Friday 12 April 2013

Letter 53 Nude Day Two.

From Joseph,            
The Game Reserve,                
Andhra Pradesh,                    

            To Shanti,
                        New Zealand.

Dear Shanti and Mike,
        Hello, from India. Thank you for a good letter and not to forget the well-written out story as well. Here we are in India in good health and happiness and we are hoping to hear you are also.
        Lizamoa is due any day now. It is good that my mother is staying with us and she can help Lizamoa. Any day soon I will be getting the call with the phone telling me what is happening and then I will take some leave to help when the baby is new. It is not always common for the men in India to be very involved with the children but after talking with you and Mike I have made my mind to be very involved in every aspect of our children.
        We are both amused by your description of yourself as pregnant. Waddling like a duck and sitting like a beached whale, is very funny. Ha! Ha! Surely it is not as bad as all of that you are saying.
        Shanti, you always surprise me. Why do you always have to be so different, so stubborn and headstrong? Always you are thinking differently to what others think. You dress against what your mother wanted you to even on your wedding day. You decide who you will marry yourself, although I must be saying you made the correct choice there. Now when all women should be happy to be pregnant you are complaining about being fat.
        Lizamoa says maybe it is all those years when the speech you were having problems talking has put you down. Now that problem is almost never there you are now showing the other personality which was kept hidden.
        Now, Shanti, I must say I do not approve of your comments regarding Sarvesh, his castle on the mountain and his empire building. Sarvesh is a good man and doesn't deserve you taking pot-shots at him like that. Please refrain from this in future letters.

        Now we are coming to our story for this letter. This story is about the day that we were at Sarvesh and Amita’s house at what she called the Nude Day.
        We had all had a very late night the night before and some of us had plenty of wine and beer too. I am thinking the only one of us who was not with too much to drink was Sarvesh. It seems with that guy no matter how much he has with the drink he is always OK the next day.
        We had stopped at our house on the way home from the restaurant and picked up some clothing and gear for us four to stay overnight at their house. Not that we need much clothing considering it would be a nude weekend. It was a good idea for us doing that so we would be there for the morning and breakfast. While we were there Amita asked us to collect the photo albums, you are knowing the ones, the sexy ones.

