Friday 19 April 2013

Letter 54 Background.

                                                                        Posted by Anne.

Hi, Anne here.
       First off we needed to get this baby thing out of the way. The letter mentions that Lizamoa has had her baby and Shanti tells us that she has stopped working until the baby arrives. She also says the baby is now overdue just to teach her a lesson for her complaining. We had been playing with this baby theme for a while and so I decided we had to end it. Notice how Susan did this at the end of this letter.

Now on to the story.
       We were going to do a second picnic beside the lake but as I began writing it was turning out too much like Shandra’s story back in Letter 49. I decided I want something different. This is what I ended up with.
       This was the second trip into the Game Reserve but this time things had changed. A large crocodile had decided to take up residence at the small lake and was killing the animals. The decision was made to hunt and kill it.

       So where did this crocodile hunting idea come from and how did it get into a collection of sexy stories? At about the time this letter was written Allan had taken me hunting for the first time. When he asked me, at first I wasn’t keen although Susan was, so I decided to go along with them. Then Allan said something which changed my entire view of this hunting thing. He said he thought a woman who could hunt was kind of sexy. So I had a go and was soon enjoying it, not that I was much good at it.
        Now the next problem was concerning the hunting in India. In New Zealand, we hunted rabbits and goats on Allan’s uncle’s farm. But then hunting these was not particularly exciting. We want something more exciting and probably more dangerous.
       Our first choice was, of course, a tiger. Maybe it could be a tiger killing the rare animals in the Game Reserve. Then we learnt that tigers were very rare themselves and being almost totally protected we thought even in a story killing one might not go down to well. So we decided on a rogue crocodile instead. Again I am not sure if they would kill a crocodile in a Game Reserve but then it makes a good story doesn’t it.

Later Add-Ins:-
         Later we managed to work in a remark by Joseph that Shanti is always surprising him. He thought maybe she should have been a boy. We also added a bit where Shanti and Mike were riding in the back of a truck where they had a conversation with a man called Mootie. Remember this man, he will play an important role in many of the future stories. We will learn more about him and who he actually is in Letter 56. If you look ahead on the Index Page you will see his name a few times. This was also a good chance to add an insight into Shanti's lack of ability to speak any language other than English,
         Finally, Susan added that little bit at the end where Shanti has to leave off the letter and rush to have her baby. This is the part where Mike finds and finishes the letter for her then sends it off to India.

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