Friday 27 November 2015

Story 168 I Strike Gold at a Gold Mine.

The last story of this series comes from me -  Katrina.
          I could not understand why Jeevan had suddenly decided to stay and change our travel arrangements like he did. As far as I knew our business was completed here and there was nothing else to do, certainly nothing that would take almost 3 more days. I asked Jeevan what were his plans for the next few days and he was rather vague. Something about taking a break here and spending a few extra days with Donald. Some special training for Donald and Paula he told me. Is the training taking place into the office or into the bedroom, Jeevan?
         So it seems I was stuck here too. Not that I really minded as it meant I’d spend another few days with David. So that was good in fact you could say I was very pleased with how things were turning out. Just couldn’t understand why?

         The morning we were supposed to catch our flight for Singapore David was shaking my shoulder.
         “Wake up, sleepyhead.”
         “Why?” I asked still half asleep.
         “You’re going on a plane ride.”
         My half-asleep brain took a while to process with that.
         “No, I’m not…… Our trip to India…… has been postponed.”
         Yes, Jeevan had postponed our flight so I had intended taking it easy, spending the day around the pool….. getting out of bed late….. nearer lunch than breakfast. Now he was getting me up so early.
         “What time is it?”
         “Six-thirty,” he replied.
         “What? Why?” I asked.
         As you may have noticed, I’m not a good morning person.
         “Yes, we are flying to a gold mine.”
         What on earth was he talking about? He was making no sense! I couldn’t believe he was waking me up so early!
         “What time is it?” I asked him again. (He says I asked him twice. I’m sure I didn’t.)
         “Six-thirty. Come on we need to get going.”
         I’ve never been good in the mornings. Now this getting up at 6:30 totally made no sense at all! I rolled over to go back to sleep and he was shaking my shoulder again.
         “David!” I said, now getting a bit annoyed.
         “Come on Katrina. We’ve got to get up. We are going to visit my family.”
         Now that woke me up! I sat up in bed, the cover falling away to bare my breasts
         “Your family?”
         “Yes, we’re going to fly there and stay the night with them.”
         He’d told me his family lived out in the desert somewhere. Hundreds of miles from Perth, near some gold mine. Then it clicked – Flying to a gold mine!
         I jumped out of bed, still not sure what was going on. He explained I’d need clothes for three days and two nights. We would be flying there that morning. He helped me select clothes I’d need and I noticed he encouraged me to leave my good dresses behind. I sort of wondered why as I wanted to make a good impression with his family. He explained it again, something about getting them dirty. I still didn't understand, but I followed his advice.    
          A quick shower (would have been quicker if David wasn't with me) then we were packed and ready to go. Donald had the car out and Jeevan was with him. They were going to take us to the airport. The plane was a tiny one, 10 passenger seats with an aisle down the middle. Soon we were in the air flying deeper towards the centre of Australia.
          I looked to the window and the landscape started with the farmland of the coastal areas but as we continued became steadily more barren. It was soon dry desert country and I began to wonder what this place would be like. I looked across at David; he smiled and reached out across the aisle to hold my hand.
          I saw what looked like a long dark snake stretching across the land until David told me it was a massive train slowly creeping along. I began to see how amazing this place was when there were such large trains with nothing else there. I asked him about it and he smiled and said to wait and I will see.
          Much later we began to descend towards our destination and as the land came up to meet us. I could not see in front but to the side, there was nothing but rocks and desert and a few scruffy trees. I then caught sight of a humongous man-made hole just before we landed. That must be the gold mine I thought.

