Wednesday 13 April 2016

Story 181 - Part Two. Naughty Girls!

        We got back from our sightseeing trip at around 2pm. Jeevan had told us he’d be a bit later so we decided on a swim. We left him a note too. We were relaxing beside the pool wearing bikinis, not the sexiest ones we had but not exactly modest either. It had attracted some attention from those around the pool when we’d slipped off our beach robes. Two Indian girls in bikinis, walking around the pool, of course it was a sight to behold. We fully intended it to be.
        We went for a swim, enjoying the cool water but also making sure a good part of the time, our bikini clad bodies would being shown off too. It was definitely sexy, a bit of exhibitionism always makes me horny. Our bodies wet, our bikinis wet too, certainly added to that appearance.
       After our swim we sat in the shade, relaxing on recliners beside the pool. This is where Jeevan found us when he turned up. Of course he had changed to swim shorts too. Why do we girls have to wear tiny, skin tight bikinis when you guys can get away with baggy shorts almost down to your knees?
        “Hello, you two,” he greeted us.
       “Hi Jeevan,” I replied. “You are early.”
       “Work over?” Hansini asked.
       “Yes I had to get back. I was worried about you two.”
       “Worried about us?”
       “Yes with you two loose around the pool - who knows what might happen.”
       “Jeevan! Stop that,” Hansini said.
       “See, we’re being good,” I added.
       “Sure you are,” he laughed. “Just laying out here innocently, in those tiny bikinis, for the entire world to see.”
       I laughed. I couldn’t help it. He knew exactly what we were up too.
       He placed his towel on the seat next to Hansini and went to the pool-side. We both sat up to watch. Jeevan is still a big man but has lost some weight and shaped himself since going to the gym. I knew Steve from New Zealand had been advising him too. He looked good with his shirt off in those shorts. Also looked good as he made that smooth dive into the water, coming up swimming strongly down the length of the pool. He only did a couple of lengths. I was just about to get up and join him when he got out. As he approached us, the show was over and we were lying back in our seats. Now don’t you guys go getting any ideas that we like checking out guys, OK.
       Now he was sitting in his seat on the other side of Hansini.
       “I wonder if Katrina’s boyfriend is going to try picking us up?” Hansini asked.
       “If he does, he won’t get away this time,” I replied.
       We both laughed at that last comment.
       I expected something from Jeevan. But nothing, almost as if he hadn’t even heard us. So our only course was to go on to Plan B.
       “That guy getting out of the pool looks hot!”
       “Look at those arms. He looks strong….. must work out.”
       “Got a nice bum too,” I added with a laugh.
       Damn! No reaction from Jeevan.
       “I like that guy over in the corner.”
       “Oh yes.” Hansini replied. “Give me some of that. I could play all night with him.”
       “You watch out Hansini. He’s mine. I saw him first.”
       “Once I get my hand down inside his shorts, he won’t worry about you girl.”
       I looked over at Jeevan slightly surprised there was still no reaction. He just had a smile on his face. It was clear our plan wasn’t working.
       Finally he said, “Before you two get hot and worked up, lusting after every guy here, let’s go for a swim to cool off.”
       That was it! That was his only reaction. LOL. I was mildly disappointed.

