Sunday 25 January 2015

Story 130 Seducing Mootie.

Hi Katrina again to open this story.
        Yes, again before Hansini starts this story which I also am involved within, I will just give you some more about our trip. 

Day Six – Sight Seeing Around Rotorua.
            Day Six of our trip was spent in and around the city of Rotorua. First, we went to the Rainbow Springs where they had many pools with the beautiful fish called trout. There were also some other attractions at this place as well including a kiwi house where we could see the kiwi bird.
            Then just before lunch, we were down at the lakeside where we saw another float plane for tourists. Since this was a different area to Taupo we decided to take another sight-seeing flight over the Rotorua city and the surrounding areas of lakes and other scenic views.
            After lunch, we went to the place called Whakarewarewa with its thermal attraction such as the Pohutu Geyser and boiling mud pools. I am thinking that this place must be one of the best attractions within Rotorua and I was enjoying it a lot.
            It was while we were at Whakarewarewa that another sexy adventure began which involved me but this time I will not be the one telling the story, so I will just be enjoying the reading.

            Hi, it is Hansini here.
           I want to tell you the first part of an interesting story involving my husband Mootie and Katrina. I first noticed something was going on during our walk through the trout pool springs and it continued during our visit to the thermal area. But it began even earlier as I was told later by Katrina. She had been interested in Mootie ever since he had told me to behave myself at the Parakai Hot Pools. Why that attracted her to him she never did explain but apparently, it did. This is most certainly an important factor, a foundation point for this entire story.
            After breakfast that morning we went to a shopping centre where they sold cheap souvenirs gifts we could return with to India. Sharon stayed at the motel but everyone else went.
        When we returned to the motel it was a rush to get ready for the sightseeing planned except that Steve and Sharon disappeared into their room for what seemed like ages, Finally Shanti had to call them to hurry up. (I believe Shanti has made them write of what was going on there.) Meanwhile, we were all together getting ready to leave the hotel. Some of us were outside helping the guys load our gear and the kids in the vans and cars. 
            “What plans do we have for tonight?” Mike asked.
            “I don’t think we have any,” replied Shanti. “Maybe we can have some fun back here at the hotel.”
            “You must count me out,” I said. “I can’t be getting into anything for a few days now.”
            Katrina was quick to pick up on that one. “What is this Hansini? Poor Mootie will not be having any fun tonight.”
          “Seems like it,” Mike laughed.
           “Poor Mootie,” Katrina said with a smile. “I am so sad for him.”
           “It's fine Katrina,” he replied.
          But she wasn’t finished with him yet. “Poor Mootie. Will he be all alone and sad tonight?”
          “Katrina, are you causing trouble again?” Sarvesh asked.
           “No! No, of course, I am not. Just having concern for Mootie.”
          “Sounds more like teasing him to me,” Mike added.
            Then she turned to Mootie. “If you can’t have the fun with Hansini tonight Mootie maybe some other girl can give you the fun.”
            “Like who?” Mootie asked with a grin.
            “I am sure some beautiful girl would be very interested if you asked her.”
            “Are you interested Katrina?”
            “Well, maybe I am. Are you asking me?”
            “If I ask you first you are saying?”
            “Yes. Are you asking me?”
            “Now Katrina,, that is the big question isn’t it?”
            Then Mootie gave the shy grin of his and turned to continue putting the bags into the van. I think Katrina was expecting more from him than that but she was just left standing there watching him.
            Then she turned to me and with her voice lowered so only I could hear, she said, “Yes that is the question but what is the answer?”
            All I could do was tell her to just let things work themselves out. I was sure Mootie was interested but Katrina, being young, wanted to know now.  

            We were in the Rainbow Trout Springs going around to visit the various pools with their trouts. I noticed that Katrina was sticking close to Mootie. I was wondering what would happen when she made her move.
            Mootie and Joseph were studying a glass enclosure where they kept some native lizards called Geckos. Katrina came up behind Mootie and leaned against him as if to see into the enclosure too. I was just a bit behind her and I noticed she pressed very close to Mootie so her breasts actually made contact with him.
            Mike saw she had joined them and was pointing out where the lizards were but I noticed that she stayed in contact with Mootie while looking around his shoulder talking to Mike.  I saw her actually rub her breasts against Mootie’s back. Then he moved away from her, just giving her that shy grin of his before he moved on.
            Again she was left standing there in surprise. 

