Saturday 4 April 2015

Story 138 Buying a Swimsuit for Mum.

Hi, Shanti here.
         I hope everyone enjoyed that last story by Sharon. We have not had any feedback or comments yet. Hope this story gets some of you guys in India writing again.
        Here in New Zealand, we are all fine and the New Zealand Team send their greetings to the India Team. 

         One of the most surprising things about my husband Mike is his relationship with my mother. For me, there has always been some tension there. Sure we get on OK most of the time, but then, we just seem to find things to disagree on. We never fight, have arguments or anything like that now, although when I was younger and living at home, I used to argue with her a lot, there is always something between us. Often something... something which is hard to put your finger on what it is... But it is there.
        In Mike’s case, the situation is completely the opposite. She seems to think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. In her eyes, he can do no wrong. While for him, he thinks she is the best mother anyone could have. He’s always asking me why I don’t get on with her. He can’t understand why I don’t. It’s such a big contrast to his own mother whom we rarely ever see.
        Of course, Mike goes out of his way to help as far as Mum is concerned. Nothing is too much trouble for him. Nothing too much bother. He is always there if she needs help with anything. Particularly since my father has died, Mum and Mike seem to have become a lot closer. 

       Well, this story began one day when we were up there visiting. I happened to mention that I was thinking about taking the kids up to Parakai, to the hot pools during the school holidays.
       “Can we come too,” Greeshma asked.
       I thought about it for a few moments and was just about to say yes when Mike jumped in and beat me to it.
       “Sure you can. Shanti would love to have you both come, and I’m sure the kids would too.”
      That was typical of him. It was OK for him to invite them, he wasn’t going to be there. He was going to work. How did he know how I felt about it? Now I was stuck with my mother, all day!
     “We can see if Liz wants to bring her children too,” Greeshma added.
      So quickly the idea just seemed to take off. A couple of quick phone calls and Lizamoa was confirmed, and then Jenny agreed to bring the twins as well. We were all going in Peter’s van the following day. But then my mother dropped something on us which surprised us all.
       “Do I need a swimsuit or can I swim in my T-shirt and shorts?”
       “I think they want everyone to use swim-wear at the pools,” I said.
       I could see her face fall a bit as she said, “I don’t own a swimsuit.”
       “You can use one of mine,” Greeshma told her.
       “No. No,” said Mike. “It is time you had your own swimsuit, Mary.”
        Yes, as you guys found out while here in New Zealand, Mike calls my mother, Mary, not Mum like I do.
        She looked across at him and replied, “Maybe it is Mike.”
       What did she say? Wow, that was a big surprise for me. Mum buying a swimsuit! She had never owned a swimsuit, never ever went swimming. I remember the trouble my sister had when she wanted to buy a swimsuit. It was only when Dad got involved that she was finally allowed. Dad had tried for years to get Mum to buy a swimsuit as he loved going to the beach, he loved swimming, but she never would. While we were all in the water having fun she would just sit there watching us. Now here she was, wanting to buy one! But if this was a surprise there was an even bigger one was in store for me.
        “I would be happy to help you, Mary,” Mike said.
        'Opps! That was the wrong thing to say!' I thought
        She turned again to look at him. For a moment it was hard to read her face as to what she was thinking. I thought, maybe Mike might have overstepped the line with her this time. Ha! Ha!
       Then she smiled.
      “Yes Mike,” she said. “That would be lovely. I’ve always admired the nice clothes you buy for dear Shanti.”
      What? ‘Dear Shanti!!!’ That was a surprise too, she liked my clothes. I thought she disapproved of many of the things I wore. Too modern, too hot, too sexy, always too something. Now here she was telling us she liked what I wore. Ahhh, it was obvious, Mike was working his lady charm on her again. LOL
      So it was all quickly arranged. They decided then and there to go off shopping, somewhere where Mike thought they would find the right swim-suit for her. They decided to go that afternoon but it soon became clear I wasn’t included. I was sent home to look after the kids. At first, I was a tiny bit angry at him, well maybe a bit disappointed, I would have liked to have gone, but then I realised why Mike didn’t want me there. He probably thought my presence wouldn’t help the situation. He was probably right there too.
      I stood watching the three of them, Mum, Greeshma and Mike back down the driveway and go off on their shopping trip and then I bundled the kids into my car and headed home with them.
      They were gone for a long time and I later learnt that they had to go right into the city to find the right suit for her.  