       All three of us got up and walked over to the pool. So we were in the cool water enjoying ourselves. It was fun being together like that, being in the cool water after the heat of this Singapore afternoon. We were teasing him a bit too Telling him all the guys must be thinking he’d be getting lucky with two hot girls tonight.
       Then Hansini did something that suddenly changed our moods. She reached out underwater and gave his cock a squeeze.
       “What?” she replies, knowing exactly what he meant.
       “You touched my cock.”
       “Sure I did.”
       “Out here in public.”
       “It’s under the water, Jeevan.”
       “But still someone might have noticed.”
       “Well I better do it again then to make sure they do.”
       “You did it again! Stop playing with my cock.”
       “Aren’t cocks made to play with? You guys do it all the time.”
       “We don’t!”
       “You do! I bet you touch your cock more times each day than I touch my pussy.”
       “I better fix that.”
       I wasn't involved in that conversation but it was kind of sex them talking like this out here in the middle of the pools with so many people around. Sure they couldn't hear what was said but it was still very naughty. But what happened next was a lot worse that talk.
       He stepped up towards us, pushed between us. As he did his hands went for both our pussies, giving them a quick feel and squeeze as he stepped past.
       Well that was it! It was all on now! He had over stepped the mark that time. He had to die! Well at least get ducked for that. As a team we both went for him. He saw us coming and tried to get away, by then we were on the move and quickly caught him so he turned to fend us off.
       Jeevan is a bigger man. Some might say out of fit, but I know he works hard at keeping fit. He was strong too and put up quite a fight, I think determined not to let two girls get the best of him there in front of all those watching. But we were just as determined.
       We grabbed each side of him and tried to push him back but he easily resisted that tactic so we tried something better. While Hansini attacked him from behind, I stepped in front of him, placing my leg across in front of his body. My intention was to grab his arm and pull him around my hip so he would roll off me and plunge into the water but he was ready for that one.
        His hands came up to both my shoulders, grabbing me, swinging me around to face Hansini. Now as she tried to get to him he was using me as a human shield. When you think about it, it was a rather clever tactic. The only thing wrong was that it didn’t work for long.
       I tried to break away from his grip, throwing myself forward and to the right. Meanwhile Hansini came in on his left. While he was struggling to hold me he left himself open to her, which she quickly took advantage of. She grabbed him; swung herself around him so she was now behind him, holding him with her arms around him. Yes I’m sure you naughty boys have worked that out too, her breasts were now pressed hard against him. I bet all those guys watching saw her tits squashed against him too.
       I had recovered from where I’d thrown myself free into the water and I came back at him. I came in straight at his front, my legs going in between his and hooking around one of his. Being that close and him being bigger than me I felt his thigh press against my pussy as I pulled back.
       Yes he put up a struggle but with the weight of Hansini on his back and only standing on one foot we eventually over powered him. He fell back as she pulled him, falling back into the water, taking her with him before she could get out of the way.
       We had got him! Ha! Ha! I stood away from them laughing as he came up out of the water. Maybe the laughing didn’t help! He came after me. I knew it; I’d have to pay for that. I turned to run but he was on top of me before I had hardly moved. He grabbed me, partly picking me up like a little doll and threw me forward into the water. (Watch where you put your hands next time Jeevan! Naughty boy!)
       By the time I had come up he was turned back on to Hansini. She survived a bit longer than me but soon she had been ducked too. Picked up and thrown into the water like I had been.
       But somehow during that short struggle her bikini top had moved and when she came up we all caught sight of her breast and nipple before she got her top pulled back in place. We both saw it and I bet some of those watching from the poolside did too.
       “Oh are we flashing for the audience now, are we?” Jeevan said.
       “I’m not! It was an accident!”
       “Looked like a flash to me.”
       She reached out and hit him in the arm with a loud slap. I bet that could be clearly heard all around the pool. As she tried to do it again, he grabbed her hand and arm, pulling her towards him. As her body crashed against his, his face met hers and he kissed her smack on the lips.
       That surprised her. Took all the fight out of her too. She backed away from him.
       “That was very naughty Hansini.”
