Thursday 26 December 2013

Story 76 An Evening to Remember – Part One.

           Hi from India. It is Amita here.
            The Indian Team saying hi to you and we wish to hear all our friends in The New Zealand Team are well and in the best of good health. 

            First I need to tell you about Sarvesh’s and my news. The baby was born three weeks ago and we have a lovely little boy who we have decided to call Vishva. Steven will be his Western name. He is such a beautiful baby although I suppose being his mother I am a bit biased about that too.
            We are doing some changes in the house and there are builders working on a nursery for him. I know it will be a long time before he will be able to sleep in his own room but we are doing the building now since Sarvesh has some workmen free from other projects at the moment.
            We are also taking the chance to make another room for a nanny. I want to have someone to help me look after the baby. Sarvesh had the idea to ask Katrina so he talked with our House Manager who also thought she was a good choice. Last night we had a staff meeting and announced Katrina’s new role within the house. She is very pleased to be helping me. She started her new duties today.
            Having her own room within the house instead of sharing a room in the servants’ quarters will be good for her too. I am sure she is very happy with this. It also means we have a very good excuse for her to stay on during our special weekends as we still need someone to look after the baby.   

Story 76 Background

                                                                                                                        Posted by Shandra
        In the opening by Amita, I added a bit about Amita and Sarvesh accepting the idea but not being sure if a suitable adult resort can be found. This is moving us towards the adult resort stories of Volume 7.  I also took the chance to add some support material to my series of stories about Katrina. When Amita has her child, Katrina, gets promoted to the position of nanny and she moves to her own room in the big house next to the nursery. This, of course, has obvious benefits for them in having her attending the special weekends to ‘take care of the baby.’       

           Once this was out of the way, I changed to Hansini telling us about how she and Mootie got into partner swapping with Brian and Mega. But notice I don’t actually tell how it happened. This was a big step forward for both couples so we wanted to cover this in two stories. This week I covered what happened between Hansini and Brian. In two weeks’ time, Susan will publish her story of Mootie and Mega together.
          Since Susan had already written about how they decided to try swapping, I decided just to skip over it and leave it to her. Unfortunately, you will need to wait two weeks until you find out how it happened. Ha Ha.    
         The sex was good. I’m not sure if those three orgasms together are entirely believable but it worked in the story. (It would work for me too. LOL) I didn’t go out of my way to make the sex scenes too good as they were written by someone not so experienced at writing, particularly since she was writing in English. I personally think the best part was when he took her bra and panties off in front of the mirror. I think this idea could be worth exploring sometime in a future story.
         What I did want to cover was how these two stories came to be written. I wrote about how Amita and Hansini met in town and discussed how these stories could be written and added to the letters book. We will see how well this going in two weeks’ time. 

         Next week we have an interesting story by Anne called “Mothers Know Everything.”

Friday 20 December 2013

Story 75 What About Going to an Adult Resort?

200th Permanent Post!!!
75th Letter!!!!

A major milestone for the Letters Project.

Index of Letters            Story 75 Background             Back to Story 74 Part C

            Hi from the New Zealand team in New Zealand to the Indian team of course in India. We hope you are all doing well. It has been a while since we heard from you and even longer since we wrote to you. Here in New Zealand, everyone is doing well and they all send their love.
            You must be very close now to having your baby Amita. We were surprised to read in your E-mail that in India they are not allowed to tell you if it’s a boy or girl, and even more surprised at the reason why. Do they really kill the babies if they are girls? I felt the same as you Amita when I was expecting our first child we were happy to have either. Even when we found out it was a girl we were both still happy. In fact, I think Mike was even happier because he has always said he wanted a beautiful daughter. Wait until she becomes a teenager, then we’ll see if he still likes having a daughter.
            Which reminds me, as if I need any reminding, I am only a month away myself now. I had a scan the other day and this time we are going to get a boy. That will be good because we are only intending to have two children and so having a boy and a girl will be good.
            And Joseph will tell you I have been a very good girl this time and there has been no complaining about being pregnant from me. Well not much complaining anyway.           

Story 75 Background

                                                                               Posted by Allan
         As Anne says in her special post above this post marks 200 permanent posts in this blog. It is a big milestone for us and even now when I look back through the various stories I am amazed how much we have done and how far we have come. But there is a lot more yet. It's hard to be sure but Anne believes we are not yet halfway through the Letters Story.
         It seems like I get left with many of those little fill-in stories which tie all the main letters together. This is another one of those, not sexy, no story but still needed. When this one was dumped on to me I was only given one goal – suggest going to a nude resort. No instructions as to who suggested it or any of the details as to where, so I just had to wing it as I went alone. Of course, as the series continued this Letter was modified to support the surrounding themes.
        So I decided to give the suggestion to Steve but to link it to something Sarvesh suggested in Letter 60. Of course, I had to go back to that letter and add it in there too. I talked to Anne and we tried looking for a suitable resort but couldn’t find a real one. We decided to write this fruitless search into the story as well so you will notice it will take a few letters until the resort is actually located.      

