Friday, 28 September 2012

Letter 33 Going to the Nudist Beach.

Index of Letters                  Letter 33 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 32.

Forward to Letter 34.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Hi Joseph and Lizamoa,
        We were happy to get your letter. It always seems like a long time waiting for a reply but when we check the calendar it was only two weeks. It must be that we are enjoying each letter so much that we can’t wait until the next one arrives.
        It was good to hear that you received that promotion. You told us in New Zealand that there might be a new job for you so we are happy that you were able to get it.
        Mike and Peter are now in business together. Two weeks ago they opened their car sales yard selling used cars.

Letter 33 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 33.

Hello from Allan Jr.
            Notice whose idea it was to go to the nude beach. It seems that through these next few letters, the most unlikely person is driving these two couples forward into ever more sexy adventures as she suggests one after another.

            This story is again based on a real-life event where Anne and I took a drive out to Huia to go on a bush walk with a few friends. After the walk, which took us up into the steep hills behind the Huia Dam, we left our friends and we were sitting in the car outside the Huia store. Anne said she was feeling hot after the walk and she would love to go for a swim.
            We could have gone to any of the public beaches along this coast since we both had brought our swimming things. I suggested that we could try the nude beach just below Huia Point. Since we both had gone swimming nude before Anne was happy to agree as long as there weren’t too many people there.
            Well, when we arrived at the beach we found there were four cars in the car park at the top of the track. I told Anne that there could be as many as eight people on the beach. She thought about this for a moment but then said that she was OK with that.
            When we got down the track and onto the beach to our surprise we discovered there were more than eight people on the beach. There were at least 12 people on the beach which is a lot for such a tiny beach.

            The story from the letter is very similar to what happened with Anne and I. Yes, we found a place towards the end of the beach where there weren’t so many people. Yes, we did both go nude and even went swimming like that too. And yes we did get some young guys who were visiting the beach to prev the girls.
            They checked Anne out as they walked past too. She was laying on her back and when she saw them approaching she just rolled over onto her front, taking care to keep her legs tightly together. But later when they came back, Anne surprised me by just lying there on her back with her legs just slightly parted.
            When I asked her about it later she replied, “Well they came down for a free show checking out us girls so I thought I’d give them what they wanted.”
            What can I say to that female logic?

            So as you can see this story about going to the nude beach was closely based on the real experience that Anne and I had. Joseph and Lizamoa always said they would be interested in visiting a nude beach but I believe that in those earlier letters, much of that might have been just talk. Now finally, thanks to Lizamoa's boldness they did actually get there.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Allan Jr and Anne.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 33.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Letter 32 Playing ‘Strip’ Again.

Index of Letters                  Letter 32 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 31.

Forward to Letter 33.

From Joseph,            
The Game Reserve,                
Andhra Pradesh,                    

            To Shanti,
                        New Zealand.

Dear Shanti and Mike,
        Hello from India. Once again we are writing to you to share again the wonderful sexy adventures we were sharing within New Zealand. Lizamoa and I hope that you are both well and in the peak of health. We are very well here in this country too.
        My job is doing very well and recently I am being given the promotion so now I am a Head Game Keeper in the Kedish Game Reserve. This a better job too which I am happy to do. And the pay is much better too.

Letter 32 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 32.

Hello from Shandra.
            Of course, we all knew it had to come. Like Lizamoa told Amita and Mandara they would, back in
Letter 26, Joseph and Lizamoa did get to play the game strip with Shanti and Mike. One small difference for this game is that they had the other two New Zealand couples join them so there were eight players instead of the usual six they had played with before. You might also want to read the first two "Strip" stories from Letter 13 for New Zealand and Letter 18 for India.

            I like the way Joseph tells us about how the idea to play "Strip" came up. He said that Shanti made the suggestion and everyone else thought it was a good idea. But Susan had a different view of it.
            "Look at that guy!" she exclaimed. "Does he have a big ego or what? He thinks the only reason Shanti wanted to play was to show off to him."