       “Showing you nipple to everyone. I’m going to have to punish you.”
       “I told you…… Not my fault…..”
       “Yes it was. Flashing for all those men.”
       “But Jeevan…… I didn’t……”
       “Yes you did. Now I’m going to punish you.”
       “But I didn’t……”
       “We’re going up to our room now. I’m going to have wild passionate sex with this little minix here and you will have to sit there and watch.”
       “Jeevan! That’s not fair!” Hansini said, her voice getting a bit lauder so others around must have heard.
       “Of course it is,” he replied softly. “I’ve got to teach you a lesson for being so immodest in public.”
       “That’s not fair!” she said loudly “Amita don’t let him.”
       It would have been an interesting conversation from the poolside because you would have heard her but not what he was saying. I should have supported her but the thought of that wild passionate sex. You know how it is?
       “And miss out on that wild sex? No Hansini.”
       “Bitch!” she said, flying a slap at me before turning and walking off towards the steps. That must have also been seen and heard all around the pool.
       “I think she’s pissed off, Jeevan,” I said.
       “Don’t worry, Amita. She’ll get as much as you do.”
       “You’re going through with it. Her punishment, I mean.”
       “Of course. Let her think she is missing out for a while. Then we’ll both give her a good time.”
       I must admit, while at first it seemed a bit unfair, but now I knew that in the end we would more than make it up to her. I thought it was a good idea.
       But Hansini didn’t appear to see it like that. By the time we got out of the water, she had gathered her things and was walking off towards the pool entrance. She sure looked a bit angry. I looked over at him and saw the grin on his face. He was enjoying this.
        “You’re enjoying this aren’t?”
        “Yes,” he said still grinning.
        I gave him a slap on his arm but that only made him laugh.
        She must have heard him as she looked back, glaring at us as she left the pool area. 
        But you’re got to admit it was a bit funny. I glanced around the pool area and noticed almost every eye was on us. We certainly had put on a show stopper. I wondered what they were thinking.
       When we got inside, Hansini was already in the lift. She looked at us approaching, reached and pushed the button. The doors closed in front of us and she was gone. I must say I saw the funny side of that too. So did Jeevan.
      By the time we reached our room she was in the shower. I tried the door to the bathroom but it was locked.
      “She’s locked it!” I told him.
      “Of course she has.”
      I looked at him surprised.
      “She’s a woman. She’s not going to let us in there. She wants us to suffer.”  
       I was surprised. Surprised at her for behaving like that but also surprised at him for figuring her out so quickly like that.
      “Oh well,” I said. “We may as well start without her.”
      “What? Are you serious?”
      “You said she’ll have to wait for us. So let’s on and do it.”
      “But I was only joking.”
      “I know you were Jeevan. But now things have changed. I’m not joking.”
       So we got on to the bed. After a bit of playing around, he entered me. He was on top. Yes he got in Ok but for some reason it didn’t feel right. Maybe I was thinking too much about Hansini in the bathroom. We carried on, even though it was clearly not working for either of us. Finally I noticed he was softening too. In the end he gave up and rolled off me.
       “This is no good,” he said.
       “No wasn’t doing it for me either.”
       “I knew that.”
       “How?” I asked. “How did you know?”
       “It was obvious Amita.”
       “I was thinking about Hansini.”
       “So was I. She is waiting in there for us to finish.”
       “Do you think so?”
       “Sure she is,” he said.
       “Maybe we should make some noise like we are finished. Then she will come out.”
       He laughed at that. “Ok then.”
       We went over near the bathroom door so she could hear us. Then I started with a soft moan.
       “Ahhhh!.......Oohhhh…… Jeevan…… soo….  So good!
       “Yes! Yes! Amita…….Ohhhhh!
       Fuck me Jeevan!...... Fuck my…… my cunt.”
       Ohhhh ….. Yes…… Yes…..”
       I’m almost…..”
       “Yes…….Going to……. Going to cum…..”
      “Ohh…….Jeevan yes! Fill me with your cum.”
      “Ooo Amita…… Almost……”
                 (Not bad for a fake orgasm. Did we convince you? LOL)
       Suddenly, the door opened before we could move away. She caught us standing there.
       “Hey! What are you two doing?” she said.
       When neither of us replied, she continued. “I thought you were on the bed having fun.”
      “Stand-up orgasms, Hansini,” I said.
      “Yeah sure,” she laughed. “Was all that noise for me?”
      “We thought you might open the door.”
      “And it worked too,” Jeevan added.
      “Yes, it worked,” Hansini said. “I’m sorry for losing my cool.”
      “We are sorry too,” he said
      “And it wasn’t noise either,” I added “It was good cum sounds.”
      “Sure it was. Sounded pretty convincing in there.”

