Wednesday 22 February 2012

Letter 3 Broadminded Conversation.

Index of Letters                  Letter 3 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 2.

Forward to Letter 4.

New Zealand.            

            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Dear Joseph,
        Your letter arrived a few days ago but I had to think about it for a while before I decided to answer it. You see, it came as a bit of a shock to learn that you were married as I was expecting you not to be. I was expecting to have a single man as my penfriend, but you wrote a very nice letter and so finally I decided to write a reply to you.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

        I have enclosed another photo of myself for you. I hope you like this one too. This time I am in western dress, in a mini-skirt too. Which do you like the best, me in a sari or in the mini skirt? I mostly wear western clothing in New Zealand as it is so much more practical than a sari. I know that in India woman wear their sari to do all kinds of work but I am more comfortable in my ‘normal’ clothes.
        If you want me too perhaps I can send you a photo of myself in my swimming togs. Would you like that?
        By “broad-minded conversation” I take it then that you want to talk about more sexy things. Well, what do you have in mind? I’m interested to find out.

                That’s all for now.
                        Your friend.

Index of Letters                  Letter 3 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 2.

Forward to Letter 4.


  1. Hi again Anne,
    Let me introduce you to my wife Sally
    Between us we intend to read all the Letters and all their backgrounds too.
    A big job, I know, so I see we will have to stop for sex along the way. LOL

    1. Hi Andy.
      Hi Sally. Welcome to our blog.
      Sorry we took a while to get back to you. It was a busy weekend.
      Its a big project to read every Letter and background. You might be surprised but not many have done it.
      But those who do will be rewarded for their efforts. We often hide little stories away in our backgrounds for those who read them.
      Take your time. Work slowly. Do more than one per week and you will eventually catch up.

  2. As you asked me Susan, I will be adding comments as I work through these stories. I know it was your intention to write sexy stories but I do feel for only her second letter Shanti was very bold. Of course it's too late to change this now.

    1. Hi Amy. Anne here.
      Susan told me about what you have offered to do for us. Its a big project. Thanks for doing it.
      I'd like to meet you sometime. You are welcome to come up and visit us here on the farm. Stay over and drive back the next day if you like.

      Now our stories. The speed at which we developed Shanti and Joseph has been debated but there has to be a comprise between what is believable and what gets us to the more sexy stories. Shandra and I always intended they would be sexy so we had to move Shanti's development along.
      Does that make sense?

  3. Yes Anne. What you say above does make sense.
    I'm beginning to realise there is a plan behind these letters.

    1. Back then it wasn't so well planned but now the plan is very detailed.
      It take a writer's meeting to over turn this plan.
      We write to fit in with this so all the letters more towards a common theme.

    2. Yes I agree with the comments above. This conversation is beginning to create interest.

  4. This was a bold step. Offering to send a photo in a swim-suit. I rather like how these Letter grow on each other. She is getting more bolder and he is encouraging her. Its a good way of beginning. I wonder how many people have missed this.