      What follows in this story was told to me later by Greeshma. I was a bit surprised what she told me, but later Mike confirmed it happened like this and added a few additional points too.
      They were in a shop somewhere in the city. Greeshma was unsure exactly where it was. Apparently, they had an impressive range of swimsuits especially designed for older women. How my husband knew about this place I don’t know. But he has this nack, done that before, knowing just where to go when we were looking for something special.
      Well, Mike and Mum were looking through the racks of clothing, looking for that right swimsuit. From time to time he would pull one out to look at, maybe discuss the colour, maybe discuss the design or cut, maybe he would hold it up in front of her, almost against her. Greeshma said she wasn’t involved in any of this, she just followed them around.
       After some time they had found a couple of swimsuits which they thought were suitable for Mum. She was a bit hesitant to try them on but again it seems like, when Mike encouraged her, she agreed. So over they went to the fitting room and Mum disappeared inside with the two swimsuits to try on.
      A while later she pulled the curtain back wearing the first suit. “How does this look Mike?” she asked.
      “That looks good on you,” he replied. Then after looking at her for a few moments, he added, “But I don’t think it is the right one.”
      She looked at him with a questioning look, maybe a bit of surprise too; she had liked the suit herself.
       “Why, Mike?” she asked.
       “I don’t like the way it fits you. The top is cut wrong. It flattens your breasts.”
       She stopped at that and gave him a funny look. I think she probably was a bit shocked at him looking and talking about her breasts like that, but it seems Mike appeared not to notice her look. He just carried on explaining.
      “Yes, we need something to highlight your breasts. Support them better, build them up and shape them better. Just a minute and I’ll go get something else.”
      “What about the other one we picked?”
      “No, that will be no good too. Just give me a minute,” he said rushing off into the shop again. “I’ll be right back.”
       Greeshma said that for a moment her and Mum stood looking at each other not sure what to say or do, then she disappeared back into the cubicle again.
       Soon Mike arrived back with three more swimsuits. For a moment it seemed he was surprised to find the curtain pulled shut but then he spoke to Mum.
      “I have another for you, Mary,” he said. “See if one of these fit better.”
      The curtain opened just bit as she reached out for the swimsuits Mike was holding. She just put her head around the curtain holding it against her and Greeshma thought it appeared she didn’t have much on underneath. Mike pointed out the changes in design in the first suit before handing it to her. He asked her to hand the other two suits out to him. While Mike went off the take the suits back to the shop assistant Mum put on the next swimsuit.
       By the time he returned she was ready to model it for him.
      “How does this look?” she asked, pulling the curtain back.
      “A lot better? It forms your breasts nicely. What does the rest look like? Turn around for us.”
       Mum turned around for them showing them the view from all angles. She then looked at Mike again.
       “No! No. That's not right,” he said. “I like the top but the cut down around your legs makes your bottom look too big.”
       “Does it?” Mum said in shock, her hands going to her bottom as if trying to hide it.
      “Yes have a look in the mirror.”
      Mike then stepped half into the cubicle and they both looked at the reflection in the mirror. As he showed her what he meant his hand moved down over her bottom, following the curve of her body, almost but not, touching her. I can't believe he would have done that. Wish I'd been there to see it.
      “Oh I see now,” Mum agreed. “Shall I try the next one?”
       “This one will be the same but I think this third one might be OK.”
       With that Mum disappeared behind the curtain to change into the third swimsuit. When she opened the curtain again they repeated the same process. They discussed the fit of her bust and how the cut worked better for her bottom too. Greeshma thinks Mum might have started enjoying talking to him like that. She was sure Mary would have brought that one, but Mike still wasn’t happy.
      “What is wrong Mike?” she asked.
      “I don’t like the front. It is not right for you.”
      “Why?” Mum asked. She was thinking about the top, over her bust.
      “See down below. See how the leg cut is still wrong.”
      They both were looking in the mirror while Mum held her hands on her thighs almost as if she wanted to cover herself there. She was probably very aware of where Mike was looking, what he was looking at.
      “I think we need a suit with a lower cut across your thighs. That way the mound there will not be so obvious.”
      Mum was shocked. Greeshma was not sure if it was because Mike had actually mentioned her pubic mound or that the suit showed it off so much but her hands quickly moved to cover herself there. Again, Mike appeared not to notice as he suggested they try another style.
     So while Mike was off selecting another swimsuit Mary stood looking at Greeshma. “This is a bit naughty, Mike talking to me like that, isn’t it.”
     “Just a bit,” Greeshma agreed.
     “I better get ready for when he gets back,” she said with a giggle as she disappeared back behind the curtain.
      Soon Mike arrived back with a big smile on his face. “Mary,” he called to her. “I’ve found just the thing. Look at this.”
      The curtain parted slightly and Mary appeared. This time she held the curtain a bit more open. Greeshma said she could clearly see much of one thigh and part of the side of her body including quite a lot of breast so it was obvious she was naked behind the curtain. Mike must have seen it too but he carried on, appearing not to notice.
       Mike held up the swimsuit pointing out the details which he felt were important. “Here Mary, why don’t you try it on?” he said handing the suit out to her.
       She reached out for it and as she did the curtain fell away completely baring her breast. She looked down, noticing what was on show, “Opps,” she laughed as she pulled the curtain shut. “That was showing too much.”
      Greeshma had the impression that her little show for Mike wasn’t entirely accidental too.
      Well soon the curtain opened and there was Mary again in the swimsuit. Yes, this one did really look good on her. Greeshma told me she was surprised what a difference it made. She's decided Mike really was good at buying ladies swimsuits. No doubt he'll end up buying her one too before long too.
      “How does this one look Mike,” she asked.
      “I think that is the one now.”
      “Not to showing on my breasts too much is it?”
      “No. No, just what we want, a little bit showing at the top.”
      “And what about the back view?” she said turning away from us.
      “Yes, good,” said Mike. “I think we have it there too.”
      Then she turned back to us. “Is it too bold down there?” Then lower her voice to almost a whisper, “You know, on my pussy mound.”
      Yes, she actually said that to him. Both Greeshma and Mike confirmed it!
       “No it is fine,” replied Mike looking straight at her pussy mound. This time the hands didn’t come over to cover it.
        “Do you like the colour?” he asked.
        “I wasn’t expecting to wear blue like that but now I like it. I think it looks good too.”
       “Yes,” replied Mike. “Blue suits you Mary.”
       "Are you sure we have the right one?"
       "Perfect Mary," he replied with a laugh. "You'll have all the young guys checking you out tomorrow, in that one."
        "Sure. why not? You look good in it."
        She smiled back, "Thank you, Mike," she said.
        Greeshma told me that she thought Mike had blown it with the comment about the boys checking her out. But no, once again he'd sailed close to the wind and pulled it off with her. 
       Finally, for the first time, Mary actually asked Greeshma for her opinion. All Greeshma could do was nod and agree with them, not that I think her opinion would have mattered that much anyway. 
      “You better take that off so I can go buy it.”
       “No Mike, I will buy it.”
       “Of course not, this is my treat.”
       Greeshma thought she would argue with him a bit more, you know how Mum always likes to pay for things herself, but no, she just smiled and said, “Thank you, Mike. That is very sweet of you.”
       So she disappeared and we could hear her taking the suit off. Then the curtain opened again and she was holding the swimsuit in one hand. Mike reached for it and as she handed it to him, the curtain falls away giving them a full frontal of her nude body for a moment before she quickly pulled it back. Greeshma said there was no way Mike could have missed it that time.
       “Opps, I did it again, didn’t I.” she laughed as she disappeared again to get dressed. “You must think I am so naughty.”
      Mike just gave a smile to me. “Not at all Mary,” he replied. “I know it was just an accident.”
      He left to buy the swimsuit while Greeshma waited for Mary to appear. When she did Greeshma said, “Mike might not think you are naughty but I do!”
      She just smiled and said, “I am, aren’t I?” Then she added, “But this buying a swimsuit is a bit sexy Greeshma.”
      They both laughed as they went out into the shop to where Mike was waiting for them. 