            Before he starts telling us about the game Joseph tells us about the preparations for the evening. He is surprised how everyone gets involved and helps with the cooking and setting things up for dinner. He admits he is not sure what to do. Then he made the mistake of going into the kitchen and Shanti saw him and gave him a couple of jobs to do. He is totally surprised that she would do that for a guest.
            This was actually Susan’s idea, as she really has a thing about Indian males, how they leave all the domestic duties to the women.
            “Those Indian guys really need sorting out,” she told us one day.
            “But why pick on poor Joseph?” I asked her. “He is just a character in the story.”
            “Doesn’t matter! He needs sorting out too.”
            So following her advice I wrote this bit into the story. At the time I wasn’t too happy with it. Personally, I thought her attitude was a bit unfair. But then Allan had a go at it and now I think it works well by giving us another view of the character of Joseph.
            And notice in the story that Joseph didn’t get any sympathy from his wife either. She just said, “You are just suffering from culture shock. Get over it.”
            Joseph did say he accepted things the way they were in New Zealand and he did just join in with what was going on. I believe this was a big step for someone like him since it was going against everything he had been brought up in India.

            The other part of this story which I like is the way Joseph goes around the table giving us a short description of each of the players. This is good because it sets things up by beginning to build these players from just names into people we begin to know. Like Brian told us we were becoming aware that the characters in our stories should appear as real people so we were now beginning to develop these people as we continued writing about them. It was also at about this time that we began to produce a list of all the people in the stories with a bit of background information about them to help us when we were writing. A version of this list now appears as a page on this website. (See the page at the top "The Cast of Letters.")
            Joseph then goes on to give a few of the highlights of the game. There is not much detail here but I don’t think we really needed another detailed description of playing the game again. What was of most interest to him was the girls taking off their bras and panties. What was important to us about this story is it took the step from being topless to complete nudity which now opens up the next few sexy adventures. So that is how I wrote this story, we just want to know they played “Strip”, they all got naked, and then we move on to the next stories.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 32.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Letter 31 The Wet T-Shirt Contest.

Index of Letters                  Letter 31 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 30.

Forward to Letter 32.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Dear Joseph and Lizamoa,
        Hi from New Zealand. Here we are both doing fine and we hope this letter finds you both in the best of health and happiness as well.
        We are enjoying this series of Stories. I enjoyed your letter too. That was the first time Lizamoa had gone topless at a beach and she was seen by those others who walked along the beach towards us but didn't make any attempt to cover herself. I agree that it was very bold of her to go topless like that but I know she found it sexy as well.
        I enjoyed the swim out to the little island. I remember us talking about how funny it was that this little island had been left by itself out in the lake like that. It was a good day and even better to spend it with close friends like you both are now.
        So you were checking out my tits and arse, naughty boy! I know you liked what you saw. Well, you weren't the only one. I was having a good look at you too. When your wet swim shorts clung to you I could see you getting hard from perving at me. Again, naughty boy!

Letter 31 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 31.

See also Brian's Page for his view of this story.

Hello from Susan.
            The next story in this holiday series was supposed to be going to a nudist beach. This story had already been written by Anne and Allan. We were going to place the nude beach story into the book when Shandra suggested that they should play the game “Strip” first. Then I suggested that they might even try entering a wet T-shirt contest. We all thought these were both great ideas and so we added two new stories for Letters 31 and 32. The first was the Wet T-shirt story written by me and the second was that old favourite of ours, playing the game “Strip” which Shandra wrote. Finally, Allan and Anne’s nudist beach story was fitted in as Letter 33.
            So where did the wet T-shirt idea come from? On the way home from our trip camping at the nudist beach, which we told you about in the backgrounds of Letter 23 (Letter 23A Background Notes), we stopped off for a couple of nights in Tauranga. There was a club which held wet T-shirt contests during the summer months, and since we were there on the night of one of these contests we decided to go and have a look.
            The problem with this was Shandra’s younger sister Reshma was with us. She was too young to get into the club. I thought with a bit of make-up I could get her in, so I gave it a go and she did look older. Well, we thought she did anyway. We warned her not to say anything at the door, just leave the talking to us.
            The man at the door looked hard at her and then asked, “How old are you?”
            “She’s 18,” Allan said.
            “Are you sure?” he asked again. "You look to have too much make-up on for a girl your age."
            I thought we had blown it at that point.
            “Yes, of course, she is,” Shandra answered.
            "Do you have a driving license? he asked.
            Reshma shook her head.
            “Well, OK then.” He then turned back to Reshma and said, “I’ll let you in but I think you are underage. Don’t let me catch you drinking alcohol or I’ll kick you all out. OK?”
            Reshma just nodded and he let us in.

