Thursday 4 September 2014

Story 110 Topless Horse Riding.

Hi, Shanti again.
         We left the beach and headed back into the little town of Leigh. During the summer this is a busy little holiday town but by now; late summer it was a lot quieter. We stopped at the Old Sawmill Café for lunch and then some went back to camp with the kids while we went on to do some horse riding after that.
            Riding a horse was something many of our group had never done and so it was a lot of fun for them to try. They organized horse riding treks down onto the beach. Since there were so many of us they just took us in our own group.
       The track to the beach went through a pine forest. As we reached the edge of the forest before descending down onto the beach we came across a sign which said “Topless Beach Beyond This Point.”
       The guide who was leading us said we were welcome to ride topless if we wanted. I thought to myself I bet he says that to every party and I wondered just how many girls take him up on it too. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the one who had put the sign there. Smiling to myself I reached around to undo my bikini top. Anyway, he was going to get lucky today I said to myself.
      I heard Katrina, who was just behind me say, “Shanti, are you going topless horse riding?”
      Since I already had my top off I thought the answer was pretty obvious but then Mike who was behind Katrina laughed. “Of course she is Katrina. Have you ever known Shanti to miss a chance to get her tits out?”
      “Mike!” I protested.
      He just laughed as he passed us.
      “OK. I will too,” Katrina said.
      I looked around to see her take her T-shirt off and then her bikini top. Soon Hansini and Amita had joined us too. I bet the guide enjoyed that seeing four Indian girls topless. He came back passing close to us and offered to hold our tops in his pack. Of course, when he came close to take them he got a close view of each of us too. 

       We were now on the beach and as we rode along the beach we soon spread out a bit. Joseph and Mootie were with our guide up in front. I was riding with Hansini. Just a bit behind us were, Katrina and Amita. Further back Mike and Sarvesh brought up the rear.
       “This horse riding is a bit sexy,” Hansini told me.
       “How do you mean?” I asked her.
       “You know down there. It feels nice rubbing against the horse.”
       I suddenly realised what she was getting at. Then a very naughty thought came to me. “Did you know you can make that feeling even better?”
       “No,” she replied. “How do I do that?”
       “Move forward until your pussy is touching where the saddle curves up.”
       She gripped the front of the saddle with one hand and pulled herself forward.
       “How does that feel?” I asked.
       “This is better,” Hansini replied with a grin.
       “Not good enough yet,” I said partly to her and partly to myself. “Now lean slightly forward a bit too.”
      She did this and I saw her adjust her position a couple of times. Suddenly her eyes opened and she gave a slight gasp.
       “I am seeing what you mean now Shanti.”
       “Now press your pussy harder against the saddle each time the horse moves. Get your movements in time with the horse.”
       I watched her for a few moments and the look on her face told me it was having an effect. I smiled to myself as a dropped back a bit with Amita and Katrina to watch the fun. Amita and Katrina had both heard me talking with Hansini.
      “Do you think she can do it,” Amita asked leaning close to me so her voice wasn’t heard.
      “I don’t know. I hope so,” I replied grinning.
       The three of us watched Hansini working her pussy against the horse. The men up in front with the guide had no idea what was happening behind them. It was soon becoming more and more obvious that she was steadily building herself towards a climax.
       Suddenly we saw her body stiffen and she let out a gasp. Well, part gasp and part cry. The three men turned at the noise, looking straight at Hansini. She just sat there partly shocked and partly embarrassed by what had just happened, while the three of us girls were giggling.
      The guide looked at Hansini and then glanced down at her lap. He smiled. It was clear he knew exactly what had just happened.
      Then the men turned and began moving on again. Hansini had dropped back with us now and as I came alongside her I asked, “How was that Hansini?”
      She was still looking a bit shocked. “The guide……He knew what I did,” she said.
      The Amita on her other side said, “All three of them figured that one out, Hansini. It was pretty obvious.”
      Then Mike came up behind us. “I can’t take you girls anywhere without one of you getting into trouble, can I?” he said.
      “Naughty girl,” Sarvesh said.
      “It was Shanti who showed me.”
      “Well that is a new trick Shanti,” Mike said. “When did you learn to do that?”
       “I didn’t. I’ve never done it myself,” I explained. “I just heard that it was possible.”
      “So you have never done that Shanti?” asked Amita.
      “No, never,” I replied.
      “But you got me to do, Shanti!” Hansini said surprised. “You told me to do when you didn’t even know it was possible.”
      “No, I just told you because I thought it might be possible. Now you have proved that it is.”
      “So Shanti you have got Hansini doing your little science experiments now?” Amita said.
      “And you got Hansini into trouble too,” Katrina laughed.
      “Yes,” I replied to both of them. “And she had fun too.” 

