Friday 14 October 2016

Story 188 Taking Care of our Visitors Part One

Jeremy has some fun.
      (The scene:- At Hansini’s house. Hansini & Mega with Jeremy.)

Hi from Hansini,
        When the New Zealanders arrived from Auckland and with those who came from Perth even, there were a lot of them including the children. As has been said in other stories, us other couples were called upon to help. Sarvesh considered putting them into the club but we thought it would be nicest if they could be staying with friends. Mootie and I ended up taking two each couples, Joyce and Jeremy from Australia and also with Brian and Mega from Auckland, with the two small children from Mega. It meant there was a crowd into our house, it is lucky we now have the new one, but we enjoyed having them.
        David was to be staying with Jeevan and Mandara but when they decided to ask Tom and Betty to stay with them, they didn’t have room so he got quickly transferred to our house. Their new house is a major construction site at the moment with builders still working in much of the house structure and landscaping grounds. When I mentioned to Katrina that we didn’t have room either, she just laughed and said: “Then he will have to stay in my room.”
       “That is a big sacrifice you are making Katrina.”
       “Yes Hansini, but we all must do a bit to help.”
       “Did you say doing a bit or getting a bit?”
       She looked at me slightly confused, not understanding the double meaning of the word ‘bit.’ I’d learnt that from New Zealand.
       “Getting a bit of someone’s cock.”
      Her face lit up as she laughed. But I also noticed she didn’t deny it too.
      “So will you promise there will be no love-games between you, Katrina?”
      “If David wants, I can’t say ‘No’ to him.”
      “What if Katrina wants?”
      She smiled at that and saw how I tried to trap her. “Then David can’t say ‘No’ to her.”
      Later Amita suggested it might be better if David appeared to be staying in a separate room for her parent’s sake at least since they were in this town now. I tidied our study room where we kept our computer. We set up a bed for him there. I knew it was only a token arrangement for appearances but I still saw why it was worth doing.

       The day they arrived, Mega and I were talking in the kitchen. It was good seeing her again and hearing how they were doing in New Zealand. Yes, I know, only a few months before I had been there with Jeevan, and even visited their house, but it was still good to see them again here in India.
       Then she lowered her voice and said something that set the scene for us.
       “I hope we get to play and have some fun while we are here.”
       “I’m sure we will Mega. Well, I intend to have some fun.”
       “I like that young European guy, Jeremy,” she said.
       She didn’t need to say how she liked him. I was interested in him too.
       “I would like to have him in my bed also,” I replied.
       “You are naughty, Hansini.”
       “Well, aren’t you thinking the same?”
       “Yes,” she admitted. “Yes, I am.”
       “Let’s set it up then?”
       “What do you mean?”
       “Let’s set up a night with Jeremy. You and I, with him.”
       “Do you think they would do it?” she asked me.
       “Don’t see why not. They played with David and Katrina in Perth.”
       “Come to think of it, Brian told me something happened with them with Shanti and Mike in Singapore.”
       “So are they are playing already?”
       “Don’t know Hansini…... I think so.”
       “Then there is one way to find out.”
       “Ok then, I in for that,” Mega agreed. “What about the boys.”
       “Oh, they can play with Joyce. She said in her story she wanted to try a three-some. Let’s offer her another one?”
       “Ha! Ha!” Mega laughed. “Two black cocks. She’ll go for that.”
        So that was our plan. We discussed getting Katrina and David to join us but it was clear they wanted to be alone together, for their first night he was here at least. I wonder why? Ha! Ha!

