Friday 18 December 2015

Story 171 Background

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                                                                                        Posted by Reshma/Kim.
         After they all arrived back from visiting Shanti’s Hideaway, Hansini invited them all for lunch. So after what had happened in the Game Reserve, Mootie ended up with eight ladies, all a bit horny and ready for fun. Can you see where this is going? 

        We have played a very naughty game at our parties a few times when it’s later in the evening and we are all slightly pissed and feeling horny. We all line up in a row presented our wet pussies for some poor guy to "cum" along and fuck. The purpose of this is not good sex but rather to see if he can hold off until he has tried all of us. He has to give each of us a set number of good thrusts before moving on to the next girl.
        If he makes it to the end, which I must add mostly proves to be impossible, he gets to seriously fuck the girl of his choice but if he doesn’t; Oh boy! Do we give him heaps! But then he usually still gets one of us as this little exercise kind of gets us horny as well. 

         We wanted to include this in a story but were unsure how. Then at a meeting, Susan told us she has found the perfect place, after “Shanti’s Hideaway.” Big Boss Ayaka liked the idea so Kim and I were appointed to do it. Another story written to a deadline, that personally, I don’t like. It usually shows in the final version. But then we have delivered a story every week since February 2012 so as they say, the show must go on.
        You might want to come back to this story in a few months’ time because I plan to give it another make-over later when I get more time.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh I would like to attend one of those parties.
    Yes I'd be happy to have my hot pussy join the line.
