Saturday 7 March 2015

Story 134 Food Fight.

Hi, Lizamoa Here.
       That morning Hansini and Mootie had left to drive up and visit Uncle Tom and Betty one last time before our friends returned to India. We had spent the day relaxing at Shanti’s house because it had been a big night before, at the Ripper Stripper Party. Many of us were tired, just wanted to take things easy. It was also a good chance to remember many of the stories we have to make and even work on some of them.
       You will remember how Katrina began her story back in Story 104 where we were sitting around on the deck reading and writing stories, well this was a second chance to work together, to decide who would write which story and then arrange them into some kind of logical sequence. By now we had a long list, that eventually would become three whole volumes in the letters series.
        Later in the day, we had a barbeque, the boys cooking outside for our friends to experience. As evening approached, Mike and Peter decided to take the guys out for a last drink. Since they were drinking, they didn’t want to drive home so Jenny and Shanti went along as their named drivers, those who would not be drinking. Meanwhile, the rest of us girls stayed back at Shanti’s house, we were having what we called, a ‘Girls Night’ together.    
         We were sitting on the deck when I asked them, “Let’s have a naughty food party?”

       “Naughty food?” Katrina asked.
        “You mean sexy food?” Amita added.
        I could see that both of them had missed what I meant.
        “No, not sexy food. Naughty food.”
        They still looked at me a bit blank so I went on to explain.
        “I mean the food we are not allowed to eat because we are watching our figures.”
       “What foods do you mean, Lizamoa?” asked Amita, still trying to get her head around this.
       “I’m thinking chocolate cake, chocolate and ice cream.”
       Sharon quickly caught on to my idea, “Maybe covered with lots of cream, honey and jam.”
       “And washed down with soft drink too,” Amita added.
       Suddenly they had got the idea.
       “Yes,” Katrina agreed. “Sounds like fun.”
       I looked at them.
       Amita and Sharon were smiling.
       Sharon nodded so she was in.
       “Count me in too.” Amita laughed. “I’ll probably be dieting for a month after this.”
       I think Katrina was still wondering where this was going but she agreed to.
       So that was the plan. We headed into Shanti’s kitchen to see what ‘naughty food’ we could find in her cupboards. Sort of making a raid on her kitchen you could say. Later one of the guys called it that.
         Well, we found most of what we needed but no cake.
        “Never mind,” I said. “I’ll bake you one. I know the richest and most fattening chocolate cake you can ever eat. And it’s easy to make too.”
        They laughed at that as we got going, getting out all we needed to make this cake. It didn’t take me long to throw the cake together, soon it was mixed and in the oven. What I like about this cake is that it’s so fast to bake. Hardly any cooking time at all really.
        Meanwhile, we went on to get everything else ready. We found two large jars of liquid honey and two of jam. One was strawberry, not sure about the other one. We found a bottle of cream and beat it in the blender until it became firmer then we poured in melted chocolate and beat it again. We found some large bags of crispy chips and three large bottles of soft drink. Meanwhile, downstairs in the big freezer, the girls found three containers of ice-cream.
         I knew we had taken so much of their food, never mind, I was going to buy Shanti some more later. I intended to go back and clean up our mess in the kitchen a bit later too. We were taking all of Shanti’s food so the least we could do is leave her with a clean kitchen.
         The cake came out nice and hot. We cut four pieces off it into bowls and took everything else outside onto the deck. I had a feeling things might get a bit messy so thought we’d be better outside. We sat together and put jam, honey and ice-cream over our cake. Then we took the crispy chips and crushed them in our hands pouring the bits over our bowls. That gave our food a bit of crunch as we ate it.  
        There was no using spoons. This was naughty food so should be eaten in a naughty way. Just grabbed great hunks in our hands and stuffed it into our mouths. Oh, and was it good. So sweet and sticky which made us feel even more naughty. Then there was the saltiness from the chips that added extra flavour and extra crunch.  Some food got on our faces, spread on the table and the deck, even a bit onto us too. Who cares, it was all part of being naughty.
        Sharon and Amita followed my lead and got straight into the fun. Katrina held back for a bit, unsure about all of this. Soon she was eating some of the food but also she was still trying to be neat about it. Not like us three, we were making total pigs of ourselves. 

