Wednesday 21 March 2012

Letter 7 Bikini Photos and the “Red Sari Series.”

Index of Letters                  Letter 7 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 6.

Forward to Letter 8.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Dear Joseph,
        That was a great letter. I really think it is the best one so far. I am going to enjoy this friendship even if it has developed in a way that I never expected it would.
        We found the photos of you and Lizamoa. Thanks for sending those. Yes, we both think Lizamoa is a very beautiful woman.
        I want to say Hi to Lizamoa and say I am glad you are joining our friendship. I have shown Mike the letters too and he is also enjoying them. It is good that all four of us are now involved in this very sexy relationship, rather than just the two of us.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

        To answer your question. Yes, my boyfriend and I do have sex. We don’t do it every time we go out but we do it regularly. I like Mike to lick my pussy the best. It turns me on and makes me feel so sexy to have a hot tongue right inside my pussy. Mike likes to screw me from behind the best. He says I have a very sexy arse and from that position, he can squeeze and fondle my tits while he’s pumping into me. I don’t come like that but he always takes care of my needs first and then uses that position to finish himself off. My boyfriend Mike is a good man in bed and always very considerate of my needs too.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

        Did you find the photos enclosed of me in my bikini? Do you like the blue one or the green one the best? I bet your eyes popped when you saw me in the tiny blue one. It doesn’t leave much covered, does it? I’ve also included a photo of Mike for Lizamoa. Do you like him Lizamoa? I think with that beard he is a very handsome guy. He has promised to include a photo of himself in a tiny pair of swimming togs so Lizamoa can enjoy his body. He asks if you can send us a photo of Lizamoa in her swimming togs so we can see what her body is like too. Will you do this for us?
        Now to make our letters even more interesting, Mike and I took a series of photos of me the other day. The first three are also enclosed in this letter. We are going to call it the “Red Sari Series” because as you can see I’ve just come home wearing a red sari. I am feeling very tired and hot because it has been a very long day. You’ll have to wait until next time to find out what happens next.
        That was a great story about you on the train. It is often more exciting when you do something sexy in a place where you might get caught. In your case, it must have been even more exciting by the fact that she was a complete stranger. What surprised us is that you didn’t even know her name but she let you touch her in her most secret places. Wow, that was very bold of you to try doing that so close to her parents but even bolder for her to allow you to do it.
        We both had fun after reading that story.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

        Well, that’s about it for now.
        Mike and I are going to write a sexy story for you in my next letter. We didn’t have time to include it in this letter.

        Well, that’s about it for now. It’s time for me to park my pen now.
                Love from,
                        Shanti and Mike.

                P.S. Why do you like a sari better than Western clothing?

Index of Letters                  Letter 7 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 6.

Forward to Letter 8.


  1. Expected more in this letter. Joseph would also have been sad as there was no hot story in it. :P

  2. Yes but back when we wrote these letters the idea was charting a correspondence rather than creating a collection of letters/ Anyway Joseph should just be happy getting a letter from a hot sexy girl in New Zealand.

  3. Hi Sakura here. I am reading this blog with my younger sister Tukiko.
    Like that man Raheem Khan said above, we were expecting there would be some more from Shanti. We understand that now not all letters are going to be with sexy stories. You explained this Kiwianne12.
    Who is the Indian girl in the photo? I like that green bikini. It looks hot on her. Is this girl Shanti?
    Sakura & Tukiko

    1. Hi again Sakura and Tukiko
      I think you have worked out that this is a correspondence at first. Later they dropped this to just swap sexy stories. It was taking too much time and room to write everything. The stories end up being swapped between a group in New Zealand and a group in India

      Now that girl in the green bikini is Shandra. She is the girl who wrote to the real man in India and started all this off. She is one of our writers but also one of the girls I work with on the farm. She is a nice lady and has taught me a lot too. You maybe surprised to learn that the green bikini was originally owned by my cousin Anne. She gave it to Shandra.

      Go to the list of pages on the top right. Two that you might like is "Writers of Letters" which is about us writers. "Cast of Letters" which is about the people in the stories. Might help you sort all the people out.
      Bye Now Ayaka.

    2. Sakura here again.
      We found that page with all the sexy photos. We even found a very sexy Ayaka too. Nice photos Ayaka. We did not have time to read it all but we did read your bit. You even have your own dog now. Tukiko said she thought you were scared of dogs or is that Asami. I'm not sure now.
      Down at the bottom of your section we discovered a link that showed us your first story Ayaka. Oh that one was very sexy. I did not know you could write like that. We will be leaving some comments about that one too. Thank you for the advice about those pages. They explain a lot to us.
      Thank you.
      Sakura & Tukiko.

    3. Hi Sakura & Tukiko
      I'm glad those two pages were helpful. This is a very complex story, made worse by the unusual way it was published. I found problems following it too and there were a lot less published back then. They have made those pages to help readers. You will find that both are undated and changed regularly too.

      Yes I do have a dog. He rides on my quad bike and goes everywhere with me. My life on the farm is very good now. Recently I received a promotion and now I will begin doing formal classroom training as well as what I learn work here. I do no think I would like living in Japan now. My sister Asami and my Aunty will be visited here soon. My parents will be here for Christmas too. So I still have contact with them. I can send you more about my work here and lots of photos in emails if you want more.

  4. That second section where Shanti describes how she has sex. This is so different from anything so far. Now Sexy Sue is really involved. It was much to detailed for either of you Shanti and Anne.
    I wasn't happy with that first sentence about the Girl on the Train story. You really need to fix that up. See my email.