        The next morning it was a very late rising from our beds for most of us. When we did we found that Sarvesh was already up and Jeevan and Mandara had arrived already too. They were working on the preparations for the breakfast. Jeevan and Mandara were interested to meeting our friends.
        I left Lizamoa asleep and as we were sharing the guest house with you and Mike I noticed that Mike was asleep but you Shanti, were already awake and out of the bed,.
        I asked do you want to have a swim before breakfast knowing you are always ready for swimming. Of course, you agreed with this idea. So not bothering with our clothes we went out to the pool. Early like that the water was cold when we dived in but nice and refreshing as well. I remember it became a race down to the end of the pool and back. You are very competitive Shanti. You were faster than me even though I had started before you. You were able to be level with me by the pool end but you made the turn faster and easily beat me back.
        Then I looked up and saw Lizamoa and Mike watching us. We got out of the water and Lizamoa handed us each a towel. Then we all went into the main house for breakfast. All four of us were completely naked and when we got into the main house we found the others like that too.
        Over breakfast, we asked Amita what she had planned for the day.
        “Well what I have planned is that we will have some outdoor games this morning before it gets too hot” Amita began.
        “What sort of games?” asked Mike.
        “We can either play tennis or for those who want we have some other outdoor games,” Sarvesh added.
        “Will you be playing tennis, Amita?” Steve asked. "I'm looking forward to watching you playing naked.”
        “Steve!” Sharon gasped. “You can't say that!”
        “Of course, it's OK, Sharon. And I'm looking forward to watching his cock when he is playing too,” Amita laughed.
        That shut Steve up for a few moments and then I saw him smiling. I think he found the thought of Amita watching his cock a bit amusing. I began to wonder if more might happen between Steve and Amita at some point this holiday.
        “I saw an outdoor chess set,” said Peter. “Maybe we could use that.”
        “Bit of a waste of time playing strip chess though,” said Steve. “Since we are all stripped already.”
        We laughed at that before Amita went on.
        “Of course, there is the chess, and Steve you can even put the clothes on to play strip chess too, or you might think of other forfeits,” Amita replied. “This house is open for you to do anything you want.”
        “Anything?” asked Steve.
        Amita smiled back at him. “Yes Steve, anything!”
        We laughed at that but I am not sure Amita got his full meaning, but she did seem to be flirting with him a bit. His wife Sharon did because she gave him a dirty look.
        Amita continued, “Then later after lunch, we can swim and I have some other games for us to play under the shade, out of the hot sun.”
        “I hope they are sexy games,” said Peter.
        He got a punch from his wife Jenny. “Peter behave yourself. Isn’t us all being nude sexy enough for you?”
        “What? With all these naked women around and you are telling me we can’t do anything with them?” Peter said.
        This brought an even harder punch from Jenny before Amita continued again. “Yes, Peter they are sexy games.”
        “See I told you so. Amita knows what I mean, don’t you, honey?”
        “Yes, Steve and I are looking forward to playing with you!”
        “Mmmm, nice!” Steve replied.
        Then Amita continued. “This evening we will have a catered dinner delivered and after that, we can either have a massage evening or a sexy letter evening reading from the sexy letter book.”
        “That second idea sounds like fun,” said Sharon. “I’m sure many of us want to get another look in that letters book.”
        “Yes, I sure would,” said Jenny.
        “And us too,” added Amita.
        “Ahh, the naughty letter book. Count me in,” said Steve. "We might even make another story to put in that book."
        “I hope we do, Steve,” Amita said smiling.
        Yes, there was definitely something going on between Steve and Amita and they weren't hiding it either.
        “Not naughty letter, Steve,” corrected his wife. “Sexy letter book. Stop calling it that!”
        “Well, the same thing, it’s all full of lots of nookie anyway,” he laughed.
        “What is this nookie?” asked Lizamoa.
        “You know what naked men and women do together,” said Steve.
        “Oh Steve,” she said as she suddenly understood. “You mean the love games in the book?”
        “That’s the one, honey – the love games.”
        “So,” said Peter. “Is that our plan for the day? Ordinary games for the morning, sexy games for the afternoon, nookie stories for the evening and nookie after that.”
        “You carry on like that and there’ll be no nookie for poor Peter tonight,” said Jenny.
        “Ahh! So there is going to be nookie tonight?” he said.
        “No Peter, I didn’t say that,” replied Jenny.
        “Sounded like it to me. What do you think Steve? Did she just say that?”
        “Hey mate, don’t bring me into your nookie problems. If I get involved in that I’ll have nookie problems of my own.”
        “If you two don’t shut up and stop interrupting there’ll be no nookie for either of you,” scolded Sharon.
        "Don't say that, Sharon," Amita said. "Some of us might be looking for nookie with one of these men."
        "You mean, you and Steve?" Jeevan asked Amita. "It is pretty obvious."
        Amita looked a bit embarrassed for a moment, then she said, "Maybe I am, Jeevan."
        "Nookie with Amita! That sounds like fun," Steve said.
        Amita didn't reply but she gave him a smile. She had almost told him she wanted him.
        “Come on you guys,” said Shanti. “Where did this word nookie come from anyway?”
        “Oh, I like it. It’s an older slang word for sex,” Steve explained. “Nookie! Nookie! Nookie! It sounds good doesn’t it?”
        “Steve! Shut up!” said Sharon. “Sorry, Amita. What were you saying?”
        “That is OK Sharon. I was just finished anyway. I only want to tell that we have the whole day together to have lots of fun together.”

        The morning entertainments got underway with some hard-fought games which were on the tennis court. Also at the same time, there was a battle going on with the chess set between Peter and Jeevan. It seemed like the honour of India and New Zealand were on the line by the way they fought that game. Some of the rest of us were just content to watch.
        At one stage Mike and Shanti took a walk around the gardens too. I know from seeing their house in New Zealand that they both like landscaping and the gardening too. Sarvesh was with them for a while.
        Soon it was the time when Sarvesh called to us to take our lunch. Because of the big dinner coming that evening, we were happy to have just a light lunch before beginning on the afternoon entertainment. It was some of the food left from the night before I think.
        First off we were all happy to be around the pool. After some refreshing drinks, we all were happy for a swim. We were just getting ready to go into the water when something interesting happened.

