Tuesday 29 November 2016

Story 189 Background.

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Hi from Kimberley,
         We have a surprise this time. Yes, two new writers. We have seen them commenting on stories, writing a real story on their page above, and Brian even helped with brainstorming for the Ripper Stripper stories but now let’s see how they go writing a Letter’s Story.

Hi from Julie,
         As Kim said above, this is our first story. We had done Brian’s Page but that had been a real story and we tended to avoid detailed sex scenes. Anne and Allan had helped us a lot there too. Now we were writing a fictitious story, one where we got to make it up as we went but also, it had to be considered. we were writing in a well-established world where some characters had been around for a very long time. We knew it had to be done correctly.   

         When we were given this story, we sat down together and drew up a plan, an outline if you will, of how it would go. At that stage most of the major scenes (sections) were added which just left us to write the body of the story, filling out each scene as we went along. We started well but it was soon becoming apparent that we needed help. We were trying to capture the personality of Amita and others in our story but we were unsure how far to go with this. Eventually, we invited Anne and Allan over for dinner and then together sat down to review what we’d done in our story.
        Anne was a great help, she knows so much about the people involved in these stores, explained who they were, where they came from and their personalities too. She brought a small carton with ten hardcover notebooks, the famous diary mentioned from time to time. Allan gave us some good conversation, showing us how to read them out, even exchange with each other in roleplay. He gave us bits to liven up the interaction between characters in the story too. This turned things around for us. They were a great help and I soon had some notes to add to what we had done. 
        The final result is a combination of our ideas and their’s but in the end, we were happy with what we had done. It might not be up to the standard of many of the stories in this blog but we’re still new at this.

        Now we’re working on another story that will appear later in this volume. I know this one will be a lot better.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 189.

Note: This story was written by Julie & Brian. I just uploaded it for them.  Kimberley.