         At 5pm the servants finished for the day and returned to their own homes. We were left alone with our guests. Soon after Mootie arrived home and greeted each of our guests. Both girls greeted him in a rather friendly way. Then I spotted Joyce’s hand go to his bum as she gave him a full body hug. That confirmed our idea was right, She at least wanted to play with the boys.
        First, there was the dinner that Mega and I had cooked. Yes, we cooked it. More recently since we could afford servants, they have done mainly the cooking but this day I wanted to do something for our visitors. My servants were surprised at this but they helped Mega and I with the food preparations. I think suddenly having Europeans in our house was also a big surprise for them too.
         After dinner we were sitting in the hall (lounge) talking. As I expected, Katrina and David had disappeared up to her room straight after we had cleaned up the dinner things. I expected that would be the last we saw of them. It reminded me of what Donald said about them in Perth, ‘Rabbits down their rabbit-hole.’ I this case it was up to their rabbit-hole but the meaning was the same. It turns out I was not the only one with this idea.
        “That was a nice meal,” Joyce said.
        “Thank you,” I replied.
        “I was worried that the food here might be too hot.”
        “It can be Joyce, but Mega and I cooked mild for you.”
        “Thank you for that Hansini. Not sure I could handle a hot one. That was just nice for us.”
        I had been wondering how I could turn the subject to more sexy. But when I tried, to my surprise Joyce was quick to catch on to me.
        “We have a couple of hot ones here if you want to try,” I said nodding towards Mootie and Brian.
        For a moment she looked them over and I wasn’t sure she had got my whole meaning.
        Then she said, “Two hot guys…… That could be fun……I’d handle them.”
        It was at that moment that I knew my plan might have a chance. She was almost saying she would like to play. I was getting ready to develop the conversation when she did it for me.
        “Jeremy and I have been reading a lot about you Hansini,” Joyce said.
        “Oh! I hope it is naughty.”
        “Very naughty….. We found that story……. where you first got into the sexy things here.”
        “Do you like that story?”
        “Yes, very much. That part where you stripped after the chess game was so sexy.”
        I noticed no one else was saying anything. This was just between me and Joyce.
        “Yes, it was Joyce. A shock when I found myself naked but exciting too.”
        There was a pause for a few moments, and then I spoke again.
        “I enjoyed reading about you too Joyce,” I said. “That three-some on the island was so hot.”
        For a moment she looked a bit embarrassed, and then she smiled.
        “Yes, it was a bit. I had a fantasy of having a three-some.”
        “Then you got to do it too. Fantasy came true.”
        “Yes, it was so sexy……I got carried away….. I was so turned on that day.”
        Now I decided it was time to reveal Mega and my plan for the evening.
        “Would you do it again Joyce? Have another three-some.”
        She looked around the room. Everyone was silent, watching and listening.
        “Yes, I think so some time.”
        “What about with those two guys there,” I said pointing at Brian and Mootie again. “Another three-some, Joyce….. Trying it with two sexy Indian guys.”
        She seemed a bit surprised I think but certainly not shocked. She’d been looking over at the two guys again, obviously checking them out. I was surprised at her reaction, after what we had just said before. Maybe she was just being careful she didn’t offend anyone.
       “Well? What do you think, Joyce?”
       “I might be keen if they are.”
       “I’m sure they are.”
       I was still surprised no one else had said anything.
       Now Joyce looked over at her husband. “What do you think, honey?”
       “Go for it. I think Hansini and Mega can keep me company.”
       Well, that sort of settled it. It was at the moment that I knew we might be heading for two hot threesomes. It was just that neither of us had actually suggested we do it that night.
        I noticed that some of them had empty glasses so when I got up to go to the kitchen Mega who had been sitting between Brian and Mootie got up to come with me.  When we came back I discovered Joyce had moved over and was now sitting between the boys. So Mega and I sat one each side of Jeremy. I was wondering how we would set our intended fun for tonight. It had been done for me.
        “Poor Jeremy…… You look so lonely,” I said.
        “Yes, Hansini. Very lonely,” he replied.
        “Well here are two Indian girls to cheer you up.”
        “I don’t know about cheering me up but something else is getting up.”
        “Really?” I asked my hand going straight for his cock. I know that was bold but he mentioned it, almost like inviting me.
        “Feel this Mega. He is getting hard.”
        Mega put her hand there too and we could both feel him.
       “Oh, wow! He is too.”
        Now Jeremy was looking a bit embarrassed. Maybe I did move a bit fast but I wasn’t stopping now. I decided it was time I got him out.
        “I think we need to see this,” I said as my hands went for the zip of his jeans.
        He didn’t try to stop us. Just sat back, with his hands beside him, now relaxed, now allowing us to get his cock out. Yes, he was hard and we soon had the soldier standing up to attention. My hands went to him, one wrapping around and gently pumping while the other hand rubbed around and over the head. He gave a little jerk which got a giggle from Mega.
       I looked over at the other couch, but they were just watching to us so I asked Joyce, “How are they over there? Are they hard too?”
      She actually reached out to them both to feel and quickly confirmed that they were.
      “Get them out then,” I told her.
      My attention was brought back when Jeremy turned to me and started undoing my blouse. Cheeky boy! He was becoming bold. For this night I was to wear the western clothing which he knew how to undress. I was interested to see how he went when he came to Mega’s sari. Soon my blouse was open revealing my bra. It was then that things suddenly began to develop.
       First the three opposite decided to leave us and go for the master bedroom. I was mildly disappointed as I wanted to watch what she did with them but she decided not to get them out, instead wait until she got them alone. I was first thinking of there in our bedroom for us but decided to allow them and we’d take the second bedroom. This also had a double bed that we used for couples. The third bedroom, usually the children’s room had three single beds so we put Mega and Brian in there with their two children. Our three children were sleeping downstairs in their playing room which they thought was fun. (Later Mega’s children moved downstairs with ours.)
       So it looked like we would be using Jeremy’s room. When he offered it, the problem was sorted for us, so Mega and I followed him upstairs.

