Thursday 1 March 2012

Letter 4 Do You Wear the Bikini Type?

Index of Letters                  Letter 4 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 3.

Forward to Letter 5.

The Game Reserve,                
Andhra Pradesh,                    

                        New Zealand.

Dear Shanti,
        I am so glad to receive your letter. There was some delay and I began to think that you had decided not to be writing to me. Thank you for your writing, it is good to be knowing that we are still keeping our friendship.
        Just let me be taking one moment and I will be explaining and you will be knowing, why I am being married. You see, when I put in the advert I was not being married but now I have come to be married. I am very glad that my being married will not stop us from our friendship.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

        Thank you for your photograph. It is also very good. Yes, I am liking a woman in the very traditional sari but you are looking very nice in the short dress. I must admit to you that you are having very nice legs.
        Please include the photo of you in the swimming costume. Togs you say. Is this a common name for swimming costumes in New Zealand? I would very much like to see it. Do you wear a one piece costume or are you wearing a bikini type? Please say the bikini type because I would very much like to see you in that.
        Do you have a boyfriend? I’m sure a pretty lady like you will be having lots of boyfriends. I do not mind. Please tell me if you are having the boyfriend.

Yes, that is what I am saying. I want to talk about the many different sexy things. Stories, things we have been doing, or things we are dreaming. I like reading and hearing the sexy things. Next letter I will tell you of a girl I was meeting on a train. She is the very sexy girl. Do you want that story? Please tell me if you want and I will be sending to you.

                Your friend,

Index of Letters                  Letter 4 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 3.

Forward to Letter 3.


  1. The plot thickens and we are about to enter uncharted territory.....

  2. Hi again Shandra
    Yes this story is starting to get interesting. He's not shy in asking for a bikini photo is he?

    But it looks like you've got him hooked now. Poor Joseph has fallen into the honey trap. LOL
    Kirsten & Paul

    1. Hi Kirsten & Paul
      When I wrote this letter I was only 17 and still living at home with my parents. Owning a bikini was of course out of the question, they would have never allowed it. But I wanted one and I thought it a bit sexy to see Anne and Susan wear one.
      So this made me add the idea of asking Shanti for bikini photos. It took Anne by surprise coming from me but she soon responded by saying Shanti owned two bikinis, a modest one and a very sexy one.

  3. Hi Anne & Ayaka
    I am confused. Who is Shandra and who is Shanti? Are they the same person? Why are these letters posted by someone called Kimberley? Who is she?

    I can see this man Joseph is wanting to get to the sexy talk very soon.

    1. Hi Asami I am Shandra.
      Now to answer your questions. In the beginning Shandra and Shanti were the same person, me! We later changed the name in the stories to avoid confusion. Now Shanti is the girl in the story. Shandra is me the writer. Check out the pages "Writers of Letter" & "The Cast of Letters."

      When we started publishing these letters a work friend of mine called Kimberley (Kim) set up this blog for us and she was publishing the stories. This proved too messy so now we all have our own profile names. When Rajah publishes each week he uses our profiles to connect us to our letters. You will see Kim again later when we get to her stories. Does this make sense.

      Yes our purpose in these first letters was to take Joseph and Shanti to the sexy stuff as quickly as we could while still trying to make it all seem believable.

    2. Thank you Shandra I understand now. It was just this was not so clear when I was reading in Japanese. I have taken your advice and studied those other pages.

    3. Hi Asami
      So are you reading our blog in Japanese. How does it translate? We set up the embedded language translator to help someone from Italy read the stories. I've found that Tamil works fairly well. Your sister thinks it works OK in Japanese. I just wondered what you think.

    4. Yes Shandra
      I find reading Japanese better for me.
      I have compared translations and I think it is mostly good. The main problems are names which is why I become confused before. Also some places where you say what I think might be a New Zealand way because it is hard to know in English too.
      Yes overall the Japanese is very good and easy to read.
      Thank you for this. Asami

    5. Hi again Asami
      Thanks for the feed-back Asami.
      I was hoping this would be a useful addition to our blog. Looks like it will be now.
      Keep reading Asami, you have a long way to go. There are lots of hidden parts so read all the backgrounds and comments too.

  4. While this letter doesn't do much for the story other than introduce swapping swimming suit photos, the comments section says a lot. Now I'm getting the impression there were two original writers with others joining in as we progressively more through the letters. Those two pages, The Writers of Letters, and The Cast of Letters, help a lot too.

    I was told there is more to this blog than there appears. I will explore all background notes and comments as I more along.

  5. I am surprised that this is quite interesting watching how these letters develope. I can see a story appearing too.
    I also see why these letters started by talking about broad-minded conversation.
    Rangi Mari

    1. Kia ora Rangi.
      Yes, we think that the first 40 letters are very much about developing a story and characters. When we started back in 1999 we had no idea where this was going and that we would be still writing many years later.
      You may find it mentioned that Letters of Shanti has changed our real lives too in many ways. I've heard it has touched the lives of many of our readers too. So watch out! LOL
