Friday 18 September 2015

Story 160 Elizabeth in Mumbai.

      Hi, Katrina again.       

      My job working for Jeevan and Sarvesh in the shipping/exporting business had steadily become busier and busier. I was having to stay back late most nights, just to get all my work done. One evening Sarvesh was also in the office and he came into my room.
      “Katrina, you are here late again.”
      “Yes I just want to get these contents reports finished for the New Zealand customs,” I replied.
      “Will you be long?”
      “No, not too long. About another 20mintes.”
      “OK I’ll wait and give you a lift home,” Sarvesh said.
      “There is no need for you to stay. I can lock-up and catch a taxi.”
      “It’s no problem. I have a few things to finish too,” he answered.
      “Thank you, Sarvesh.”
      I sat in the back of the car with him on the way to Hansini’s house, and he asked how often I needed to stay late doing my work.  I told him it was now most weeknights and often all day Saturday too. He asked if some of that work could be given to someone else. When I agreed that it could, he asked if I wanted him to get a girl to help as my secretary. Again I agreed I could do with someone to help me.

      A few days later Sarvesh came into my office again, closing the door behind him.
      “Katrina, I have found a suitable girl,” he said. “She works for me at the bank. She is a very good worker...... doing a great job there.”
      “If she sounds good for the job. Why didn’t you just employ her Sarvesh?”
      “ Well I would have but there is one small problem.”
       “What problem?” I asked, stopping what I was doing to look up at him.
       “Her name is Elizabeth.”
      “Elizabeth! You mean that Elizabeth?”
      “Yes, Katrina. Your old friend.”
       It turned out that Sarvesh had talked with her about this new job and mentioned it would be working with me. Elizabeth had said she had no bad feelings towards me and she was happy to work for me. I asked Sarvesh if Elizabeth and I could talk before he offered her the job. He agreed and arranged for her to meet me at the office for an interview so I could show her around the warehouse and where she was going to work. If I was happy, then I could offer her the position of my assistant.
       It was good to see her again as we had not seen each other for a long time. I was happy with our conversation and so we employed her. She moved from the bank to the warehouse office about a week later.
        Once she settled in, Elizabeth proved to be a good assistant, getting her work done efficiently and without mistakes.  I was very happy with her and the work she did. She was my assistant but also took care of a few other tasks around the office, such as travel arrangements, flights, hotels etc, for all staff when they were travelling. 
       One day when she was booking my trip to Perth with Jeevan, she came into my office to speak to me. We had a stopover on the way in Singapore for a few days, for business and she was about to book our hotel.
     Elizabeth asked me, “Do you want a twin or double hotel room, Katrina.”
     Without thinking I said, “A double.”
     “A double?” she asked in surprise.
     Suddenly I realised my mistake.
     “Sorry! Did I say double?  I mean a twin,” I corrected myself.
     She just smiled and said, “It’s OK.”
     Later I was to discover that she still booked us a double room.  (See Story 161 Singapore Stopover.)     

