Friday 18 October 2013

Letter/Story 70 Part A - Katrina’s Story One.

Part A – Learning About  Letters                                                                 

        My name is Katrina; I work for Sarvesh and Amita as the servant in their house. Some of you will, of course, be surprised to be getting this letter sent from me. Since I am the centre of this adventure Amita thought it was very good for me to be writing it. But I must be the honest person and admitting that she and Hansini have helped me a lot with it too. I am very unknowing to doing a lot of writing, especially the English.
            Do you remember me? Unknown to me I have already been appearing in The Letters Book in two different letters. First, it was in Letter - 52 and then again in Letter - 56. But we will get to these soon.

            Now to begin, my father works for Sarvesh in one of his businesses as the builder. When I was seventeen and my schooling was finished my father got me a job working for Sarvesh as well.
            They were looking for somebody to help with their household. This job was mainly housework such as cleaning and helping in the kitchen. Being a servant is usually not a good job in India, but for Amita it is different. She is very nice for her staff and they pay good wages too. Since my family home was in another town this position was a live-in position where I was sharing a small room with another girl in the servant’s quarters. Later when that girl left I had the room to myself but it was still very small.
            Being always at the house it meant when there were visitors at the house, which often was happening, there was the extra work for me helping with the serving for the guests. I was always happy to do this with the extra money.

            One day we came to know that there were some guests coming to stay from the country of New Zealand. I am sorry to admit I was not really knowing where this country was until I was looking onto a map.
            Well, they arrived. There was one couple where an Indian woman was married to a European man. I later came to know them as Shanti and Mike. (A special Hi to you Mike) They were staying with some friends at another house into the town.
            A few days later two more couples arrived and these were both European couples from New Zealand as well. They stayed at the big house. This was a big event in the house and many of the staffs were interested in who these people were. I now know these couples were Steve and Sharon and Peter and Jenny.
            When they arrived it was later into the evening and they went to bed early so I was not to see them until the next morning when I was helping serve the breakfast. It was interesting because these couples wanted different food and Amita was in the kitchen showing us how to prepare some of their foods. I tried some of their food and it tasted so plain, lacking any flavours compared to ours but then I suppose they were used to that.
         They were happy and joking, particularly the men. When I was serving at the table they were speaking so fast it was hard to understand them but I must be honest and admit I shouldn’t have been listening. They were polite to me, even saying thank you when I placed something in front of them. Us girls were not used to guests doing that, they usually just ignored us and we are kept unseen. Now, this was different, a little bit nice and also a bit amusing too.

            Now to the event in Letter - 52. (Amita has not allowed me to read this letter yet until after I have made my story, then she says I can read.)
            One night, Sarvesh and Amita suddenly changed their plans and went out with their quests for their dinner and evening. I heard Amita telling the cook that they would not be having the meal she cooked but to keep it as they would be eating it in the next day.
            They had given all the staffs the holiday and even paid for some of us to stay at a comfortable hotel into the town. The instructions were for us to clean up for the evening before we went into the town.
            Now I had my bag packed and was just to leave with the other staffs when everybody arrived back at the house. Amita asked if I would mind staying to help her serve some drinks and some Indian snacks for all the guests. Later she would call a taxi for me to go into the town.
            I was willing to help her. Amita and I were making the various drinks. I was not sure on these as I do not take much alcohol myself so she was showing me. To my surprise, Sarvesh was also helping too. I had never seen him working in the kitchen before. Now I think about it I cannot ever remember even seeing him within the kitchen although we often saw Amita there. Once we were ready, we each had a tray to take out. I knew everybody was at the main pool so I went out first. Amita then Sarvesh followed behind me.
            As I entered the pool area I heard the splashing and the laughing so I knew they were doing the swimming. But I was shocked when I looked because everyone there was without their swimming clothes. They were all totally nude swimming in the pool both the men and also the women as well were nude.
            What was more of a shock to me was the man I now know is called Mike was standing up high on the diving board and also he was completely nude too. When he saw me he jumped into the water but I had seen him before that.
            I didn’t know what to do; I just stood there with the tray in my hand until Sarvesh told me to put the drinks at the table. He then told me to go back to the kitchen. As soon as I was out of sight I rushed back to the kitchen not knowing what to think. Soon Amita joined me and she sat down beside me. She was very calming with her words explaining to me about their different culture and I was not to worry or be upset in any way by what I had witnessed.
            I told it was more the shock of seeing but I was fine now. She smiled and told me a taxi was due soon to take me into town. She did also warn me not to tell any person because in India many people would not be as understanding I was. 

