Friday 1 August 2014

Story 105 The Warkworth Trip

            Hi from New Zealand – Shanti here.
            That was a great opening to Vol 8 Katrina. I know you thought you were finishing Vol 7 but Amita and I have changed it.
         It was fun travelling through Australia and I have to agree with you, that helicopter flight really was something else. The views over the Gold Coast were breath-taking.
            But I also enjoyed our time in Sydney too. I noticed you skipped over much that and only mentioned the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Wicked Weasel shop. Both of those were good fun, especially buying the bikinis. I know the boys got an eye full as we modelled them too.   

            Now this story marks the beginning of Vol 8. I have sent you all your leather binders for this volume when I sent out volume 7 so we are now, all be ready to move into this new volume. In fact, you should have Katrina’s story already there.
            When I began writing back in Letter One nobody could have believed it would develop into a ten volume collection. At the time I was wondering how I would find enough to talk about and then when Joseph mentioned writing about sexy stories and adventures I thought they would mostly be made-up stories but no that was not how it all worked out.
            And of course, at first the correspondence was just between Joseph and I, then our spouses Mike and Lizamoa got involved too. Now there are seventeen of us. Wow, haven't things changed so much. 

         So now to our story or should I say stories as I actually have two of them.
        As Katrina explained in her story there were a couple of days before we began touring to parts of New Zealand. During that time Mike was away at the car yard and Mootie was off with Joseph in the Waitakere Forest Park. Sarvesh wasn’t interested in birds, bugs and bushes, as he put it, so he was catching up on his business interests in India. (Read sitting in a deck chair sleeping.)
        We had just finished lunch and were sitting on the deck talking. Leaving the lunch things on the table the four of us girls had moved to some easy chairs. Soon Katrina came over to join us. As usual Princess, our cat was following behind her and jumped up on her lap.
        It was nice being outside here with just a gentle breeze coming up the valley from the harbour. It was nice to relax with friends. 

        At first, our conversation was just about general things but soon it got interesting when Katrina began asking us about sex.
        “How do I make a man happy within the bed?” she asked.
        I was a bit surprised at the directness of her question and so I hesitated to reply. I looked over and noticed that Sarvesh had fallen asleep over near the other side of the deck. At least he wouldn’t be listening.
        “What do you mean Katrina?” I asked.
         I had a fair idea what she was asking but just wanted to be sure.
        “When I have the sex with a man, I want to be sure he will enjoy too.”
        “That is not such an easy question to answer, Katrina,” I said. “Different men enjoy different things with sex, much the way us girls do. What is great for one is not so for another.”
        “Oh,” she replied her face falling a bit. “I didn’t know it was so complicated.”
         I think she was expecting a never fail way of turning men on but it doesn’t work like that, does it?
        “The main thing you should do is to try and please him,” Lizamoa explained. “Be good for a man and he will usually be good to you.”
        “But how will I know?”
        “Watch them,” Amita said. “By that I mean, watch men. Watch what they like. Experiment a bit. You will know, they will tell you.”
        “I hear you’ve already discovered some things Mike likes,” I said.
        “Yes I think so,” Katrina replied. “He likes having his beard scratched.”
         I grinned, “Yes he’ll let you do that for hours.”
         “Exactly!” Amita exclaimed. “That’s exactly what you are looking for.”
         I added, “Of course the other men don’t have beards so you must find what they like.”
         She looked over and smiled at me, nodding her head. I watched her hand gently stroking the cat sitting in her while she listened.
         “That male on your knee is a good example. Scratch him on the head, between the ears, just gently now.”
        She did and Princess began purring loudly.
        “See,” I said with a laugh. “He’ll be your friend for life.”
         "I think he is already," she giggled. "He can't leave me alone."
         She continued while the cat continued purring so loudly all of us could hear him. Then she looked up at me and smiled. At that moment I think she realised she had learnt one of the big secrets of sex. I was pleased I had thought of that example. Pleased she now saw what we were telling her.
         “Be bold, be adventurous,” I told her.
         Then Amita said something that sort surprised me too. “Be bold and adventurous,” she repeated again. “Many men, particularly men from India, don’t know how to deal with that.”
         “Maybe even find it scary,” Lizamoa added smiling.
         “But they can’t resist it,” Amita continued. “They find girls like that exciting.”
         “Oh,” Katrina said. “I didn’t think that.”
          I could see she was listening carefully, taking it all in. I wondered where her life would go from here. Certainly, this trip had changed her in more ways than just losing her virginity. Anyway, I knew Amita and Hansini would take care of her back in India. What ever happened, the man she married was going to end up with someone different to the average Indian girl.
         I came out of my thoughts to hear Hansini saying, “Take each time you have sex as a new adventure. Try new things, new places.”
         “Like on the dining table?” Amita asked. 
         “Exactly,” Hansini said. “It’s all part of the fun.”
         The other two girls laughed.
         “Yes and it was fun too,” said Lizamoa.
         “Lot’s of fun,” Amita added.
         They all giggled again. I looked over and noticed Sarvesh had his eyes open. He closed them as he noticed me looking but I knew he had been listening.  Naughty boy, Sarvesh!    

Ok now about our trip to Warkworth.
         For rest of this volume on our trip to the Warkworth area, I will be providing an introduction main story but then your extra stories we will follow after that so it will be almost like your stories are included within my story.
            One important point which we took into consideration while planning for your stay in New Zealand was the comment you made Amita about wanting to visit some of the places where our early stories had taken place. So we decided to include visits to as many of these places as we could.
            This story began a couple of days after we arrived back in New Zealand. Mike and Peter had to work at the car yard for a couple of days to make sure everything was going well there. During this time we took our overseas visitors on some day trips, sight-seeing around Auckland. Then when the boys were ready we began our first trip away.           

Day One
            We were ready to leave early with the plan to get away straight after the rush-hour traffic. Peter and Jenny picked us up in their van but we still needed to take another couple of cars as well. It seems now with all these children travelling with us that we needed a lot more space for the car seats etc.
            We went into town and crossed the harbour bridge heading north. Near the end of the motorway, we turned off at the Silverdale turnoff and drove out along the Whangaparaoa Peninsula. We followed the main road out towards the end of the peninsula to the Shakespear Regional Park. We found a nice sheltered place to park at a large beach under some shady trees.
            The next part of our trip was a rather steep walk and so we decided to leave the kids at the first beach. Peter, Jenny and Mootie said they would stay and look after the younger kids while we took the two elder ones, Kathy and Jagesh, with us. They could walk part of the way and the rest they travelled on Mike and Joseph’s shoulders. They had fun doing this too.
            We followed the same route as Mike and I had taken in our story years before. (See Letter 17 Vol 1) Soon we were looking down into that little-hidden valley again. From here it was a short track down onto that same sandy little beach. It had been years since we had been there but it still looked just the same. I will let Joseph take over the story now.

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