      But this is getting ahead of myself now.
      One day Elizabeth and I had lunch together at a small eating place near our office. I know Amita often goes there since the food is always good and we had got into the habit of going there ourselves. Finally, the subject came up about working up at the big house on the sexy weekends. I had been expecting it would sometime.
      “You continued doing those weekends didn’t you Katrina?” she told me.
       There was no point in denying it. She seemed to have guessed, so I admitted that I did carry on with the weekends and yes, I did join in their fun too.
        She asked about what went on and so I told her about some of my adventures. She was surprised that I even went to Australia and New Zealand with them too. Then suddenly I told her that all these adventures are written in a series of books.
       “So that was in that little cabinet. The books they were reading those stories from?”
       “Yes, they were. There is a whole series of books.”
       When she said she would like to read them and so I offered to let her read my copies.
       She took the first one home the following day and over a period of a few months she worked her way through all the volumes. She told me she loved reading them. She enjoyed reading the story about her and said they were good stories, very sexy too. Finally, I gave her Volume Nine. That was the last I heard about it for a few days until one day we were again having lunch together when she brought the subject up again. She told me she had been reading about my adventures in New Zealand and how I had the sex with all those people.
      Then she leaned close and lowered her voice even more. “What is it like to have sex with another woman?”
      Now that was one question I was not expecting.
      “Very nice,” I replied. “Very different from a man too.”
      “I have never tried with a man,” she admitted. “But I have thought about with a woman too.”
       I was unsure how to answer this as I was beginning to see where she was going with this. I was beginning to think she might be thinking about me.
      Then she continued, “I have thought about you a lot too, Katrina.”
      Like I said above, I sort of knew where she was headed but it was still a surprise when she said it. It confirmed something I had often wondered about. I decided to ask her something which I have wondered about for a long time.
       “When we were in bed together at Sarvesh’s house, did you touch me while I was asleep?” I asked her.
       She looked at me briefly, then down at her food. “Yes Katrina, but only touching your breasts.”
      “Oh,” I said. “I thought you might have been.”
       “I’m sorry. Are you upset?”
       “No, not really. I just wondered.”
       Then she surprised me again. She lowered her voice and said, “I would like to touch you there again if you want to.”
       “You sort of did in the spa, I remember. We both did.”
        “Yes we did,” she replied.
       Well, that sort of broke the ice for us. I knew she was talking about more than just breast touching too, so a few weeks later I asked Sarvesh if we could both take a couple of days off together.
       “You two seem to be getting along well now,” he said.
       “Yes, we are good friends again now.”
       “Just good friends?”
       “Sarvesh, you have the dirty mind,” I replied.
       “Maybe Katrina,” he said with a grin. “But maybe I know you too.”
       Before I could answer he continued. “Where do you think you will go?”
       “I don’t know really. We have not made any plans.”
       “Well, what about going to Mumbai. You can make it a business trip and you can show Elizabeth our warehouse operations there.”
      So it was arranged for Elizabeth and me to fly to Mumbai for a few days on a ‘business’ trip. We did meet with our manager there and he showed us around and even invited us to his house to take a meal. But this story is more about what happened back at the hotel.
       When we arrived in Mumbai I was surprised at the hotel we were booked into. It was a lot more upmarket to the one we usually used when I had been there before. Then when we were shown to our room I was in for an even bigger surprise. This room was very upmarket complete with its own spa too.
       I asked Elizabeth why she had booked such an expensive room. She told me that Sarvesh had taken care of it. I suddenly realised that Sarvesh had really guessed why we wanted to take a trip away together and he had arranged to give us the very best room possible. 

       The first night we did not get back to our hotel until late evening. The main restaurant was closed but they said they could send meals up to our room so we ordered our meals that way.
      After eating we decided to take a spa. The pool in our room was enclosed on a deck with a view out over the city. Since we wanted to take our swim nude we turned off the lights so no one could easily see us.
      Back inside the room I quickly stripped off my clothes until I was naked. Looking back at Elizabeth I saw she was right behind me as I stepped out through the sliding door on to the deck. Then soon we were both sitting back in the water.
      “This is very different,” I said. “Here we are sitting here naked looking at all of Mumbai.”
       “Yes,” she replied. “Yes, isn’t it.”
        “I wonder if anyone can see us?”
        “I don’t know. It is hard to see us up here in the dark.
       “Maybe they can if they had binoculars or a telescope. Then someone could see us.”
       “I didn’t think of that,” she said.
       “Do you mind if someone was watching you, Elizabeth?”
       “No, not too much because most of the time we are under the water anyway.”
       “I hope someone is watching,” I said. “I would like someone to see us here naked.”
       “What would you do if you knew someone was watching you?” She asked me.
       “ Maybe I would stand up so they could get a better view.”
       “Really, Katrina. Would you do that?”
      “Sure. Why not? They are looking because they want to see us nude so why not give them what they want to see?”
      “Go on then stand up so anyone watching can see you, Katrina.”
      “OK, I will if you dare too.”
     “You mean to stand up and show everything too?”
     “Yes, our breasts and pussies. Everything!”
      Suddenly she laughed and said, “OK, let’s do it.”
     We both stood up in the water and then stepped up on to the seat so the edge of the pool only came up to our knees. We stood there with our arm around each other. There we were facing the whole city of Mumbai, one of the largest cities in India and we were giving a full frontal totally nude. I do not know if anyone was looking but if they did they would have seen we were naked but in the dark, it would have been hard to see everything.
     “I wonder if someone is watching us,” I said.
      When she didn’t answer I continued. “Maybe there is some naughty fellow looking through the telescope and playing with his hard cock. Making himself cum when he is seeing our nude bodies.”
     “Katrina!” she said, breaking away from me and sitting down into the water.
    “Why, Elizabeth?” I asked.
    “Do you think a fellow would do that if he was looking?”
    “Of course. He would be sexy from looking at two naked girls. Of course, he would make himself cum too.”
     “I hadn’t thought of that,” she replied.
     “Does it bother you, Elizabeth?” I asked as I sat down beside her again. My hand going out to touch her breast.
    “No, not really. If we gave some poor fellow some fun then it was worth it, I suppose,” she said with a giggle.
     By now I found her nipple rolling it between my fingers. It hardened noticeably under my touch.
    “Well if we have made some fun for someone else, maybe it is time to make some fun for us now too.”
      She smiled at me. I reached out and took her hand.
     “Come on, Elizabeth. Let’s go to bed.” 

