Friday 14 October 2016

Story 188 Part One Background.

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Part One – Jeremy has some fun.
                                                                                        Posted by Susan.
          It worked out well for me doing this story. At first, it was intended to be partner swapping between Hansini and Mootie with Jeremy and Joyce but then I discovered that Allan/Asami had just done something similar in Story 187 putting Jeremy and Joyce with Shanti and Mike. So I knew I needed something different.
         At the next writer’s meeting, we were sorting out the final details of who would stay with each couple in India. They decided to put the two European couples with the new couples from India so that left us to place others from New Zealand. I asked if we could put Mega and Brian in with Hansini. This gave me more characters to play with and would eventually make my story much more complex.
         In the end, it grew so much that I developed it into three sections. 1) A threesome for Jeremy. 2) A threesome for Joyce. 3) Katrina and David together.

         This is section one where Jeremy gets some fun with two sexy Indian girls. This story involved two threesomes so again I needed them to be different. As part two was developing into a full-on threesome with Joyce I decided to hold back with Jeremy so he takes each girl separately.
         The sex scene works well. I put Jeremy with Hansini first. I enjoy sex and often there is a lot going on in a person’s head while they are doing it. I wanted to capture Hansini’s feelings and thoughts while she was with Jeremy. They were new to each other, never been together before. Since she is supposed to be writing this part of the story I allowed her to give a lot more detail than when Jeremy was with Mega. Of course soon Mega followed, in this case, it was more her fucking him than it had been with Hansini getting a good fucking from him.

         I finished the story abruptly after that. I wanted to leave you, my readers, with some sex and a big climax at the end. 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 188 Part One


  1. Susan,
    One mistake here too. "I wanted you to leave, my readers......" I think it should be "I want to leave you, our readers......" I hope you don't want us to leave Susan. LOL!

    I enjoy going back to those original stories and then comparing them with your present work. Such a difference, such improvement. I think, for me, that is another attraction of this blog - to study the improvement and changing of your writing styles and skills. Recently I introduced you blog to two colleges of mine. They say the same, can see the growing maturity in your work, the blending and changing of styles and the technical correctness.
    Keep up the good work everyone.

  2. Hi Moa
    I've been reading your comments with interest, the way you correct the writers reminds me of Mrs Sands, one of my favourite all time teachers. And before 'they' all jump on me Mrs Sands was my teacher when I was about 6 years old...a long time before I turned into a naughty boy! LOL
    It does go to show how much of an impression she made on me to remember her after over 40 years. It strikes me that you will be many people's Mrs Sands.

  3. Just got a text saying you had commented Ian.
    Thank you so much for your reply. I'd be happy if some of my original students remembered me that long.
    I no longer work full time now - just one week and three off. My subject is Maori Culture and Mythology. I got into this blog via Allan senior's blog where I helped with his Maori themed posts.
    Not many of us can boast having read every story here, I understand you have too so you'll appreciate what I said above regarding their writing skills.

    Oh its not good practice to start a sentence with "And" Also you could use a comma "....all jump on me, Mrs Sands was my....." LOL.

  4. What is this? Two mistakes Ian.
    This is terrible. Must be at least -10. LOL
    Can I kick the Arse of Ian for you Moa?
    LOL Ayaka.

  5. No you can't Ayaka.
    Many of your comments have been far worst than that.
    Please behave yourself and stop annoying other students.

  6. I feel like a naughty school girl, anyone know where one is at 10 am on a saterday morning? Haha

  7. Sorry can't be helping you.
    I'm not a school girl. My teacher expelled me for being naughty. (See above)
    LOL Ayaka

  8. Oh Ayaka. You in a school uniform. Short skirt - white cotton panties, wow!

  9. Another naughty boy, James!
    This class is full of them. Well I can see no option than to sort you all out.
    Extra homework always works. James, three reasons why you should not molest Japanese girls, please!

    Do you remember me James? We met at Ayaka's wedding. We sat at the same table for the wedding dinner.
    I used my real name there but go by Moa here.

  10. Three reasons.
    1) They are super sexy.
    2) They are fun.
    3) The one in the photo has a cute accent.

    Yes I remember you. We had an interesting conversation over dinner. You weren't that well back then. Hope things are better now. You must be better or you wouldn't have the energy to terrorize boys in the classroom, would you. LOL

  11. James, you naughty boy!
    While I agree that those are reasons they don't appear to be 'why you should not.'
    As for terrorizing boys - lets just say lucky you are not here.