          Then we were landed and arrived at the airport if you could call it that, just a sealed strip beside an old little building. The plane only stayed a few minutes unloading bags that David said was mails. David’s brother Ian, and his sister Cathy were there to meet us. An older man and a girl, a lot younger than me, maybe still just a teenage. We got into their pick-up truck (they called it a ute, funny name!) and took the road into the town. My first impression of this place we red dirt and dust. Everywhere, clouds of it, even the roads were made of it. Now I knew why he said to leave my good clothes within Perth!
         The town was two rows of buildings with a red dusty strip between them. We passed a few shops and building. There were many houses scattered around too. Soon we came upon a modern-looking bar with an older wooden hotel beside it, and then pulled in behind the hotel.
         David’s mother was there to greet me and then we were hustled into the building and up the stairs to the upper floor. It was only mid-morning but outside already the heat was climbing. Inside it was comfortable and cool. A nice spacious house in the back of the old hotel.  
         I was shown to my room to put my bag. Yes, my room, they were keeping David away from me into another room, but I knew this would happen here. David warned me of it. My window faced out into the desert behind the town. One or two buildings, a water windmill slowly turning and then nothing but sand, rocks and scrubby trees.
         David also warned me that I should wear jeans while I was here with no tiny short skirts. I wondered why but followed his advice. Taking off my skirt and light blouse, I put on a shirt and some tight jeans. Had to be tight because I really didn’t have anything else. We sat having a drink of tea with David’s mum. She is a nice lady and very interested in me. Then we went down to find David’s father.
        We had to pass through one of the bars to get to a café next door. There were a group of men drinking there and I was surprised that early in the day until David explained these men had come off night-shift in the mine and having a drink before going home to bed. It seems the bar and café were open all day and all night.
        I could feel they were watching me as we walked past. Must be checking out the bum of this new Indian girl into her jeans. Then just as we were leaving the room I heard a whistle.
        When we were out of sight, David said, “I think they like this,” as he gave my arse a quick squeeze.
        “David!” I whispered. “Not here!”
        “You like being dangerous, Katrina.”
        I just smiled.
        We found David’s father serving meals in the café. Since there were not a lot of customers he came over to meet me then we sat down at a table to talk. I really liked him. He was a nice man. To my surprise, he had been to India but not the parts where I lived.
         Soon David’s mother and Cathy joined us too, and we had lunch there.

        That afternoon David gave me a tour. His sister came along too. We took only a few minutes to see the whole town, and then we took the main road towards the mine. At one place we had to wait for another long train, at another place we came across two of the largest trucks I had ever seen. I got out for a photo and I couldn’t stand half-way up the tires. David did a funny thing, he backed his ute in under the front and it looked like a tiny toy about to be crushed by this big truck. I took some more photos of us like that. In one David and I were acting in shock as if the car was being run over. It looked good, almost real too.
         Just before the main gate to the mine, we turned off, taking a rough track up towards a hilltop. When we came out in the car park all the mine was stretching before us. A series of huge holes with roads going around and around to the bottom. There were many more of those big trucks but now down in those deep holes, they looked the toys.
         “Katrina, we have to wait for about 10 minutes. They are going to do a blasting.”
         I wasn’t sure what he meant by blasting but we waited. We looked around the edges of the car park and they showed me some of the desert plants. Suddenly two cars arrived and people were rushing to get out. They had cameras.
         “Come Katrina. It’s almost time.”
         I took my camera and followed him to the edge of the car park. Somewhere down in front of us, three sirens sounded. David pointed to a place on the far hillside and told me to watch there. Suddenly the whole area explored in a cloud of rocks and dust. Then a moment later came the boom, very loudly too and made me jump. That was amazing to see. Where there had been a whole hillside, when the dust and smoke cleared, now there were only piles of broken rock.
        That night we ate at the restaurant owned by his family. The place was nice, although the room needed painting and the furniture was a bit knocked and chipped. It seems his family mainly eat downstairs. The food was simple but very good. After a big day, I was hungry so any food would have been welcome. But it was very noisy, the other customers, being mainly men were talking and laughing loudly amongst themselves.  

         Next day a group of us drove out into the desert. We were going to see another old town, a ghost town they called it. The buildings were half falling down and weeds were growing through the town streets. They told this had once been the important town in this area but when the mine died here, the town died too. By dying he explained the mine was running out of its gold.
        We then found a river which surprised me out here and saw a large dam. This supplied electric power for the mines and water for the town. Further down, out of sight of the dam, we stopped beside a quiet pool for lunch. There was a large railway bridge that crossed above one end of the pool.
         After lunch, David’s sister suggested a swim. I said I didn’t have a swim-suit so I couldn’t go in. They informed me that they don’t need them as they were skinny dipping. I wasn’t sure about this. Yes, I like going swimming nude but with these strangers. I looked over and saw David was undressing. So I did too.
         Naked, we all went into the water. It wasn’t really cold at all. I would say just cool. I saw his brothers look towards me, checking out my body. Maybe they have not seen a naked Indian girl before. Seeing all my brown and black flesh must have been different for them. I thought to be shy of them but then decided they could view me when they wanted. I didn’t hide within the water but standing at times to bare the breasts and even the pussy where the water wasn’t deep for me.
         It was nice in the water and all five of us had fun together. With the sharp heat of the day, again being clear without any clouds it was hot in the air so the water became cool and refreshing.
         Suddenly I heard a loud rumbling noise and around the corner came a train. I just had time to turn my back before the front locomotive approached the bridge. He saw us and blasted on his horn. With my pussy under the water and one arm across my breasts, I turned around to watch. I saw the man in the front locomotive reach from his window and wave at me and I waved back with my spare hand.
        Another three big locomotives followed, and then came so many huge ore cars. I knew there would be no more people so I dropped my arm to watch. On and on came this train with each wagon loudly clanking across the bridge. By the time we got to the end, there were 80 wagons to be counted by me. Then another locomotive suddenly appeared on the back. The driver saw me as he was leaning out the window waving. He got a good view of my bare breasts and nipples as he gave three blasts on his horn. He called out something to me, something cheeky I think, but it was lost with the noise of his engines.
         David told me later he thought the guy had been warned we were there by the driver at the front. So even out in the desert miles and miles away I still get the chance for a little exhibitionism. Ha! Ha!
        Cathy, David’s sister, came over to me and said, “Did you flash that driver?”
        “Not actually. I didn’t know Australian trains had engines at the back.”
        “Well, he got a good view.”
        “Yes he did,” I laughed. “Hope he enjoyed it.”
        “You could see he did. What did he call out?”
        “I couldn’t know. There was so much noise.”
        “Bet it was something cheeky,” she replied.
        “Yes Cathy, I think that one too.”
        Then to my surprise, she gave me a quick hug.
        “You are a bit naughty. I like you, Katrina,” she said.
        I felt happy about that, being comforted by David's sister like that.