     Soon we were lying beside each other in bed. I was a bit surprised because I thought Elizabeth would have been excited about being in bed with me like this but she was just lying there doing nothing.
     “You alright, Elizabeth?” I asked her.
      “Yes,” she replied.
     “Are you still OK with us. You know, doing it together?”
     “Yes, just a bit nervous now we are here.”
     “There is no need to be. Just follow what I do.”
     “OK,” she smiled back at me.
     I suddenly realised that for the second time in only a few months I found myself showing a virgin what to do. For some reason, I was kind of amused at this. I think Elizabeth was a bit surprised when I couldn’t help giving a little laugh.
     “What’s wrong?” she asked.
    “Oh, nothing really.”
    “There must be something to make you laugh.”
    I think she might have thought I was laughing at her so I felt I had to explain.
    “This will be the second time recently I have had sex with a virgin,” I told her.
    “Why? Who was the other person?”
    “David,” I said.
    “You mean that man from Australia. The one you really like.”
    “Yes,” I replied. “When he came to visit India a few months ago.”
    “That’s a surprise. I thought all Western men would have tried it.”
    “Yes so did I, but not this man.”
    “How did it go?”
    “Oh good. It was a good night. In the end, he said I was a good teacher.”
    “I’m glad he said that because now you can be my good teacher.”   

    In answer to that, I rolled over towards her. I felt my breast press against her breast. As my hand came up to her other breast I leaned forward to kiss her. I think that was a bit of a surprise. At first, she wasn’t too sure what to do and our lips just pressed against each other. I ran my tongue along her lips pressing against them. Suddenly she got the idea and her lips opened and our tongues met.
     While we were into a hot wet tongue kiss my hand had found her nipple. I flicked at it with my fingers. I felt her nipple harden again under my touch. I knew she was enjoying this, enjoying what I was doing.
      I broke our kiss and my head moved down to her breast. Finding her nipple with my tongue I licked around it before taking it into my mouth. I heard her moan as I began sucking on her breast and nipple. Her hands came down to grasp my head, holding me against her breast.
      After some time I moved over to her other breast, taking time to give that the same treatment to that one as I had given to her first breast.
      Now my mouth was moving lower as I pushed the covers off exposing her lower body, lower still until I came to the thick forest of her pussy. She was surprisingly hairy down there. A lot more than I have.
      Deeper into her pussy I soon found what I was looking for. She was ready for me. She was wet and as soon as I touched her there she gave a gasp. I ran my finger up and down along her soaking cunt, feeling her tremble under my touch as a soft moan escaped her lips.
      Then I bent down and while my fingers opened her lips, I gently blew on them. That really got to her. She let out a louder moan and then her hands came down to my head, pulling me towards her pussy. Pulling my face into make contact with her.
         Slowly I began to work on her pussy. First I ran my tongue up and down the length of her slot. Then after doing that a few times I pressed deeper into her. She was so wet and so excited that she easily opened up for me. So I had her cum juice all over my face.
      Now as I felt her body begin building towards what could only end in an orgasm, I began to increase my pressure, increase my speed. She responded to this by beginning to hump back at me. I played with her, keeping her excitement steadily building but not allowing her to go over the top. Soon she was gasping and moaning, bucking around on the bed.
     Finally, I knew the time was right. With my fingers, I opened up the lips at the top of her love-hole and thrust my tongue straight in onto her exposed clit. Oh, did she go off! That really sent her over the top. She bucked at me with such force that she pushed me right off her. But by then it didn’t matter because for her it was all over anyway.
       I sat watching her as she caught her breath again, recovering from the most intense cum she had ever experienced. I watched as a bead of sweat ran down off her breast. I was kind of amazed that she went off like that.
      Finally, she opened her eyes and looked up at me. “That was beautiful, Katrina,” she said. “It was so good. I never believed it could be that good.”
      I was pleased she had enjoyed it, her first time with a woman. I was pleased I had made her cum like that. I think making another person cum is as good as cumming myself because I get the enjoyment of knowing they got to experience something special. And I believe that. Every cum is a special experience which should be treasured.