        Steve was standing beside the pool just ready to dive in I am thinking when his wife Sharon was behind him. Taking him with a hand on each shoulder and standing slightly to one side she began speaking so we could all hear her clearly.
        “To all you Indian ladies; this is a typical European Male.”
        Then turning him around she went on, “See he likes to look good for the ladies. See his nice muscles and firm body and tight butt.”
        With that, she ran her hands over the muscles of Steve’s arms then down across his back to give his bottom a squeeze with her hand.
        "Mmmmm!" Amita said.
        "Calm down, Amita," Sarvesh laughed.
        Sharon continued, “And so he works on having a nice tanned body too. But he forgets one thing. When he gets her into the bedroom and he takes off his clothes and see, he still has a white butt.”
        She gave his bottom a sharp slap with her hand.
        Now she is turning him around to face us all again.
        “This example works in a gym all day teaching the pretty young dolly birds how to have a tight butt for their husbands and when he’s horny he comes home and screws his wife.”
        Then holding her hand up to her face as if she is telling a secret,” Not that I’m complaining mind.”
        “Now lower down the European Male has his willie, his cock you might say. Notice it is not brown like the Indian men but pink. And of course, often it comes with the foreskin removed like this one.”
        With that, she takes his penis in her hand rubbing her fingers over his cock head.
        “But even with the foreskin removed it still works OK.”
        “Just OK?” Steve asked.
        “Well actually pretty good. But don’t let that go to your head.”
        Then looking down at the penis in her hand she added, “Woops it’s already gone to his willie head.
        Then holding Steve’s half-erect penis towards us she said, “See girls; I think he is happy to see us.”
        “I'd like to try that,” I heard Amita whisper to Mandara.
        “I'd like Mike better,” Mandara replied. “But Steve is a good-looking man.”
        Wow! I was surprised how the wives of my two friends were discussing taking the love games with our overseas visitors.
        We were all enjoying the fun these two were having.
        Getting back to my story, I heard Peter saying to Mike, “I’d die if Jenny did that to me.”
        Mike replied, “Well Steve won’t mind. He always is a bit of a poser.”
        And Peter added, “And she likes the attention too.”
        By now with the attention his penis was getting, Steve had the hard erection.
        Sharon continued, “See girls, when the European gets excited his cock gets nice and hard. Ready for his wife’s wet pussy.”
        She looks down at what she was holding in her hand and then now talking to Steve she said, “Always randy, you are. Look at yourself! The slightest bit of attention and you crack a fat. Well, what you need is a cold shower, mate.”
        With that, she gave him a massive push sending him tumbling into the pool.
        As he came up spluttering we all laughed enjoying the joke.

        Then suddenly Sarvesh stepped behind his wife Amita.
        “To all you European Males, here is a typical Indian Female.”
        Then as with embarrassment, Amita’s hands went to cover her face he turned her away from us.
        “See, she is completely covered with brown. Brown all over but in some places lighter than other parts. And she does not have the white bum either.”
        With that, he gave her bum a sharp slap which brought a squeal from her.
        “See you don’t slap them on the bum because they are squealing if you are doing so.”
        Then he lifted one foot and showed us underneath. “See not all of her is brown. Just a little bit is white. The women say this is because they do the running after the husband all day.”
        Now he is turning her to face again.
        “In the front, they are having the breasts and with the big nipples for the husband to do the sucking,” he added as he bent towards Amita’s breasts.
        “Hey!” she said as suddenly she slapped at his head but he was able to duck just in time.
        Now his hands were down to her pussy. “The Indian Female has the bushy pussy. A nice love nest for Mr Willie to rest in.”
        His hands were on her pussy as he began rubbing her there. She closed her eyes falling back to rest against him.
        Then suddenly he had reached with both hands and his fingers had parted her pussy lips. “See Indian Females are not the brown everywhere. They are pink inside.”
        “Very juicy too, ready for the nookie, like the mango juice,” he added.
        At that, her eyes opened. Suddenly she realised what had happened. What he was doing to her.
        With a squeal, she pulled away from his grasp and jumped into the pool.

        Again we were all able to laugh at the fun we were having.
        I heard Steve say to Mike, “Damn, she is hot!”
        “Yes,” Mike agreed.
        “She looks just as good without her sari too.”
        I saw Mike just nod in agreement.
        “Do you think she might be interested?” Steve asked.
        “I don't know. It sounds like it. But you better make sure Sarvesh is OK with it, first,” Mike said. “I wouldn't want to cross that guy!”
        “Hey, Sarvesh,” Steve called across the pool. “Maybe we should swap pussies tonight. You try a New Zealand pussy and I try an Indian one.”
        “Maybe we should,” Sarvesh called back.
        “Well, there's your answer,” Mike said. “Make sure the girls are on board with it and you're in.”

        After the swim, Amita asked if we were ready for her afternoon games.
        “This game is called, 'How Well Do You Know Your Partner?'” Amita said. “It will be in four parts and the married couple who gets the most points will get a special prize. If there is an equal score between two teams then we will have another part for the play-off with these couples to find the winning team couple.”
        This was a fun game for us to be playing and so I am spending much time telling the story.
        The game is divided into four parts which Amita called phases. For each phase, the activities get more daring and sexy. She said that we could have started fully dressed first but since we were already full naked it was just as good to play the entire game like that.