           It was only a few days later and all our visitors were at the big house. I knew mostly they were playing games outside or sitting near the pool. For some reason, I cannot remember what, I went into the kitchen. And there he was. The European man I had seen a few days before. He was talking to the cook and asking her about Indian cooking and Indian spices. And she was telling too about the many different things of cooking.
           He looked around as I entered and smiled at me. I was embarrassed to find him there and I left the kitchen as quickly as I could. The Cook said later I should have stayed and talked to him because he was a nice man. Maybe I should have. Maybe it was rude of me to be rushing off like that but like I said I was embarrassed at seeing him. 

            The next event came in what Amita tells me is Letter - 56. In this letter, I am again serving drinks around the pool. But this time they were all sitting and they were all dressed into their clothes too. I had to serve each drink to each person and when I came to give Mike his drink he said he was sorry for the other night. Like the cook said, I think that because he was showing concern for my feelings, just a servant girl, that he must be a very nice man. Maybe he also realised how embarrassed I had been in the kitchen at seeing him earlier too.
            On this occasion, we also had a very unusual request. I remember that we did have some unusual items to prepare. We had to make ice-cream cones. I had never done this before and they had to show how we were doing it, rolling the ice cream and placing it on cones. It was only later when I finally read Letter – 56 that I am realised why we made the ice creams. It was for something sexy Shanti was doing but then I did not know anything about that then.
           Amita had brought the cones, a box of ice cream and a funnily shaped spoon too. She asked us to make double scoop cones and she showed us a picture of two balls of ice cream on top of the cone. We tried but we were unable to make the balls. We asked Amita but she couldn’t show us either so the cook suggested that maybe one of the Europeans would know.
          Amita agreed this was a good idea and soon she arrived back and Mike was with her. I was trying again to make an ice cream ball. Then Mike asked if I was having trouble. When I agreed I was he was telling how to do it but it still was going wrong. He then said one trick was to dip the scoop into the water first. Then he told me to twist my wrist as I rolled the ice cream onto the scoop.
          I looked back at him a bit confused.
          "Here let me show you," he said.
          He stepped up behind me and reached around to take my hand, then he was guiding my hand and we made a perfect ball. But I was also noticed that his body touched against my back and his deep voice close behind me, his breath close to my ear. I could smell his scent too. He then stood back, my hands were trembling but I made another one myself. I also felt strange in the area between my legs, like I had never felt strange before.
         Mike and Amita left then and I showed the cook and another servant girl how to do it. I was standing watching them but I was still thinking about that man so close he was touching me. The cook noticed me distracted and asked if I was not feeling well. I said I wanted to lay down for a while and rushed off to my room. Even there I could still feel his strong hand holding mine. His body against mine and his voice softly telling me how to make the ice cream ball.
         I did not realise until later that this was the first time in my life that I had become sexually aroused, had sexual feelings for a man, sexually turned on by a man. And it was with a man I never knew. A man from a different culture and a different country. At the time I couldn't understand or believe how my body was responding. 
            So that is my first times I came to know of some of the events found within The Letters Book but even at that time, I did not know there was any such book.
            After nearly a year we were involved in a very large occasion up at the house and I came to know that two of Sarvesh’s friends were leaving India to live in New Zealand. This was a very big good-bye function which many important people from the town were invited also because the man had been head of the biggest tourist attraction in the town, The Game Reserve.
            I remember that before this we were very busy preparing and afterwards there was a lot to do as well. I also remember they had to get in extra staffs to help.
            After that, we began to get these days off regularly. Some of the staffs wondered why but I was sure that they wanted us away so they could have a private party with their guests. Of course, I never told what I thought but just said how nice it was for them to be giving us the time off too.