            One of the last attractions at the trout springs was the kiwi house. We had missed the one in Auckland and so Mike really wanted us the to visit this one. Since the kiwi is a night bird they have the kiwi house set up with bright lights at night and darkness during the day. Anyone entering from outside will find it very dark until their eyes get used to the darkness. Then the house would appear inside as if it was a moonlight night.
            When we entered there was Katrina right behind Mootie again.
            “Ohhh it is dark,” she said. “I better be careful as I do not know what some man might do in the dark.”
            Somehow Joseph had missed the point of her comment because he said, “It is OK Katrina. After a minute your eyes will get used to the dark.”
            “But what if some man does before my eyes adjust?”
            Suddenly Joseph realised what she meant. “Oh, don’t worry. Mootie will save you.”
            “It is not being saved I am thinking of,” she replied with her voice lowered.
            “Katrina, are you being naughty?” I heard Sarvesh ask.
            “Yes Sarvesh, I am being naughty.” Then she added, “Mootie do you like naughty girls?”
            Mootie didn’t answer, he just moved quietly away.
            “Yes,” Katrina went on. “I think he does like naughty girls.”
            “Well he can’t get much naughtier than you Katrina,” Sarvesh said.
            “Sarvesh! I am not like that. Well not like that all the time anyway.”
            “Not all the time, but since you have been on this holiday, a lot of the time.” 

            Well nothing much happened after that and I began to think she may have given up on him but when we sat down to lunch I noticed that she was sitting across the table from him. During the meal, she began to smile at him and I was wondering why.
            Then I noticed Mootie move a bit as if he was uncomfortable. Suddenly I realised what was happening. She must be playing with her foot under the table. I pretended to drop something and bent down to reach for it, looking into under the table as I did, just as I suspected there was Katrina’s foot. She had slipped her shoe off and was now rubbing the inside of his thigh with her own foot. So she was playing footsy under the table.
            He moved again looking directly at her. I noticed she smiled back then giving her lips a lick as she did. This girl was sure giving my husband the come on but I was surprised how Mootie was not showing any sign of interest in return which I was thinking was a bit strange for him, he was never slow with the sex games. 

            We were now down on the wharf by the lake waiting for our turn on the sea-plane. Of course, there was Katrina straight behind Mootie again. Suddenly I saw her reach out and grab his butt. That even surprised me right out there in public like that, although since a number of us were surrounding her so maybe no-one else saw.
            “Nice bum,” I heard her say in a lowered voice. “That is important on a man.”
            “Why is that, Katrina?” asked Sarvesh who was behind me.
            “I think men with tight bums are better within the bed,” Katrina answered.
            Then to our surprise, she asked Mootie, “Are you good in the bed Mootie?”
            “What do you think,” he replied.
            “I think maybe, yes.”
            “Well, why don’t you ask someone who knows.”
            Then Katrina turned around to me and asked, “Is he good within the bed, Hansini?”
            I decided to play along with the game. “Oh, he is very good in the bed Katrina. In fact, I think he is fantastic,” I replied. “He is a star in the bedroom.”
            As soon as I said that last bit I realised that maybe I shouldn’t have because Katrina picked up on it straight away.
            “A star?” she said. “So you are the star in the bed Mootie.”
            By now the sea-plane had returned and Mootie stepped forward towards the dock edge. As Katrina followed him he reached out to take her hand to help her step from the dock to the plane.
            “Thank you,, Mootie,” she said. “You are a gentleman.”
            “You are welcome, Katrina. I am glad I can be of assistance.”
            As I stepped over to follow her, Mootie reached to help me as well and as I also replied thanks he looked directly into my face giving a big smile and a wink. At that moment I knew Katrina was going to be getting lucky that night and he was in fact just playing with her, pretending he was not interested in her. 

            After our flight, we went on to our third attraction for the day. This was a walk through the thermal region known as Whakarewarewa which is with its boiling mud pools and the famous Pohutu Geyser.
            The first attraction on our walk was the boiling mud pool.
            Katrina was of course standing beside Mootie looking at it. “Oooo that mud looks so soft and slimy. Would you like me to rub some all over your naked body Mootie?”
            “Katrina if you keep being naughty I’ll put you over my knee and spank you.”
            “Is that a promise?” she laughed in reply.
            “Not a promise,” Mootie returned and I think he was surprised she took his bluff.
            Then stepping back from him her hands went to the top button on her blouse and as she popped it undone she said, “You can do it now if you want.”
            “No, Katrina. Not now, I want to see the geysers.”
            “I am sure we can make enough steam ourselves,” she replied softly so only a few of us heard.
            Mootie smiled at this, “Well I am sure we can too, but I still want to see the geysers.”
            With that, he turned and walked away again. Katrina was left there, standing with a surprised look on her face again.
            “Isn’t it obvious that I like him?” she asked me.
            “Katrina, I think it is too obvious.”
            “What do you mean?”
            “Maybe you should slow down a bit Katrina,” Sarvesh added. “Mootie is a very shy man and you might be embarrassing him out here in public. Try just being close to him but don’t be so sexy.”
            “Ok Sarvesh,” said Katrina looking a bit sad.
            “Don’t give up on him yet,” I told her. “I know he is interested so just change your strategy.”
            “Then you think he is interested?”
            “Yes Katrina,” I said. “I think he is interested. 