Here are the lists of the phases.
        Phase One – This is ten questions about our sex life and love-making which were to be asked to each partner and the results compared to make a score.
        Phase Two – This is the kissing game where each person was made blindfolded and are kissed by all of the opposite sex and then she/he must find which was their partner and also who the others were.
        Phase Three – Amita called the upper body game. This was performed like in phase two but this time the action was for feeling anywhere on the upper body above the belly button. This was fun for the guy as we were getting to touch the girl’s breasts too.
        Phase Four – This is the same as phase three but this time the action is touching the lower body below the belly button. This was fun because we all were getting to feel the other's sexy lower parts and they were feeling ours too.

Phase One

The first stage was the ten questions. Here is the list of them: -
            1) Where were you when you first kissed your partner?
            2) Where were you when you first had sex with your partner?
            3) Male – What is his/your best feature?
            4) Female – What is her/your best feature?
            5) When was the last time you had sex together?
            6) Does the male partner cum noisily?
            7) Does the female partner cum noisily?
            8) What is her/your favourite position for sex?
            9) What is his/your favourite position for sex?
            10) On average how many times a week do you have sex?

        Amita produced some paper and a pen so we could keep score and as we were asked the questions she could add the answers and score to the sheet.
        First, the men were asked the questions while the women were away so they could not hear. Amita recorded all of their answers on the paper. Once all the men were finished except Sarvesh who was not playing yet. Now the women came back one by one to answer their questions.
        In many times the two partners were having different answers. When their answer was different there was no score for either. When the answer was agreed then there was one point for each of them.
        It was interesting how Jenny and Peter did so well in this round when they had the perfect result with both getting all 10 questions right. The next couples to do well were Amita and Sarvesh, and Shanti and Mike when you both came equal with 8 questions right. Lizamoa and I were next with 7 questions right and then Jeevan and Mandara were with 6 questions answered correctly. I do not know what happened with Steve and Sharon with only five correctly replied questions.
        “Oh we don’t spend time talking about sex,” explained Steve, “We just get on and do it.”

Phase Two

        Now we were ready for the next phase which was the kissing contest. For this Amita decided the boys would go first followed by the girls. We were all blindfolded so we were not seeing what was happening then one at a time were brought forward to sit in a chair. Next all six girls came past us and kissed us any way they liked. We then had to call which one was our wife and if we could who each of the others were. The secret of this game is for your partner to kiss you in the way only you will know it is her. That way you can say her name and get the 5 points for your team. If you got any other names right then you get one point each. If you don’t know it was worth guessing because you might get it right in some times as well.
        This game was interesting because when some girls kissed they allowed their breasts to touch too. But one rule was that we could not touch back with our hands either.

This is how my turn went: -
        I was the fourth guy to be kissed. The first girl to kiss me I felt her breasts touching me. They felt larger too so I knew this was either Sharon or Mandara. Maybe Mandara because she was shy and just gave me a quick kiss on the lips.
        The next girl was smaller than the first one and her breasts did not touch me at all. She kissed me on the lips but her kiss was longer and she pressed against my face more. I thought this might be Jenny too.
        Then came another girl and by the angle she was bending down she must have been a bit taller. Her kiss was quick too. I was sure this was Amita. By now I was feeling confident I had all the names correctly placed.
        Then the next girl didn’t just kiss me on the lips she kissed my forehead first. When she kissed me she opened her mouth and we used the tongue. As she kissed me she also pressed against me with her breasts. I was sure this was Lizamoa and she kissed me differently to tell me who she was.
        But then the following girl did kissed me on the cheek first and then almost exactly the same but for me, it was as good as the other girl. Then I decided the other girl was Lizamoa and this was somebody who copied Lizamoa, maybe Shanti.
        Finally, there was the last girl who also touched me with her breasts and I could know that she was with larger breasts too. Then I noticed this girl was different by the scent she was wearing so I knew she was Indian. Now this must be Mandara so the first woman with the larger breasts would be Sharon.

        So now I had to tell the order of the girls.
        First I said Sharon, which was right. One point.
        Next, I said was Jenny. This was also right and one point.
        The tall girl I said was Amita and this was also right with another point.
        Then I said Lizamoa and to my surprise it was wrong. This girl was Shanti. Of course, my next choice could not be Shanti and it was actually Lizamoa so I was wrong there too.
        My final choice was Mandara which was correct.
        I can not be believing I did not find my wife correctly and so I missed on getting the five bonus points. Later on, that night when we were alone just with Shanti and Mike I had to endure both Shanti and Lizamoa teasing me for not getting her right.