            About a month later I was doing the cleaning in the master bedroom. I thought they had both left in a hurry to attend some event in the town. When I was in the room I noticed a very large photograph album open on the bed. I know there are many photographs and albums around the house but I had never seen this before.
            I had to move it to straighten the bed sheets and when I did I looked down at the open page. There were photos of two couples at the seaside on the beach. They were wearing clothes but what attracted me was who they were. There was the Indian couple who recently had left for New Zealand. Joseph, I think his name was and his wife I now know is Lizamoa. Also in the photos were the New Zealand couple Mike and Shanti, the New Zealand Indian girl.
           Out of interest I turned the page and there were the same two couples again but this time they were nude. I could even see that there were other people on the beach also nude.  I was thinking, ‘So this must be what Amita was telling me about how the culture was different in New Zealand.’ Staring at the picture I was wondering how people were even willing to share bathing together without their clothes.
            I must have been standing there for a few minutes, in my day-dream when suddenly I heard someone behind me. I looked and Amita was standing there watching me. I am not sure but I think she may have been there for a while.
            “Misses!” I gasped in the shock at seeing her.
            “Oh, I’m sorry Katrina. We left that out by mistake.”
            She reached to take the album from me and then caught sight of what I was looking at. She saw the large photo of Mike and Shanti standing together nude, facing the camera.
            She smiled. “I see you’re looking at Mike again.”
            I did not know how to answer. I had been caught with their private things. I knew I was in serious trouble. I was expecting her to be angry and I knew I would probably lose my job.
            But she did not appear as angry. Not closing the album she looked down at the large photo of Mike and his wife together. I saw a slight smile on her face and for a moment she looked to be thinking a distant thought. Maybe a memory from sometime she had been with them. Suddenly she came back to the present, looking again at me before her eyes drifted back to the photograph.
            “He is a handsome man, isn’t he? They make a handsome couple.”
            I did not know how to answer so I just nodded my head.
            She closed the album gently, almost lovingly and placing it back on the bed. Then she turned to me with a smile. I was confused. Was she angry – no it did not appear like it! Well maybe upset with me – no not that either? She must have seen the worry look on my face.
            “Do not be worried,” she told me. “I will speak to Sarvesh.”
            “Will he be angry with me? Will he be taking my job away?”
            “No! No! Nothing like that.” she replied as she placed a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t be worried.  Nobody is going to lose their job.”
            I managed to give her a small smile as I looked at her.
            She must have noticed tears in my eyes because she handed me a handkerchief. “Here now, wipe those eyes and go on with your work now. That’s a good girl.”
            As I finished my work in the bedroom I saw Amita take the large leather album from the bed and place it in a cupboard, locking the door. I had sometimes wondered what they kept in that cupboard and well now I knew. 