            So from then on Katrina suddenly changed her strategy. There she was right beside Mootie, standing, watching the site where the geyser was to erupt. But she now was asking Mootie about how the geyser was going to work and he was explaining to her how a large chamber of water under the ground heats to a super-hot temperature and then explodes in an eruption of steam and boiling water. She gave me the impression of being very interested in everything he said and she seemed to be asking him a lot of questions too.  
            Suddenly the geyser began and it started with such force that it made Katrina jump back. Then I saw Mootie put his arm around her. “It is OK Katrina,” he said. “The water will not come this way because it will spray the other way.”
            I noticed that she leaned against him as they both watched the geyser playing. I was not too far behind them and I could still hear them talking. She was still talking about the geyser and the thermal area. I was impressed with this girl, she sure was learning fast about men. 

            But as we were walking up the long track back to the visitor centre I heard Katrina asking Mootie, “Mootie do you like me?”
            “Yes Katrina, I do. You are a very attractive woman.”
            “Do you fancy me in bed?”
            There she was again I thought,, being too direct. I thought she had decided to slow things down. So we waited to see how he would react.
            “Yes I do, but we can not do anything about it tonight.”
            “Why not?”
            “Can’t you see it Katrina? The wind is in the wrong direction.”
            “The wind?” Katrina said in surprise.
            “Yes, the wind. Didn’t you know if the wind changes while we are doing it then it will all go wrong?”
            “No that is not true. The wind has nothing to do with it.”
            “Sure it does.”
            “Anyway, there is no wind today. It is perfectly calm.”
            “That is even worse because now if the wind changes we will not even be knowing it.”
            Suddenly she lifted her hand and hit him on his arm. “That is nonsense,” she said.
            “And such a wild, violent woman too.”
            She reached up to hit him again but this time he was ready for her. He grabbed her hand and held her, then, to everyone's surprise, he bent down and kissed her smack on the lips. Nothing more than just a peck, but it was sure a surprise for Katrina. It also made it clear to everyone watching what they would be doing tonight.
            Then he let her arm go and they turned and walked on up the track. I saw him reach out with his hand and she slipped hers into it. They continued walking on ahead of us hand in hand chatting together as they went.  
            “I think I will be needing another place to sleep tonight,” I said.
            “If you need to, you can stay with Sarvesh and I, in Katrina’s bed. It does not look like she will be using it tonight,” Amita said to me.
            So that is as far as I can go with this story. I spent the night in Sarvesh and Amita’s room and used the single bed which Katrina was supposed to use. Mootie and Katrina spent the night in our room. Now I will let Mootie complete the story.  

