Friday 2 January 2015

Story 127 Fun with Sarvesh at the Hot Pools.

            Hi, it is Amita here.
            When we arrived back in Taupo from our flight over the lake and mountains we decide to go to another hot pools which Mike knew about. This was a beautiful place set down a steep path in a valley with some cliffs surrounding.
          I was wearing my bikini under my clothes so it was quick and easy for me in the changing room. Others had to change completely so they took longer. I was in the water watching when Mike came out of the mens. At the same time, Katrina and Shanti came out of the ladies.
          Katrina said something to Mike. I didn’t hear but no doubt it was cheeky as he took a swing at her behind with his hand. I heard the squeal as she jumped out of his reach. That girl is really getting cheeky with the men I thought, but I also noticed it was making her popular with them too.
            The water was very nice because that afternoon there had been a cold wind blowing off the lakeside. I was happy to get deep into the very warm water, sinking down up to shoulders and enjoying it. In one place there was a waterfall where the water dropped into a lower pool. Just before the waterfall was a place where people could go under a bridge in deep water.
            We were near there when Jenny suddenly said, “This hot water is making me horny. I could do with a nice hard cock right now.”

            Well, that was a bit of a show-stopping. Not any of us was knowing what to reply to this. I have to admit, Jenny can be very surprising at times.
            Then my husband Sarvesh said, “Jenny if you want a hard cock, my one is ready for you.”
            “What?” she replied. “Here in the pool?”
            “Yes. We can go under the bridge.”
            “But what if someone sees us?”
            “No Jenny. The water is very deep, even up to our neck. You only need to pull down your bikini and we can do it.”
            “Well maybe,” she returned and at that moment I realised she was actually going to consider it.
            “Are you two going to do it?” I asked.
            “We’re thinking about it,” he said.
            “I bet you won’t,” Shanti dared him.
            “Yes, I will” Sarvesh replied. “That is if you want to Jenny.”
            “Oh well. Why not?” she said with a grin.
            So as we watched they moved under the bridge and I could see Sarvesh was pulling her bikini bottom down and then his own togs. She moved up close to his and I could tell by their movements that they were positioning so he could enter her. That was all they did. There was no foreplay or anything just straight into it.
            We could then see that now he was slowly pumping into her as he partly supported her with his arms. At that moment Katrina came around the corner with Lizamoa and Mike.
            “Hey, what is going on here,” Mike asked.
            “I think some naughty business,” I said.
            “Are they really doing the sex?” Katrina asked.
            “Looks like it, Katrina,” Mike said.
            “Oh, that is naughty,” she grinned.
             As we watched them it was becoming obvious that this was going to end well for both of them. It was amazing them doing that with all those people around.
            At that moment, two girls walked by and were standing on the bridge. Suddenly Jenny reached her orgasm. She gasped with its pleasure before Sarvesh could take his hand to cover her mouth. The two girls looked down having heard the noise and not knowing what it was.
            Sarvesh and Jenny stayed still and we all were acting as if nothing was going on. Since they were under the bridge, the girls on top were not able to see them. They had no idea what had just happened under the bridge.
            Seeing us looking up at them the two girls then decided to move on but were not gone very far when Katrina burst out laughing. They looked back and still, could not see anything and maybe they thought she was laughing at them.
            By now the naughty couple under the bridge had begun again and this time I soon came to know that Sarvesh was going to have his climax next.
            I watched him with his eyes closed and I knew what that expression meant. My husband was cumming and filling her pussy with his juicy cum. I could see her shoulders pumping up out of the water and I knew he must be thrusting up into her from below.
            Then they broke apart and I saw both of then struggling to replace their swimming gear.
            “Well, how was that Jenny?” I asked.
            “Very good,” she replied. And then turning to my husband added, “Sarvesh you did a good job. That was just what I needed.”
            “I can’t believe you did that, Sarvesh,” Katrina said. “What if you had been caught?”
            “We almost were,” he smiled.
            “If a pool attendant had seen that, we’d all been thrown out,” Mike said.
            “But it was fun,” Jenny answered.
            “I bet it was,” I added.
            “So Sarvesh, who is the naughty one now?” said Katrina. “I just wear the see-through bikini. I am not having the sex within the public pools.”
            “Maybe you can try Katrina,” I heard Peter saying behind me.
            “No Peter, I cannot be that bold.”
            “Go under the bridge where no one can see you.”
            “Who will be my partner?”
            “I will,” Peter replied.
            “Are you sure we will not get caught?”
            “Jenny and Sarvesh didn’t.”
            “They almost did with those two girls.”
            “Don’t worry about that. Just have fun.”
            For a while, she hesitated and we all waited, wondering if she might actually be considering doing it with Peter.
            Suddenly she smiled, “Ok Peter, we can do it.”
            Both Katrina and Peter moved under the bridge. After looking around to make sure no one could see them I could see they were pulling each other’s togs down. Again there was nothing in the way of foreplay. They just started straight away.
            We could all tell what was happening because with each thrust he made we could see her shoulders rising and falling. To anyone looking it would have been very obvious what was happening.
            This continued for a while and I was almost thinking that they were not going to make it when I heard Katrina give a soft moan. Peter covered her mouth with his hand as she came. Moments later I was sure he had too.
            “See we didn’t get caught,” Peter said as they broke apart.
            “Yes you did,” Mike said.
            “What?” asked Katrina looking up at the little bridge. “There is no one there.”
            “Not up there. Over on the other side of the pool.”
            I looked where Mike pointed and there sitting at a table the two girls who had been on the bridge before were watching us. They were both smiling and both looking in our direction. It was obvious they knew what had been going on. When they saw us all looking one gave us a little wave.
            “See Katrina, you did get caught,” said Mike.
            “Oh well, but they didn’t see anything.”
            “Sure they didn’t see anything but they knew what you and Peter were doing.”
            Once she realised she had been caught Katrina seemed to take it well. I even wondered if, in fact, she enjoyed getting caught by those two girls.  

            Back in our hotel, I told Sarvesh it was very daring what he did with Jenny under the bridge.
            “And what about Katrina,” he replied. “She did it too.”
            “Yes, that girl is getting really bold.”
            “And I hear she was really giving that pilot a flash too.”
            “Yes Sarvesh, she was wearing nothing under that blouse so I know she really gave him a good show.”
            “We are going to have to watch that girl when we get back to India. She has developed a real appetite for sex too.”
            “I don’t think that will be a problem for long Sarvesh. I think the David thing will keep her occupied.”
            “Is that for real then?”
            “I think so. Well, it is for her. She has mentioned him a few times since we have been in New Zealand. We just have to hope he writes to her.”
            So that was how we ended Day Two of our trip.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! We know this place. We go swimming there often and we considered whether you could get away with it under there. So now I know someone who did do it. Maybe next time we go there I can talk me boyfriend into it too.