            That night I was sitting in my room thinking about what had happened. I was surprised about her reaction to me. Not upset, not anger, only her usual loving kindness. But I then remembered that she said she would be informing her husband.
            With The Master, it would be different. Yes, he was always nice to me but then I never really got to talk with him much and never did anything wrong. But he wanted things done his way. He was a good boss but I knew could be tough when he needed to be. I thought he would see things differently. Once I had witnessed him angry with a staff member who was a driver. That man had used a car for a personal reason and Sarvesh had been very angry at him and quickly finished his employment in the house.
            Suddenly there was a knock on the door then our cook put her head inside.  “The Master is asking for you Katrina. He wants you to go to his office. You better go right now,” she said with a worried look.
            “Was he looking for me,” I asked.
            “Yes, he spoke with The Misses as soon as he came home and then she came straight to me asking for you. Nobody has seen him after that. He went straight into his office. This is trouble if I’m not mistaken.”
            “Oh!” I replied.
            Then still looking worried she asked, “What has happened Katrina? What have you done?”
            Not wanting to talk about it I lowered my head so she couldn’t see my face then I said, “I will go there now.”
            I slipped on my jacket. Luckily I was still wearing my uniform too. Smoothing my hair quickly I went upstairs to the office. Employees and staff hardly ever went into the office and only one was allowed to clean there. For the rest of the time, it was always kept locked. Anyone being called to Sarvesh’s office usually meant something serious was happening, Normal instructions to us came from the House Manager. Tonight he was asking to talk directly to me. I became scared!
            I stood at the heavy wooden door trying to get up with courage. Finally, I said to myself I will bravely face whatever was coming to me. If I lose my job well that is what must happen. Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door.
            “Come,” I heard from inside the room.
            I opened the door a stepped in. There was Sarvesh, sitting at his large desk some papers in his hand.
            “Ahh, Katrina. Come. Come. Take a seat.”
            I wanted to stand; I would have been more comfortable like that. Anyway how long will it take for him to say get your things and go? Once before when they had dismissed the driver, that man had left the house immediately without even getting to say goodbye to any of us. So I knew when it came it would be over quickly.
            But gently I sat on the edge of the seat.
            He put the papers aside and smiled, looking up at me.
            Ahh, Katrina. You have given us good service for – how long is it you have been with us?
            “Two and half years Sir,”
            “Really? As long as that?  Yes, as I was saying you have been a good employee, given good service. Yes….., very good service. Worked hard, never any doubts about your good work.”
            There was silence for a few moments and I could see he was gathering his thoughts. I thought this is it. This is where I lose my job.
            “Now Amita tells me that you accidentally come to discover some photos in our bedroom today,” he said.
            “Yes, Sir. It was a photograph album…… I found it open on the…..”
            “Yes! Yes, we left it open by mistake.”
            “I’m sorry Sir.” I blurted out as tears came to my eyes. “I didn’t mean to look….. But it was open on the bed….. I had to straighten the bed sheets….. I never intended looking at your private…….”
            “Yes! Yes! Amita has told me this…… I fully understand…….” he began before he looked up and saw my tears.
            “Now! Now, Katrina. There is no need for tears, now.”
            For the second time that day I found myself excepting a handkerchief, excepting kindness from someone who I was expecting anger.
            “Why all these tears?” he asked. Then suddenly he realised what I was thinking. “Oh, my dear! We are not angry with you. Quite the contrary in fact. If we should be angry with anyone then it should be with ourselves. We left the album out in front of you. No! No! I didn’t get you in here to punish you. I wanted you to come because I have… we have something to ask of you.”
            I wiped away the tears and looked up at him. He was smiling back at me. I didn’t know what to think now. This interview wasn’t going the way I thought a dismissal interview should have gone.
            “What Amita and I want to ask is….. Well, we want you to do some extra work for us. Extra work...... Beyond your usual duties....... Paid work of course.”
            I nodded still not knowing what he was talking about.
            Then he began to explain. “You know more recently we have been having staff days off where we send you all off for a day on full pay. Well as you know more than the other staff I am sure you realise partly this is to give us the house for our own privacy with our guests. Knowing what you saw today and at the swimming pool I am sure you can see why we want this privacy.”
            “Yes, Sir,” I replied. “I thought it might be something like that. Really, Sir, I have kept this idea all to myself.”
            “Yes, of course, you have. We entirely trust you. There is no question that you haven’t. What we want to know is….. Would you be willing to work for us during these weekends?”
            He paused for a moment as if he expected me to answer. I was still shocked, I did not know what to say.
            When I didn’t he went on.
            “We need somebody to get meals ready, serve drinks and snacks and be ready for any other small tasks we might ask of you. The duties will be light compared to your normal duties. Mainly it will just be being on call when we require you. Amita and I do this work now but it is taking us away from our guests. And, of course, we will pay you for the whole time…At, ahhh…. twice your normal rate. How does that sound?”
            Yes, I was really shocked now! Here I was expecting to be dismissed and they were offering me extra work. I could not believe what I was hearing.
            “Well, Katrina. What do you think?”
            I was just about to nod yes when I heard the door click shut behind me. I turned to see Amita coming towards the desk.
            She must have heard most of what he had told me because she added. “Of course am sure you realise that these weekends are adult people having adult activities. I’m sure you know what we mean. Sometimes we and our guests might be with our clothes off in the pool too.”
            Looking at her I said, “Yes I thought that will happen.”
            I thought for a moment and then asked, “What about me? Do I need to have my clothes off as well?”
            “Oh no! No! Of course, you don’t,” said Sarvesh. “We don’t want you to think that. Now we do not want you to wear your normal uniform but instead wear casual clothing or a sari, anything you are comfortable with.”
            “Oh,” I said feeling a bit relieved. 
            I made my mind to take their offer.
            I knew what they wanted me to do. The work sounded easy. I could do with making some more money as well. As for the adult activities, well I had walked in on that group the other day. It had been a shock not expecting it but afterwards, it really wasn’t that bad. And of course, if I took drinks out to the pool I knew what to expect now. I am sure I could deal with seeing a few naked bodies.
            Then Amita asked, “We are looking for somebody else to help you but we are unsure about any of the other staff. Do you know of anybody who we could trust?”
            I thought about my best friend Elizabeth. She had a job in town and it was very poor pay. I knew she would be glad of some extra work.
            “Yes,” I replied. “I think my friend might be interested in some extra money. Do you want me I ask her?”
            “Yes, if you think we can trust her to protect our privacy.”
            Then Sarvesh deepened his voice, becoming the stern Master again as he added, “Now Katrina, we need to get this resolved as soon as possible. We are planning our next weekend in two weeks’ time. If you need time off to see your friend just tell me and I will clear it with the House Manager.” 