Hi, Mootie here.
         Well since Hansini did not get to see the remaining part of this story it has been assigned to me to finish the story. As Katrina is doing most of the writing for this section I am going to tell you about our adventures in the bedroom that night.
            Katrina had been showing an interest in me ever since we had been flirting as I was loading the car. She was there beside me, just behind me, across the table from me. Every time I looked around she was there. She was making it very clear what was on her mind and so I decided to play it cool as if I was not realizing what she was up to. I could see her becoming more and more frustrated by my lack of reaction but she kept trying. I know many of us were rather amused by her efforts.
            At one point I looked over at Hansini and she nodded her head as she smiled and so I knew she knew what was going on and she was Ok with it too. So then it was up to Katrina as to how she would arrange it. As for me, I continued to play hard to get, making her work hard for her night of sex.
            Finally, at the thermal resort, I noticed a sudden change in her. It was like she had totally changed her strategy. Instead of making those not so subtle comments and actions she just stood beside me asking questions about the geyser we were watching.  I was at first a bit surprised, maybe she had even given up, but later I was to learn that she had some advice from Sarvesh and my wife.
            Finally, I decided it was time I started to play back. By then it was becoming obvious she really had set her hopes upon me for the night. On the way back up from watching the geyser I began teasing her back.
            As we were walking up the long track back to the visitor centre she suddenly asked me, “Mootie do you like me?”
            I replied “Yes Katrina, I do. You are very beautiful.”
            “Would you like to be in the bed with me?”
            That surprised me for a moment. I knew she wanted to have the sex with me and I also knew we were heading towards doing it that night but I didn’t expect her to actually ask me directly like that.
            “Yes I do but we can’t do anything about tonight,” I said stalling for time as I tried to think of something to tease her with.
            “Why not?”
            “The wind is in the wrong direction,” I told her. I do not know what made me say that. It just came into my head.
            “The wind?” Katrina said in disbelief.
            “Yes, the wind. Didn’t you know if the wind changes while we are doing it then it will all go wrong?”
            “That is not correct,” she replied. “The wind can’t do that.”
            “Yes it can,” I insisted.
            But then she realised it was a very calm day. “But there is no wind today.”
            “That makes it even worse because now when the wind is changing we will not even be knowing it.”
            Suddenly she lifted up her fist and punched me on my arm. “That is nonsense,” she said.
            “You are such a violent woman, Katrina.”
            She reached up and tried to hit me again but this time I ducked away from her. I reached out and grabbed her hand, and then pulling her towards me and as our bodies met, I kissed her on her lips. That sure surprised her.
            There was nothing more than that. We parted and I held out my hand. Her hand slipped into mine and we walked on in front of the rest of our group, hand in hand, now talking about other things. But I think at that moment we proclaimed to everyone what our plans were for the night.
            Later up at the craft centre Hansini came up to me. “Do I need to find another bed tonight?”
            “Yes, if you don’t mind,” I replied. “I think that is what Katrina has in mind. Are you Ok with that?”
            “Fine,” she laughed. “I won’t be able to have much fun tonight anyway.”
            Then I heard Katrina beside me say, “Thank you Hansini.”
            “You are welcome Katrina,” came her replied. 

            Since Katrina didn’t have her own room we needed to use Hansini and my room. Hansini quickly arranged to stay with Sarvesh and Amita for the night. I have noticed the fact that we now had an extra woman didn’t seem to be too much of a problem as most times everyone seemed to find partners.
            I took Katrina back to our room and as soon as we were inside she turned towards me, reaching up to put her arms around my neck and then standing on her tip-toes she reached up and kissed me.
            I put my arms around her and pulled her towards me as I responded to her. As she reached up, her body was pressed against me and I could feel the firmness of her breasts against my chest. It felt good kissing her like that – a promise of what was to come.
            Then I broke away from her. “I think we should take our clothes off I told her,” as I reached for the top button on the blouse she was wearing.
            She, of course, offered no resistance to this but instead, I think she even helped me. Then as I peeled the blouse from her shoulders she was reaching for the shirt I was wearing. And this was how we continued with the taking turns removing each other’s clothing until we were both standing facing each other naked.
            Katrina is a beautiful girl with a great sexy body. Undressing her like that was exciting like I was exploring her and see her for the first time. The best was of course last when I came to release her beautiful breasts from her bra then pull down her panties to reveal her pussy. She was soon standing naked before me but showing not the slightest embarrassment at her nakedness.
            I reached out and put my arm around her while my other hand came up to her breast feeling the tight nipple at its peak. Meanwhile, I felt her hand exploring and finding me as well. As I continued playing with her nipple I felt a cool hand wrap around my shaft and slowly begin pumping up and down.
            Soon I knew we were ready for the next stage and breaking away from her I stepped over to the bed. Climbing onto it I lay my back with my head resting on the pillow as I watched her follow me onto the bed.
            There was no waiting to have a shower first which maybe would have been better. There was no stopping to decide which way we were going to do it. We both were just so ready for each other and we both seemed to know what we were going to do.
            She rolled one leg over mine and sat facing me and then her hands found my shaft again. Now she really began to give my cock and balls the treatment and for a moment I almost thought she might bring me off before I even had the chance to enter her. But then Katrina had learnt a lot in these past few weeks and she wasn’t about to let me cum too soon.
            She noticed a drop of my pre-cum appear and bent forward to lick it up and then she moved her whole body forward until now her pussy was directly over my cock. Rising slightly on her knees she brought my rock hard shaft to the entrance of her love hole and then slightly pressing down against me and I felt my head enter her warm, wet pussy hole.
            Then it just felt so good as she lowered herself down onto me taking more and more of me inside until she had taken the entire shaft. She felt warm and tight, her pussy seemed to be completely filled with my cock. For a moment she sat there looking down at herself, partly amazed that she had taken me so easily and partly pleased that she had. Then she began to move.
            This just felt so good as her tight pussy began sliding up and down along almost the entire length of my shaft. At first, she was moving slowly, in perfect control as we were both enjoying the sensations of our love-making but as our excitement began to build, her speed began to build as well.
            Then this was beginning to become too much for me and I let out a little moan. She took this as her signal to speed up even more until I knew my climax was almost upon me. To my surprise, she was the one to cum at first and as her body jerked she lost control of her rhythm but by then it was enough for me and with a couple of deep thrusts myself, I quickly followed her with my orgasm. She sat there smiling down at me as I filled her pussy with my juice.
            After such an intense session as that we lay together, side by side, while we were recovered. It took us a few minutes to catch our breath before we could talk again.  