  12. But Miss, it's not all James' fault that super sexy, fun Japanese girl with a cute accent keeps teasing him

  13. Oh I agree with James and Ian.
    How can we be blamed when we have totally hot girls like Ayaka, Kim and Susan in our classroom?
    Ayaka I just can't stop looking at you posed like that.

  14. Please Miss,
    How can we even think about school work when she is sitting next to us like that?
    My brain can think of nothing but tits squashed together and hands between thighs.

  15. Please Please Miss,
    Tell Ayaka to stop tempting us. She is so distracting. I just can't think straight.

  16. Oh you poor dear. They are so unkind.
    Just let me go cut a switch from the peach tree.

  17. Miss
    I don't like peaches. Can you cut mine from the apple tree?

  18. You guys! You have made me laugh so much today. Made my day in fact. All these naughty boys coming out and joining the fun. Then Ayaka acting the poor girl being teased by the cruel boys. That was good too. But I’m sorry all you wonderfully funny people but Rajah was top of the class today with his apple tree comment. That really made me laugh.

    That is what I like about this blog. There is a small community of readers. The girls say their monthly hit rate is really quite small but then when you all come out and join in a comment stream like this I know it makes them happy. I could hear it in Susan's voice this evening. The girls are encouraged by our comments, to keep writing these stories that we come back for month after month.

    Thanks guys. Let’s keep supporting them and have fun at the same time.

  19. Oh this is good.
    My darling brother-in-law is the teachers pet. LOL

  20. Oh look at that photo! Ayaka innocent? I don't think so.
    Look at that face. Look at those arms stretched out, pressing her breasts together, hands "covering" her pussy mound saying "Come and get me guys." Here is the problem in class, the temptress Ayaka.
    "Oh poor me, Miss those boys are picking on me." It more likely poor boys!

    I've been following this "comment stream" (I like that) all day and getting a few laughs too.
    Thank you Moa for your support and help you've given our writing team. I agree 100% percent will your comments. Well, all except that part about Rajah. He should be bottom of the class for rebelling against your wise decisions.

    Finally where is my b/f Ian? He started this and I've been hoping to see more from him.

  21. Now here's another thought, Reshma and Janet in school uniforms. For that matter why not Anne and Susan too. Short skirts, no bra under their white blouses. Oh I need to sit down, I feel a fantasy cumming on.

  22. You are having fantasies about my g/f Janet, James? I'll see you behind the bike sheds after school and I'll have my gang with me :-)

  23. Hi everyone,
    I was wondering to James why came to bed with all that sudden of extra energy.
    After it was over and he was gone to sleep I've got to see what was on the computer.
    This page! Good story and good 'comment stream' too.

  24. James! Do you really think you're going to get me running around in a see-through white blouse and short skirt with no panties?

  25. My dear little sister.
    James is asleep after what he has been doing to Raviprabha.
    Let me answer - Of course. LOL

  26. Come on Reshma. You join us.
    We'll get out on the deck and do some exercises. Bending over, stretching up, kicking our legs up.
    Get the idea. It will be fun.

  27. Sure does Shandra. Count me in too.
    But I have one very small concern. With all this exercise, won't we get hot and sweaty?
    Do we need someone to cool us down with the hose?
    Sexy Sue.

  28. Oh that is good!
    Miss Moa - Susan should get top of the class for that one.

  29. Behind the bike shed Ian.
    How did you know that? Susan, Shandra and I had some fun there. LOL
    Two of the guys are regulars here too. Jeff? Peter?
    Awesome Anne.

  30. I'll let you off James, something has come up and if you promise not to tell my g/f that I'm hosing Susan down in won't bring my gang to beat you up LOL

  31. Ian on the hose. I like that!
    Of course I know what you're doing because I intend being in that fitness session. After you hose me down you better check to see that I actually have cooled down.

  32. Ian it didn't occur to me that you might be beating someone up.
    Behind the bike shed always meant something else to me.
    Awesome Anne

  33. And (I like starting a sentence with and lol) I take it you mean you would like to get hot and sweaty again?

  34. Yes Ian,
    You've got the idea.

  35. I'm actually non violent so it's all a front (but I do have a reputation to keep so don't tell James)
    And hot sweaty action sounds like we should go behind the bike sheds Janet

  36. Sorry never been into bike-sheds. I was move a car back-seat girl.
    But I've given up my old ways. Now its soft comfortable beds.

  37. What has been going on with you guys?
    Ian & Janet, what are you hiding from me?
    I even see my wife was in here too, checking up on me, to see why I came to bed so horny.
    It's that Japanese girl sitting over there with her hands between her legs. I told Raviprabha it's all Ayaka's fault. Raviprabha agrees with me.
