Thursday 10 December 2015

Story 170 Shanti’s Hideaway.

Index of Letters         Story 170 Background         Back to Story 169   

Hi from New Zealand, it is Shanti again.
       It was coming into winter in New Zealand and the weather was at its usual cold windy worst. Mike had just been away in Japan for three weeks buying cars, leaving me to look after the kids. I was talking with Sharon at the gym one day and she said Steve was going to India on business and she was going too.
       “And what sort of business are you going for?” I asked her with a giggle.
       “Well hopefully lots of naughty business,” she laughed back.
       When I said I wish I was going too and she replied that I was welcome to go with them.
       When I mentioned it to Mike that night he was happy with the idea. “Well why don’t you?” he asked. “I can take care of things here. The kids will be OK as Lizamoa, Mega and your mum will be happy to help out.”
       As he talked I was warming to the idea. Later that evening I rang Sharon and told her I wanted to come. She was pleased and said, “It will be fun having four of us girls going together.”
      “Why four?” I asked.
      “Well after you left the gym this morning Lizamoa and Mega turned up. I got talking to them and told them you were thinking about coming with me. I have just got off the phone from talking with Mega. Both she and Liz are coming too.”
      “Oh wow!” I said. “This will be a fun trip.”
      “Yes, it will. Watch out India,” she laughed. “With four horny girls on the loose.”
      “When I turned around and told Mike, he had a few smart remarks to make about that too.
       So much for Lizamoa and Mega looking after our kids. Lizamoa was taking her oldest boy with her so I decided to take Kathy too. The other kids would be looked after by Mike who was going to work part-time while I was away. Of course, mum and Greeshma were going to help as well. I think in the end they both moved to where the kids were. Greeshma went to stay with Joseph and mum came to stay with Mike.
       To add to it, suddenly Jenny decided to join us with the twins. And that is how it worked out; five of us girls going with Steve.

       Now I have been chasing rabbits a bit so let’s get to the point of my story. While we were in India one of the attractions they wanted to show me was Shanti’s Hideaway. (For those of you who are new to letters perhaps you might like to read Letter 54,  Letter/Story 84, and Emails 86)
       On the day we went to the Game Reserve, we left the kids at the big house. The nanny and a couple of the maids were happy to take care of them. I am surprised how well the twins hit it off with Steven, Amita’s boy. They do not usually like boys but they both love playing with him. At one point later in the holiday, I walked in to discover Kirsten showing Steven her bare body. She said she was only showing him how pink she was but she didn’t need to show him as much as that. I had a word with Jenny and we decided we’d better watch them closely.
       Kathy had Amite’s daughter, Nisha as a friend. Those two seemed to be getting on very well too. Lizamoa’s boy Jagesh, went to visit Mandara for the night, liked it so much with her kids that he stayed there the rest of his holiday. 

      Sorry, another rabbit! Now back to my story.
      Now, Mootie and Hansini arrived early to pick us up. I was pleased to see Katrina was with them too. I was glad she managed to get off work to come with us. Sarvesh and Steve had to work so Amita decided to come with us as well. So ‘poor’ Mootie ended up taking eight women on a tour, not that I think he was complaining mind.
      We drove through the town, across the river and then into the Game Reserve. It had just opened as we arrived. We didn’t stop at the visitor centre but drove on into the Admin area. Mootie went inside for a few minutes then came out smiling. For a moment I wondered why he was so happy. (Maybe he thought he was getting lucky with all us girls! Ha! Ha!)
      “OK,” he said as he got into the van. “Let’s go straight on to Shanti’s Hideaway.”
      “Why?” I asked.
      “Well Shanti, you have seen the rest of the park and there won’t be a tour to Shanti’s Hideaway until later this afternoon.”
      I wondered why that would make a difference but never said anything.