       Later that afternoon, I had a surprise visit from Greeshma. She couldn’t wait to tell me so she had walked down from Mum’s house.
      “Hello Shanti,” she greeted me. “I think I have another sexy story for your Letters Book.” 
      I made her a coffee and we sat down at the table. When she started to tell me what happened that afternoon I grabbed a pen and pad and started taking notes. I made her go over the story a couple more times as we tried to get the conversations as close as she could remember it, then we went into the computer and I quickly typed it up.
      I ran her home again later and just arrived back as Mike arrived home.
     “Where have you been?” he asked.
     “Greeshma came down for a walk. I just ran her back home.”
     “Oh, did she?” was all he said. 

      Later that evening after the kids had gone to bed I handed Mike a printed copy of the story. He quickly glanced through it.
     “That was quick work!” he said in surprise. “I didn’t even know you knew.”
     “Did you enjoy her a little show?” I teased him.
     “Come on Shanti, she’s your mother,” he replied.
     Then he smiled, “If it gives an old lady a kick giving me a flash, then who am I to stop her. But that’s all there is Shanti, really.”
     “Yes I know Mike,” I laughed as I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for being so kind to her.”
      “It was no bother Shanti. You know I like helping people. Particularly your mother. I like her, she’s always been nice to me. Better than my mother.”
      “Yes Mike, I know that,” I said giving him a hug. “That’s one reason why I love you.”
      “Are there any other reasons?” he asked with a smile.
      “Let’s go up and see if we can think of any,” I said taking him by the hand, leading him upstairs, towards the bedroom. 


  1. Wow! This is good. Why has no one commented? I also think it is interesting to discover the close relationship between fantasy and reality here.
    I like how you wrote this leaving some doubt about that first flash being accidental or intentional. There is no doubt about the second one. Even Mike admitted to Shanti it was intentional.

    Your letters don't all have to be hard-core sex. There is room for letters like this in your blog too.

  2. I agree with you Amanda. These stories are supposed to be a group of people having fun. They don't all need to be hard core as you put it.
