Saturday 28 February 2015

Story 133 Little Tom and Betty.

Hi, Hansini and Mootie here.

First from Hansini.
         Mootie and I have another story to tell you from our trip to New Zealand. While we were back in Auckland we decided to take up an offer to stay with Mike’s Uncle Tom and Auntie Betty for a few days. They lived on that small farm near Warkworth. 

         But before I get on with this story I want to tell you about what happened when we were camping on the farm. These two events happened in Story 107 but since they are very important for my story I will be telling of them again.
         In that story, we were hunting and had shot some goats. When we went back with the quad bike to pick them up I helped Tom lifting the goats on to the trailer. As I bent to pick one end, my blouse fell away. I realised I must have been giving a show, and glanced up to catch Tom sneaking a look. It didn’t matter, I was wearing my bikini top under my blouse but I thought it a bit cheeky he was looking. Just a bit naughty too, I must admit, also just a little bit exciting he was interested too. If he wanted to perv my tits, I was thinking, why not? He could look at no more than I’d show on the beach.
          The next animal we picked up, I bent extra-low, making my blouse fall away again. I could almost feel his eyes on my bikini covered breasts as I took care not to look up and catch him. After that chance for one more reveal, we were loaded, the others had arrived and we headed back to the farm buildings. 

Story 133 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Reshma and Rajah.
Hi, Reshma here.
         When my brother-in-law Rajah, decided to do another story, he asked me to join him. I thought it was a great idea doing something like that together. He had this idea to explore a possible relationship between Hansini and the farmer. My sister Shandra had already set up an interest between them in her Story 107. Rajah added more when he wrote about them in his Story 112. Now, all we needed was some way to get Hansini and Tom together again. 

         After the big Ripper Stripper Party, we wrote that Hansini and Mootie skipped away to visit Tom and Betty's farm. There has been a spark of attraction between Hansini and Tom so one day that was brought up at our meeting. Some of the writers wanted to explore this relationship and see where it went. There had been a rule that members of our cast would only have sex with others within the group. Betty and Tom were of course outside this.
        So first the story was for Hansini to take a shower while Tom wanked off, watching her. They would both get off and that would be the end of it. When we read it out at a writers meeting, the questions asked were, “Is that all?” “Doesn’t he have sex with her?” “What about Betty and Mootie?” Of course, we hadn’t considered these. The idea was discussed and debated, it was finally decided to waver the no sex rule for this story. It actually became a turning point because others tried the same thing in other stories too.
        A sort of plan was drawn up where Betty would walk in and catch Hansini showing off for Tom in the shower. She would demand that she could fuck Mootie in return. My sister Shandra came up with an idea how this would be arranged by Tom so Betty would get Mootie’s cock. The last part came from Anne’s cousin Asami. She suggested that Hansini walks in and catches Mootie fucking Betty and takes Tom to fuck too. I think Asami felt sorry that Tom was missing out.
        That was our final plan and the story turned out in much the same way as was suggested in that meeting. It’s a long story but both of us were strongly against cutting it in half. We wanted our readers to read the full story at one time.

Friday 20 February 2015

Story 132 - Ripper Stripper Party 3 Part C.

Amita Again.
            So after that, the Anything Goes Contest got underway and we were able to witness one exciting sexy act after another. It was very interesting seeing what people were happy to do, in public, before an audience, on the stage. Mike said it also helped that many of the people had been there before. I think many had had some drinks too which gave them courage.
           I was watching a European couple on the stage. They were very energetic in their dancing and also when they came to their sex too. It was good to watch as their sex progressed to what appeared to be very intense orgasms.
           Four people followed, two couples performing a stripping act, much the same way as some of us had done but in this case, their show went further with them performing the sex then swapping partners as they continued. They did this a few times using different ways and positions until they settled down to build their climax.
           I was wondering who from our group would be first to try. But I didn't have long to wonder before something happened.

Story 132 C Background.

                                                                              Posted by Anne & Susan.
Anne here.
        This week the third Ripper Stripper Party continues into Part C. As I said in last week’s background things changed in this story during the last week before Part A got published. 

        Let me explain. Both Susan and I have young children that need looking after each day. We arranged to take turns with one doing Susan’s Stock Manager job and the other staying at home with the kids. When Susan was in the house she would do some of my book work and stuff when she had the chance.
        Well, I came in one afternoon to find nothing of my bookwork had been done. Susan had got stuck into this story again and re-worked it, making it longer, with a lot more detail. Many scenes had been changed and improved, even completely new scenes added. She had also divided the second section, which by now was much longer than the first, into two parts. So now we had three sections to this story.
       I didn’t mind the work not getting done because that evening Susan and I worked to catch up while others looked after the kids. Now we have a lot better story too. 

        The main focus of this last section is the “Anything Goes Contest” which has always been the feature of these parties. In this case, all of our group get into the fun and do some hot sexy things on stage. Back at the tables, there was also a bit of fun going on too.  

        Like Susan said in her background last week, we have done the Ripper Stripper Parties three times now so it’s about time the theme was dropped for good. But I must admit if ever there was a real one in Auckland, I’d be keen to go. 