            So that was what happened. They arranged with the House Manager for me to take some sudden paid family leave the following day. That explained why I needed time off but also explained why I had a meeting with Sarvesh and Amita that evening.
            I went into town and spoke to Elizabeth and told her about the job. She was happy to help me with it. She was a bit surprised when I told her about why they wanted privacy but she just laughed and said she was Ok with that. She even added that it might be a bit of fun to see what goes on too. I had not voiced such a thing until then but I was a little bit interested too.
            They were arranging our first weekend for two weeks’ time. Amita took me aside and gave me more details on what they wanted. The staffs are not to know that Elizabeth and I would be anywhere near the house or even working on that day.
            Our pay would not be paid by the House Manager who usually paid us and directed all the affairs of staffs in the house including the drivers and garden workers. We would be paid directly by Sarvesh himself. 

          Next week we get to see how Katrina and Elizabeth get through their first special weekend.


  1. Hi Shandra and Reshma
    So the story of the beautiful Katrina begins. Both my wife Raviprabha and I enjoyed the start. There seemed to be a new feel about this story, a new flavour something different. Is this you Reshma? I couldn't put it down as I read it to Raviprabha. We both just wish for more.

    That conversation in the office was a well written piece. Impressive is the word I would use. You attempted to capture the worry, the confusion poor Katrina was facing. This is new for you I think. Actually getting into deep waters here I believe. Well done! We could see that too.

    Not anything sexy? Not exactly but still a story we couldn't put down. That part where the European man Mike stood behind her teaching her rolling an ice cream ball. That was dripping with sexuality. He was so close to her, she could hear him, his breath almost in her ear. She could smell the male of him and he was holding her wrist as he showed her. No wonder the poor girl rushed off to her bedroom. She has never experienced the sexual power of a man, she had never been aroused like that before. She'd have no idea what was happening to her. Her body would be responding and giving signals in ways she couldn't understand or believe.

    To me that small scene was the highlight of the story because it told me something must happen between these two. I don't know how; they live so far apart, in two different countries and cultures, but its clear they will make love together. Raviprabha said to go down the index page as she as done. No I will not do that. I will be content to follow the story, where it may take me, I go.

    Yes an impressive story. We waited long for this one and it didn't disappoint.
    Regards and love
    Raviprabha and James.

    PS To Susan,
    No, I did not miss your little behind, barely covered by that blue bikini.
    Wow!!!!!!!!!! Sexy!!!!!!

    1. Thanks James.
      I glad you enjoyed viewing my sexy little arse in my blue bikini.

  2. Hi James and Raviprabha,
    Thank you for those great comments. As usual you have a way with words. I hope you don't mind that I borrowed some to add to my story above. They worked so well I just had to use them.
    Probably the best was when you described our work as "dripping with sexuality." That was so good. I'm glad you found and understood what we were trying to do with Katrina.
    I hope you enjoy next weeks part B as much.

    1. Dear Shandra,
      You are most welcome to use my words. I am honoured that you consider them worthy of your excellent story. I have checked and yes they do fit well don't they?
      Looking forward to your next instalment on Friday. I know it will be as good too.

  3. This is a nice story.
    I am new to this blog and very much thinking it is interesting.
    I particularly like the idea of using the India girls. I come from India too.
    The man Sarvesh is very wealthy because he does not live in the usual India way. Having live in servants is very rare as normally the servant arrives to the house, perform their duties and leave. This is the usual India way.
    Also to have sexual the activities going on at his house he must be very confident the scandal will not get out.
    But it is a nice story. I like it.

    1. Hi
      Yes Sarvesh is a very wealthy man. He owns a lot of business and investments. We have tried to do this so we have the money for some of the travel the group will do. Also it provides a private place with swimming pool for sexy adventures. I know that things are different with many servants in India. That is because when we wrote this none of us had been to India. I hope that somehow we can believe there might be a very rich man like this.