        I was watching Amita take some cake with her fingers and push it into her mouth. Some never made it as a blob of cream and cake ended up on her chin. Before she could collect it up, it had run down and dropped on her bikini top. She wiped it up with her finger before putting it in her mouth but it had left a chocolate stain on her bikini.
        “Dirty girl,” I laughed. “Look at the mess you have made.”
        She laughed back but then to my surprise she took some more cake and threw it at me. I tried to duck but it caught me, hitting my upper chest and I felt it slide down inside my blouse, down between my breasts. It felt sticky and gooey, a little bit nice too.
       “You cheeky bitch,” I cried out in surprise.
        My fingers dug into my bowl, taking a mixture of ice cream and jam, I threw back at her. Oh, did I get her a good one, on her face and down on to her shoulder. I watched as she wiped up some of the mess on the side of her face and put it to her lips.
        “Ohhh! I’ll get you Lizamoa,” she said.
       She dug into a bowl of honey on the table beside her, then with both hands full, she sprang at me. Her two hands hit me, plastering the front of my blouse with honey.
        It was at that point that Sharon decided to join in. She never bothered taking a side, I notice she was throwing food at both of us. She hit Amita first and then turned both guns on me. With both Amita and Sharon throwing at me I really got messy before we began turning things back on Sharon. Up until that point, she had remained fairly clean but with both Amita and I after her, she really got it.
        Finally, she jumped up from the table and tried to run, but we came after her, still scoring hits all over her. Soon she was the worst of all three of us. Her blouse and shorts were covered. It was over her face, in her hair, everywhere.
       We caught her and somehow managed to drag her back to the table. Then while Amita pulled her blouse open I dropped a great hunk of cold ice cream down her front.
       She saw it coming, "No! No!" she cried.
       But it was too late. She let out a scream as the cold ice cream landed on her tits, some sitting there above her bra, some running down between them. I took some with my hands, rubbing it over her. She struggled but Amita was holding her.

         I looked over to see Katrina sitting there still watching us. I look of total surprise on her face. I reached into some ice-cream and threw it at her. She gave a scream as the cold ice cream hit her in the chest then she laughed. She jumped up to join us, taking some cake and throwing it at me.
        I don’t know what made me do it but I reached out to her, pulling her bikini top aside and rubbing my messy hands all over her breasts. She stopped in surprise for a moment before she returned the attack on my clothing too. Up until that moment, we had mostly remained in our clothes but my exposing Katrina’s breasts had taken us to a new level. Now we began attacking each other’s clothes, pulling clothes off each other, trying to go get each other naked. Now the naughty food had taken on a different kind of naughtiness, become a bit sexual as well.
        I began working on Sharon. I had her blouse undone and soon right off. She was my blouse off too. Then she soon had my shorts off too, leaving me in just my bikini. I went to take her jeans off when suddenly I decided to do more. As I pulled her jeans down I took her panties too. She was a bit surprised but recovered quickly when I caught her a good one, a large handful of cake and cream, right in her pussy. She responded by going for my bikini top which was soon hanging uselessly around my waist as she plastered more honey and cream over my breasts.
        I must admit it sort of felt a bit nice too. Certainly, it felt nice and naughty.
        Over on the other side of the table, Amita and Katrina were attacking each other. I think Amita was getting the better of Katrina as soon her bikini top was gone and I saw Amita get Karina’s bikini bottom off too. Meanwhile, Katina had got Amita down to her bikini and I watched as she got Amita’s top off. She tried to coat her tits with honey but Amita fended her off. I saw Katrina go for the bikini bottom but again Amita fended her off.
         It was at that point that Sharon and I decided to help.
          Amita was now wearing just her bikini bottom. Suddenly Sharon grabbed her, so I grabbed her other arm. “Get her Katrina,” I said.
         Katrina smiled. She stepped to the table and got a massive blob of jam, cupped with both hands. I think she planned to plaster it all over Amita’s front but Sharon had a better idea. With her free hand, she reached down and pulled open Amita’s bikini bottom.
       “Down here,” she told Katrina.
       Katrina’s smiled coming towards us.
       "Inside her bikini," Sharon told her again.
       Now she had become a big naughty grin on her face as she approached Amita. Amita saw her and began struggling but we held her tightly. Then Katrina bent down, dropping the blob of jam down inside Amita’s bikini bottom. Sharon let it go as Katrina began rubbing the front of the bikini, no doubt running the sticky, runny jam all over Amita’s pussy.
        It didn’t take us long to get rid of the last of our clothing and we were standing there looking at each other, laughing.
        “That was fun,” Amita laughed. “What do we do now?”
         “Maybe a swim, to clean up a bit,” I said. “Then we need to start on this mess.”
         They all agreed with that. We were just about to jump in the swimming pool when something happened that stopped us. We heard the vans arrive back! 

