Saturday 31 January 2015

Story 131 The Rotorua Trip (Completed)

Day Seven – Rotorua to Auckland.
            Day seven of our trip was the final day in which we were leaving Rotorua and travelling to the city Auckland again. During this trip, we had three attractions which we were to attend.
       The first one was at the town called Tirau where I got to do some shopping for gifts to take back to my family and friends in India. At this town, Shanti told they also had some of the best ice-creams in the entire New Zealand and so we were all able to try one of these as well. I am thinking that the ice-creams and the chocolates in New Zealand are much better than we have in India. I am also thinking maybe I took too many while I was there too 

            From here we travelled to the town of Matamata, where we had lunch before going to some hot pools which were nearby. Peter and Mike wanted to get back to Auckland because they wanted to see how things were going with their business but some of the rest of us were in no such hurry, so we split up into two groups at the Matamata town. Some of us were going to the local hot pools and some going on with Mike and Peter. I stayed to go to the hot pools. 

            At the pools, Steve said that there was a very good private pool where people could bath nude but the problem, they only allowed people to stay there for half an hour and there was a limit on the number of people. So he and Sarvesh came up with a clever plan. Steve hired it for the first half hour and then a few minutes later Sarvesh went and hired it for the second half hour.
            Then we all slipped into the private pool which was open and down a short set of steps. Although the day was a bit cooler after the hot days we had during our stay in New Zealand it was nice bathing outside in that hot water.
            When the time came up Steve and Sarvesh went up so Steve could hand in the key and then Sarvesh picked it up and they both came back. After an hour we all got out and decided to continue our journey.   

            For our third attraction, finally, we went on to the very small town of Waharoa where they have a cheese factory. At this place, we were sampling the cheese and even buying some too. Then we had the afternoon tea at the café there before completing our trip to Auckland. At the back of the café, they had windows where people could look through and see the cheese-makers working with the cheese. This was interesting because I was unknowing about the making of cheese. 

            It had been a very good trip and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. I know Sarvesh and Amita asked about staying an extra night in Rotorua but Shanti said we all had to be in Auckland for Saturday night and so they wanted us to travel back on Friday. When we asked why they finally told us about the secret surprise they had for us but then since this is not my story I will leave it for Shanti to tell you what this surprise was.
       Here is Shanti now. 

            Hi it is Shanti here and I have the task of introducing the last story of our Rotorua trip and then Amita is going to take over from me to complete her story.
            We were unsure if we would be able to arrange a Ripper Stripper Party while our friends were visiting from India so we rang to inquire about it and the manager of the club suddenly thought it would be a good idea. So since we had given him plenty of noticed he went ahead and organized one.
            Well, we told our New Zealand friends Peter and Jenny and the other two couples from New Zealand but we decided to keep it a secret from those from India. On the last evening of our Rotorua Trip, Sarvesh and Amita asked us about staying a few more days in Rotorua. It looked like it might be a stand-off between the wills of Mike and Sarvesh because I don’t think Sarvesh liked Mike rejecting his suggestion for no apparent reason.  Of course, we knew we had a reason, plans for Saturday night and we had to get back to Auckland but they didn’t know that. Finally, Mike and I decided we had better reveal our secret.
            I think they were surprised but I know very pleased too. Especially Hansini and Amita, who were both very excited by the chance they would have to attend a Ripper Stripper Party and I know the guys were keen too. Funny how the girls were more excited about getting naked in public than the men were. The only one who I think was a bit unsure about it was Katrina. She even suggested they she might stay back at our house for that evening but then Lizamoa got her involved in a little project between them that changed Katrina’s mind about going.
            Finally, before you read this story you might want to read Letter 23 and Letter 36 about previous Ripper Stripper Parties we have been to.
            So enough from me. Let me hand over to Amita. 