      Soon we were over together on the bed. In the bathroom she had lost her bikini too so she was as naked as we were. We sat beside him as he began speaking.
      “To night I’m going to teach you girls how to make-love properly,” he told us.
      “What?” I asked. “Are you saying we can’t make-love?”
      “No, I just think you can do it better.”
      “We are good in bed” I said.
      “What about last night. Wasn’t that good?” Hansini added.
       “Well yes it was. But you two were like two animals on heat.”
       “Jeevan! You are asking for trouble.”
       “There you go again, Hansini. Think you can settle anything with violence.”
       I laughed again. Her face – it was so funny.
       He turned on me, “And you are as bad as she is.”
       “You heard me, Amita.”
       “So what do you want to do?” I asked.
       I wasn’t in the mood for a fight so thought we might as well do it his way. He is always good fun to be with. He was good at sex, a considerate partner who always made sure you enjoyed being with him. I knew he was good as I’d had some great sex sessions with him so there was no reason to expect it would be different this time.
       But then he said something that got me going again.
       “There you go. Behave…. like good little sex slaves.”
       “Sex slaves!”
       “Yes you are my sex slaves, so do what you’re told.”
       “No we’re not.”
        “Well what are you then?”
        “Willing participants.”
        “Ok, Sex slaves, willing participants, sex maniacs, whatever.”
        “And we’re not sex maniacs either.”
        “Oh, of course. How silly of me. You only act like sex maniacs, don’t you?
        I was reaching to whack him again when Hansini grabbed my arm.
       “Don’t Amita,” she said. “Don’t fall for it. He’s only teasing you.”
       “Finally, one of you has some sense. Now do I get my three-some or not.”
       I was tempted to say no but then it did sound like fun. And I didn’t want to miss out on anything. It was just he kept on baiting us. Does this guy have a death wish or something?
       We decided to go along with him.
       But I warned him, “One more word teasing us I’m out.”
       “Ok,” he says, raising his hand. “Scouts honour.”
       “You were never a scout,” I said.
       “Yes, I know,” he replied grinning. 
       “So come on, what do you want us to do?” Hansini asked.