            We lay beside each other both breathing deeply from our climax. It was a few minutes before one of us spoke.
            “Was that good for you Mootie?” she asked me.
            “Yes, Katrina. That was very good. How was it for you?”
            Yes, very good. What the girls are saying about you is true.”
            “What is this? What are they saying about me?”
            “Just a few things,” she replied.
            “Come now, Katrina. Inform me of what are those girls telling?
            “Oh, they say you are a very quiet man and a bit shy. But when in the bed you are very good too.” 
            She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. “Shanti said 'Still waters run deep.' And I think so too,” she added.
            I didn’t know how to reply to that and then I decided it didn’t need a reply and so I just rolled over and returned her kiss.
            That started things off again because she reached up and pulled me down on top of her. Our lips met in another kiss.
            But then I felt I hand reaching for me. Soon it found what she was looking for as she took my shaft in her hand. Then I realized she was guiding it towards her pussy.
            So she wants it with me on top I thought as I felt the head of my cock press against the wetness of her pussy. 
            By then we were ready for each other and as I pressed down against her, her pussy opened, taking me deep inside herself. So we were able to do it again but this time I was in the top position where I was careful not to put my full weight on her. This time it was also good and we were both able to have the orgasms but in Katrina’s case, I think she had a few instead of just one.  

            Later in the morning, we were able to do it again as well so it was a good night we had together being able to do it for three times in the bed. Then we got up and took that shower together.
            We were both together under the water when she pressed her body against me. Standing beside me like that she was so tiny, with her head only coming up to my shoulder. I reached down and wrapped my arms around her, lifting her up until her face was level with mine.
            As our lips met again I felt her legs come up and wrap around me. In that position, her pussy was against the hardness of my cock and it only took a slight bit of adjusting our positions and I was inside her again.
            In her surprise, she opened her eyes as she looked at me. “I did not know we could be doing it like this.”
            “Yes, we can,” I replied. “Hansini and I sometimes do this in the shower.”
            I pushed her back against the shower wall and began thrusting up into her. Soon her hips were working, responding to me, helping me, she met each of my thrusts.
            In this position, her clitty was directly against the hardness of my shaft and within minutes she was moaning in my ear. Moments later her body stiffened and she let out a cry as she came.
            Her body then went limp and I held her while she recovered. She was still breathing heavy as she clung to me. But I didn’t mind since she was not very heavy. As she recovered she looked at me and smiled.
            “Having the sex four times in one night.” she smiled at me. “This must be the record. You are the very star lover Mootie. It is true”
            I gently put her down and as I did she noticed I still had my erection.
            “What about you, Mootie? Did you not make the cum?”
            “No Katrina. I was getting there but you were much too fast for me.”
            “Oh, I am sorry.”
            With that, she dropped to her knees taking my erect shaft in her hands. After rubbing me a couple of time she then brought her head towards me until her tongue touched the head. After a few moments licking at me, her lips wrapped around me as she took me into her mouth.
            This was the beginning of an unbelievable blow-job which ended with me having a very intense cum. As I shot my load deep into her mouth, she swallowed it, taking everything I gave her. 

            After our shower, we got dressed and she returned to her room to get ready for breakfast. A while later Hansini knocked on the door.
            As I let her in she smiled up at me. “Katrina seems happy with her night with you. How was it?”
            I told her I was very happy being with Katrina. For being so new at the sex games she has become such a good bed partner to be having.  

