Friday 27 March 2015

Story 137 Daisy Chain Party.

Forward to Story 138          

               Hi, it is Sharon here. That was a good way to end the last volume, a hot steamy girl-girl session. Way to go girls!
        As you will have already seen in Volume Nine, Mega and Mandara were not the only girls to experiment with this kind of sex. Some of us were doing things like this while we were touring New Zealand. That session I had with Lizamoa is something I will not forget for a long time. Come over for a repeat performance anytime Liz.
        I consider myself to be very straight as I love Steve and love being with him or for that matter any of you other men, but I must admit, I did enjoy being with another woman. It is hard to say why, except just different with a woman, compared to a man. Please take note guys; I said different, not better or worse. For me, all sex is good!       

Now some admin stuff from Shanti.
        It was not our intention to continue writing for the Letters Book after we had finished the adventures of Volume Nine but then Shanti received an e-mail from Amita with the previous story from Mandara. She was just a bit surprised at first because she thought we had decided to end Letters but I am happy we will be continuing.
        First Mandara’s letter (Story 136) became the opening letter of this new volume but when Shanti and Amita decided to move that letter to the end of Volume 9, my story was promoted to the opening story of Volume 10. The last page of Katrina’s story (Story 135) has been changed to reflect this change of plan and   Mandara’s story added so please find enclosed with this letter the leather binders for Volume Ten and the re-printed few pages of Volume Nine. (Refer to the instruction sheet as to where to insert them.) 

        After the excitement of that week touring with our Indian friends, we were all left a bit sad when they had to depart for their trip back to India. For a few days, our house seemed so empty and quiet until we settled down into our normal routines again.
       Of course, we got to relive all our adventures all over again as we worked through Volumes Seven, Eight and Nine, recording all these stories for the Letters Collection. I have gone through all three volumes a number of times and still believe these are without a doubt some of our best stories. Shanti disagrees with me on this, she thinks many of the older stories are good too. Sure they are Shanti, but you must admit the adventures we had at the resort and touring in New Zealand were still a lot of fun.
       So now these three volumes are finished, I have our copies on the desk before me. It has taken us just ten months to write 48 stories covering nearly 500 pages. Here we are now beginning a new volume and I am wondering where this one will take us, considering we have no plans as to what and how we will write, other than the fact that I know it will contain lots of sexy stories, ‘naughty letters’ as my Steve likes to call them.
        So with the admin out of the way it is time for a story, don’t you think? 

       This story took place a couple of months after you all left for India. We still regularly got together for meals and evenings so one day we had just finished a lovely meal Lizamoa had prepared for us and we were sitting around their lounge talking about what we could do for the evening.
        Then Mike suggested, “Why don’t we make a daisy chain?”
        He often comes up with these bright ideas. I don’t know where he gets them from.
        “What? A daisy chain!” Shanti replied rather surprised.
        “Yes, a daisy chain. You know how we used to make them as kids. Well, let’s do something similar but with people instead of flowers.”
        “What is a daisy chain?” Lizamoa asked.
        Peter explained, “We used to pick those little flowers called daisies, Liz. You know the little white ones, they grow in the lawn. As kids, we would make chains by joining them together and hanging them around our necks.”
        I was still trying to understand what Mike was on about. “What do you mean Mike? Using people instead of flowers?” I asked him. “How does that work?”
       “Well, what if we all lie on the floor in a circle so we can lick or suck the person next to us while the person on our other side does the same to us.”
       “So we all get to have fun at the same time?”
       “Exactly,” replied Mike.
       “Maybe we could all cum at the same time too,” Peter laughed.
       “I don’t know if that's achievable Peter, but would sure be fun trying,” Mike said.
       “Ok, count me in,” Peter said.
       “And me,” I added.
       Soon everyone had agreed to give this daisy chain thing a go but some of us were wondering if it was actually possible,. It kind of sounded a bit funny but at least it would be a new way of getting some sexy fun started anyway.
       Soon all around the room, people were stripping off their clothes. This is one disadvantage of this game. There is no stripping part to it. I would have rather had something like that; it would have been more fun. 
       Anyway, soon we were all naked and sitting on the floor in a circle. We had arranged ourselves boy-girl-boy-girl just to make it more interesting. Then we were trying to work out how to arrange ourselves so we could work on the person next to us while the one on the other side could work on us. Finally, Steve found a way to do it but it was a bit uncomfortable as we had to lie partly on our side and partly on our back, twisting our bodies as we did. We arranged ourselves with the guys faced towards the centre of the circle and us girls facing away from the centre.
       “This is not going to work Mike,” I said.
       “Yes it will,” Steve replied. “All we need is something to support our backs.”
       “What about the cushions off the couch?” Joseph asked.
       “That will probably do it.”
       So quickly we had all the cushions stripped off the lounge suite and pillows brought from bedrooms. We placed them under our upper backs to support our bodies so we could twist around to the next person. I know it sounds awkward and uncomfortable but surprisingly it worked fairly well. 