       I was surprised at him. Mega was hardly closed the bedroom door and he sprung at her. I don’t know how this happened but he knew all about a sari and quickly began undressing her. I tried to reach him but wasn’t having much success so changed my tactic to helping him. We soon had her sari off and were down to her underwear. They were soon taken care of too, leaving her totally naked. (I later heard that he knew he might come to taking the sari from a girl so studied from the Letters Books to know how it was done.)
       Next, the attentions returned to me. I was Ok with this, they both worked to getting me naked. It didn’t take them long, as now already, my blouse was missing, still downstairs. Then Mega and I turned our attentions on to Jeremy.
       To our surprise, he putting up the fight. I would have thought any guy would be happy to getting naked with the two of the naked girls but this guy was giving us the hard time. No problems, but we could deal with this. We got him on the bed and were working together at him. His shirt was gone and then his shorts. His underpants were more of a problem but of course, we did it. He was as naked as we were.
      “Ok, so how are we going to do this?” I asked.
      “You two should know,” he replied.
      “What? We don’t,” I said wondering what this guy’s game was.
      “My sex slaves can’t even think?”
      “Hey! We’re not your sex slaves. OK?” Mega said giving him a push with her palm to his chest.
      “Don’t you start that with us!” I warned him.
      You know of me from other stories. I don’t take from cheeky boys! But if this boy became cheeky I was sure Mega and I can deal with him. Might be fun too.
      “Well think of something then.”
      “Ok, we will.”
       I had this very cheeky, teasing idea. I would teach him. I grabbed Mega and began to cuddle her, this moved to kiss her. She was a bit surprised at first but soon joined in.
        “Hey! What are you two doing?” he asked suddenly feeling left out.
        “You told us to do something,” I said. “Well, we are. I’m going to do fucking with Mega.”
        “And what am I supposed to do?”
        “I don’t know. Watch TV.”
        He looked around, “There is no TV here.”
        “Then you have the problem,” I said with a laugh.
        “Shall we let him play too?” Mega asked. She felt sorry and gave in too soon.
        “Ok Jeremy, you can help me with Mega,” I told him. “If you are a good boy I might do something with you too.”
        He seemed happy enough at that. As if we would leave him out when all along our plan was to get him into the bed for us to enjoy.     
        We pushed Mega back on the bed and sat each side of her. While I went for her neck and ear Jeremy went straight for her breasts.
       “So you know what to do with Indian boobs?” Mega asked him.
       This made me laughing.
       “Of course,” he replied. “They’re not much different to white ones.”
       “Sure they are better,” Mega replied.
       “Let me try and I’ll tell you after,” he said.
       Oh, a good answer Jeremy. It appears this guy is smart with the replies.
       I went back to nibbling on her ear while Jeremy bent down to a nipple. Mega shut her eyes and was moaning gently. She was enjoying this. I think it became even better when I moved down to join Jeremy, taking to her other nipples. We were touching, licking and sucking it. Her tits were really getting a bit work-over.
       But I soon thought it was the time we went for her pussy. I reached over to Jeremy, pushing his head in that direction. “Down there,” I said.
       He didn’t need telling twice. He moved from her breast down towards her pussy. First, he was sitting to her side where he was exploring and touching with his fingers. I notice she was only too willing to let him in by opening her legs a bit. Soon he moved again, this time down between her legs, pulling them open further as he approached her. Again I could see no resistance from her as she willingly exposed everything to him.
       There was some finger work but not much before he bent his head down towards her. That was good so he was going to eat Mega’s pussy. So this guy knew his way around the Indian pussy too. I was interested to see how this would go and what he would do. You can tell a lot of a man’s love making skills when you discover how he eats the pussy. With Jeremy being good with this it can be expected he could be good at the other things too.
        First he just gently worked with the outside of her pussy lips. The tongue moving, licking in long strokings over the exposed parts of her pussy. That was good, and by the juices that began to appear would be feeling good too.
        Next part was where his fingers came to her pussy lips too. The gently eased her swollen lips open as his tongue began to making little thrustings into her. Before long she was responding to this very well. I first heard the soft moans escapes from her lips. Then a louder moan which made me giggle. Her pelvis began to move, giving with little humps back at him. It was clear to both Jeremy and also myself that Mega was now approaching to her first orgasm. This was fast, she must have been horny to begin.
        His fingers moved higher up her lips. I knew now of his intentions to take her over like that. As I said his fingers moved high, pulling her open at the top. He moved in for the kill. First, the tongue going for her pink clitty. Yes, Indian girls maybe brown all over the outside but still are pink within the inside. A few licks over it and she let out a gasp as her body trembled. Then his face pressed in closer and lips closed over her little hard button.
        Yes, we both knew she felt that. The cry she gave was exciting and sexy, even for me to hear. It told of the orgasm pleasure that had burst upon her body. He would not let her rest but continued working to her clitty. She was bucking and wiggling under him until he had to hold her by the hips. He was making it lasting for her as she moaned and gasped and humped back at him. Finally, she succeeded in throwing him off and she was allowed to rest.
        It had been sexy to observe this and my thinking was to have some of this fun too. When my fingers strayed to my pussy it was to discover my wetness was there too. Yes, my body wanted a turn of that too. 

