Wednesday 24 September 2014

Story 113 My Night with Hansini and Amita.

            Hi, it is Steve here now.
            When the girls came back from their hunting trip they were telling us about the fun they had. It sounded like they made a better job of the hunting this time and I think they both managed to shoot a rabbit themselves.
            After dinner, we were sitting around the camp fire watching the flames. It was a warm night and we were enjoying all being together. There was just a gentle breeze rustling the trees over our heads making the smoke from the fire drift lazily upward. 

            Come on Steve, not too much of that. Next, you will be telling us about the blue sky and birds singing in the trees. Ha Ha. 

            No Shanti there were no birds and blue sky, it was dark of course. Anyway, stop interrupting and let me finish my story.

            We were sitting around the camp fire. The camp was only lit by the firelight. We watched the flames and the light smoke lazily drifting up into the darkness.
            “What have we got planned for tonight?” Amita asked.
            “I want to have some fun,” laughed Hansini.
            “Well we need to get up to something,” Amita added.
            “What about me?” I asked.
            “What about you, Steve?” Hansini asked.
            “Don’t you two owe me something?”
            “Yes,” agreed Amita. “We do, don’t we Hansini?”
            “Yes, our punishment. I almost forgot about that.”
            “Well I didn’t,” I said.
            “Do you think you are able to handle both of us?” laughed Hansini.
            “Of course,” I said.
            “But you didn’t do a very good job last time, Steve.”
            “Yes but you both weren’t helping either I seem to remember.”
            “It will be different this time,” said Amita.
            “You two promise to behave yourselves?”
            “Oh we will,” laughed Amita. “We will be like two little angels. Won’t we Hansini?”
            “Ok but not too much of the angel stuff, ok.”
            “Do you want us to be two little devils again?”
            “No! No, not that either. Could you be something in between?”
            We got up to leave the others heading for our tent.
            “Have fun you guys,” Shanti said.
            “And remember your promise,” added Mike. “No funny business.”
            “Oh, of course, Your Honour,” replied Hansini. “We will serve our punishment and perform it perfectly.”
            “And a little less of the performing too,” Mike told them.
            This brought a giggle from many of them as we disappeared towards our tent.

            “Hey, Steve,” said Amita. “It is a nice night, why don’t we go down to the stream?”
            “Yes,” agreed Hansini. “We had fun down there this afternoon.”
            So we walked down to the stream and sat down on the bank over looking the still water of the pool. Through the trees, we could see the moon rising. It cast a soft silvery light upon the water.
            Then Hansini said, “Come on Steve, we didn’t come here for moon watching, did we?”
            “No, we didn’t,” I replied.
            Suddenly she pounced on me pushing me back to the ground. I tried to struggle but with her now sitting on my chest with a foot each side of my head. There was not much more I could do. Then I felt someone undo my belt and begin pulling down my swim shorts. I knew that once they were gone I would be naked down there.
            Someone pulled my legs apart and then kneel between them, then two soft cool hands found my cock and balls. She began gently stroking me and it didn’t take long until soon I had an erection.
            “Hey, Hansini, I think he is happy to see us,” I heard Amita laugh.
            Then as Hansini turned around to look I saw my chance and tried to throw her off me. She turned back to me holding my arms down with her hands pinning me to the ground.
            “No you don’t,” she laughed. “You stay right there and be a good boy now.”
            I now felt some lips touch the head of my shaft. One hand cupping and gently squeezing my balls. The other holding the lower part of my shaft gently, rubbing up and down. Meanwhile, there was that mouth wrapped around my head while a tongue flicked at its tip.
            Soon this treatment had begun to get to me and Hansini noticed this. Now sure I would not struggle she turned to look at Amita again.
            “Be careful,” she warned Amita. “Don’t over do it.”

            Suddenly I realised what they were trying to do. They were going to purposely stop me from cumming as long as possible to get as much fun as they could for themselves. And after they had both promised Mike there would be no more games. ‘Well!’ I thought. ‘We will see about that.’
            Then the mouth left my shaft and I felt someone moving. Then I saw Amita's head appear beside Hansini’s. I felt her pussy against the shaft of my erection. She was rubbing up and down me with one very wet pussy. Then I noticed she was necking Hansini as her hands came up under her arms squeezing her breasts. I saw Hansini’s eyes close as Amita continued biting her neck with gentle nips and her hands were up squeezing and playing with her nipples.
            Wow, that was just so hot to see them doing that and with that wet pussy giving my cock the treatment that was all I could take, Suddenly I blew my load with my cock pointed directly at Hansini’s arse. Her eyes suddenly opened as she realised what had happened.
            “Hey, Amita! Look what you’ve done he is shooting his cum up my arse.”     
            “Opps, I didn’t mean to do that.”
            “I told you to go easy on him.”
            “Sorry, I got a bit carried away.”
            While they were both distracted I saw my chance and using all my strength I threw them off me sending them sprawling on to the ground. They quickly recovered their surprise and sprung back at me in an attempt to pin me down again. But it was no good; I was ready for them now.  Now sitting on my knees I could easily fend them off.
            Then taking my chance I caught Hansini and pressed her to the ground rolling my body over on top of her. Amita saw it and tried to stop me but she was too late, I had Hansini held down with my body.
            I had the two of them struggling with me and for such lightly built women, they were surprisingly strong. As Hansini pushed up at me Amita was pulling me to get me off. Finally, I hate to admit it, they were getting the best of me. Knowing my position was hopeless I suddenly let go and as Amita fell backwards I made a dive at her, pressing her to the ground with my body. They suddenly realised that all their efforts had not made any difference as the pinned person had just changed from one to the other.
            Now they attempted to talk peace with me.
            “We didn’t come here for a wrestling match Steve,” Amita said.
            “Let’s start again and do this properly this time,” Hansini added.
            “Ok, promise no more funny business?” I asked them.
            “Yes! Yes, we promise.”
            “Ok then,” I said rolling of Amita and allowing her to get up.
            Suddenly they jumped at me again. With both of them working together they were easily able to pin me to the ground, this time with both of them holding me down.
            “Hey!” I protested, “You promised.”
            “Oh we lied a little bit, Steve,” laughed Hansini.
            It was at about that time that I realised that there was no way I was going to win with these two. So I decided I might as well go along with them.
            “OK girls,” I said. “You win.”