       Now I lay back on the bed while Elizabeth lay beside me. She reached over and touched my breast. Touched my nipple, rolling it between her fingers. I knew she was excited by this because I could feel her fingers trembling.
      “I have been thinking about doing this for a long time, Katrina,” she said.
     “But you want to do more than just touch them. Don’t you Elizabeth?”
     “Yes,” her reply came, almost a whisper.
     “What do you want to do to me now?”
     Her answer was to lean forward and take one of my nipples into her mouth. I showed her how to flick at my nipple with her tongue as well as sucking it. She caught on quickly and soon was giving my nipples a real work-over.
     It felt good what she was doing but soon my body wanted more. Reaching down to her head I gently pushed her lower. She soon got the idea and moved her position so her head was now near to my pussy. Then she was between my parted legs and I felt her fingers exploring my open pussy.
        She ran her fingers up and down me and then bent down towards me with her face. I closed my eyes waiting for that moment of contact. That moment when her mouth would make contact with me and her tongue would begin to probe into me. My body was tense with anticipation.
        Then it happened! I felt her tongue touch me! First tentative and then becoming more sure of herself, I felt her first touch the top of my cunt. I felt so good it sent a shock right through my body. Then she began to lick me. She stayed near the top at first before venturing lower and lower, down between my legs.
        I was so wet by then that with the slightest pressure, her tongue burst through between my lips pressing deeper inside me. She continued her slow licking process. Pressing into me. Pushing up through my parted lips with each stroke. I could feel myself responding to her now. I knew when I began humping back at her. It was then that I knew my orgasm was now on its way.
        I think I must have moaned with the pleasure because at this point she realised that she could actually make me cum and soon I felt her move back up to the top of my slot. I was open there now and my little hard clitty exposed. Suddenly she touched it with her tongue. I let out a soft cry of the joy of it. This encouraged her to press harder on to my clit and then she began flicking and licking it with her tongue. Then to my surprise, she took my clitty between her lips, sucking it.
       There was no way I could take much of that and within moments my first cum hit me. It was strong and sent powerful waves through my entire body. It would have been enough but she kept working at me. Working her tongue against my clit.  
        Then the second one hit me. This one was a lot more powerful than the first. A lot more intense A lot longer too. It hit me making me gasp and then cry out. She kept working me with her tongue making my cum last longer too. I think my reaction was making her excited as well. 
        Finally, I was over the top and as I began to subside I pulled her head, drawing her back up towards me. Our lips met and we kissed. I could taste my taste, my cum, as we kissed. I could feel how wet her whole face was from my cum juice.
        Soon she curled up against me and we fell into a peaceful sleep. 
       Next morning I rang the manager and asked if we could borrow a pair of binoculars since the view from our hotel room was so lovely. I didn’t tell him I was going to spy out the surrounding buildings to see if anyone was watching us. During the day he gave me the binoculars for us to use that night.
      With the lights out I took a look at some of the buildings nearby. It was a bit interesting some of the things we saw, a man doing some stretching exercises naked, a woman sitting at a table topless, a couple obviously playing the love-games, but I was more interested in anyone watching us. Then I spotted him. He was about level with us in what looked to be a block of apartments not too far away. He had the lights of his room turned off but we could still see him. We could also see the small telescope he was using.
       I decided to test and see if he was actually watching for girls so I turned on one of our deck lights and asked Elizabeth to go outside with her sari lowered showing her blouse as she walked around. Form the darkened bedroom I saw him turn his telescope onto our room and onto her straight away. Yes, he was interested alright. Maybe he might have been watching us last night too and now waiting in case there was another show.