      A while later the guide announced that it was time to turn back. He also said that we could ride in the water as the horses liked that. So soon we were riding the horses in the surf. It was fun with the waves flowing under the horses as they walked. I know the horses liked it too.
      Then Katrina and Hansini went a bit deeper into the water. A larger wave came up and wet Katrina’s jeans up to her knees. Soon Hansini was getting a bit wet too. They went in a bit deeper and suddenly an extra big wave washed right over their horse’s backs. The girls were completely soaked. They both screamed with fright and then started to laugh.
      I wondered about the horses but I suppose these were well trained and used to novice riders. I don’t think that anything that happened on their backs would bother them.
      Soon Amita had joined the girls getting as wet as they were. I went in a bit and got most of my jeans wet but I noticed the guys stayed in the shallow water. We continued along the beach with an occasional wave wetting us again. It was fun and I know the girls had a great time.
      Then the guide was calling us out as we arrived at the track up through the pine forest. When we reached the sign the guide pulled our tops from his back. As he handed them back he said, “Better put these back on now. Some of our other customers might not approve of you girls like that.”
        He handed each of us our bikini tops, finally coming to Katrina. He sat watching her and I notice she took her time, playing with it, pretending to adjust it before she put it on. While she did she had an interesting little conversation with the guide. It went something like this:-

       “Are you telling all the girls they can be with the tops off?”
       “No, just what the sign says.”
       “Do many of the girls do?”
       “Yes, many actually do. Even some who obviously don’t usually go topless.”
       “Have any Indian girls done before?”
       “No. Not on my trips.”
       “So this is the first you are viewing the Indian breasts?”
       “Yes.” He replied. “You girls are beautiful girls. You have beautiful breasts too.”
       “I am happy you were liking.”
       “Yes, I was. Thanking you for showing them.
       “You are welcome,” replied Katrina. “I am happy to be showing too.”
       By now Katrina was just about to put her top on. She took her breasts in her hands. Holding them, displaying her nipples for him. “Do you like my nipples?” asked cheekily.
       He looked down at them for a moment then his eyes returned to her face. “Yes,” he said. “They are beautiful. So dark and so big.”
       “Big nipples are nice to suck. All the boys are liking them.”
       I was still listening, as were many of the others. I was surprised at just how cheeky and bold she was.
       Now she was replacing her top. “Maybe if we had more time I would be letting you try but we must be getting back now,” she said with a grin.
      With that, she turned her horse and rode on in front of all of us. Not even waiting for the guide to lead. I could not see her face but I had the impression that Katrina was once again very pleased with her little bit of flirting. 
       For a moment the guide sat watching her in surprise before turning his horse to continue after her.   

        Soon we were back at the horse pens near the car park. As we rode in another group were just getting ready to move off on their ride. I know they were looking at us with soaking wet jeans but dry tops. We got off our horses and gave them a pat. When we had thanked our guide we returned to our cars.
       I know Amita and Katrina both had a lot of fun riding on the beach and into the water but I think Hansini had the most fun. When we had arrived back, we were still quite wet but since it was so hot we didn’t bother changing. 