        So once I had the main point of my letter in place, I needed something to fatten it up so I added in the news at the beginning. This, of course, the main theme here was about babies which is kind of interesting considering this was written in Dec 2008. Now years later when we are publishing the main theme in our real life is babies since three of the writers are pregnant.
        We also wanted to added an introduction to the series of camping stories others in the team were writing. The idea was that Joseph finds this camping ground which caters for nudists.  This will set up a new short series which will happen over the Christmas period before we get to the overseas adult resort stories.

        Yes in case you are wondering the sexy stories will be back next week. 

Friday 13 December 2013

Story 74 Part C Fun in the Guest House.

Part B – Sarvesh and Mandara Had Fun Too.

        You will remember how in the first part of this story, Amita and Mandara decided to swap husbands for sex. Then in the second part, we saw how Jeevan and Amita did in the first bedroom. Now in this, the third and final part, we follow Mandara and Sarvesh into the second bedroom.

Hi, Sarvesh and Mandara here.

        Someone needs to complete Amita’s story since she does not know the details of what happened with us. I talked with Mandara about this and she suggested we do it together like we did for those earlier stories of Letter 57. We met at the warehouse office where Amita would not know and this is the story we wrote.
        What we didn't know was that while Mandara was in my office, my wife was in Jeevan's office with him. That is until one day, Mandara and I walked out of my office to come face to face with Jeevan and Amita leaving his office. We sat in the office lunchroom having a coffee while we laughed about our attempts to hide our writing from each other.

Story 74 Part C Background

                                                                               Posted by Rajah
        So finally we come to the last section of my story. I had intended to publish the whole story at once with just three headings for each section but a meeting of the writing team decided the story should be divided. We quickly saw that two sections would not work so a three-section format was finally decided on. 

       The final section of my story is about Sarvesh and Mandara. Like I said last week, I wanted to capture him wanting to rush in while she wanted to hang back, take the time to enjoy the sexual build up to full intercourse and great orgasms. It was interesting seeing how this worked out between these two sexual partners. I must confess it sort of surprised me as well and I was writing it too. The contrast of sexual styles is an interesting subject which has caught my attention in many of these stories.
        I have done this having slow sex with the girls just to try. It is surprising how each of them reacted. I must say Ayaka is the most amusing. She became frustrated, almost angry with me. When she complained I started to laugh which didn’t exactly help either. That night we messed it up between us. 

       About this same time as I began this story, young Ayaka wrote a story herself. See it in Letter/Story 65. I really liked what she did with that one. It was sexy and built to a great session of sexy exhibitionism on the beach. I knew Anne had decided to place that story earlier in the blog before my one here was published so I could consider her story to be known by the characters.  I decided to take her scene and build it into a fantasy scene here in my story.
        One night I was lying in bed with Shandra and we were talking about this scene.  I confessed I was a bit unsure how to begin this part of my story so we began talking about it of how we can introduce this scene.
        Suddenly she said, “Here let me show you.”
       What happened next was almost the same as what happened in the story where we began with the idea of Ayaka’s story and built it into our own fantasy. It was exciting doing that and I must admit the sex that followed was good for both of us too. After we finished, we turned the light on and began making notes of what we had done. These notes became my guide for the fantasy scene in my story. So you could say this scene was written during a session of hot sex.      Ayaka you didn’t know that, did you? That we didn’t just write about your sex scene, Shandra and I actually acted it out first.
       When I got time a few days later I went back through and typed it up on the computer. At this point, I began developing the story into a conversation between Sarvesh and Mandara. Later others cleaned it up and completed it as you see it here.
       So they did this in the story next morning and like I said above my scene went a lot further than the one Ayaka wrote. As I was working on it I talked with Ayaka about it. She was pleased with what I was doing and really liked the finished scene. (I learnt just before publishing that you, Ayaka, had a big hand in the final editing. Thank you.) 

        So that was my first attempt at a full story myself. As I said in the first background two weeks ago, I never got it finished before events in my personal life overtook me. Allan, Susan and Anne completed it, then Kim and Ayaka did their bits and Reshma did some too, and not to forget my wife Shandra who gave lots of advice, but I am pleased with the final result. That is what counts in the end, a good story we can all enjoy.
       I was not sure I would get to do another one since as the blog grows and becomes more complex there is an ever increasing workload keeping it running as we want it. I thought the future of my writing would be adding smaller parts to letters as we continue rather than doing another full story myself. But in the last few days, that has changed. I am starting on a combined story with Reshma. We will see how this develops in the next few weeks.
        So I hope you enjoyed it and found something new in my story.