            Well, Reshma stuck to her promise and didn’t drink any alcohol all night. We noticed the bouncer checking up on her a couple of times too. The rest of us just had a few beers. Later they announced they were taking contestants for the wet T-shirt contest. Allan got on to Anne and he was teasing her about having a go. I think that after Anne had a few beers, she was feeling a little bit braver because she agreed to enter. She then turned and asked me to join her. I am always ready for a bit of fun so I was happy to enter too. I did ask Shandra but she quickly said no so we didn’t push it any further.
            They held the contest in much the same way as in the story with two heats selecting the contestants for the final. We both made it through our heats and had to go on stage again for the final. But neither of us was selected as winners. Not that we were too worried because it was fun entering anyway.
            The big difference between our story and the letter’s story is that in the letter all 10 contestants in the final ended up topless while in the real contest, we were told that we had to leave our T-shirts on. That was a pity because I might have been daring enough to take it off considering what the sheer white material was showing. Of course, it would be more fun if the contestants did end up going topless so that was how we wrote the story.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        From Susan.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 31.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Letter 30 Swimming Topless at the Lake.

Index of Letters                  Letter 30 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 29.

Forward to Letter 31.

From Joseph,            
The Game Reserve,                
Andhra Pradesh,                    

            To Shanti,
                        New Zealand.

Dear Shanti and Mike,
        Thank you for another good letter. It is fun to go over the sexy adventures we have been having in New Zealand. I am thinking it is like having the adventures again. It was the best idea from you to record all of this in a book.
        Oh, we did forget about the swimming at the surf beach on the day before we were going to the hot pools. I was too interesting in the story about you and Lizamoa in the tiny bikini so I was forgetting the red swimsuit. Thank you, Mike, for reminding us. But Lizamoa thinks Mike has a special interest in the red one-piece togs. She remembers that it was Mike who was discovering it into the shop. So Mike is my wife guessing right in this.
        Lizamoa said she likes the red swimming tog too. Being a one-piece she can still wear it if we go to a public pool in India too because it is still too modest. But I think she cannot get it wet in public because the top half is still being unlined and clinging tight to her breasts and the nipples.
        Now Shanti and Mike, what comes next in our list of adventures, now we have changed the order of our stories?

Letter 30 Background

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 30.

Hello from Shandra.
            We are working our way through the New Zealand holiday adventures with the stories becoming progressively more and more sexier as we continue. After the swimsuit stories, we decided it was time to go to the next level – the girls going topless. Since they had already both given the guys a flash it seemed like a natural progression that they would take this next step. But giving a quick tittie flash to swimming completely topless is a big step, especially for Lizamoa.
            The place we chose was a beach on one of the lakes near Rotorua. There are a couple of possible places where this could be but again we did have a particular place in mind when we wrote this. This is on a beach where we once did actually swim topless. The problem of fixing a true location for this story is the little island just offshore, I do not know of any such island in any of these lakes. But since we needed one, we invented one.

            When I began writing, the idea was to start off with both girls swimming in their sexy bikinis and then taking their tops off later but then Anne suggested that since both Shanti and Lizamoa had flashed for the guys at the hot pools it would be easier for them just to go topless before they went swimming. So that was what I went with.
            I wanted both couples to pair off for a while to give Joseph time to be alone with Shanti and Mike to be with Lizamoa. Swimming out to the little island gave a good excuse for this to happen. So a little island was invented and added to the story. Since Lizamoa probably wouldn’t know how to swim she would have to stay on the beach. As Joseph and Shanti explored this little island Mike stayed back with Lizamoa on the beach.
            Joseph admitted in the story that it was at this point that he first became sexually attracted to Shanti and thought about having sex with her. I also think that even here there was a sexual attraction developing between Mike and Lizamoa too.
            Finally, Susan suggested it would be more interesting if the girls were caught swimming topless too. So I changed the ending so a group of people walked by while they were swimming. Being in the water they were unable to either roll over on the beach or put on something to cover themselves so they had to just carry on knowing they were being watched by this group walking by.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Shandra and Susan.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 30.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Shandra and Susan.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 30.