      So we piled into the van again and soon we arrived at the smaller lake
      Wow! Had this place changed! I had seen the photographs but it was different seeing it for real. They had built the viewing and display centre right over our old picnic area. It extended down the little beach and out over the lake.
       In some ways, I was sad to see such a beautiful place had been changed but the way it had been done keeping the larger trees and keeping things as natural as they could I could see how it had become a major feature of the park. Yes Mootie, I told you then and I want to say it again in front of all our friends, you did a good job of this, right down to the very last details.
       As we pulled up in front of the centre I got out and looked up at the sign. “Shanti’s Hideaway.” Yes, that looked good too. I like it very much, even if it does give me some unwelcome fame. Of course, I had to stand by myself in front of the building and pose for some photos with the sign above my head.
        Then we went inside, to be greeted by the big crocodile with ‘me’ on its back. I need to say here that this looked impressive too. Right in the centre of the room, facing the door like that just drew your attention straight to it. The crocodile looked real, almost as if it was alive and ready to move. The figure on its back looked real too.
        The rest of the centre was good. There was another great display showing a contour map of the area around this lake. Then we came to the viewing decks. They were so well done, I could look down at the wild animals below us and they had no idea we were there.
       Yes, I enjoyed seeing it all.

               There is that woman again! Not happy with what she has done already. Now she is back for more photos sitting on me!   Back to annoy me again! If I could move she'd be first on my dinner menu.
                                                                                                             Signed The Ghost of the Crocodile.

       Now we were back in the entry beside the crocodile.
       “Well Shanti, do I get that photo you promised me?”
       “What Mootie? What photo?” I asked a bit confused.
        “The one you promised me. The one on the crocodile.”
         “Oh, that one. You really want me to do it?”
        “Why not?”
        “But I told you I would do it nude.”
        “Yes, that is the one,” he said grinning at me. “That is the one I want.”
         “You won’t be able to hang it here,” I replied.
         “I know that. This photo is not to be for hanging.”
         “Will anyone else come here?”
         “No. No. It is completely private to ourselves, until the afternoon tour bus at 2pm.”
         I laughed. “Oh well, I did promise you that photo.”
         The others had been looking on, following the conversation. I think they were a bit surprised and a bit amused by what was about to happen.
         Mootie quickly organized two of the girls to help him lift the model Shanti off the crocodile and then he laid a blanket over where I was about to sit. He then asked Lizamoa to stand near the door to watch for any unexpected visitors. I quickly stripped. First taking off my shirt followed by my bra and then I took off my shorts and panties in one hit. I was standing before them naked.
         I posed, standing beside the crocodile, and then leaning over it. Finally, I straddled it to sit just in front of the shoulders. Sitting like that with my legs each side it left my pussy open and exposed too, making the poses much sexier. While I posed like that, changing positions and making faces etc., Mootie took a few photos. Some of the other girls took photos too.
        Soon I was touching and holding my breasts, posing like that. Then I leaned back showing my pussy and open cunt. I even pulled the lips apart for a few shots too.
        Mootie then said, “I have an idea. Just wait for me.”
        He went off through the front door and moments later returned holding a jacket and hat like those used by the Reserve staff.
       “Here, Shanti. Put these on.”
       As I slipped the coat on he went to unlock a cabinet on the wall. The jacket was too big for me more like a coat than a jacket but I was able to arrange it so I looked OK. Then Mootie returned holding a gun.
      “This is the real gun Shanti, the actual one you used Shanti,” he told me. “It misfired and became dangerous so we placed it here within this display.”
        Now that surprised me. He still had the gun I used.
        I posed in the jacket holding the rifle. Then I opened the jacket and posted for a few more like that with my tits out. 
        Suddenly Lizamoa called, “Hey, there is someone coming.”
        She had been watching us and not outside. Suddenly she had discovered a group coming up the front steps. That was close! I only had time to get the jacket closed and looking right before one of the park rangers led a group of Japanese tourists into the building.  They were surprised to see me sitting there until the ranger showed them the original photos of me when I first shot the crocodile. Soon they were all taking my picture nodding and smiling before they moved on to the viewing areas. Little did they know I was totally naked under that jacket! I noticed that the other ranger took a photograph off me too.
      “They would have taken even more photos if they had caught you before,” Katrina laughed.
      “I’m sure they would have,” I agreed.
       I was just about to get off the crocodile when one of the Japanese returned for another photo.
       “Bery bootiful!” he said before taking a couple more of me.
      Feeling a bit cheeky, I reached up and undid two buttons of the jacket so it was obvious I was wearing nothing underneath. This had him clicking off some more photos. One button more and the swells of my breasts were clearly visible which started another round of photos. Suddenly I had a very naughty idea. I reached up and quickly undid the last two buttons pulling the jacket wide open to reveal my breasts and pussy.
       “Bery bootiful! Bery bootiful!” he said again before shooting off three or four more photos.
       Then still smiling to myself I pulled my shirt closed and began fastening the buttons again.
       He stood there watching me until I was finished. I looked up and smiled at him. “Get some nice photos?” I asked.
      “Bery bootiful! Bery bootiful!” he said again. Then giving me a little bow he added, “Tank ou.”
       As he rushed off to rejoin his tour party I climbed off the crocodile’s back. “So he can say something other than ‘bery bootiful’” I said which brought a laugh from the girls.
      “Come on,” said Mootie. “Let’s get out of here before they come back again and you’ll get us into even more trouble.”
      “Now that’s a good idea, Mootie. Want to join me for a nude photo shoot, Liz?”
      “Behave yourself, Shanti. And let’s get out of here.”
      “Yes Mike,” I laughed, pretending it was my husband Mike telling me off again and not Mootie.
      He caught that and grinned. Then he said, “Sometimes Shanti, I don’t know how Mike can put up with you.”