        Now it was our turn to kiss each of the girls and they were guessing who it was doing the kissing each time. Again we could not touch them with our hands but only with our lips and if our bodies contacted too.
        I must admit to it being a bit sexy too. Kissing a line of naked women could always be called sexy. I would have liked to have hugged them, even touched and played with them but I knew if I broke the rules I would lose any points from our team and Lizamoa would not be pleased. So I played by the rules except for that gentle breath in Lizamoa's ear so she would know it was me.
        In this phase, many of the women made wrong choices but Lizamoa got every man right. I asked her after and she said she recognised all but 2 of the men. She had a 50/50 chance and took a guess and got it right for two more points.

        At the end of this phase now Peter and Jenny were very clear winning but for the rest of us, we were all very close together. Even Steve and Sharon had improved and were now not last and they did better in the kissing phase.
        It was good this time that Lizamoa was able to get the very good score which had made up for my lower score too. It is rather interesting to know that the girls did better in the kissing than the guys had done and I am thinking that it is showing they are more sensitive than us men.

Phase Three

        For the next two phases – one person is blindfolded and touched by the opposite-sex players is involved. The blindfolded person must tell who it was. When they guess their partner they get 5 points and for each other player they guess correctly they get 1 point, making 10 possible points for each round.
        Again like the kissing game, each couple combined their points for their final score.
        For this phase, the men were doing the feeling first with the ladies presenting their chests for touching and feeling. It was interesting to be doing this. Very sexy! I know other parts of a woman's upper body could be touched, most of us men confined ourselves to their breasts. Some were large like Mandara and Sharon, some were small like Jenny and Amita while the rest were middle-sized.
        First, each girl had to stand blindfolded while each of the men was able to touch and feel the upper half of her body. Of course, for us guys, the most attention was to their breasts. I was happy with the chance to be feeling all their lovely and naked breasts.
        When it came to Shanti’s turn she was standing before us all in her blindfold and soon it was Peter’s turn to do the touching. Then something interesting happened. Jenny stepped into Peter’s place and she was feeling Shanti instead of Peter.
        When Shanti had to tell who the guys were she was a bit confused about the third person which should have been Peter. She said that person had very soft hands almost like a girl but she was not sure who it was. Since she had worked out most of the other contestants she said this must have been Peter. We then revealed to her that in fact, it was Jenny. Amita gave her the point because we had played the trick on her.
        I gave a light touch to Lizamoa's ear and a soft stroke down her neck. I noticed a couple of other men tried to copy me but since they both missed the ear touch, Lizamoa knew which one was me. That gave her five points and she got three others which made her score seven.

        Now we guys were to be feeling by the ladies. Then we had to tell who it was. With this game, it was easy because Lizamoa had a little trick she always likes doing when she touches my ear and then strokes my neck. I was able to tell it was her. I did notice that another girl tried to copy what she had done to confuse me but she was not the same so I knew she was not Lizamoa.
        I noticed every lady took time to feel my muscles and chest. I tightened my arms for them to enjoy too. I think most women like feeling how strong a man is.
        In this game, we did very well and we were now in second place. But by now Jenny and Peter had an even bigger lead. Steve and Sharon were not doing so well because Steve was caught doing cheating by Amita when he whispered in Sharon’s ear. They were equal in last place with Jeevan and Mandara.

Phase Four

        Now we were coming to the last phase which was like Phase Three but with the touching on lower bodies instead of the upper part. This for me was the very best part. I enjoyed getting to touch all the girls' legs and even their bums and not to forget their pussy too.
        They were sometimes very wet there too. I am thinking some were happy with the feeling on their pussy too. They must have been excited thinking where the men were going to be touching them. I know us men were excited at being allowed to do it.
        I took the opportunity to explore each woman. As my fingers run over swollen outer lips some had even humped back at me. I push my fingers between feeling the soft wetness of inner lips but the rules were we could not make any penetration, even if it was obvious the women might have allowed it. But then this was still sexy for both the men and the women.
        Selecting who was touching them seemed to be a bit harder for the women. I think maybe we were all doing about the same to them. I think also the women might have been having other sexy thoughts and not thinking about whose hand it was touching them. I know two women, Jenny and my wife Lizamoa, came to orgasm during this process and I think both Mandara and Sharon might have too, at least been very close.
        Yes, like I said, this game had become very sexy for everyone.
        I know Lizamoa was liking it. I was teasing her later and she was trying to deny she enjoyed it. But she was with a wet pussy so I knew she was excited. I told her we all saw her orgasm as Sarvesh was touching her pussy.
        She was shocked at first that I noticed, perhaps a little embarrassed but then she smiled. “I couldn't help it,” she admitted. “When he touched and gently pinched my clitty, it was just too much!”