            Hansini was not the only girl to ask me about Katrina. Over breakfast, Amita and Shanti were also asking me how my night was. When I told them that it was a great night and Katrina made a wonderful partner in the bed I looked towards her and saw that slight smile she gets when she is pleased with herself.
           Next to Amita, Sarvesh as also listening, “Oh Katrina, Katrina. What am I going to do with you? He said.
            “Why? What, Sarvesh?” she asked him.
            “We sent you to Mootie’s room to keep him company when his wife was not there, not to be doing naughty the things with him.”
            “Oh but Sarvesh if you had been listening you would be hearing that I was not the naughty girl. Mootie is telling that I was the very good girl.”
            “But what are all these happenings I am hearing was going on.”
            “What things Sarvesh? Mootie and I went into the room. We were watching the TV and then going to our sleep. In the morning we came to the breakfast.”
            This brought a giggle from many of the girls.
            Hansini leaned over towards Amita and I heard her say, “So then, what explains that grin Mootie has this morning.
            Katrina heard me and replied. “Are you not knowing your husband Hansini? Mootie is just a very happy person.”
            “Yes, Katrina. I know my husband and that grin is not just from happiness.”
            Then Sarvesh jumped in again. “So Katrina, was there something going on in that room last night?”
            “I am telling you what happened Sarvesh.”
            “Yes I think you are telling Katrina but you are not telling all the things which were going on.”
            “Well, maybe I was leaving a few little things out.”
            “Yes just all the best bits,” I heard Shanti say.
            “Never mind,” Amita added. “We will all find out because these two are going to write about everything they did last night for the letters book.”
            I must have shown a surprised look on my face because my wife added, “yes Mootie. We all want to read this story so you won’t get away without writing about it. We want all the juicy details.”
          Then Steve added, “You know the rules Mootie. There is no nooky without the paperwork afterwards.”
            This brought a laugh from all of us, making others in the restaurant look around wondering what was going on.


  1. Nice story Shandra and Rajah..
    I knew you were going to get there but I was wondering how.
    That Mootie sounds like he likes teasing the girls. He seems to have had Katrina confused. So sure of her sex appeal and suddenly finds a guy not interested in her. Where did you dream up that idea about the wind changing? I better check the weather forecast before doing it next time. LOL
    Nicely done guys.

    1. Thanks Janet. Sorry for the delay in my reply.
      Shandra and I wanted to capture the confusion and doubt in Katrina. She was becoming bold and confident so we wanted Mootie to play with her, tease her a bit. We had some fun writing it too. I'm not sure about the wind changing remark. I came up with it but it just suddenly came to me.
      I like her disbelief and punching him. I know some girls around here who might react like that. Shandra came up with him turning her second punch into kissing her.
      Rajah and Shandra.

    2. Rajah, in the comment about punching, do you mean me?

    3. Are you saying you are a violent woman, Asami?
      (He said as he rubbed the bruises on his arm.)
      Rajah. Ha Ha,

    4. Bruises? What is this Asami?
      Have you been punching poor Rajah?

    5. My friend Rajah. Such a nice guy,
      And you are beating him like this Asami!
      How could you?

  2. This is not true. I did not do these things.
    You are making lies of things that did not happen.

    1. So are you telling us you have never punched Rajah, Allan or I?
      Is that what you claim, Asami?

    2. Ahhh, so Asami has been recognised and identified.
      I too would raise my hand and be counted among her victims, but I fear the ensuring pain to my battered arm would too much to endure. My recovery is ongoing as it’s only been a month since I made my escape and returned to India.
      LOL James.

    3. I have heard of a list being complied regarding Asami's victims. Please add my name there.
      Although Asami was our friend, it was with great relief when I learned she was leaving Japan and moving to New Zealand.
      Ha! Ha!

    4. I must be added to that list too.
      Rajah you must be admired for suffering living in the same house with such a woman.

    5. It need to add to what is being said here.
      When my husband Marceau and I were visiting New Zealand he suffered an unprovoked attack too. He was just standing there when suddenly he was hit, punched on the arm. I fear this is becoming a big problem over there.
      LOL Rochelle.

  3. What is going on with you men. All ganging up on the poor little Japanese girl.
    How did you all know to come at the same times to make the comments. Someone has been very naughty here.
    Even my friends from Japan are involved in this too. And there you are too James. But Rochelle, how can you be saying what happened to you husband when you were visiting here the year before I came to New Zealand,
    Anyway to answer you Paul, if any men got hit with my punch it was because they deserved.