    2. Hi Shandra and Reshma
      I am interested in Sarvesh and Amita as well. They seem like you want them to become an interesting couple. She is sexy and bold too. They were ready to get involved with the New Zealand people and did some of the very sext things during those stories.
      Yes having a very rich man in the story is good but I notice he can be humble and reprimanded Amita for mentioning their wealth in front of their friends. I also like the way you use his house and are continuing to develop it to fix your stories. Remember what you said Shandra in the background of Letter 51. They gave you the quest house for your story and so you "accidently" rebuilt it into a place for that exciting three-some. Ha! Ha! I like that.
      I am wondering about that other couple Jeevan and Mandara. Will you do more with them too. Anne you wrote that great story in Letter 57 story four where Jeevan is nervous when he has sex with Shanti. He became a good man in the bed and did some sexy things. I want to see more of these two.
      I will be ending now. I know my comments are not just about this story but I hope they are useful to you.

    3. Thank you Asami
      Yes your comments were useful. They and the other comments about this story show our friends can see where we are going with the Letters series. I like the way you took time to go back and find those points in earlier stories. You may be surprised to know that I had those same points plus a few more written on a pad beside me when I began writing this story.
      Finally Jeevan and Mandara will get a chance in a story coming up soon. It is actually written by my husband Rajah. So look out for it won't you.

  4. Hi Writers of Letters. LOL
    Ha! Ha! I couldn't help saying that.
    So finally we get to those Katrina stories. It took long enough! But yes, it was a good start. Allan warned us that this is a long story which builds as we go along so was weren't expecting anything too sexy. That is what we got but I good story all the same.
    I see you have finally got involved too Reshma? Good girl. Paul and I wondered when it would happen. Its just the sex thing now isn't it? Don't worry about those guys up there. You both come down and visit Paul and I. We'll help you out. LOL

    1. Hey Kirsten!
      Don't you start complaining too. I have enough from my sister.
      I'm glad you see where we are going with the Katrina story. Writing just sex is not all we want to achieve. We want to capture that long build-up as this girl moves toward that big night when she gives her virginity to some lucky man.
      Don't worry, in between you will find the others have got plenty of sex. LOL.

  5. Greetings Shandra
    Allan has kept me up to date on your happenings in that place. We still remember our stay with you and the way you looked after us. We can never forget the night we sat with you watching France playing the All in Blacks. We knew the two of us were very out numbered that night.

    But I am sorry to say we have not done well in following your stories. We saw how important they are to you and the passion you put into that blog and we promised, but other things took over within our lives. We have made a commitment to catch up our reading. We had a week holiday and it was good to be reading. We have seen the whole Katrina story published so far and after reading I with be adding comments on each one.

    Shandra this is a beautiful story. It tell us a lot about this younger woman as she comes in contact with more sexual things. In this first part we like the little events which gathered together helping her on her journey. We also saw there was an attraction developing between Katrina and the European man called Mike. That Mike reminds me so much of Allan that I can almost see that word Allan written there. Is something going to happen with these two? Its hard to guess with you as sometimes you set up story lines which go nowhere. Like for example Susan in these stories.

    To us the highlight must be that interview in the office. That was a powerful part of writing. You took that poor girl into what was certain to be a job termination then twisted into something completely different. We could see that girl with tears streaming down her face, look up in surprise at Sarvesh saying, we want to offer you extra work. Than came that classic understatement, let me quote:- "This interview wasn’t going the way I thought a dismissal interview should have gone."
    Thanks for a very well written story Shandra.

    1. Hi Rochelle
      I have not spoken with you for a while. I know you keep in contact with Anne and Allan.
      Thanks for your comments and glad you are reading the blog again. The Katrina stories actually grew out of Hansini story which appeared in Letter 66. I worked on that first letter before handing it to Susan, I then began to explore this new girl who had entered the story. Recently my younger sister Reshma has joined me. Her job has been to improve the grammar and conversations and she has added small sections to link this story to others in the blog. She is also doing the special Katrina Page.
      Reading through the notes you have made we believe you have captured what we intended with this story. I like hearing when some one has gained the deeper meanings of our stories. It makes the extra effort we put in more worthwhile. I particularly wanted to capture Katrina's thoughts and feelings in this story. I'm looking for something a read can relate to and get lost in while reading. I think we have been able to do this to some extent.
      Moving on to your next comment now
      Shandra and Reshma.