        It was also good when the girls came to the guys because they were all touching us too. When it was my turn they all were playing and touching my penis and this made me very hard with an erection too which the girls enjoyed too. The other guys were getting the erection from this game too.
        This was harder to pick the girls but again Lizamoa and I were able to give each other the signal it was us and although I missed on some of the other girls we were able to pick out it was us each time.
        After all the women had been down the line and we had said who we thought they were I thought the game was over.

Phase Five

        We were still standing there blindfolded when Amita announced a surprise round. “OK, girls, who would like to make one of these horny men cum?”
        I heard them all agreeing to the idea.
        “Now pick a man, other than your husband. You can use anyway, do anything you want, except full sex but you must make him cum. If you make him cum you get five points. If he picks who made him cum, he gets five points. Then the men get to make us cum.”

        So for this surprise phase, I was standing still with my blindfold on. I heard people moving around me and then I realised someone was directly in front of me. I felt her hands touching my cock, taking me with both hands. One hand wrapped around my erect shaft and began to slowly pump me while the other hand was higher, rubbing over my cock head.
        That felt good but got better when a hand went to my balls. Oh! That was nice too. Soon I felt a head pressing against my thighs as a tongue began to lick my balls. Soon that licking became sucking, taking each ball into her mouth in turn. That felt great, even better as her hand returned to the other on my cock.
        Her lips moved higher now, onto the underside of my cock. She was making little nibbles as she moved higher and higher up my cock shaft. That felt amazing as my cock gave it's first jerk of pleasure.
        Her lips had reached my cock head now, giving me little kisses and licks all over before taking me into her mouth. Sucking me in time to her pumps. Oh, that was good too and it was at about that time that I knew I would be coming. For I moment I thought about what I should do but then realised I had no control over it. I would just give a moan to warn her and cum. I'd let her deal with my cum any way she wanted.
        I was getting close now, almost there. I knew she had seen that as her hand began pumping me faster, her hand gripping me tighter. I was there now. I gave a groan and said, “Cumming!”
        She leaned forward taking my cock into her mouth again as my first load shot from my cock into her mouth. She continued to suck and pump me until she was sure that she had everything I could give her. Totally spent, I stepped back from the woman in front of me.
        Somewhere behind me, I heard Lizamoa say, “Who was it, Joseph?”
        I thought for a moment. Well, it wasn't Lizamoa but I knew it was an Indian woman as her scent was different. Swallowing me was bold so I thought Mandara wouldn't do that so that only left one person. “It was Amita,” I replied.
        “That's good, Joseph. You are right!”
        What was a surprise for this round was that by the end, every man knew who it was that was sucking them off.

        Now it was the ladies' turn to get to cum. We took our blindfolds off and put them on one of the women. Then we swapped around so they wouldn't know who we were in front of them. I noticed Mike had taken Mandara and Steve had taken Amita. Lizamoa ended up with Peter, Shanti had Sarvesh and Jeevan was with Jenny. That left me with Sharon.
        I started with Sharon by going to her breasts, first with my fingers touching her nipples then I followed with my lips to lick and suck her.
        She moaned and grabbed my head, pulling me against her chest. “That's it, Joseph,” she whispered.         How did she know it was me so quickly?
        Anyway, I had to continue, so my hand moved down to what was now a very wet pussy. I rubbed over her there, then gave her some finger thrusts. Soon she was moaning and humping against me. It must have been good as I felt her losing control and losing her balance.
        I steadied her but I know it would be better if she sat down. I looked around to find other women doing the same. She sat back with her legs wide open displaying all her pussy for me. I lay on my stomach with my head between her thighs. My fingers gently pulled back her lips, displaying the wet inner flesh. I gently blew on her there making her shudder with pleasure.
        Then I followed in with my tongue. Long wet licks over that soft sensitive flesh and she was moaning. I pushed my tongue in as far as I could and she was humping against my face. I licked over the little nub where her piss came from and she was shuddering with excitement. I knew she was about to cum. I just needed to push her over the top. I knew at this point there is one way that would never fail.
        Pulling open the upper end of her pussy slot, I found the little pink knob I was looking for a sharp suck on that and her pussy humped at me, crashing against my face as she cried out and cum.
        Wow! That was amazing. My facing was soaking with her cum juice but I didn't mind, I was just happy I had made this lovely woman cum.
        “That was amazing, Joseph,” she said. “You know what I like down there, don't you?”
        “Glad you liked it, Sharon,” I replied.
        Again, all the women seemed to know who was eating their pussies. And like with the men, everyone one of them had cum too.

