Friday 4 December 2015

Story 169 Opening Volume 12 (Admin).

Index of Letters         Story 169 Background         Back to Story 168  

Hi from Amita.
       During the last volume we have seen the sexy nude camping, and then what happened to Katrina and Jeevan in their trip to Perth. There have been some sexy stories written and another awesome volume made. (I like that word ‘awesome.’ Must use it more often.)
       Now it is time for me to open this new volume with the special binders Shanti has sent to you. There have never been so many copies of Letters as there is now. Our mailing list has grown to cover our friends in New Zealand, Australia and of course here in India. I want to say welcome to our friends from Perth; David, Donald & Paula and not forgetting Jeremy and Joyce.
      This story is not going to be very sexy. Just an opening story, setting things up for the next series.

        When Jeevan and Katrina arrived home her news quickly spread through the big house and the staff in the warehouse too. Of course, all us close friends in the Letters Group knew already. When the news broke, many were amazed that she would be getting married to a European man. in Australia too, but they were mostly very pleased for her. Some in the house did mention she would have a better life there than she could here in India.
        Katrina went straight to visit her family for a few days. Sarvesh went with her but came back before her. I understand he had a long talk with her father. They were happy for her but wanted to arrange the wedding for her themselves. Sarvesh also wanted to do something big for her too. Yes I know he says differently but in some ways, he still thinks of her as a daughter.
         Well, the final agreements involved a wedding in her hometown put on by her parents. I think there might have been a transfer of money from us to help there but my husband would never admit that. Then the plan was for David and Katrina, with her parents, to travel back to our town for another big occasion. It could not be another wedding but it was agreed to be an important event where all her friends and those she worked with could attend too. I believe Jeevan is going to clear the warehouse so it can be held there.
         The married couple would then take a week in North India touring as their honeymoon before returning to our town to prepare for her leaving for Australia.
         At that time there would be a going away event up in our house too. (Not to mention a special nude weekend while all our friends from New Zealand and Australia were still here.) Following that, David and Katrina will fly to Australia where there will be another event for friends and family there, who can’t get to India.
        It’s going to be a busy time for them but exciting for us too. I’ve never seen my husband as excited about anything as he is now.

        There was a lot to get done and only 10 months to do it. Katrina is also busy training Elizabeth to take over her job. They both decided there is a need to employ another girl who will become Elizabeth’s assistant. I understand with hints from Katrina that this new girl might already know Elizabeth very well if you know what I mean.

         Now about the overseas business trips found in the last volume and in this new one. Mostly these are done by Jeevan. It became common for him to take a girl with him. He said to help him but those who read the stories will quickly realise help involved some rather naughty activities too.
        As I said above, these trip did not just involve his wife. Mandara went on that trip to northern India with him but she found she couldn’t go all the time because of their kids.  I went with him on that trip to Hong Kong and Japan.  Hansini went with him to New Zealand. Oh and not forgetting his taking Katrina to Perth, which was covered in the last stories of Vol 11.

        Now finally about this volume. Shanti has asked me if I could put this volume together. Katrina did the last one and she did well so I decided to do the editing for this one. So all stories need to be sent to me.
        Now the big goal of this volume will, of course, be, Katrina’s wedding. We hope to get it all into one volume but as you know nothing can be planned for our Letters. It is possible that when you all visit us for the wedding that some “unplanned” stories might pop up. It all depends on you guys – how naughty you can be. Ha! Ha! So if we need to push into another volume, Shanti said, ‘Who cares. We are all just enjoying ourselves. More stories mean more fun.’ I like that so there is our plan for the next few months.

         Finally, I want to welcome our new readers to our Letters. Hi to David. You have already written some of the last volume.
         Also, let me say hi to the two couples Donald & Paula and Jeremy and Joyce. I understand Joyce has taken the role of Admin for this new team, receiving then printing off the Letters but I want to suggest that maybe you might want to get together and write some sexy stories too.
        So now we have three teams. The New Zealand Team, the Australian Team and the Indian Team.

        Now that is all from me. Sorry, it is not sexy but we felt an admin story was required at this point. In a few days, I will be sending you Shanti’s opening story.
         Bye now – Love from Amita. 

Index of Letters         Story 169 Background         Back to Story 168  


  1. I've been very interested with how you fit ideas that appear totally unrelated to the stories. This exporting company is one. Suddenly we can see the company provides trip opportunities and funding for them. It also gives Jeevan a chance to shine too.

    1. I know your text is very old but I felt it worthy of a reply.
      There is a master storyline that is guiding where these letters will go. It also requires items, places and people to be added to set things for future stories. As a writer, I've been asked by Anne to add something into my story. I have no idea why but it's all part of this master plan that no one but the Big Three know anything about.
      Allan snr.
