Saturday 29 October 2016

Story 188 Part Two Background.

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Part Two – Jeremy has some fun.
                                                                                        Posted by Susan.
          Last time we saw how two hot sexy Indian girls take the white guy Jeremy to bed. Now that must be a total fantasy for you guys. I’m sure it was for him too. This time, we have the opposite, two guys taking a girl to bed. Total fantasy for you girls now. LOL
         There is a short section where Mootie comes home from work to meet his guests who were already there. I tried to give you some insight into how things went during that first part of the evening. You will notice that being Head Keeper in the Game Reserve is been good for Mootie and Hansini. A new larger house and even had servants too. Very nice, although he doesn’t seem so sure about the servants.

          From here on most of this story is sex of some kind. I figure they would go upstairs for sex so they might as well get on with it. Mootie describes how it began but we get the impression that he really didn’t know where this evening was going until Joyce moves over to sit between Mootie and Brian. Not long after that, they move upstairs to the bedroom.
          During this early part of the story, I wanted to work some fun and teasing between them. If you are just about to go to bed with someone, it helps if there is a nice fun relationship going on. Those short conversations between them all help to build this relaxed feeling between them. In the end, after some more teasing with her but I think she handled it well by telling them what she wanted and how they were going to give it to her. Mootie the writer of this story certainly seemed impressed by that.
          So as my story continues we pick up on what happens when two big Indian guys get Joyce into bed. Since I had Jeremy take each girl in turn I wanted the guys to turn their session with Joyce into a hot threesome. So I split this sex scene into two parts. First, they took her one by one and then they took her together with a cock at each end. I didn’t go for anything too way out, didn't think it was necessary, just some good sex between them.  

         I think it works ok. Certainly, my friends here have given it the thumbs up. Ahhh but which thumb? The ones on their hands or the one lower down. Ha! Ha!
                                                                                             Sexy Sue.

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