      He explained that good sex was a journey, a buildup, where both partners travelled together towards their mutual fulfillment at the end. I’d heard this story before. I think you all have so I won’t go over it much more here. Of course we all know that it works too.
      We were with him on the bed and I knew after a bit of foreplay he would take one of us. I decided, after what happened before, it might be nice if Hansini went first. Well that was my plan but what happened turned out different.
      We’d been playing around for a while and we were now warmed up and ready to go.
      “You first Amita,” he said.
      “No Hansini,” I replied.
      But she went with him, insisting I go first. So that is how we did it.
      He came in on top of me as I parted my legs to allow him in. Taking his cock I guided it to my pussy. I was wet, I felt him against me. I felt the push as he pressed in. My pussy was ready and willing. Naughty pussy! She opened to let him.
       I felt his cock enter me. That often feels so nice and I wasn’t disappointed this time either. He has a good size cock, maybe larger than average although not as big as some I’ve taken, but you know you have a pussy full when he is in you.
       He pulled back out. That pulling feeling against you; almost like my pussy is gripping him, trying to hold him inside which is probably what was happening. Then he came back at me, pressing into me, going in deeper this time. By the third time he managed to get right in.
       As he promised, the sex began slowly. Strong powerful strokes, pulling almost out, going in deep. It was controlled sex too. He was very much in control; I was just going along for the ride at this point. The build-up, the rise of my sexual energy was a lot slower this time because he was holding back from me, entering me lower so as not to disturb my clitty as much.
       But don’t misunderstand me here. It was still good sex; very good sex actually and I was enjoying being with him. I have mentioned before that some desire can be achieved from just the sexual process. Our bodies against each other and moving together towards the goal that we both knew would eventually arrive.
        Yes I was starting to build. I could feel that even like this with his slow, full stokes, my body was responding to him. By now I had begun moving too. My body and pelvis coming up to meet each of his downwards thrusts.
       I was getting ready for me climax now but like this he was keeping me in a position of desire without pushing me over. I needed more. I humped at him impatiently, telling him I was ready. Last time we had done it this way with him he held back but this time he didn’t.
       He responded by moving slightly up my body bringing himself in more direct contact with my clitty. Then he began to speed up too. Now he was hitting the spot. It felt much better. So good in fact that now my orgasm was rushing towards me. I cum, my body bucking around underneath him, giving deep moans in his ear until it was over. It was a good one, not as powerful as some but long lasting. I felt back on to the bed exhausted.
        When I recovered, he had left me. Now he was already with Hansini. It was obvious that he hadn’t cum. Like he had done to me, he did for her too. The slow start, the steady build-up, her sexual excitement mixed with sexual frustration until he released her and let her cum. But in this case it didn’t end there. He continued with more fast strokes, driving deep into her until he’d cum too.  