            “Ha Ha,” cried Hansini jumping up. “Did you hear that Amita. We have beaten him.”
            But Amita wasn’t interested. She leaned forward and planted a kiss on my lips. Then she was on top of me and our lips met again in a hot passionate kiss.
            Then Hansini turned around, “Hey! You two what about me?”
            “You jumped off him,” replied Amita. “It is my turn first.”
            “Ok, but hurry up I want some too.”
            And so soon we had things underway as she guided my erection to her hot pussy. I felt her warmth as my head entered her. Then she was slowly lowering herself down on to me taking me deep inside her. 
            She was just so turned on by all this that immediately she started bucking around on top of me. I knew it would not take too much to send her over so I decided to hold myself back since Hansini was right ready to follow her. I waited until she had got herself worked up and then with a few massive thrusts up into her she was over the top.
           As she recovered from her orgasm she sat there with me still hard inside her as she grinned down at me. But Hansini wasn’t having any of that. With one massive heave, she pushed Amita right off me sending her sprawling onto the grass. Then she was on to me herself lining my erection up at her own wet pussy.
            “Hey!” Amita cried. “That wasn’t nice.”
            “You were taking too long.”
            “No I wasn’t, I was finished.”
            “Well, then you don’t mind letting me have a turn.”
            Hansini was as turned on as Amita had been and soon she was really going at me. She was bucking around and really getting carried away. I suddenly realised that I had better get a move on if I wanted to cum or else it would be all over. I held back a bit from her giving me time to build up. I think she realised this because she began forcing down even harder onto me trying to get as much contact as she could with her clit.
            Then I could feel my cum beginning to rise inside me again. I pressed against her which really got her going. She was moaning now and I knew only seconds from her orgasm. But I was now almost there too.
            Then she came, crying out as she did. I gave a couple of thrusts into her and I came too.

            We were lying on the grass, just enjoying the evening. In the moon light, the stream and pond took on a different appearance. Suddenly we heard voices coming down the track from the camp. Then we saw two people appear in the clearing by the pond. At first, it was hard to tell who they were other than that they were girls but then they came out into the moonlight and we saw it was Lizamoa and Shanti.
            Then they spotted us.
            “Hey, you guys,” we heard Shanti say. “What have you three been up to?"
            “Just a bit of wild sex under the stars,” I replied.
            “Sounds like fun,” said Lizamoa. “Can anyone join in?”
            “Not anyone but you two can.”
            “But I don’t think Steve will be ready for anything for a while,” said Amita.
            “Oh don’t worry about that, we’ll take care of him,” replied Shanti.
            We watched as they quickly got their clothes off. Then they joined us.
            As Hansini and Amita still lay each side of me the girls started working on my cock. They took turns licking at me. It did not take too much of this to start having an effect. Meanwhile, Amita and Hansini were taking turns necking and kissing me.
            Then we heard Peter say, “I think I smell hot pussy.”
            “Yes,” agreed Sarvesh. “Hot pussy just waiting for hard cock.”
            We looked around to see Peter and Sarvesh standing right behind Lizamoa and Shanti. Both of them were already naked.
            I saw Lizamoa look around and then, “Mmmm! More hard cock has arrived Shanti.”
            “Help yourselves, boys,” I heard Shanti say.
            Sarvesh stepped up behind Shanti and Peter did the same with Lizamoa. Soon they were rubbing between both girls’ legs getting their pussies wet and ready. Then they were lining up two very hard erections to two very hot pussies.
            So that was how things went. While I was necking and kissing with two hot women, two others were working on giving me an amazing blowjob. While they were doing this two guys were taking them from behind.
            Then I noticed that Amita had moved down to sit beside Shanti. She then reached underneath her and suddenly Shanti began bucking around and I knew Amita was rubbing her clit. After watching for a few moments Hansini moved down and began doing the same to Lizamoa. But both girls continued their blow-job working on me.
            I started everything off when suddenly cum burst from my shaft and then Shanti and Lizamoa began licking it up as it came out. By now they were not far off themselves. And by the way, the two guys were going they were close too.
            The first to go was Lizamoa and she stopped what she was doing to me as she cum hit her. Peter was behind her filling her pussy with his cum. Then Sarvesh was next as he began pumping into Shanti which sent her off too.
            So much for my threesome, it had some how turned into a seven-some.

1 comment:

  1. So we have a seven person orgy do we? Wow! That would be fun.
    I would have liked to have seen that sex scene developed a bit more too.