         We looked around at the mess and at each other. We were naked and coated in food, it was spread everywhere too. Over the deck, over tables and chairs, some was even floating in the swimming pool.
         “Look at the mess we’ve made,” said I with a giggle. “We’ll be in trouble when Shanti catches us.”
        “Will she really be angry?” Katrina asked, suddenly looking a bit worried.
        “No. She might pretend to be, all this will wash off with the hose.”
        Anyway, the first to come through the house were Peter and Jenny. They walked out on to the deck to be confronted with four very naked girls covered in food, surrounded by the biggest mess you ever saw. Jenny was a bit shocked but Peter grinned.
       “You girls!” he laughed. “You have been very naughty!”
       “And we are going to be even worse,” I laughed as I picked up some cake and cream and threw it.
       He tried to duck but my aim was good. I still hit him on his shirt. He looked down and the mess then looked back at me.
       “Lizamoa I’m going to get you for that,” he said, running straight at me.
       I managed to get another shot off before he reached me then his arms came up and he grabbed me by the shoulders. We struggled for a few moments but I knew he was too much for me. Even with Katrina and Amita pelting him with food he would still get the better of me.
         Then I remembered I was close to the edge of the pool. I stepped back, a couple of steps and he followed me, still holding on to me. I grabbed him by the shirt, getting as good a hold as I could and fell backwards. I almost pulled him with me but my hands slipped off. As I fell, he almost came in too, just balanced on the edge of the pool. It was perfect for Katrina and Amita to give him the extra push needed to send him in after me.
        Ha! Ha! Peter. Got you!
        Meanwhile, Sharon had attacked Jenny and scored a couple of direct hits on her before she grabbed some food and began fighting back. Of course now with Peter was in the pool with me, Amita and Katrina could turn on Jenny too. They didn’t take long to get her down to her bra and panties. These would have been gone too if they had not been distracted by the others arriving out onto the deck. 

         Shanti was totally shocked. “Look at the mess you’ve made!” she screamed. “I hope you are going to clean…….”
         She never got to say anymore as a big glop of food in the face soon shut her up.
         Ha! Ha! We got you too, Shanti.
        “Oh! Nice one Sharon,” she said as she grabbed some food to throw.
        Mike saw the funny side of it. He began laughing, especially at his mate Peter who was in the water with me, still wearing his clothes. Soon Mike got hit, Jenny had thrown some cake at him and he was into the fight too.
       Joseph, who had followed Mike and Shanti on to the deck, was met by Katrina. She had two handfuls of cake and cream ready which she quickly delivered all over his front.
        “See Joseph,” she laughed. “I told you I would get you.”
        “Katrina!” he cried. “You again!”
        She tried to run but as she turned, her foot slipped on some food. She ended up landing hard on her bum. That must have hurt, Katrina. You hit the deck so hard. Even I could hear it as I was climbing out of the pool on the other side.
        Now Joseph had caught her. He picked her up like she was a little doll and sitting back in a seat, put her over his knee. She knew what was coming and tried to fight him, but she was no match for him. When his hand landed on her bum with a loud slap, she screamed out and tried hit back at him and struggle even more. But it was no good as he held her tightly while he delivered a second sharp blow that made her scream out again.
         Then he did something very naughty, very sexy too. He grabbed a handful of creamy chocolate off the table and applied it to Katrina’s arse.  She struggled for a few moments until she felt his hand rubbing the cream all over her arse and down between her legs. Then she quietened down. It was obvious she was getting a good pussy rubbing which soon she began to enjoy.

        The other men behind Joseph had seen what was going on and got some of their good clothes off first. They were grabbed as they came out, any clothes left on them stripped off, as they were plastered with food too.
       We had a struggle with Steve but eventually, we got him naked and all messed up. It was so funny when Amita took two handfuls of cold ice cream and grabbed his cock. Boy! That must have been cold. I heard his gasp. LOL, Well he recovered quickly and saw me laughing.
        “Think it is funny, do you, Liz?”
        “Yes,” I giggled. “Where did that hard-on go?”
       “Well let’s see how funny this is.”
       He had grabbed a big handful of ice cream. I saw him coming but couldn’t avoid him. His hand went straight to my pussy. I felt his hand go between my legs, pressing into my pussy. Then came the shock of cold in that sensitive place. I let out a scream in shock, trying to push his hand away. But he rubbed all over me there and I could feel the now melting ice cream running down my legs.
      Well, I managed to get away and then we turned on him. Amita and I pelted him. Really gave it to him. He tried fighting back and scored plenty of hits too, but then we weren’t worried about ourselves. We only had our attention on getting him. Sharon joined in for a while too. Peter came over to and helped us too.
       With Sharon’s help, we got Steve on the ground and I watched as Amita poured some cream over him. Then she was down on top of him rubbing her naked body against his. It was sexy to watch and I knew sexy for both of them too. From what I could see, he soon had an erection again too. We all know what that means.  

