Friday 19 September 2014

Story 112 Background.

                                                                Posted by Rajah.

          My wife Shandra completed Story 107, the first Rabbit Hunting story. I had helped her with it a bit but I wanted to make some changes and inject a bit of fun into the story. Shandra wouldn’t allow it. This disagreement came out at a writer’s meeting and Anne invited me to put a few ideas on paper. If they were good enough we might use them a second story she said.
          My main goal was to get Hansini to shoot a gun and have Lizamoa play a trick on Tom. Well, they liked my first attempt but I was asked to make it a bit sexier. Shandra suggested that I try to develop things between Tom and Hansini a bit more as by then she was planning a sexual encounter story featuring the two of them. So with those ideas in mind did a rewrite of some parts.
         Here is the result. Maybe not too good but it has made it into the blog. 

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