Hi, Amita again.
            Well after not doing so much of the Rotorua Trip stories I decided I better do this one and the big one which is following. So I asked Shanti and she sent me the notes she had already made and gave me the stories to complete.
            Now when Sarvesh suggested staying on in Rotorua for another night, things were a bit tense until Mike and Shanti revealed the secret as to why we needed to get back to Auckland. They told us they had been keeping this secret, about going to the Ripper Stripper Party.
       When they told us I suddenly realised that they had actually given their secret away at the camp when we were playing “Strip XX”. (See Story 108 – Playing Strip XX.) When Hansini mentioned her fantasy was to go to a Ripper Stripper Party I saw Mike and Shanti glance at each other. For a while, I wondered if there was a party planned but then as our holiday continued nothing was ever mentioned about it so I had become convinced it would not be happening.
       Then you announced that it was on. I was so pleased when I learned that we were going. I had thought we were going to miss out on this while we were in New Zealand after I had so much enjoyed reading the stories of these parties.
            “You mean we are really going to one of those parties?” I asked.
            “Sure,” replied Mike. “It is all been arranged.”
            “That is wonderful,” I said. “I thought I was going to miss out on that one.”
            “No, we knew you really wanted to go and so we asked the club and they decided to arrange one.”
            “Really? They are putting one on just for us?”
            “Well no, not just for us,” Mike explained. “They sent out an invitation to past party goers too and found they could get enough people and so they agreed to put one on.”
            “It is so good that we can go,” I said again.
            I also know that Hansini was excited about this too since it had been her fantasy but then Katrina spoke up.
            “I am not sure I want to go to that party,” Katrina said.
            “Why not?” Sarvesh asked.
            “I do not think I can be undressing in a party like that with all those people.”
            “But there were as many people sometimes at the resort and also at the hot pools and you were Ok with that.”
            “Yes, but that is different, I am thinking.”
            “It is Ok Katrina,” said Shanti. “You can come with us or stay back at our house with Princess. Whichever you want is fine with us.”
            So that was how it was left. As to our original plan, we all travelled back to Auckland on Friday to be ready for the party Saturday night.
            When we got to the hot pools at Matamata, the boys arranged for us to swim in a private pool which meant we could be without our swimsuits which we all liked a lot too. While we were there, over in one corner of the pool Lizamoa and Katrina began an interesting conversation. I have overheard most of it so I will repeat it the best as I can.
            “Katrina,” Lizamoa asked. “I hear you have taken Indian dancing?”
            “Yes,” Katrina replied. “We were taught it when I was at the school. I even entered a contest doing traditional Indian dancing.”
            “Yes, Amita told me you were good at dancing.”
            “No not good, I am thinking,” Katrina replied.
            “Don’t be so modest Katrina,” I said. “You told me you won that contest and they wanted you to go further as well.”
            So Katrina admitted that she was good at dancing.
            “I am preparing a new dance for the party tomorrow night and I wonder if you would mind helping me with it?”
            “Certainly Liz, I am happy if I can help.”
            “I want to take this traditional dance and change it a bit,” Lizamoa explained. “You know change some of the foot movements and things.”
            “Ok Liz, what are the changes?”
            They both then began discussing the dance and then Lizamoa got out of the water and demonstrated how it went. Soon Katrina was joining her and they were working out the details together. As I watched them there, both naked as they worked on their dance steps, I thought at that time it would be nice if Katrina would join Liz and they could perform the dance together but Katrina did say she would not be going too.
            Well later that afternoon back at Shanti’s house the two girls were working on their dance again but this time they were doing it to music. For a while, I was watching them and I was thinking how good they were together. Although Liz was a bit older than Katrina, they were about the same size and both of them seemed good at the dance they were doing.

            Well, the following morning Katrina left early to walk over to Liz and Joseph’s house and I knew she was helping again with the dance. I did not see them until well after lunch when Katrina finally returned to Shanti’s house. Then came a surprise for all of us.
            “Shanti,” Katrina asked. “I have decided to go to the party tonight if I still can.”
            “Sure,” Shanti replied. “We already have your ticket.”
            “You know what this party will be like Katrina?”
            “Yes, I have seen about it in the letters books. Will it be like that again?”
            “Yes, something like that but we are never sure until we get there. But there will be everyone totally nude later in the night.”
             “Yes, I know that and I am Ok with that too.”
            “Well, you can just sit and watch. You don’t need to get into any of the contests or anything like that,” Shanti told her.
            “I know that too,” Katrina replied as she gave that little smile of hers as if there was something she knew we didn’t know.
            So suddenly I knew that Katrina was coming with us and I was happy that she had decided to come and would not be missing out on this night. I then wondered for a moment if, in fact, Katrina was intending to do more than just sit and watch but by then it was almost time to begin getting ready, I went off to the room Sarvesh and I were staying in.
            “What is Katrina up to?” Sarvesh asked me when we were alone.
            “Why what do you mean?”
            “Well, why has she suddenly changed her mind and decided to come to the party? And you saw that little smile she gave as if she knew something we didn’t.”
            “Yes, I did see that,” I replied.
            “Well, do you think she might be going to do the dance with Liz?”
            “I thought of that too but I’m not sure she would do it,” I replied.
            “Don’t you underestimate Katrina. She has surprised us a few times already on this trip. She might just do it again.”
            “Yes Sarvesh, you might be right there. You can never know with the new Katrina, we have seen recently.”
            “Well let’s not say anything,” Sarvesh said. “Let’s just wait and see.”
            So we agreed not to mention it to her. If she was dancing with Liz it appeared that she might be keeping it to herself, maybe to surprise us too.
       By then he was helping me with the last adjustments to my sari and we were going downstairs to where the van was parked outside. Katrina was already there, also wearing a sari too. She was smiling and seemed happy enough with what we were all about to be doing.

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