       While I was focused on Steve I lost track of what was going on around me. I looked around and saw that everyone was now naked and messy. They were throwing food, rubbing it over each other too. This touching was now becoming more erotic and breasts and pussies were being felt up while a few hard cocks were getting some attention too. I knew it would be only a matter of time before someone started fucking.
        Joseph was sitting with his back against a table. Katrina was between his legs sucking him off now. Her hands were holding the sticky mess that was his cock and balls while she worked in the head of his cock. She would suck him a few times then pull out to lick him before beginning to suck again. Up until that time, Katrina’s back had been fairly clean but now he was reaching around for food and coating it. A blob of jam hit the top of her arse and I could see it running down her crack over her arse hole. More cake and honey was over her back. As I watched he took a load of jam and cream and dumped it on her head, rubbing it into her hair. As I could see it running down over her face and down her back, I thought that was going to take some getting out later.
         Shanti had hooked up with Sarvesh. They had been playing around with food but now they were getting serious. First, she was kneeling over him, rubbing her messy breasts against his chest and then up over his face. Soon he was licking and sucking her nipples. Later she was down near his cock, first rubbing her breasts over his cock before taking it into her mouth. The blow-job session changed to a pussy eating session when she rolled over on to her back allowing him on top.
        She looked over and saw me. “Come and help me with this bad boy, Liz.”
        I smiled as I went towards them.  
        I was with them for a little while. First I was leaning over his back while he was kneeling down eating Shanti’s pussy. I rubbed my slick wet tits over his back while I reached down to find his balls and cock. Then I was rubbing him, playing with him, making him more and hornier.
        I moved to sit beside Shanti and he was taking turns eating us. First, he was eating me while his hands were working on her, his fingers going deep inside. Then he swapped back to her so was she got some attention from his mouth, I got the hand treatment with his fingers probing inside my wet pussy. It was good and we all knew it couldn’t last.
        When we changed positions he rolled on his back and while I sat over his face so he could eat me, Shanti moved behind me so she could take his cock in her cunt. Now as she fucked him, she reached around to hold my breasts, rubbing them, playing with them, tweaking and pulling my hard nipples. With her doing that and Sarvesh’s tongue deep in my pussy it wasn’t long before I went over the top.
        Was that the first orgasm for the evening? I’m not sure it was. I think Katrina might have just beaten me. 

         Even the kids got involved too. Michael, Shanti’s son was soon throwing food and laughing. My son, Jagesh soon joined him too, throwing food at each other or at any adults nearby too. Little Stephen decided to join in but the table was a bit high for him. He reached for a bowl of now, melted ice cream and ended up pouring it all over himself. He sat there for a few minutes bawling his eyes out until he looked around, realised nobody cared and nobody was going to help him. Then he was rubbing his hands through the mess down his front and began licking his fingers. He must have realised that maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.
        Michael, who was a bit older, came and got him and they sat playing, drawing faces in the chocolate spread over the low kid's table. Later jam and honey got added too. It must have been amazing for them, doing things that normally they would get into trouble for.
         Kathy of course, always the little nudist, she quickly had her clothes off and was rubbing chocolate, cake and ice cream, anything she could get her hands in, all over her own little-naked body. Later Kathy got hold of an open bottle of soft drink. She decided to share it, pouring it over her mother who was now flat on the deck, getting her pussy eaten out by Sarvesh. I don’t think Shanti appreciated getting coke-cola all over her face as she tried to fend her daughter off. Sarvesh got sticky coke poured all over his head too. Ha! Ha!
        Finally, Mike came over and grabbed her hand, pulling her away.
        “Come on Kathy,” he said. “Go and see what the boys are doing.”
       He pointed to where the three boys were playing with the food on the kid's table. She stood there for a few moments, watching them until he gave her a playful hit on her bottom. She gave a squeal of surprise as she ran off to join them. A while later, I looked over to discover Kathy was now on the table, rolling in it while the other kids stood watched, giggling.
       Shanti and Mike, you are going to have to watch that girl. What will she be like as a teenager if she’s putting on the show for the boys when she’s only two?
        Of course, the other younger kids were too young to know what was happening or get involved.  