       “Now I want you to put on a sexy show for me.”
       “What show?” Hansini asked him.
       “You with Amita. Playing with each other.”
       I was warming to the idea now. “Like we were doing last night?”
       “Yes playing and eating pussy. Like last night before you stopped.”
       “We didn’t stop Jeevan. You stopped us.”
       “Ok then. Well I won’t stop you this time.”
       I looked over at Hansini and she was smiling.
       “Come on Amita,” she said.
       “Let’s show him what we can do,” I agreed.

       I moved towards her. We were sitting up at first as I reached for her. My fingers touched her shoulder, running from there up along her neck. I touched her ear lightly, and then moved across her face to her mouth. As I traced a line along her lips, they opened taking my fingers into her mouth. She was sucking them, pulling out and licking them, and then sucking them again.
        I moved in closer, bringing my lips to her ear. As I nibbled on the lobe of her ear, my hand had moved from her mouth to the other side of her neck. Now as I nibbled on her ear, my fingers were gently stroking down the side of her neck.
        “Mmmmm,” she goes.
        I knew she would like that.
        Meanwhile her hand had come up, fingers finding my breast. They brushed over the smoothness of my flesh until she found the roughness of my areola. Just the very tips of her fingers touched me there, making the tiny puckered bumps even harder. Finally she moved to the nipple itself, taking it between her fingers, rubbing and squeezing it, pulling on it, rolling it between her thumb and finger. She was quite rough, so much that it almost hurt, but in my state of high arousal it felt so good too.
        She moved her face lower and closer in so now her lips contacted my neck. Her lips gripped the skin, pulling at it as she sucked me there.  Now moving lower, down past my shoulders, down over my upper chest until she came to the swell of my breast.  It felt so good, partly from what she was doing and partly from what I knew was going to happen next.
         My hands had come up, both holding her head against my chest as I waited as she slowly moved lower, climbing towards the peak of my breasts. My eyes closed as she approached the hard nub of my nipple.
        I let out a soft moan as her lips closed over it.  
        She began giving my nipple a total work-over. First she was sucking with just the nipple in her mouth, then she’d pulled out, licking around the areola and across the nipple. She pushed in again, now taking the nipple and a mouth full of breast, sucking on it. It felt so good, what she was doing, changing from one action to another, bringing different sensations as she did.
        She pulled away from me and I opened my eyes. Looking down I saw her smiling up at me. I smiled back.
       “That was so good,” I told her.
       “Naughty girl!” she replied, grinning back at me as she slapped my bum.
       I had no answer to that. I just laughed.
       She was moving. Her head came up level with mine. She leaned towards me as I leaned to meet her. Our lips met. First it was a gentle kiss, just lips against lips but then as passions arose, it became more. Our lips were open, tongues probing, rubbing against each other, dancing together. I took her tongue sucking on it then she did similar to me. It was hot, sex and wet kissing. I love it like that.
        I felt her moving. She was falling back against the bed, pulling me, taking me down with her. We kissed like that for a few more moment and then I pulled away from her. It was my intention to move down over her body, first giving her breasts some more attention before moving on to her pussy. But she held me.
        “Let’s do it properly?” she said. “Let’s do a 69?”
        I was fine with that too so I moved until I was on top of her, my legs open each side of her head. As I pressed back so she could reach my pussy, it brought her pussy within reach of me. Resting my full weight on her, I reached for her pussy with both hands. She was still wet from sex with Jeevan as I pulled her open with my fingers.
       There was the pinkness inside her black glistening wet lips. I pressed to her with my tongue and felt the shudder of her body as I made contact. Then came the taste of her cum juice, not sweet, not sour but rather hard to define. Not at all unpleasant though. I have no problem with licking a wet pussy; in fact I quite enjoy it. But there was more to it than that, this time there was a taste of male cum too.
       What was being presented to me then was one very wet pussy. Naughty Girl!
       It was at this point that she made contact with me. First a tentative lick along my lips with her mouth, and then making full contact with me, her tongue pressing in. She took long slow licks almost right up the length of my slot before returning, running slowly back down again to where she started. She did this over and over. My pussy lips were now swollen and open, revealing my inner lips to her. She worked on these too, her tongue pushing and probing deep inside, into every little crevice she could reach.
       So now we were into a hot sexy 69. I love doing that with another sexy woman. Hansini is hot and she knows what to do with my pussy.
       I had been doing much the same to her hot, wet pussy too. I now I felt I wanted to give her more. My fingers moved to the top, pulling open the hood I found the hardness of her clitty. Yes I knew what to do with that too! I pressed in, took it between my lips and sucked.
       Oh did she go off! Wow! It was amazing! She’d stopped what she was doing to me, now she was moaning and crying out as I continued sucking her. She was bucking around beneath me, her back arching, then her pussy pressing up at me, falling away then pressing up again. I kept going as long as I could but with the way she was bucking around it soon became impossible to continue on.
       Finally she gave a massive hump against me which completely threw me off her. I landed on my back beside Jeevan as she came after me. She grabbed my legs, pulling them open as she went in for my pussy. Meanwhile Jeevan decided to join in too, leaning down to begin with his mouth over my breasts and nipples.
        What followed was nothing short of hot and sexy. While he worked over my chest another mouth was eating my pussy. Yes she was doing a great job, even better when she came to my clit. I was so turned on that only a few touches there was all I needed. I cried out, bucking my pelvis hard against her face as I went over the top. My cum bust upon me, flooding my body with waves of pleasure. It was one hot orgasm! As they moved back from me I lay on the bed smiling back up at them as the after-glow washed over me.
        When he joined us we wanted to do something different to what we did the night before. We had been talking about what we’d do to him during the day. We decided to go for a full three-some. The night before wasn’t really a true three-some with us taking turns to be with him. Now tonight we decided to would be.