        So the game was now ended. Amita added up the final score and of course, Peter and Jenny were well ahead of all of us. In the second place was Lizamoa and me but we were only five points away from Shanti and Mike. I was surprised they were so close to us. The last place was very close with Steve and Sharon with Jeevan and Mandara only two points behind them.
        At about five o’clock, Amita and Sarvesh put their clothes on to greet the people who would be supplying the dinner. While they were we all had to stay out by the pool where we would not be seen.
         Once they had left we all went into a very good meal. The food was still hot and very nice to eat too.
        After dinner, we were planning for something else to do but instead, we just sat around and talked for the evening. We were planning to have a story night for that evening in which each of our other friends could pick a story from the letters book and we would tell them more about it but because it was now getting late we decided to leave this for later. Sarvesh had suggested that this might be something we could do during our stay at the hill station.

        We decided on a late-night swim, being naked and swimming in the cooler night air. They have lights under the water in their pool and just turning on these but leaving the other surrounding lights off made it nice like the pool was glowing with a blue colour. There was enough light for swimming but I think it made a more sexual atmosphere.
        It was getting late in the evening now and we were thinking about our bedroom plans I saw Steve and Sharon were talking with Amita and Sarvesh at the other end of the pool. As I watched, they seemed to make a decision and the two women changed positions, with Amita moving to stand with Steve and Sharon moving beside Sarvesh. Not long after that, they called good night to all of us and moved off together. I later heard the four of them shared the big bed in the Sarvesh and Amita's master bedroom.
        By now, Lizamoa and Mike were together again. I saw his hand on her breast and heard her giggle. Then she reached up to kiss him before moving to face him as his arms went around her. Yes, it was clear they wanted another night together.
        I looked over at Shanti but she seemed busy talking with Jeevan. Then I noticed her shoulder moving and I guessed she was pumping his cock under the water. I looked at Jenny and she smiled at me, her tongue tip appearing and running along between her lips.
        She moved over towards me say, "Looks like it's going to be you and me, Joseph. I get to play with this big cock again." With that, her hand reached out to grasp my cock under the water. As her hand wrapped around the shaft of my erection, gently giving me a few pumps, my hand reached for her pussy. I felt her legs open to allow me in and felt the smoothness of her pussy juice. Soon my fingers had found her love-hole and two of them pressed deep inside her.
        She gave me a soft moan before whispering in my ear, “Come on, lover. Let's find a room for the night.”
        “Can I have our room for the night?” I asked Lizamoa who was close by in a hot embrace with Mike.
        Before she could reply, Mike said, “Liz will be with me, Joseph.”
        “And I get this hot lady,” Peter added.
        I looked and saw Peter was sitting on the poolside while Mandara was in the pool in front of him, gently pumping his cock while she was licking and sucking him. It was obvious what their plan was.
        All of us had found different sex partners and were happy with them. While no plans were made for this swapping, when Sarvesh and Steve swapped their wives, the rest of us just followed and did some swapping too. However, for us, it seemed more like the wives were swapping us husbands.

        In the bed, that night, Jenny proved to be a passionate lover. I was at first a bit worried because of her small body size and my larger cock but she quickly reminded me that it wasn't the first time I had been inside her. I remembered that night at the Ripper Stripper party when she and Sharon had done a threesome with me.
                        (See Letter 36 The Ripper Stripper Party 2 (Part B).)
        I had thought of Jenny being a gentle, shy woman, but that night I think she was excited about being with me. When we got to the bed she took control, making me lay back onto the bed. That was how we did it the first time with her riding me cowgirl style. We finished that time with doggy style so I could make my cum deep inside her body.
        We rested a while and then she was down sucking me, making my erect again. She rolled back onto her back pulling me over on top of her. Even with me on top, doing the sex that way, she was still the one calling the shots, telling me what to do.
        She got me to start slowly, with nice long slow strokes. I must admit, feeling my cock slowly moving between her pussy lips did feel good. Then she urged me to speed up, go faster and thrust in harder. At first, I was concerned for the small body but she was having nothing of me going gentle with her. She wanted to be fucked as hard as I could.
        I was slamming into her with her pelvis coming up to meet each thrust. It was powerful sex. Wild and uncontrolled. Exciting for both of us. When her cum hit her, she lost it completely. Humping and bucking around underneath me. I struggled to stay onto of her.
        Then she settled down again and we continued fucking. Another big cum followed for her. While she didn't buck around as much as the first time, I think it was still good for her. We continued as she recovered. This time I knew I would cum too. I was building quickly, ready to climax when she burst into orgasm for yet a third time. I felt her pussy clench onto my cock again which was all it took to send me over too.
        We parted and I rolled off to lay beside her. Her hand came down to grip my hand as she said, “Wow! You are amazing!”
        I couldn't say much, still being out of breath so I just gave her hand a squeeze in acknowledgement.
        For a while we lay together, side by side waiting until I recovered and was ready to go again. Yes, she wanted more from me that night. Having already cum late in the afternoon, I wasn't sure if I would be able to get it up again but she seemed sure I would. With a bit of work on her part, soon she had me hard again.