            From here we returned to our camp at Uncle Tom’s farm. As we knew everyone, especially the kids were fairly tired, the first job for some of the women was to settle the kids down for a nap.  Then many of us followed their example and had a nap too.
            Mike and Steve went over to help Tom with the last two goats but when they got there they found that he had done them already so before long they were back at the camp too.
            So the plan was to take it easy for the rest of the day but as you will read next week not all of us took this opportunity to rest.


  1. Ah! Topless horse riding? What will you girls think of next?
    But we need to change the names here. Let's say:- Awesome Anne; Sexy Sue; Kim - The Thai Princess; Action Girl Ayaka; Amazing Asami; and not forgetting Sensational Shandra. All topless, all on horses, splashing in the ocean waves.
    Oh wow! I feel a fantasy coming on! LOL

    1. James you are the naughty boy making fantasy such as that.
      But I must be the honest one and say it would be fun. Would you be joining us to view us topless?
      Action Girl Ayaka.

    2. Most defiantly - Yes! Yes! Yes! I could never miss such a sight.
      Is this an invitation Action Girl Ayaka?
      If so I'm booking my flight straight away.
      Naughty James.

    3. Naughty James,
      I would be happy to take horse riding topless with the breasts being bared for you to view but I fear it will not be possible.
      You are seeing today is very winter. The cold wind and rain will make my nipples too hard.
      I am sure you can understand how this would be a big problem for me.
      Action Girl Ayaka.

    4. Dearest Action Girl Ayaka,
      I can understand how the cold wind and rain would be a problem, but I fail to see how you nipples being hard could ever be a bad thing. More good than bad I would say!
      If your nipples do get too cold, I would be there, most willing to rub them for you. To warm them up of course.
      Naughty James

    5. My Naughty James.
      Two points are concerning me of this. What is your motive for getting your hands onto my breasts? Would there be any enjoyment for you out of it? Secondly if my nipples became that cold then your hands would be too cold also, so how would this be helpful to me?
      Action Girl Ayaka.

    6. Dearest Action Girl Ayaka,
      You must understand my dear, any enjoyment I get out of this is from the satisfaction of knowing I am relieving your discomfort. As for cold hands, science tells us that brisk friction heats 'both' surfaces.
      Naughty James.

    7. My Naughty James,
      I see and read you explanations and understand your clever science but I no not entirely agree you motives are pure as you are saying. I think you are just naughty seeing and feeling my breasts and nipples.
      Action Girl Ayaka.

    8. My Dear Ayaka,
      You words and doubt! It pains me greatly that you mistrust my motives.
      But it has to be admitted it could be possibility slightly pleasant helping you with your cold nipples.
      Good James.

    9. My Naughty James
      Lots of LOL at that. It really made me laugh. It could have been a winning shot except for one point you over looked.
      Back this morning you were "Oh wow! I feel a fantasy coming on!" and "Yes! Yes! Yes! I could never miss such a sight." at the thought of seeing me topless. Now to touch and feel my breasts makes you "possibility slightly pleasant."?
      Your early words betray you my friend.
      Action Girl Ayaka.

    10. Dear Action Girl Ayaka.
      Yes that was a point overlooked on my part. I would throw up my hands and admit defeat except for one small question.
      Susan, are you involved in this?

    11. Hi James
      Possibility slightly involved!!!
      Sexy Sue.

    12. Ahhhh Haa! I knew it!!

  2. This is a good story too. Orgasms horse riding. Now that is something new.
    I also like that little exchange of comments between Ayaka/Susan and James. Well done girls.
    Oh, Anne that black swim-suit looks great on you. Pitty the photo quality is so poor.

    1. So you like the idea of orgasms on horse back. To be honest I kind of do to. Maybe I should try it sometime. I know when I suggested it to Ayaka she was excited about adding it in. Works pretty well here.
      Thank for a compliment on my black swimsuit. Yes the photo was taken with a phone-cam. We used a desk lamp too which I don't think was helpful.
      Awesome Anne.

  3. Topless horse riding?
    It could only be the girl who invented nude lawn mowing.
    Nice story Ayaka.

    1. So don't you like me topless horse riding or nude lawn mowing?
