Friday 4 October 2013

Letter/Story 68 Nudie Weekends

Hi to everyone in New Zealand. (Well our friends actually.)
            This letter from India is being written by myself, Sarvesh. My purpose, rather than telling you about another sexy adventure, will be telling you about our 'special weekends.' As my wife, Amita calls them, our 'nudie weekends.' But first I have been asked to give you some news on events happening over here.
            Everyone here is in the very best of health. Our business ventures are beginning to show success and I am pleased I choose Jeevan as a partner because he is proving to be a very capable and resourceful fellow. We did not secure any contacts to start importing food from outside India and so we decided to confine our activities to sending Southern Indian products to the north and bringing Northern Indian products back south. This has proved to be very successful. Almost every day a railway waggon is either arriving or departing with our products.
            Joseph, you will be happy to know Mootie is doing well in the Game Reserve. He is looking at a possible extra tourist venture of opening up the small lake area for special parties, guided by park rangers and transported in park vehicles. This could prove to provide some much-needed funds for the Reserve, while still protecting that special area of the Reserve.
            Jeevan & Mandara have had their baby girl and both mother and baby come through it very well. Amita has spent too much time with Mandara and now she is talking about maybe we should have a baby too. Well, this is something we need to be thinking about first I told her but we all know she will have her way before very long. 

            Oh, Jenny and Peter, both Amita and I are happy to hear that you have two baby daughters. It seems like everyone is having babies now. We also enjoyed the story about you during your pregnancy Jenny. It was a funny story. Maybe it was good that Jeevan and I were so far away or else we would have been called upon to perform our ‘duty’ as well Ha. Ha.
            But now it is all over we hope that your sex drive has gone back to normal. Now poor Peter can get some rest I am thinking. Ah, but with two new babies in the house, maybe not! LOL.
            And yes you should be concerned about your daughters. Let’s hope when they are teenagers they do not remember to be like their mother was. My God! You'll be in trouble if that happens. Ha! Ha!

            Now, what are we doing about our special weekends?
            We enjoyed the times when we were able to have the house to ourselves for a day and so Amita suggested that it would be fun doing this for a weekend. So we called all the staff for a meeting and informed them we were willing to reward them for working hard. If they worked hard we will give them some paid time off on each six weeks. They were very impressed with this idea and I am hearing from our House Manager they are all happier and doing a better job in their work.
            So what our plan is for a taxi van to pick them all up on Friday evening after our dinner has been prepared. We have arranged for our guests to arrive just after the staff have left. This way we have Friday evening, all day Saturday and the evening, with our guests to leave Sunday morning before the van arrives back with our staff.
            This plan is working very well. We are developing our plan as we go along. Usually, we have a special dressing theme for the Friday evening. The first time we had sexy underwear. We may even plan for the men to dress as girls and the girls dress as men. That will be funny to see the men dressing in the sari. We may even try a cross swim-wear evening. Then we get all the girls topless and of course us guys in the sexy bikinis. That should be interesting to see.
            The following morning we usually enjoy being together to play games before the sun gets too hot. Later we will all go to spend the hot part of the day under shade around the pool area.
            In the evening we then have a special time to play some sexy games. At present these are usually games like strip or something like that. We also like to use The Letter’s Book. We like to read out stories and we have also used some time to think about letters we can put into the book as well.
            Of course on Sunday morning we are mostly concerned with having the breakfast, getting the house tidy and seeing our guests have left before 11 am.

            As you in New Zealand will know now Mootie and Hansini have joined in with our fun too. They are a very nice couple to spend time with. Now they are very relaxed with our activities which we are doing.
            There is also another couple Brian and Mega who are joining us as well. Brian once worked for Amita and I as our head gardener. Mike and Shanti you will be interested to know it was Brian who designed and created most of our gardens.
            Since that time with our help, he has decided to start his own business. He is doing something very new for our town. He has a garden centre where people can visit to purchase plants for their houses. He will also give advice to them as well. This advice has developed into Brian doing work for people designing gardens for them. In our town, many people have small yards behind their houses which are usually just bare earth. Brian has turned some of these into lovely little private parks. While he is doing this his lovely wife Mega takes care of the plant shop.
            Mega once worked with Lizamoa I hear in the school she was teaching at. Can you remember her Lizamoa? She remembers you. They are enjoying coming to spend time at our house and for that time we have arranged for staff to open the plant shop for them.
            So I think that will give you some more about what we are doing here in India. The one thing about living in South India is that it is almost always good for swimming and other outdoor activities so we can continue with this all year around.            

            Well, that is all I have to tell you this time except to say that Amita and “someone” has started working on a very big story. I have been careful to avoid any mention of this story or the person’s name until now because they want this to be a surprise. But I can say I have been reading parts of this story so I am sure you will enjoy it too. 

            So bye from all of us in India
                        Love to all in New Zealand.
                                                Sarvesh & Amita
                                                            Mandara & Jeevan
                                                                        Mootie & Hansini
                                                                                    Mega and Brian.


  1. Hi Allan
    I just want to say what I think of this story. It really shouldn't be included.
    The story is OK Allan but it doesn't really tell us anything new. By reading Hansini's story and then Katrina's you will learn far more about the "special weekends" than you do here. For that reason I believe we should have just moved on to the story about Lizamoa.
    Just how I see it.

    1. Yes Reshma
      I agree with you that while this story is good it is not great and does not add much to the Letters Story.
      You guys should be asking "Does this letter add to the greater story?" If the answer is no, don't include it.

    2. Hi Brian & Reshma.
      I feel you are being a bit hard on this story. I thought Allen explained its importance in his background notes. Maybe it isn't the best we have done, maybe we could have got by without it, but we felt it was needed to balance the storyline and provide background.
      Of course thanks for your comments and opinions. They are always welcome.