      We quickly replaced the model on the crocodile and were soon in the van on our way back to the park centre. As I didn’t have time to get dressed again, when I got in the van, I slipped the jacket off and Amita handed me my clothes. I looked back at the building as we drove away and there on the step was that guy and two others with their cameras, obviously wanting more photos.
      While Mootie drove the van I got dressed, the girls were making jokes about what had happened and me posing for that Japanese guy.
       “Bery bootiful! Bery bootiful!” Lizamoa was saying causing us all to burst out laughing again.
       I think Sharon’s comment was one of the best when she said, “I bet that made his day.”
       “Bery bootiful! Tank uo!”
       Our laughing just encouraged her and soon Lizamoa was away.
       “Nice the nipples! Bery bootiful! Tank uo!”
       “Nice the pussy! Bery bootiful! Tank uo!”
       It was a fun trip home. I haven’t laughed that much for a long time.

       Now the next day Amita showed me the newspaper. Oh boy! There I was again with a photo of me on the crocodile in a ranger shirt and hat holding the old gun. The headline read “Hunter Returns to her Crocodile.” It has to be admitted, it was a good photograph. (I wonder what they would have thought if they knew what was under that shirt?) Also, the article was well done too. Lower down they even had a copy of the old photo taken years ago.

       While I was in India I discovered I was pregnant. It must have happened in New Zealand before I left. Since Mike was away during that time I have a strong feeling he might not be the father. During that time I invited Peter and Jenny, Brian and Mega over for dinner. Once the kids were asleep the after-dinner entertainment in front of the fire included a rather interesting three-some between Peter, Mega and I. Meanwhile, Jenny had kept Brian entertained when they were together on the couch. So I think Peter might be the father.
      When I returned to New Zealand I went and had a scan and it looks like I am having another little girl. Mike is pleased with that but I would be happy with either. We had decided to only have two children but now another one is on the way I think we are both pleased now.
      When I told Mike I was pregnant and it was a girl he laughed and said, “Well she will be easy to name, won’t she?”
      “Why? What do you mean?” I asked.
      “We’ll just call her Petra.”
      “Why Petra?”
      “After her father Peter. The P e t part. And Mega helped a bit too, the r a part.”
      “But Mega doesn’t have an r in her name.”
      “I know but it sounds good.”
      “Oh!” I said. “Then you’ve figured out you are not the father?”
      “Of course! The numbers didn’t work out for it being me. And you told me on chat about your night with Peter and Mega, so it's really a no-brainer.”
      “You don’t mind?”
      “No, not at all. I know of at least two of our friends where it has happened so we’ll just treat Petra like they did their children.”
      “Petra? So you have named her already then?”
       Well, why not? Unless you can think of a better name?”
       So that was how Petra got her name a long time before she actually arrived. Soon Mike was laying with his head against my stomach talking to her, calling her Petra. So when she finally comes out my bet is she will already know her name, or at least knew the word “Petra.”   

Index of Letters         Story 170 Background         Back to Story 169  


  1. Bery bootiful! Bery bootiful!
    Yes this was another good story. It made me laugh and tired this section back to those early India trips.

  2. Oh LOL The ghost of the crocodile.
    LOL That was good. Was that you again Ayaka?