        Things had begun to really get going. By now Katrina was sitting in Joseph’s lap, no doubt with his cock deep inside her. She was moving her hips, working her cunt against him as she began to bring each other to towards their first climax. It was sexy to watch them and I know at about that time she had a massive orgasm. I would have liked to have seen more but as I said above, with what Shanti and Sarvesh were doing to me, you could say I kind of got distracted.
       When I left Shanti and Sarvesh she was now on her back but now Sarvesh was lining up, ready to enter her. He drove into her, going in deep. She was so wet she hardly appeared to notice. Soon he was pounding away at her, as they were going for it.
       I was with Mike and Jenny for a while. I joined them for some three-some fun before Jenny moved on to be with Joseph who had by now finished with Katrina. Mike used a few different positions with me, making me cum a couple more times before I took him in my mouth to make him cum. I pulled out to allow him to shoot over my face, and down on to my breasts, his cum landing on me, to join the sticky slimy mess of food, already all over me. I took my hands and rubbed it in, mixing his cum with the mess of food. 

       So that was how the evening turned into a massive orgy. People were fucking each other, changing partners for still more fucking and fun. I lost count of how many times I cum but later Joseph said he thought I should get the prize for the most orgasms. LOL
       We all agreed it had been really good fun. Even better since it all happened without anyone planning it. Sexy fun is even better when it catches you by surprise like that.
        Finally, people began to stop and watch. Amita, Shanti and I got the kids cleaned in the pool then put them to bed all in the same room. We all tried to clean up as much as we could using the hose and the pool. The boys also hosed off most of the mess on the tables and deck. It was obvious that the pool would need some work on it too. While they were finishing outside we began taking plates and bowls back to the kitchen.  

        We walked into the kitchen and Shanti let out a gasp.
       “My kitchen!” she said. “Look at the mess!”
       That lovely kitchen, the one Mike had designed for her and had specially built, was a mess. She always kept it clean, kept it spotless. Not like my kitchen! Even with a houseful of guests, it was kept clean. Now after our cake making exercise it was a mess.
       “Don’t worry Shanti. We’ll clean it up,” Amita said behind me.
       I was now at the sink beginning to sort out the used bowls and things. Amita was soon with me.
       “Don’t worry now girls,” I heard her say. “Let’s go get our showers.”
       “What about this mess?”
      “Leave it Amita. We have some horny guys waiting.” Shanti laughed.
      I was still working.
      “Come on Liz. We’ll do it in the morning.”
     Amita had gone as I followed her out of the kitchen. She put her arm around me.
     “You’re not mad?” I asked.
     “No! No, Liz. Not at all.”
     I smiled back at her as she reached to push some sticky hair off my face.
      “It was a lot of fun Liz,” she said. “Come on now, let’s get you cleaned up.”

     We had a shower together. Not sexual, although at other times it could have become so. We were just trying to get all that food out of our hair. Once cleaned up we stepped out of the shower and dried each other off. She gave me another hug and we parted, heading for some horny men who were waiting for us.


  1. Oh this is a hot one. What a naughty girl you are Kim, to dream up something like this.
    You come into the office day after day, always perfect appearance, never a hair out of place. Now I learn this is what happens. Wow! Nice story and I know based on a real story too. We were there remember. (That was a fun night, wasn't it?)

    1. Hi Simon & Charlene.
      Have you heard the saying "It takes a naughty boy to find a naughty girl?" You might want to consider that against what you said in the comment above.
      And you need to make up your mind, are you shocked at me or not? I think not, remembering you were both at the night that inspired this story. LOL
      Kim your Thai Princess.

    2. Charlene, have you seen my earlier story?
      Letter/Story 73 Mud, Rain and Sex.

    3. So my cheeky Thai Princess.
      You say I am naughty do you? It's mostly I am, working in the same office as you.
      Ha! Ha! Ha!

  2. A wonderful and amazing story Kim.
    Raviprabha and I were both involved in the real story too, just before we returned to India. I notice in your background you say you wrote it just as it happened for real. Don't make small of your part in this too. The story above has changed a lot from the real event and that is all your work. As I said above, a wonderful story, full of memories for Raviprabha and myself.
    Thank you Kim. Thank you all of our New Zealand friends.
    Raviprabha and James.