       We made him lay back on the bed then we both joined him. While Hansini too his attention with some hot sexy necking and kissing, I went for his cock. Taking it in my hands first, I was kneeling beside him while I began rubbing and working at his cock between my fingers. He was not completely hard when I started but with what I was doing, I soon got the reaction I wanted.
       Now with him nice and hard I was ready to move to the next stage. One hand went to his balls. I know he likes that. He likes them tickled and even lightly scratched too. He likes me to find the little beans in their sacks and play with them too. I like touching a man there too. There is that sense that he is opening himself up to you, allowing you access to his most sensitive of places.
       I also went for the area under his balls. That soft sensitive area between his balls and bum hole which is normally protected deep between his legs. I lightly ran my fingertips over this area, touching it, feeling it, making tiny circles over the soft flesh. I even went down lower and touched the crinkled skin around his bum hole too. It’s amazing how nice that feels when it’s done right too.
       My other hand still stayed on his cock, my fingers wrapped around it, using the soft skin as I gently pumped him. I took it slowly because at this stage I had no intention in bringing him off. I was only trying to build his sexual desires and energy slowly. Yes, I’d paid attention to the lesson he’d given us. Take it slowly, enjoy the build-up, enjoy the journey, and enjoy the ride. Yes! Yes! Jeevan I know all this!
       Now I brought my face down to him. First touching him with my tongue before moving to take him in my mouth. While I sucked, I began pumping him with my hand. I wanted to do the best I could for him. He had given us some good sex and now I wanted to return it to him. But then something began to distract me.
       I was on my knees, leaning forward to reach down to him so my behind was partly in the air. Hansini had moved behind me now and her fingers were rubbing down along the split of my bum. Over the small hole of my bum hole, stopping to tickle me there. Then going further, lower down until she came to my pussy. She was stroking along my pussy opening, then soon pressing her fingers inside. Soon that became her hand fucking me with her fingers thrusting into me much as a cock would have.
        Soon I knew he was ready for going further. I didn’t want to take him over like that. So I stopped what I was doing to move my pussy up towards his cock. With what Hansini had been doing, I was now wet and ready to go. It was easy to take him with my hand, guide him to my pussy and come down on him, taking him inside me.
        Now I began fucking him. I was sitting upward, driving my body, my pussy down at him causing his cock to go in deep with each thrust. This was good and I soon knew it was going to work for both of us. But then something happened that changed things, making it even better for all three of us.
        Hansini came in over him in front of me, one leg going each side of him.
       “Eat my pussy!” I heard her tell him.
       I couldn’t see what was happening but I was obvious she had presented her pussy to him and he had begun eating her. Her back was towards me, so I leaned forward until my breasts were against her; I but my arms around her reaching for her breasts. His hands were already there but she has more than enough to share. While my hands went under her breasts, supporting them and holding them, I felt his hands had gone for her nipples.
       With a mouth eating her pussy and hands all over her tits she must have felt good. Soon it was clear she had an orgasm building. This time we were going to take her over the top. Now his hands had moved down to her hips, pulling her towards his face and holding her there. My hands had taken over her nipples, playing with them, pinching them and rolling them between my fingers. I had also begun necking her, giving her little nibbles on her neck.
       Clearly she was close now. Within moments she cum. Oh it must have been a big one. She fell back against me as spasms of excitement swept through her body. I could feel her body trembling with the enjoyment of it. Now moving away from him, she lifted her leg over him and fell on the bed beside us.
        Now Hansini was gone, Jeevan and I could focus on our fucking too. He was still deep inside me with my hips moving to generate the friction between us. It was good now as I leaned forward, pressing my clitty back against the hardness of my cock. It quickly sent me over too.
       He was still ready for more so we changed positions. I lay on my back while Hansini kneeled between my legs. First she played with my pussy with her fingers but soon she leaned lower and began working on me with her mouth and tongue. Meanwhile, behind her Jeevan had lined himself up and entered her. He was now fucking her and I could feel each thrust as he pressed her body, her face against my pussy.
        With what she was doing, when she began sucking on my clit, I was soon sent over the top into yet another orgasm. How many had I had that night? I’d lost count. I could tell by Jeevan’s breathing that he was close too. He gave a deep moan and I knew he was over the top too.
       I reached down underneath her, found her pussy then found her clitty. I gave it a hard pinch. Wow did she go off. She let out a cry, partly with orgasm and partly with pain. In a moment like this all feelings get mixed together. She fell forward against me and I wrapped my arms around her, holding her with her head against me between my breasts.
        After a climax like that, it was about all we did for that night. Soon we settled down, curled up together and went to sleep.
       The sex the third night was a bit hurried and rushed. Sure there were orgasms, one for each of us, but time was running out as we got back to the hotel late and we knew it would be a big day the next day. I won’t go into details because there has been enough sex already in this story.
       He was gone when I woke up. Hansini was awake and dressed. I got up, listening to her smart remarks about being a sleepy-head, not being able to take the pace etc. After my shower we went down for breakfast then came back to pack.
       We knew he wouldn’t be coming back so taking his bags too we went down to check out. Our plan was to leave our bags in the hotel while we did some shopping, then go on to the airport in the afternoon. We were checked in and waiting for him. He met us there before our flight.      
        It was an overnight flight and next morning overcast when we reached Auckland. We saw nothing until we came down through the cloud on final approach. There were a few buildings and houses than the more rural land near the airport. I saw some people standing waving at a car park then a small river swept past us and we were down. There was that big sign, “AUCKLAND INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.”  
        We were there. I sat back in my seat as we moved towards the terminal and thought about the eight days we would spend here. Yes I know it was going to be a good holiday. I intended to make the most of it and have a good time.
        Sure I mean sexy fun too. But little did I realise how soon that sexy fun would begin.