       Yes, as I expecting, Jeremy came to me next. He pressed me back to the bed and came in on one of my breasts. There was some touching with his fingers. It was not really needed as my nipples were made hard when I was watching to him and Mega. Soon he shifted closer so his head could come down to my breast. It felt sexy as his lips closed over my hard nipples.
       I was forced to close the eyes for enjoying the sensations he was creating within my breast. It was making me feeling more and more sexy within my body too. I know it was feeling so good but I come to know my other breast and other nipple needed attentions too so I took his head, pressing him towards that one too. Yes, he made that one feeling as good as the first one.
       Now I needed more. I think Mega knew of this too for she said, “Now her pussy, Jeremy.”
      What was to following was very sexy to this Indian girl. While Mega took over giving the attentions to my breasts, Jeremy journeyed to my pussy. Soon he had my lips peeled open and was plunging between with the deep long licks. This was different to how he had done Mega. It seems this guy can use more than one style at pussy eating. Versatile, I like that in a man.
       Now I had made my mind to wait from the orgasm and have it with the cock within me. It was my intentions to do it with him and enjoy together. But with what was going on between my thighs was too much for this girl. The feelings grew stronger and stronger until they could burst upon me. My original intentions were forgotten as my cum arrived.
       It was powerful, building fast before crashing upon my body. He worked with me to keep it going but I was too strong for him and the bucking of me threw him off. I lay there recovering as they sat watching. When I was rested and the breath returned, I opened with my eyes to look to them. I was happy and smiling to them. They were smiling back to me.