      I do not know how many of the others went so now I will just tell you how this worked for me.
      I was lying so Joseph could give my pussy so hot sexy tongue treatment while I could get to Peter’s hard throbbing erection to give him a good blow-job too. As I took his shaft with my hand and began licking his cock, I felt Joseph begin working on my pussy too.
     Well the room sort of went quiet after that because it’s not polite to talk with your mouth full, is it? Anyway, you can’t talk very much when you are eating pussy or sucking cock. From time to time I heard a noise like a moan or a gasp but even that was a bit hard to make with what we were all doing. 

     It didn’t take too long before I began to get turned on by all that was happening to me. What Joseph was doing to my pussy was really getting to me. First, he just was flicking his tongue up and down the length of my pussy which began to awaken feelings deep within me.
    Then he began to press deeper into my pussy. By now I was becoming wet and my lips had begun to swell, making them part. Now Joseph’s tongue could press deeper and deeper into me. First, he was careful to stay lower down and avoid touching my clit. This was building me up and I wanted more from him. I wanted him to touch me there. I wanted him to touch my clit. I wanted him to press his tongue against it because I knew that the moment he did, it would send me over. But then I also wanted this to last. To go on and on as it felt so good. But I didn’t want to be the first to cum either. Does that make sense? LOL
        Still, he worked on my pussy. With those strong slow strokes that hot wet tongue moved up and down my gaping love hole. I was so hot for him. I was so overcome with what he was doing to me. Suddenly I couldn’t help myself. I gave a massive hump at him. His tongue touched my clit which sent me off.
      My cum hit me. It was strong and went on and on as he flicked his tongue backwards and forwards over my exposed clit. Massive waves of my cum ran through my entire body. My body shook and trembled with the excitement.
      Finally, it was over and the heat began to subside. I had to stop what I was doing to Peter for a moment to catch my breath. He noticed my lack of attention and his impatient cock thrust back at me. But first, let me back up a bit and tell you how Peter and I got to where we were when Joseph made me cum.  

     I had taken Peter’s cock with my hand and gave him a few rubs up and down to make sure he was good and ready for me. Of course, that was no problem with Peter, he was already rock hard.
      First I ran my tongue along the length of him. I could feel his body tremble so I knew he was enjoying it. After doing that a few times I opened my mouth and ran my parted lips up the length of his shaft, again taking care not to touch the head. A few times doing this and he gave a huge thrust at me and I knew he was ready for the next step.
      My mouth moved to his head and I reached out until the tip of my tongue touched the tip of his cock. He felt that as his cock gave a massive jerk. I then noticed a drop of pre-cum appear and with one easy flick of the tongue I licked it up. But now it was time for real business as my mouth closed over his head taking him deep inside.
     I began giving him as good a blow-job as I could, taking him into my mouth and sucking him, then withdrawing to lick all around his head a couple of times before taking him inside again.
     This is how I continued until suddenly my cum hit me from what Joseph was doing to my pussy. I was so overcome with the sensations racing through my body. I stopped what I was doing to Peter for a moment to catch my breath. He noticed my lack of attention and his cock thrust back at me.
      I took him into my mouth again. My hand grasping at his shaft, rubbing him, pumping him, up and down. As I sucked him I was flicking at his head with my tongue.
      Then I felt him give a jerk. It was then followed by a stronger jerk and I knew within seconds I was going to get a mouthful. The first glob of cum shot from him and I felt it hot and salty in my mouth. Then another came, followed by another, and another as he filled my mouth with his cum. I had to swallow hard a few times before he was finished.
      I let him slip out of my mouth and then still holding him with my hand I licked him clean with my tongue.  

       So that was how the daisy chain worked for me. I know the others in the circle also had their fun too and so in that sense it worked OK. But I do not think it is the best way to have sex. I think the fact that you are doing to someone else while someone is doing to you was a distraction. With that kind of sex, I would rather have done to Peter until he was finished and then Joseph could have done for me. But as I have said, it was fun and we all got at least one orgasm out of it. 

       That’s about all I’ve got for this letter. I know there are some others already being written so I’ll end here and say goodbye.

           From Sharon.


  1. Susan, even from you I have to admit this is a rather strange way of conducting an orgy.
    It appears to have reached the desired results within the story but even you admitted the real life trial became a bit of a mess
    Really Susan, this is a story that could have omitted and the larger Letters Story would have suffered on effect in any way. What I mean here is that this post does not add or subtract any thing from the final grand scheme of things.
    Hope you are not offended Susan. Just how I see things.

    1. Hi James.
      When I first saw your comment I thought it was a bit strong but after thinking about it you do kind of make a point.
      But one of the purposes behind Letters is entrainment, if we side-track a bit along the way. who cares. Its all fun.
      Sexy Sue.

    2. A very unusual way of having an orgy. LOL