  1. Hi everyone.
    I don't want to get into that race between our MEP (Most Esteemed President) and Janet, so I am not going to leave a comment here.

  2. Susan, you know very well its a journey, a buildup, where everyone travels together towards their mutual fulfillment...LOL
    Reshma, a great follow up to your last story, in my humble opinion even better.
    And as for beating Janet, its too easy, I may let her think she has won next time though!
    PS, to blatantly take the words of James...Sue you look HOT!!!

    1. Thanks Ian.
      As I said in my background, I'm happy with both parts. They have everything I would like in a good story. I really enjoyed working with these three. Each of them have been successful characters in past stories. I wanted to bring out that passion and fire these two girls have too. I wanted to make you all laugh and feel a bit horny. If I've done that then I'll be very happy.

    2. I agree with you Ian. I open this page and I discover that photo. Hot!!! Hot!!!! Hot!!!
      After some time mesmerized I suddenly discover there is a story here too! Wow!

      Reshma this is a great story. Rochelle and Marceau - Raviprabha and myself (James) are touring together. We all think its great. Even better when you put it along side that first section.
      Yes I know others were involved. Certainly you can see that naughty Susan's had a hand in it so pass on credit where it is due but don't forget to take some credit yourself girl. There is a lot of you in these words too.
      James, Raviprabha, Rochelle and Marceau.

    3. Thanks guys!
      Glad you enjoyed it. I know I enjoy writing and its just makes it extra sweet when others enjoy reading my work. Yes Naughty Sexy Sue did have a hand in it but I don't mind that she did.
      Thanks all of you.

    4. Good work Reshma and those who helped. I know I helped with the first part. It is equal if not better than your first Singapore story.
      I look back over the stories of this blog. Many bring back memories, seem like old friends. Then I look at your work here. If we can still turn out a story like this after 180 before it, I think that is pretty impressive.

    5. Yes of course I helped with this story but then I often help with many of them. Don't let this take away from the work Reshma did. It was her ideas that makes this story. All I did was decorated it with some eye candy for all you naughty boys.

  3. Susan did you press a button marked comment? Yes you did!
    Did you type something in a text box? Yes you did!
    Did you then press a button called publish? Yes you did that too!
    You made a comment honey in the hope of getting both Ian and I biting.
    All I have to say is nice comment Susan.
    Ha! Ha! Janet

    1. Janet are you asking for trouble? Maybe doing a bit of shit-stirring. Susan has been busy today. Looking forward to when she reads this.

    2. Thank you for your kind advice Janet. I will remember when I don't want to comment don't press publish.

    3. What? Is that all Susan?
      Janet you are not doing enough. Try poking the tiger with a sharper stick.
      LOL Paul.

    4. Hi from James. Yes we are with Paul & Kirsten tonight.

      That Tiger seem very placid and content. Maybe a full stomach.
      Anne you better count the number of people there.
      Someone might have been eaten.

    5. Thanks guys. I enjoyed releasing your comments.
      Now here is mine.

      Janet why not try pulling the tiger's tail. Its perfectly safe. All the sharp bits are at the other end. No sharp bits on the tail. LOL

    6. If you need someone to tame Susan the Tiger - Pick Me! Pick Me!
      If I can, she'll be eating out of my hand. If I can't, she'll be eating me.
      Then can you put these words on my post.

      Here lies Raymond,
      Who entered Susan the Tiger's lair:
      Bravely entering a place,
      Where very few men would dare.

      She sprang at him,
      So fearsome was her attack;
      Poor Raymond did his best,
      Bravely he tried to fight back.

      She was too strong for him,
      With him she had her wicked way;
      She totally devoured him,
      Taking Raymond as her prey.

      So please remember Raymond,
      Whom Susan the Tiger caught;
      Who tried to tame the tiger,
      And how bravely he fought.

      Poor Raymond - But what a way to go!

    7. Guys, it's not working. I'm just sitting here barely smiling at your silly jokes. Go on, have you fun, make your jokes. I'm just quietly adding names to my LIST!
      Tiger Sue.

    8. A list Susan? Who is on your list? What is it for? Maybe all the boys! Am I there?

  4. Kia Ora Reshma.
    It is a fine story. You have captured the spirit of these people. As I have worked through these stories I have met many people. I've got to know them almost as whanau (family).
    Your writing and stories are full of taera and ai onioni and I think my whanau would be shocked to learn of what I am reading and proofing for you.
    Thanks for allowing me to share in your stories.