       Now we came to the main event. Where Mega had got her pussy eaten first, Jeremy decided I should get him first, have the fucking first. While a bit surprised at his reasoning for this, I was happy and really had no problem with it. Anyway when you think of it, it makes sense since he was with me at that time too.
       As has been said above, both Mega and I were attracted to Jeremy, both of us wondering what he would be like within the bed. Yes, guys, us girls do check to a guy with the thought of bedding him too, but of course, mostly they only stay as thoughts, never becoming actions. Of course, being involved with this group, we’ve had the chance to put some of our fantasies into actions. So in this case, checking out Jeremy did become taking him to our bed.
        During the evening I grew to like him even more. He was easy to talk with, had a sense of humour, took our teasing him and gave back in return. He had a good body too. Fit, tight and trimness of a younger man. Oh did I mention, a nice ass too? LOL Now as I lay back on the bed I was thinking what he would really be like.  
       Yes, I lay back on the bed. I don’t know why. He didn’t ask me to. I just lay back so he could be on top. That was it, decided like that.
      As I opened my legs he moved kneeling between them. Instead of coming straight in as you would expect he sat there for a moment looking down at me, admiring down at my open pussy to be exact. Why do guys do that? Do they think we have teeth down there of something? That would be a shock for them if we did grow teeth down there. Chop! Chop! Chop! Ha! Ha!
      His hand went to my thigh, moving higher to my hip and then down onto my pussy. Those fingers moved down over my swollen, open lips. That felt good. My body gave the shudder of pleasure. Was he checking I was ready? Of course, I was ready. I wouldn’t have been laying there with my legs wide open if I wasn’t.
      So observing done, pussy checking done, moisture testing done, I hoped we were ready to go now. He moved forward as his legs slipped out behind him, bringing his body down against mine. His hips and his lower body sliding down between my open thighs.
       I reached for him. My hand pressing between his body and mine. Over the hair of my pussy, down lower past his hair until I found him. A hard throbbing rod of warm ‘steel’. Oh, nice! I was going to enjoy this. My fingers wrapped around his warm shaft. Oh yes, he was warm too, hot you could say. I love the feel of a male erection. When I slightly pulled him, he moved towards me. I lined him up with his head against my lips and he pressed in.
       So often you guys talk about the moment of resistance like we are resisting your conquering us. This time, there was no resistance. Just a juicy wet cunt welcoming a hot, hard rod of cock.
       His first thrusting went part way in and my pussy hole stretched for accommodate him. I love that feeling as a first-time cock enters me. The fullness, the warmth of his cock, maybe even the promise of what was about to come. Or should I say cum? LOL
       He tells me I gave a deep throaty moan at the point. I don’t know, maybe I did but anyway, it was certainly nice to feeling him there.
       He withdrew, pulling almost out before thrusting again. Faster, deeper this time. Again me opening to allow him. The thrill of it taking my breath away. He slipped back easily with all my juice and then came the third thrust. Yes, this was the big one, the one where I almost took him all. I felt him deep inside me. The full feeling of a hard male cock, filling my pussy, filling my body.
       Now he began fucking to me. He was slow and deliberate with at first. In fact, he reminded me of how you do it Jeevan. Deep thrusts, long thrusts, slow thrusts, going in almost all the way before withdrawing to do it again. They were slow powerful thrusts showing the strength and control of the male body. I could feel him pressing in past my pussy lips, sliding into me. I could feel him pulling back, again him moving past my pussy lips sliding out until he almost completely withdrew from me.
       I could feel his body against mine. His chest pressing my breasts flat, his flat belly against mine, his pelvis contacting mine with each inward thrust. I could feel his body, the muscles of his body working his hips, driving his cock into me, pulling his cock out.
      And those feelings from my pussy.  Oh, they feeling so good.
      This continued for a while. This controlled fucking. Slow deliberate fucking. Building us, building our desires for each other. Long, slow, controlled thrusts, going in deep, pulling almost right out. It was working and stretching my pussy. The lips moving and rubbing over my clitty. It was working for me too. Yes, I was getting ready for more now. I began responding to him, thrusting my pussy up to meet each of his downward thrusts.
       He recognised this and began to move faster. Not much faster but more than before. Yes, he was reading me, reading the way my body was responding to him. As I moved under him he matched me with increasing force and speed of his thrusting.
       Oh, this man was good. The feelings from my body, telling me I wanted more. Telling me this was going to be the good one. I opened my legs wider, bringing them up around and over his bum. This really presented my pussy to him.  With each thrust now I was taking everything he could give me.
       He was going for it now, deeply into me, moving faster now, more aggressive now. Hot rough sex as our passions drove us. His pelvis was pounding against me, that hard shaft driving in and out over the sensitive lips. It was good, soon to become too good.