       I called Elizabeth inside and showed her the fellow through the binoculars. She was watching him as I went out onto the deck and arranged the two deck chairs so he could clearly see anyone sitting there and they were well lit by the light. As I was doing this I looked up and saw Elizabeth standing there watching me.
       “What are you doing?” she asked me.
       “I am going to put on a little show for him. Is he is still watching us?”
      “Yes, he is still watching.”
      I went inside to the bedroom and began undressing. Elizabeth followed me back in and was watching me.
     “Are you going to take a spa with the light on?” she asked.
    “Yes. To start with, anyway.”
     “I’ll not sure I can do that, now I know someone actually is watching.”
     “Just go out with a towel wrapped around you then at the last moment drop the towel and jump into the spa. He probably won’t see much anyway.”
     To my surprise she agreed to that, she began to undress. I wrapped a big towel around me and waited until she had done the same. Then we both went out onto the deck.
     “Are you going to turn off the light?” she asked.
    “No. I’m going to leave it on to give him a better view.”
    “That is naughty Katrina.”
     “Yes, but some fun too.”
     “Others might be watching us too.”
     “I know that too,” I grinned.
     She just smiled at that last comment.
     Right beside the spa pool I turned my back to him and dropped the towel on a small table then quickly got into the pool. Elizabeth quickly followed me. He would have a view of my bum as I got in since we were sitting down nothing could be seen of us because the water came up to our shoulders. I knew getting out we would be giving him a full-frontal. I’m not sure if Elizabeth had thought of that one. But for the moment he would have to wait.
     After a while, I moved over beside her. When I put my hand on her thigh I felt her legs slightly part for me. I ran my hand up along her thigh and then let my fingers slide down between her legs. As I touched her pussy she let out a soft moan. She was obviously as turned-on by this as I was.
     “Are you happy someone is watching us, Elizabeth?” I asked her.
     Her answer came as barely a whisper. “Yes,” she said.
     “Do you want him to look?”
     Again all she said was, “Yes.”
     “Are you going to show him your nude body soon?”
     “Yes,” she whispered.
     Now her legs were even further open and my fingers could reach deep between her legs. She was getting more and more turned on. My fingers ran up the length of her slot. She closed her eyes; she gave a small moan as her body shuddered. The second time I ran my fingers up her cunt the lips parted allowing a finger to enter her. Then a second finger followed.
      “What are you going to show him, Elizabeth?” I asked her.
      “My breasts.” She replied her breathing getting heavier.
      “All of your breasts and your nipples?”
       “Yes, my breasts……. And my nipples.”
       “What else are you going to show?"
      She hesitated for a moment then whispered, “My pussy.”
      “Do you want him to see your pussy?”
     “Yes…… I want…… I want to show…… Him.”
      “How are you going to show him your breasts and pussy?”
      “I am going to…… to stand up so he can see.”
      “Do you think he will like seeing you nude?”
      “Will he get his cock out?”
       “Do you want him to play with his cock?”
       “Do you want him to rub his hard cock while you stand there naked?”
       Her answer was more of a gasp than a word. “Yes.”
      “Do you want to go and sit on a seat while he is watching?”
       Her reply came “Yes,” followed by a soft moan.
      I knew she was getting close now. I could feel her pussy mound humping against my hand. From time to time she would let out a soft moan. She was breathing in gasps now.
      “Are you going to open your legs and show him all your pussy?”
       She stopped. Her eyes snapped open. I think the thought of showing her pussy like that was a bit of a shock. I just kept my fingers working on her. My fingers pressing into her. Then she relaxed and her eyes closed again.
       “Yes,” she replied. “I am going to show my pussy.”
       “With your legs wide open?”
       “With my legs open.”
       “Can he see everything?”
        “Can he see your cunt?”
       “Do you want to pull your lips apart and show the pink inside?”
       This time she didn’t answer. She gave a moan, and then her whole body shook as her orgasm arrived. It was intense and with my fingers still working on her it went on and on.  Finally, it came to an end and she began to recover.
      As she got her breath back, she looked over at me and smiled. “That was good, Katrina.”
     “Was it an intense one?” I asked her even though I sort of knew the answer.
     “Yes. It was so strong. I have not had like that before.” 