         As we sat on the bank naked, to dry in the heat, something very special happened! While his sister and two brothers were watching David got up and took something from his shirt.
         “I have something for you Katrina,” David said.
          Holding a small box in his hand he dropped down to his knees and opening it held in front of me. It was a beautiful ring! The most beautiful I have ever seen.
          “Katrina I love you,” he said. “Will you marry me?”
          I was a bit surprised at that. Yes, I knew we would be married but I wasn’t expecting it then. I think I hesitated a bit long. There was a worried look on his face.
          Reaching forward to take his arms I said, “Yes! Yes! Of course…. I will marry you, David.”
          Standing up we hugged him. Then each of his family hugged me as well which was a bit funny considering we were still all naked and when his brothers held me my bare breasts were pressing to them.
         As Ian pulled away from hugging me he looked down at me and said, "So you are going to be my little sister, Katrina. I like that."
        "I like it too," I replied, giving another quick hug at him.

Question:- If a man and woman are naked when he proposes, does that mean they will have an extra sexy marriage?

         Back in the town, David's mother was quick to notice my new ring. She didn't ask what it was, she knew. She came straight over and hugged me before taking my hand to admire it. Telling her son he had good taste. Her husband followed and I hugged to him too.

Jeevan here.
         I have noticed Katrina has never completed this story. When they arrived back in Perth she came running into me, throwing herself at me and hugging me. Finally, she was able to tell me the news.
        She held out her hand showing us the gold ring on her finger. David, you made a good choice there too. A good choice with the girl, a good choice with that ring. A gold ring set with three small diamonds. I will always remember what Donald said when he saw that ring, and I’ve used it as the heading for her story.
        “Katrina,” he said. “Did you strike gold at the gold mine?”
         She gave a giggle at that and replied, “Yes! Yes, I did strike gold didn’t I?”
         Later that day we got online and talked to Amita & Sarvesh. Amita seemed to know already. She wasn’t surprised at all. I watched as Katrina held up her hand to show them the ring. They talked with David for awhile too.
         I was sitting out of sight as David and Katrina talked with her parents. They were also expecting it sometime as she had kept them informed of developments between her and David. I’m sure they realized it would involve their daughter moving to live in Australia but as I told Donald, I sure they were happy their daughter had found a wealthy businessman as a partner.

         It was agreed that details, dates etc; would be left until we were back in India.


  1. Another great story by my favorite writers. In the desert remains me of the country around here. Lots of dry and sandy dust.
    The accidental flashing for the train driver made me laugh too. We have those big trains on the railway along our southern boundary.
    We all knew they were get married but asking her in the nude! Now that's different.

    1. So Janet, do you go down to your south boundary and flash all the trains too?

  2. Proposing naked! Now that sounds like something you girls would dream up.
    I've enjoyed the stories set in and around Perth. When you were over here I saw you talking notes on some of the attractions here.
    I took you for that river cruise and to visit Rottnest Island. We didn't get naked though. Missed that!
    Good to see you used the ideas well.

    Look forward to seeing you all over Christmas & New Year.