       The man on top of me was moving with me. Our bodies working together, against each other. His head was close to mine. I could hear his breathing close to my ear. I could hear, if not feel, the gasps as he was sucking in air to work the muscles of his body. That was sexy too. I love to be close to a man like this when he is working hard. There is the feeling of power and strength from his body with also adding to the experience of sex with him.
       He gave a gasp, his body gave a shudder, before he continued. I realised he was close, almost too close. But I also knew I was close too. I’d need to get there soon as he could go over any moment now.
       My legs slipped off him, lowering my pussy so his thrusting angle changed to bring more in contact with my clitty. That made a difference. My cum built quickly now. Within a few of his thrustings the feelings starting there. Small at first, then building, then exploding, filling my whole body with the pleasure of orgasm.
       I humped against him, slipping out of rhythm, bucking around, wildly underneath him, my body losing control as the cum hit me. It was a big one, powerful but explosive and but short. It must have been hot for him too because he gave a gasp and cum too. I came out of my high to realise him gently thrusting against me, his cock jerking as he filled me with man-juice.
       It was over. He rolled off me and we lay beside each other catching for our breath.
       It was strange how this worked out. Where at other times, three people together had become a three-some in this case it was more like Jeremy was fucking both of us. First, he did with me and then he did with Mega
      The younger men! Don’t you love the way they recover so quickly? We had laid together for only a while then we were each side of him. Mega was kissing and necking to him. My mouth found its way to his little man-nipple. My fingers having it hard before taking into my mouth.
       Mega was down, joining me with the other nipple. I come to know he was enjoying our attentions when I noticed him with the cock beginning to grow. Mega was watching for this and her hand was going to help him. Soon the Cock of Jeremy was rising to its full glory again. It was time we moved to this place.
      Mega was one side taking his cock into her hand while I was to the other with my hand to the ball bags. She played to him a bit but when he was ready her head went to him, taking the cock head to her mouth. Cocks taste different when they have been into the sex and I expect this one must be for you Mega too.
       I had bent to the balls finding the beans inside and taking one to my mouth. As I sucked to him, I looked to his face. The eyes were closed; the face was making a smile of the pleasure he was receiving. Yes, he was enjoying us.
      Mega was wise not to leave him too long. Before he could respond any more, she was moved so her legs were each side of him. She moved forward so her pussy was approaching to his cock. My hand got there first, taking the cock and holding him for her.
      So she was going to fuck to him with her on the top. This was interesting for me being so close like that. I could watch the pussy approach the cock. See the cock head press against her wet lips. The lips parting, opening, inviting to take him inside. I was so close there helping them. She gently lowered herself down on to him, making him wet before pulling back. It took a few more tries before she attempted taking him all. I knew she was wetting him and easing in to the fucking.
        Now she began at him. My job was done so now I could lay back and watch. She was doing the work with moving of the hips causing her pussy to drive against his cock, and then pull back again. I knew the way of this because I often do it this way too. But I was interested in watching how another woman did this too.
       I’m not so experienced with sex with Mega because she left for New Zealand so soon after I got to know her. I know my husband said he had enjoyed being with her. So in some ways, I was interested in observing the performing of both these sex partners.
       The fucking which was before me continued. It was clear to me that both were growing in their excitement. It was no surprise that Jeremy’s hands had come up to her breasts. With them jiggling around on her chest like that, who could miss not seeing them. Most times guys do this. It added to their enjoyment too. For her having some hands on her sensitive nipples felt good and for him having some sexy breasts to be playing with felt nice too.
       Then I came to know they were getting to be close. It was going to be a good one for her I could see. She now had her eyes closed and was beginning to lose control. I notice Jeremy had taken over and was using the spring of the bed to do most of the work now. For a moment I wondered where he was. Would he be close or would he miss? I should never have worried about that.
        It all started to happen when Mega made her orgasm. Her body was losing control until she was bucking around on top of him. I think watching a person passing through their orgasm is sexy to watch and I was interested to be there to see. With the power of the feeling within her body, she bucked so hard that she pulled from him until he came out. It looked like he had missed it.
        Now Mega opened her eyes. Smiling down to him she was telling how good it was. There was no need to her to be saying as both Jeremy and I myself were fully knowing this already.
       She realised the situation now. She had slipped off him and he had missed his orgasm. So now her pussy was brought back to his cock. I watched her inserting him back into a very wet pussy. Now she began fucking him again. This time, there was no thought for her own enjoyment, just intending to make it good for Jeremy.
       To my surprise, it didn’t take long before we heard him give a gasping moan and I knew more man-juice was being delivered into Mega’s pussy too.

