Friday 4 December 2015

Story 169 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 169

                                                                                        Posted by Ayaka.
        At this point, the Writers Team decided we need to stop and plan where Letters was going through this next volume. Many letters needed to be written and lots of planning needed doing. At an important Writer’s Meeting, many changes were made that would affect the direction of the Letter Project.

        It was at this meeting that Anne asked for one of us to take over running the Letters Project. This was a surprise as Anne had been the driving force from the very start. Anyway, the outcome is that I am running things so Anne can get out into some future stories.
        My job is to make sure we stay on our weekly publishing schedule, make sure each story is checked and prepared for my sister Asami to publish. I have also got two ladies to read every story from the very beginning and proofreading each story looking for mistakes and possible improvements. This is going well with over half the blog covered now.

       This, in some ways, reflects the current situation with writers. We felt yes needed to stop and plan where things were going. As a result of the few meetings I then prepared this story to introduce some new themes to the series.
       First I wanted to lay out a background for futures stories surrounding the wedding, then I wanted to create opportunities for different people to get away and have fun. This is where this exporting company plays a role. First it provided money for the people involved and secondly, it provides trips to visit other countries.  

       So now we open this volume with Katrina returning to India and preparations beginning for the big event. As I write this the plan is to place the wedding at the end of this volume but with Letters, it all can be changed, right up to the moment the publishing button is pushed.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 169


  1. I like the way you guys do things. Plan for future stories.
    At first I thought non- sexy, then I began to see the real purpose here.
    Clever! I can see these trips away have potential and when they all get together for the wedding. You could make a whole book (volume) out of that.

  2. Thanks Raymond
    I'm glad you can see and understand our blog.