        Anne has asked me to tell you, next week we have a very short story where the question is asked, “What about going to an adult resort?”
       This story will not be too sexy but is very important as it begins the final build-up towards the adult resort stories.  It also tidies up some loose details in the lives of some of the characters.

Friday 6 December 2013

Story 74 Part B Fun in the Guest House.

Part B – What Jeevan and I Did Together.

        Jeevan followed me up to the bedroom. We both just wore bathrobes since we’d come directly from the spa pool. I threw mine off, allowing it to fall to the floor as I jumped on the bed. I lay back against the pillow watching him. What happened next was a surprise for me.
        Taking a small bag he disappeared into the bathroom. Before long I heard he was cleaning his teeth! A bit later he returned and sat down at the dresser. I could see he was watching me so my hands moved to my breasts, to my nipples. But he didn’t make a move towards me instead, continuing to brush his hair. I now decided to take things further as my hand moved to my pussy, stroking it, opening my lips, showing him how ready I was for him. But although he was watching me in the mirror he still didn’t get up. It almost looked like he was preparing to go out rather than preparing to go to bed. That thought made me laugh.
        He looked up at me in the mirror when he heard that.
        “What?” he asked.
        “Oh nothing,” I replied. “Just watching you.”
        “Won’t be long. I’m almost finished.”

Story 74 Part B Background

                                                                               Posted by Rajah
        So last week I finished my background notes without answering the question where the idea for this story came from. This will be my purpose for this week.
        I was reading through the various stories trying to get some ideas for my story and suddenly I discovered that Jeevan and Mandara had never swapped partners with Sarvesh and Amita. This surprised me because they are supposed to be close friends. Since just a bit later in this volume Hansini and Mootie swap with Mega and Brian I thought a story such as this would fit nicely in here.
       I pointed out this oversight to Anne and suggested this would be a suitable location for such a story. She thought it was a good idea but she did warn me that what I intended was actually a big effort for a first story. I soon discovered that for myself as I had explained last week. So you can see that I not only decided on the subject of my story I even got to decide on the location as well. Here is it the opening story for Vol 6. 
       What I neglected to see was that during this time Amita was expected to be pregnant. My wife Shandra pointed it out to me after I had finished that intense sex scene. We took the matter to Anne and she said it would be Ok as we could say Amita was early in her pregnancy. This was written into the story.

        Last week we saw the opening scenes. I wanted to do something different for my opening so I jumped you straight into that conversation between Mandara and Amita. I then explained what was going on after that. The next part was Hansini and Mega finding out about what was going on too. Again I did this using conversation between the four girls.
        This, of course, led to the sexy shower the climax of that first section. I knew both girls had an interest in being with a woman so they would have no problems doing it again. I also knew that many of us guys find a woman in a sari under the shower to be very sexy. It made sense to combine both these ideas into that sexy shower session. Two sexy women in their colourful saris, soaking wet, enjoying each other. What could be better than that?
         Later Susan added in that little standoff between Amita and Sarvesh. Susan, why do you have to pick on us Indian guys? It seems you think we are all too bossy with our women, treating them badly. While this might be the case with some men, not just Indian men either I might add, but it certainly does not need to be for all Indian men. Well, you did a good job of this as it added a new view of this couple. I added that frown Amita gave her husband warning him not to over-ride her plans to further develop Susan’s idea. And I do like that line of Susan's where Sarvesh says, 'Sorry my friend, as much as I like you, I would rather have you wife in bed with me tonight.' Good one, girl!

         In the section published this week, we get to read what Amita and Jeevan did. At first, I was only going to get Amita to tell the story and then let Mandara take over for the last section but my wife Shandra suggested I use the guy's view as well. That is why Jeevan takes over part of this story. She is right, this had worked well in the Domino Stories too back in Letter 57.
        One of the important themes I had almost from the beginning was to show Sarvesh and his wife Amita as being more sexually aggressive, in a rush to get into full intercourse while Jeevan and is his wife Mandara would be more laid back, as we would say in New Zealand, slowly building towards full sex in a very relaxed manner. This is what you did Anne back in Letter 57 – Story Four so I wanted to continue with this, to capture this meeting of different ways of taking sex as well and see where it took us.
        Yes, I am happy my story has done this well both in this section which you can read today and in the one next week as well.