        So this must be the ending for my story but I’m sure you will have better understandings of how well Mega and I are caring for our visitor Jeremy. I think next we will discover if the boys Mootie and Brian can do for Joyce as well.
       Bye from Hansini.


  1. Oh Susan we are getting technical are we?
    Well can you tell me how I calculate my thrusting angle please. Practical demonstrations would also be acceptable too.

    Good story honey. Sort of what I'd expect from you. Story moves along nicely, some fun and a good detailed sex session. Well done.

    Now looking forward to the next two sections of this story. Looking like Joyce gets a couple of Indian guys next time. LOL

    1. Paul its really quite simple.
      First you take the length and divide it by diameter. Next you comparetake the number of degrees between the top side of the shaft and the clitty and the distance of the sun of the northern horizon. Add this to your first calculation. Next you check the current phase of the moon and give it a value. ranging 10 for full and 0 for no moon. Divide your total by this.
      Now finally ask the question:- Is she horny? If yes, then go for it.
      LOL Kim

    2. No No Kim. That is completely wrong.
      Your calculation measures orgasm potential.
      The thrust angle is equal to the angle that Jupiter is above the western horizon at 9:47pm on the 11th October as seen from Raglan.
      LOL Susan.

    3. Its got nothing to do with the sun, moon or Jupiter. Good sex is all about balancing the forces of nature.
      If it is to dry add some oil. If too slippery then use jam or honey making it sticky. If it gets too hot, cool it with ice cream. If it get too cold, heat it with crushed chillies. (That last one might make his eyes water a bit! LOL)
      It's really very simple actually.
      LOL Anne.

  2. I don't think so Anne. Crushed chilly rubbed all over my cock. That would make my eyes water.

    Good story Sexy Sue. Once again you lived up to that name. My wife and I enjoyed Hansini's thoughts as she was with Jeremy. It's like you got inside her head. No doubt speaking from experience here.
    Thanks Susan
    Fred & Ginger.

  3. Good morning girls. Noting the times of those comments above, it must have been a long night. I suspect the red wine was talking a bit too.

    Dear Susan
    Story reads well. I enjoyed it. Like Fred said above it took us into Hansini's thoughts. You said in your background notes that a lot goes on in the mind during sex. You captured some of this nicely.
    I could only find one small obvious mistake where you had "He" instead of "Her". There are many grammar mistakes but I'm sure most of these are intentional. If not, they are fitting with the background to this story. Correct that mistake and I'll give you an A+.
    Say Hi to everyone.

  4. Hi guys!
    Just finished reading this story. It's good Susan. But then we would expect you'd do a good one. Like they said above the sex scene was good while not being much in the way of action, that detail you worked into it makes all the difference. Like others I'm now wondering where all these Indian adventures will take us.
    Keep them cumming, stories I mean. Ha! Ha!

  5. This is another good one Susan. Interesting, exciting, surprising and sexy like you, Susan.
    Now this problem with the thrusting angle. In reality it's no concern for men! Read that part again in the story. Hansini was concerned about it not Jeremy and she fixed it for herself. So for us guys its a non-issue. Give them a good fucking and they'll sort it, I say. A few hard wacks on the ass would probably have the same effect too.
    Like I said above, a great story, great sex scene but one part I did find slightly disturbing. A pussy with teeth. Chop! Chop! Chop! What is this all about, Susan? You know many of us guys are sensitive about our equipment down there. To say something like that is very off putting.
    Now Ayaka, your photo, I love that pose with your hands down over your pussy like that. Sexy but innocent, showing but hidden, "I'm shy" but "Come and get me!" All in one great pose.

  6. James are you saying men should have no concern for the enjoyment of woman. That is very bad-male attitude! I think it the man's responsibility to be fully concerned for her enjoyment. If you know she enjoys in a special way then you try to please her. OK! Don't go saying such things again!

    1. Sorry Asami. I didn't mean it like that. I was just teasing you girls a bit.

  7. It's OK James.
    I figured it out when I re-read your comment.
    But thanks for you last comment.

  8. Well that was a show stopper Asami. While under the Background Section it's still going well.
