1. Hi Shandra and Reshma.
    It seems like you are going in some new directions with these Katrina stories. Paul and I like the work you did on developing characters. I am now getting a better idea of Amita and Sarvesh now. The office conversation last week was an interesting scene charged with emotion. You gave us an insight into what must have been going through that poor girls head.
    Now this week, what is going on between Katrina and her friend Elizabeth. Is this going to be a bit of harmless play or are you going somewhere with this? With you guys I just never know. You have now opened up a number of possibilities with Katrina.
    As always, looking forward to next week.
    Kirsten and Paul.

    1. Shandra and Reshma.
      I like the way these stories are taking us. You are taking you time with Katrina. I like that, it is what I think more real. You seen to be getting from just sexy into writing the emptions and feelings. This is good. I have enjoyed this. Almost like these people are real to me. Once Ayaka told me that readers get confused between the real writers and the characters within the stories. I can see why this would be.
      Now to this story. What are the best parts? The girls in the spa pool is the most sexy. I also like the part about Katrina selecting Lizamoa's red swim-suit. I had forgotten about this and I had to go all the way back to Letter 27 to find it. Can I make a suggestion? Could you place the links to Letter 27 and Latter 29 in your story?
      Yes that is all I will say until I see next week.
      Bye from Asami.

    2. Hi Girls from New Zealand.
      So the second story of the beautiful Katrina has appeared. The story of the lowly servant girl who gains the confidence of her Mistress and Master to rise to who knows where.
      This was a good story, perhaps not with the same appeal as the one previous. So get see a special weekend, a nude weekend, in progress. It this what they will all be like? I look forward to see what will happen next between Katrina and Elizabeth, not expecting things to have developed between them in that way. I look forward to the girls wearing their new bikinis. And may I venture to say, hopefully less than that.
      Yes a good story which stills has my dear Raviprabha and myself, waiting for what you hint at being a climax of this first section. My wife tells me after that we must wait awhile before Katina will feel she has more to add to our account. I trust you have much to entertain us in the meantime.
      Love you all
      James and Raviprabha.

    3. Hi Asami, Also Hi James & Raviprabha
      I'm going to reply to you both in one post. First Asami. Thanks for suggesting those two links. They have now been added as you will see. I also agree with your comments about people getting confused with both the people and the stories. We have done a lot to help with this by adding those two pages about us writers and the Cast (Characters) of Letters. If you have any ideas let us know.

      Now James and Raviprabha
      We like the way you described the story of Katrina like that. It might be useful to use somewhere. I tend to agree that this section of the story isn't as good because we were building things for the final part next week. I know that you will both enjoy this part.
      Raviprabha you seem to be reading more out of our stories and I think you might be picking up clues from places like the background notes and Index page. Good detective work there.
      So until Friday morning.

  2. A good story. I can see where you are coming from regarding the character development mentioned above but personally I would rather more sex. Oh the other hand my wife thinks these Katrina stories are among your best. So which is right? I think the way you are doing now, a mixture of both.
    Oh my wife and I enjoyed meeting you all Saturday night too. I was nice getting to know you all.

    1. Hi Raymond and Lisa
      An interesting comment. You both hold opposite views. That is the way things are here too. The guys often see things differently to us. But you are right, the balance between sexy and interesting is the way to go.
      Yes good to meet you at the pools Saturday night. Ayaka was surprised when you spoke to her. I know what followed was an interesting conversation which I enjoyed. Maybe we will see you again sometime.

  3. Hi Shandra and the writing team.
    Here is the second part of the Katrina story. What I like is the under theme of the relationship between Katrina and Susan. This was to me very interesting. I could see them giggling together like little school girls when they see the people in their sexy clothing or nude. I could also see the sexual tension in the spa pool too. That was a highlight for me.

    Later in the story when Amita offered them the bikinis I felt it was wrong. I don't know why at the time but after reading the third part I realised those girls were being pushed by Amita.
    Yes this was a good story which led us to learn a lot about what the people in India were doing. I was glad I didn't have to wait but could go straight into part three.

    1. Hi again Rochelle
      Yes out of the three parts this one is probably the least interesting to many people but you seem to have found what we wanted to achieve with it. I think the main point of this story was to get the girls through their first nude weekend. Along the way we started to deepen the relationship between Katrina and Susan, We wanted to get them into bikinis for the next weekend and we wanted to introduce them to the Letter Books and Photo Albums. In that sense this part met all our goals but yes we agree it could have been better I suppose.