       Last week we held a party to celebrate two milestones in the Letter’s Project. The first story was written 16 years ago and we have been publishing on this blog now for 3 years. We held the themed party with only invited guests (around 50 people). The theme was a Ripper Stripper Party following in much the same way as the stories had been written.
       It was a great party! We had a lot of fun. I was surprised how some people who have never played or done any sexy things with us, got into the spirit of this party and joined into the games and contests too.

Friday 13 February 2015

Story 132 - Ripper Stripper Party 3 Part B.

Continued from last week.
Hi from Amita again.
          As the audience clapped and cheered we waited for them to appear, moments later Katrina and Lizamoa stepped out, onto the stage.
          When the audience saw them it became even louder. I was surprised they got such a welcome. Both girls were smiling so I knew they were pleased too.
         Then I noticed what they were wearing. Of course, they both wore saris, but not the saris they had worn to the club in. These were different, a lot better quality. Lizamoa wore a blue sari trimmed with gold which sparkled in the stage lights. Katrina wore a similar one but her sari was magenta with silver trim. They looked to be almost like the traditional wedding saris which I later found out they actually were. The club manager had arranged to borrow them from a local Indian shop nearby. They certainly made the girls look so much more special.
            Now the music began, traditional Indian music, usually used for this dance. They briefly smiled at each other they began their dance. I could tell that Katrina particularly was very nervous but she was brave enough to give it a go. I was pleased that she did.

Story 132 B Background

                                                                              Posted by Anne & Susan.
Susan here:- This week the third Ripper Stripper Party continues.  

         We wanted to add extra effect to the act Lizamoa and Katrina would perform so last week we had them announced, but you had to wait a whole week before you get to see what they did. LOL. That became the opening feature for this second part. We were tempted into dividing this part to make three sections of this story but then decided you’ve probably had enough of these parties anyway.
        For their dance, they wore special saris usually reserved for weddings. I also wanted their dance to go smoothly with a polished, well-rehearsed performance. Then we decided to let them go further, getting into some girl/girl stuff too. Anne added that sexy little bit at the end of their act, a bit funny and a bit sexy too. Go read the story to find out what happened. 

        Now lower down in this story I asked Anne what she thinks they should be doing for the ‘Anything Goes’ contest.
        She replied, “Anything you like. You have a group of horny people to write about. Go have fun with them.”
       So that was what I did. I got most of them involved in some really sexy acts. I don’t think we overdid it here. They were intending to let their hair down and get into the action so I just let them. LOL. 

       As far as I know, this will be the last of these special parties. We have no more planned. 

Anne here now.
       That is what Susan had written a week before we began publishing this story. During that week things changed and this story grew enough to be divided into three sections. I will explain what happened in my background for the third part.

Friday 6 February 2015

Story 132 - Ripper Stripper Party 3 (Part A.)

So it is Amita here again.
       After telling the events leading to this story, now I will be telling you of this story itself. It was for me one of the major highlights of our time in New Zealand so I was very keen to ask Shanti if I could write about it. She, of course, was going to do it and had started preparations in the form of some notes. She was willing for me, sent these notes to me and we were happy for me to continue with the story.
       Now before you begin reading, you might be wanting to refresh your memory and go back to read the other two Ripper Stripper Stories, See Story 23 and Story 36. It seems so long ago when those two stories were written. They happened well before I came to know what my friend Lizamoa was getting up to with these people from New Zealand. So much has changed since then. 

Letter 132 A Background.

                                                                               Posted by Anne & Susan.
Anne here.
         This is the third Ripper Stripper Party we have featured in this blog. The first two parties can be found in Letter 23 and in Letter 36. You might want to check these out if you haven’t seen them already. Now this story is supposed to have been written by Amita so we allowed some bad grammar and very simple English to slip in. This was to reflect the writing of someone who is not as experienced at writing in English. There are a few sentences that just don’t make sense, but we intended them like that. It’s part of what we were trying to achieve here.

         As both Amita and Hansini had expressed an interest in taking part in a Ripper Stripper Party it seemed like we needed to provide one for them. Our problem here was we were in danger of repeating ourselves for yet a third time, so we had to make this one different. Having the visitors from India was a help because it gave us new names to play with, but we knew we still needed to come up with something new.
         We decided to take Mike and Shanti out of the contests and get them to perform a special feature strip dance together. They have done a joint strip a few times now so it must be assumed they knew what they are doing. To use them for a special act sort of made sense so this became to final act before the ‘Anything Goes Contest.’
        We then decided on using Lizamoa for a special act too. She is good at Indian dancing so her strips from an Indian sari have always worked well. Then Ayaka came up with a new idea. She suggested that Lizamoa and Katrina perform together. Some of the writer’s team struggled with that one for a while until finally, we decided to run with that.
        Taking the regulars out of the contests made way for others to get in and have fun. This is sort of how it went too.  

        In the days before publishing, Susan gave this story a major make-over. Many scenes were re-written or improved and more scenes like in this section, the bedroom scene with Amita and Sarvesh, were added. The story has grown so big now that we have decided to divide it into three parts.