  3. Hi Bill
    We are looking forward to seeing you again.
    Just make sure you behave yourself this time.

    1. Anne! Asking me to behave myself?
      Is the pot calling the kettle black?

    2. Of course. When you get together with my father and Allan's father, it can only mean trouble for me. Well this time i'll be watching you. It will be different because I'm on to your little games.

    3. Ahh Anne, it is very obvious you have your heart set on making mischief.
      I think its time I contacted Ryuunosuke, Simon & Allan snr so certain arrangements can be put in place.
      You might have got the better of us last year but don't expect the same this year.
      Ha! Ha! Going to enjoy this trip.

    4. So what makes you think those guys are going to help you?
      Don't bother, their phone numbers are changed, email accounts deleted and they never come online.

      Anyway, even with your little alliance, you have no hope when Spectacular Shandra, Sexy Sue and Awesome Anne get together.
      Please reply so we can deliver our terms for your surrender.
      Lots of LOL
      Awesome Anne.

  4. Hi Shy Shandra, Serious Sue and Aweful Anne.
    You misunderstanding of things amazes me. Your delusional ramblings amuses me and you desperately grasp for the last glimmer of hope from a hopeless situation.

    That was a weak attempt at stopping me contacting my friends. Yes they are watching, reading this here. We are all looking forward to your defeat when I get there.
    William the Conqueror.

    1. William the Conqueror (Wee Willy)
      Who made you the leader of the shaky alliance. Lets take a look at this now. We have the four old men thinking they can subject their will upon three dynamic, awesome, sensational and sexual women. How can you even for a moment believe your little plans could succeed?
      My information sources tell me you plan to strike at our New Year Party. My first thought was to ban the four of you but then Susan suggested it would be more fun to encourage you guys to do your worst. Just beware! We have plans of our own for you.
      Awesome Anne.
      P.S. When you pack for your trip, don't forget your walking stick.

    2. My dear Awesome / Aweful Anne.
      Why aren't I surprised? If there is any mischief going - my dear daughter is sure to be in the heart of it.
      As for thinking that you and your two trouble-maker friends can beat us - Haven't got a show!
      As for keeping the four of us apart - Too late now.
      As for your secret information sources - My guess is you are fishing for information.
      Love you.
      Ryuunosuke. (Daddy to you and don't forget it!)

    3. So naughty Anne (sorry Awful Anne) is at it again.
      So you think you know what we are up to. Very smart of you. But are you right? Only time will tell.
      Lets just say I am looking forward to the New Years Eve Party.
      Sexy Simon. LOL

    4. So now they are ganging up on us. LOL
      Great fear and trembling. Not!
      Sexy Simon & Dear Daddy have joined forces with Wee Willie.
      Where is that other trouble-maker?
      Sexy Sue

    5. Yes Susan. I agree.
      That other guy is very obvious by his absence. As I remember it, last year Allan snr was a ringleader. He must be up to something.
      Awesome Anne

    6. So she has got you into it Sue.
      I bet that didn't take too much doing. You are another one ready for trouble.

      Now Anne don't you worry your sweet little head about Allan snr.
      Well don't worry about him until New Years Eve that is.

    7. Anne & Susan
      I've heard that Ryuunosuke visited Simon & Allan snr at their office Friday. Don't know much other than they talked for a while then went out for lunch. Maybe Kim can tell you more.
      Kim, what's going on?

    8. I am unable to say. I think I might have been too busy to notice when those guys were doing.

  5. Of course honey. Play it safe. You're answer tells us all we need to know.

    Now a warning to everyone. Bill arrives in New Zealand today. So let the fun begin. Bring it on guys. Do your worst. We're ready for you.
    Awesome Anne.

  6. Of course honey. Play it safe. You're answer tells us all we need to know.

    Now a warning to everyone. Bill arrives in New Zealand today. So let the fun begin. Bring it on guys. Do your worst. We're ready for you.
    Awesome Anne.

  7. Anyway now Bill is in New Zealand staying with you, we have a spy in your nest. He will keep an eye on you and keep us informed.
    Ha! Ha!
    Your dear Daddy - Ryuunosuke.

  8. Dear Daddy! I surprised you didn't choke on those words. LOL
    After all those "nice" things you said. Shit stirrer! Spying!

    You plan of placing a spy in our nest seems to be working except for one minor detail. Have you considered the fact that with all us girls here, Bill might change sides.
    Your favourite daughter Anne.

  9. You guys have spent so much time playing your little games that you forgot to comment on poor Kim's story. Proposing in the nude beside the river, that is so much. Romantic, sexy and a bit of fun and humour thrown in too. One of the better stories I have found so far.