     “Well now, do you want to do what you said?”
     “What do you mean?”
     “You know. Get out of the pool and show off your nude body. Then sit in the seat and show him your pussy.”
     “What? You mean, do that?”
     “Yes. That’s what you said you would do.”
     “But I thought it was just sex talk. I didn’t know we were going to do it.”
     “Well, why not? That guy wants a show. Why not give him one?”
     “OK,” she replied. “I will show for him nude but I’m not sure about all my pussy.”
     “You’ll be fine. Just follow what I do. OK?”

      I stood up in the pool and then stepping up onto the seat I got out. I heard the splash of water behind me and looked to see Elizabeth had stood up behind me. She stepped out of the pool and taking her towel I began to dry her body. When I had finished she returned the favour for me.
      Then we stood up and arm in arm we faced the building where the guy was with his telescope. We both knew he would be watching us. We both knew he had a grand full-frontal view of our nude bodies.
     “Do you think he can see us?” she asked me.
    “I’m sure he can,” I replied.
    “Yes, I thought he would.”
    “How do you feel now?”
    “A bit nervous,” she replied. “But also a bit excited too. This is very naughty, isn’t it.”
     “Very,” I agreed. “But just about to get even naughtier.”
      “OK,” she agreed. “What do we do now?”
    “Shall we go and sit down?”
     She hesitated for a moment then said, “Yes OK.”
     We went and sat on the deck chairs. As I lay back I allowed my legs to drift apart exposing my pussy openly. I looked over as Elizabeth was looking at me. She gave me a nervous grin and then opened her legs as well.
      “You are very brave Elizabeth,” I told her.
     “I just followed what you did.”
     For a few moments, we lay there knowing there was a guy with a telescope watching us, able to view every detail our exposed bodies. The thought of him looking was beginning to get to me. I suddenly felt so horny.
      My hand went to my pussy and I began to run my fingers up and down my soaking wet slot. It felt so good!
    “What are you doing Katrina?” Elizabeth asked.
     “What does it look like? I feel so horny.”
    “But that guy……. With the telescope……”
    “Yes I know,” I laughed. “And now he will really get a hot show.”
    Suddenly she grinned. “Hold on,” she said. “I have something for you.”
    With that, she got up and disappeared into the hotel room. I heard her doing something inside and I was a bit confused as to what was going on. I thought maybe she had chickened out and at any moment she would reappear, now wearing clothes.
     But soon she reappeared and she was still naked. In her hand, she carried a small paper bag. Sitting down next to me she opened the bag and took out two dildos.
     “I bought these for you,” she said. “One for you and one for me. Which one do you want, Katrina?”
      Then suddenly I realised what she was doing. She wanted us to lay there using the dildos while that guy was watching. She wanted to really put on a show. I grinned as I reached for a purple one while she kept the pink one.
      To tell you the truth, I was unsure how to use one of these, I had never used one before. I didn’t even know how to turn it on. Elizabeth had to show me how to use it. I watched as she gently stroked it along her pussy before pressing it inside her pussy. It was obvious she knew what she was doing.
        I tried doing the same. I felt the vibration against my most sensitive parts. I suddenly felt wetter than I was before. My lips parted and the dildo slipped into me. As I pushed it deeper it felt so good. Different to anything I had felt before.
      Slowly pushing it in and out I was becoming more and more excited. Before long my need had become so great I needed a release. I needed to cum. I pulled the vibrator against my clit and suddenly my orgasm hit me.
     As I recovered I looked over at Elizabeth just in time to hear her gasp and with a cry, she came. I saw her body stiffen as her orgasm hit her. She lay there for a while getting her breath back before she looked at me and smiled.
     “That was a good show,” I told her.
     “What?” she asked. “Oh, I forgot about him.”
      We both laughed as we got up, turned off the light and went inside. If that guy continued looking, that was all he got out of us that night.
     We made love again with another hot sex session. We even used the vibrators on each other before finishing with a hot 69. We then both fell into a deep sleep cuddled up together. 