        “You gave me three big cums that time, Joseph. I want to do something special for you now.”
        This time she offered me something I had never tried before with Liz. Jenny encouraged me to fuck her ass. Liz always thought this was dirty and so would never allow it. But this woman was asking me to do it for her. She got some oil and rubbed it over my cock and then got on her hands and knees, like the doggy style. I took more oil to rub over the tiny hole between her bum cheeks. I even pushed a finger in, coating the oil inside her two. Soon I had two fingers inside her and she asked me to try three. This was tight but she seemed to take on OK.
        I decided it was time to try my cock. I pushed my cock hard at her opening. It was tight but I could push my head into her, the hope stretching open to take me. Another push and the shaft started to go in. She gave a deep groan at that.
        I stopped, worried about her. Holding still for a moment. “It's fine,” she said. “Just take it slowly. You're very big.”
        I eased in a bit further and she groaned again. I held and waited for her.
        Soon she was asking for me and now over half my cock was inside. I was holding again, waiting for her body to open around me. “Now fuck me,“ she breathed back to me. “Slowly! Take your time. Enjoy how that feels.”
        Damn! That felt good. I have never tried anything so tight as that. As I moved, her ring gripped me tightly, working at my cock shaft as I moved in and out. It didn't take long and I knew I was going to cum. What surprised me was that she cum first. I didn't know women could cum doing it this way. Yes, that hole gripped me even tighter as her body was overrun by her orgasm.
        This was too sexy for me and I cum too.
        After that, we went for another shower. I think it was good to clean up after doing it that way. Once we were back in our tent, we settled down to sleep.

        I awoke in the next morning to find this sexy woman was on her knees beside me, leaning forward to suck my cock. That was a sexy way to wake up to a blowjob. She was good too, sucking me before withdrawing to lick around my cock head before returning to suck me again.
        That was amazing and much more of that and I would have cum.
        She felt my cock jerk and knew what was about to happen. “No you don't,” she laughed. “You've got to get me off first before you can cum.”
        Her leg was over me as she lowered her pussy down onto my cock again. I watched more closely this time as she pressed her pussy against my cock head. I could see the pink lips open as the black of my cock pressed between them. I heard the moan she gave at the pleasure of this. It took a few more ties before she had taken all of me which is amazing for such a small woman but then my Lizamoa is smaller and she takes all of me in this position too.
        Now Jenny was fucking me again. Riding me with the experience and confidence of a woman who knew what she was doing and what she wanted from me. She cum with what seemed like a big one. My hand held her while she quickly recovered. She gave me a shy smile and then started the fucking again. It was almost to her second cum before I released my last cum for that time with her. She felt it as I delivered deep inside her. Her body jerked and she cum again too.
        That was all for us other than a sexy shower together, rubbing the soap all over each other's bodies.

        When Jenny and I arrived in the kitchen everyone else was there and breakfast was already cooking. I looked and saw them all smiling at me but I didn't care. I was proud to be with Jenny that night and proud to be the last ones to leave the bed.
        Suddenly, Lizamoa was beside me, handing me a cup of coffee. “Did you have fun with Jenny?” she asked.
        “Yes, honey. Jenny is good within the bed.” I replied.
        “How was my husband?” Lizamoa asked, turning towards Jenny who was still standing beside me.
        “He is good, Liz. You are lucky to have a man like him.”
        Lizamoa smiled. She was happy that Jenny and I had a good time.
        “How was Mike?” I asked her.
        “You know I like him. We are good together. I like being with him.”
        I put my arm around her as she snuggled against me. That is the best part of this sex swapping we are doing. Lizamoa and I can have our night of fun with another person then come back the next morning still loving each other like this.

                Bye from us in India,
                        Love from,
                                From Joseph and Lizamoa.

1 comment:

  1. Guys there really needs to be something more done to this story. I think it lets you down a bit whereas a bit of work could turn it into a star.
