Friday 24 May 2013

Latter 57 Background

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         Dominoes The Game.

                                                                                Posted by Shandra.
Hi, Shandra here.
          First some admin stuff. Letter 57 was always going to be a complex one to publish. You see it could be considered one very long letter written by a number of people or it could be divided into seven different stories. For the on-line version, we have decided to do it the second way as we also did in the printed version. We have a story called Dominoes and then a section called Dominoes Extras which contained the other six stories. So the posts over the next seven weeks can all be considered to be under the general heading of The Dominoes Game.
         The publication date was rushing up and nothing had been done about the backgrounds for any of these seven stories.
          One day Anne said, “Come on guys let’s get these done.”
          We all sat down on the deck one afternoon and in about four hours all seven background stories were written. It was a big push. Kim and Ayaka got involved too, even though they weren’t a part of the Project when the original stories were written. Even Rajah was involved as he opened seven Word files and began typing up as sections of the various backgrounds as they were completed. Late Kim was helping him as well on another laptop.

            Now about my story. So the first question you may be asking is why dominoes? I could reply to that with, ‘well why not?’ but let me explain instead. We first intended to use cards, and the stories were written using cards, but at about that time one of us had been given a set of dominoes and we were having fun playing a game called‘Chicky Foot.’
            Then Susan comes up with the idea of using the dominoes instead of the cards.
            “Why would they do that?” I asked her.
            “Maybe they can’t find a pack of cards,” she replied.
            I quick look at stories showed that with a bit of re-writing in this story and a few word changes in some of the others we could easily pull this off and so we went for it. Soon the card game was gone to be replaced with a game of dominoes. Have you ever played a game of dominoes to decide who you will be having a night of sex with? No! Then that shows what a good idea this was.

            Now Joseph opens this letter with the usual news items. Of course, the current topic seems to be babies. It appears that he is now certain he is not Jagesh’s natural father. So since Mike had sex with Lizamoa at about the time it would have happened we can fairly safely conclude that he is the father. Notice he also says they he and Liz now intend to drop the subject and not discuss it again. About time, you readers must be getting sick of it by now too.
            Joseph also can’t leave Shanti’s comment alone about her being a picture of contentment during her pregnancy. Then he laughs that at least all the waddling ducks and beached whales have gone for a while.

            The main body of the letter begins with Joseph giving us a summary of their tour through India before he settles down to tell us about their sexy adventures in the city of Madurai. First off, of course, we see Mike looking for a pack of cards. We already know where the cards went. The writers took them. Ha! Ha! Then a barman produced the set of dominoes for the game.
            When they settled down to play the game, everyone was in agreement except Mandara who was unable to have sex that night. This left them with the problem of having more men than women so Mike dropped out of the game too.
             So the order of the girls was decided using numbers pulled out by each girl. That was easy enough. They could have them done the same with the guys as well and things would have been sorted. But instead, they began playing this game. It was closely fought by the guys which seemed like a waste of time considering the results were probably going to get changed afterwards anyway.

            Part way through the game Shanti adds a little extra section where she and Lizamoa tell the barman what they were playing for. It seems like at first, he didn’t believe them until later when he was watching the results being called out and each girl going to sit beside a guy.
           Well, the game finished and they all found out who they would be spending the night with. It appears that the results were well received. Finally, Mike gave them all a surprise when he told them that they would be writing an account of their night for the Letters Book.

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