      Next morning I was woken by the phone ringing. It was a local manager.
     “Hi,” he said. “I have sent someone over to take you to the airport. He will be there in half an hour.”
     I looked at our clock and realised we had overslept. I shook Elizabeth, waking her. “Hurry up,” I told her, “We’re going to miss our flight.”
     It was a mad rush to get ready, get down and check out of the hotel. We actually took three-quarters of an hour. When we got outside, the boy coming to get us, wasn’t there. I was just about to ring the manager when the car pulled up. He had been delayed in traffic. But we made it to the airport and caught our flight back to South India. 

      I only got to have a couple more sessions with Elizabeth before my trip to Australia. After meeting with David again things between him and me began to get more serious, so I stopped having other sex partners. Sarvesh did not want Elizabeth to attend the special weekends so I never got to see her there either.
      After a few months, she told me that she had a girlfriend she used to work within the bank. I believe they now have a relationship going between them but she hasn’t talked about it too much. I have been wondering if she might have been interested in that girl even before our trip away together. If so, well, that’s her business. I just hope her couple of nights with me gave her the experience and confidence she was looking for.   


  1. Now this is a bit different. Two naughty girls together. What gave you the idea of showing off to the largest city in India. LOL It was a great idea but probably a bit impractical. You see the air above Mumbai would be almost unbearable to breath.
    But it is good going back to the breast touching in the spa pool all those stories ago

    1. Good point James,
      But a story about getting your gear off in front of the biggest city in India must be worth keeping.

  2. Hot Hot Hot Hot, and Asami, so so so HOT mmmmmmmmmmm, story, what story, oh yes.
    now where was I? hot hot hot Asami xxxxxxx

    1. Ok who is this? I'm sure it is a naughty boy I know.
      So it comes down to two choices, from Australia or the USA. My guess in Australia, Queensland to be exact.

      But thanks, it made me smile then laugh when I saw it.

    2. Naughty! Naughty! Naughty! Peter.
      What Story? He missed the story. Too busy checking out Asami.
      Naughty! Naughty! Naughty! Peter.
      LOL Lots of LOL.

    3. Story? what story? I cant see the story for the sexy girl mmmmmmmm, wait a minute ....... nah cant see the story just the hot hot hot girl hahahhaha Love you all, Peter xxxxxx

    4. OK Peter, We understand your problem.
      I will get the hot hot hot girl taken away and replaced with a pretty pretty pretty flower.
      Will that be better for you? We so wish to satisfy, you our reader.

    5. No Anne, you have it all wrong.
      What Peter wants is a scenery photo. Some beautiful landscape.
      Maybe a mountain scene. I have two mountains that want to be seen.
      Sexy Sue.

    6. Sure Susan,
      I'm ready to view you mountain scenery. Climb every mountain if I can.

    7. Julie do you know Brian is running around in here with his tongue hanging out.

    8. Yes Susan let Brian run around with his tongue hanging out!
      Meanwhile, why don't you and I practice some of the scenes from your story above.

    9. This must be one of the hottest comment streams I've seen. They are openly asking for it. Taking a line Elizabeth once used in an earlier story, "Not shy at all, these people."
