Friday 3 May 2013

Letter 56 Part A Story Night.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Part A - Lizamoa’s Naughty Pussy.

Hi Joseph and Lizamoa,
        Hi from New Zealand again. We hope this letter finds you both, sorry I mean the three of you, in the very best of health and happiness. How are you managing with the baby Lizamoa?
        Here in New Zealand, we are fine. As we told you via E-mail, the baby arrived safely and everyone is saying I had an easy time of it too. I still thought it was hard enough having to get that big head through my tiny little hole. There should be a better way than this. Maybe we could just go somewhere and they take an egg off me then Mike comes along and pours his cum all over it. Nine months later we just go back and pick up our new baby. Wouldn’t that be much simpler?
        But then again once it was all over and I was holding darling Kathy in my arms it was all so different. I took her home after a few days and to everyone’s surprise except me, she is such a good baby.
        My mother says that it is not fair as I need to have a baby like I was to her, crying and giving her such a hard time. She says I deserve that too for all the complaining I did during my pregnancy. Me complaining? Never! I was a picture of contentment the whole way through my pregnancy. Ha Ha!

        Mike is so good with her too. Nothing is too much trouble for him. He is up in the early hours of the morning happily singing to her as he changes her. Of course, Mum is coming over a lot too. Dad and Mum are so happy to have another granddaughter. We have had lots of other relations visiting too. There is a disadvantage with babies. They attract all sorts of undesirable visitors, like my relations. Maybe they’re all visiting because they thought I’d never have a baby. Well for years I said I never would.
        Mike is saying that if I want to I can stop work completely and just stay at home to look after our family. He is now earning enough with the car sales business to support us. I am not sure about not working completely. My boss was talking to me just before I left and he is interested in me doing some work for him via the Internet. He even said if this worked out we could make it into a permanent arrangement. So I’ve decided to do some work on the computer while the baby is asleep.
        I also have time to write nice long letters to you now. Sorry, I had to end my last letter in such a rush but you’ll agree I had a good excuse.
        Now finally before I begin my story, what do you mean by one Shanti is more than enough. Joseph, I think you are getting too cheeky!

        In my last letter, I got sidetracked and began telling you the hunting story which it could be argued has no need to be in our sexy letter book. I included the story because I think it was an interesting event in the development of the friendship between you and me, Joseph. Mike thinks it should be included because we did actually intend to have a sexy adventure at the Game Reserve but due to the crocodile business there we didn’t get into doing anything sexy. Also, this event introduced another couple into our letters book. Read on later in this letter.
        As I said in my last letter the whole idea of doing anything sexy at the lake sort of died after my little hunting stunt, so we decided to go back into town. I don’t think it went down very well with some of our group. On the way, Amita had suggested that we do the story afternoon. Everyone seemed to be in agreement with this.
        We stopped by Joseph’s house to get the albums and the letter books. We had to get our swimming things as there was probably going to be no nude swimming that afternoon. We also took some things so we could stay overnight again too.

        First, off of course was a swim. Lizamoa and I had decided to wear our very sexy bikinis so that was a bit sexy too. The other girls weren’t so sexy although Mandara borrowed a bikini from me since she didn’t have one of her own. This bikini was held together with string ties so it was able to fit people of different sizes. Being larger than me she made the bikini turn into a pretty sexy show as it didn’t cover as much as it was designed to.
        I noticed Amita was wearing a new bikini, not as sexy as ours, but a fairly daring bikini anyway. I hadn’t seen it before and so I asked her about it. She said Sarvesh had purchased it for her when he had to fly to Singapore on business. She had worn it a few times just with Sarvesh around their pool but had never worn it in front of anyone else. Of course, considering what we had seen of her already wearing this bikini was nothing.
        After the swim, we put our clothes back on over our togs. Sarvesh then went to order some drinks to be brought out to the pool. We arranged the seats and deck chairs in a group under some shady umbrellas and settled down for what promised to be an interesting afternoon.
        When the drinks were brought out, one of the servants was the girl, Katrina, who had caught Mike on the diving board the other night. When she took his drink over to him she smiled at him.
        He smiled back and said, “Katrina, I am very sorry about the other night. I didn’t think there was anybody else in the house.”
        “I am OK,” she replied. “It was just the shock to see you.”
        “Well, I hope I didn’t upset you too much.”
        “No. I am very fine now,” she told him. Then to our surprise, she added. “I think you are a very handsome man.”

        When the girl was gone, Lizamoa was very quick to pick up on that one. “Oh Mike,” She teased, “I think you are a very handsome man.”
        Our laughing encouraged her to continue.
        “Oh, Mike you are so handsome up on the diving board. Oh, Mike, you are so handsome standing there with your willie hanging for us girls to see.”
        “Lizamoa! Behave yourself. Don’t be teasing Mike,” scolded Joseph.
        “But I’m not teasing. I’m just giving the compliment. Saying he is handsome with the willie hanging out.”
        “There see! You are teasing Mike and laughing at that poor girl.”
        “No Joseph I am just saying to Mike that he is having the handsome Willie. I am not trying to have anyone taken any of the offence.”
        I looked across at Mike to see how he was taking all this. He was lying back in an easy chair just enjoying it, laughing with the rest of us.
        Then Lizamoa turned to Mike. “Oh Mike, darling, I’m so sorry if your poor Willie is offended?”
        “Oh yes Liz,” replied Mike “He has been most offended.”
        “Oh dear! I am so sorry. How can I make it better?” Then she got a wicked look on her face. “Maybe I had better come over and kiss it better.”
        To my surprise, Mike's response was, “Yes Liz, I think you had better.”
        And that was all it took. She jumped up and was over kneeling beside Mike’s chair. With ease she had him unzipped and we watched as she pulled his penis out. With a few strokes with her hand, it began to harden then she bent down towards it and touched the head with her tongue. This was followed by a few kisses on the tip, and then she looked up at us.
        “Mr Mike's Cock, I am so sorry I have offended you. Please let me help make it better.”
        She began working Mike's cock with her hand, pumping his shaft while her other hand played with his balls. After a few minutes she stopped to ask nobody in particular, “Is it feeling better yet?” she asked nobody in particular.
        “No!” said Mike. “Not yet!”
        “I don’t think so it is feeling better yet,” she said.
        With that she bent to Mike’s penis again, This time taking the head completely into her mouth. After a few sucks, she withdrew to give him a couple of licks before taking him back into her mouth again. The look on his face was now one of blessing and I knew he wouldn’t take much more of that before things came to a head. (pardon the pun)
        “Lizamoa,” said Joseph, “Are you being naughty again?”
        She withdrew long enough to say, “Oh dear Joseph, my dear husband. I am being very naughty sucking another man's cock. I think I need to be punished.”
        “Yes I think you do,” he replied. Then suddenly he surprised us all by saying, “Steve my wife is misbehaving badly and needs to be punished. Would you like to do this for me?”
        We were all speechless! Even Lizamoa got a surprise. She stopped what she was doing for a moment looking around, first at Joseph and then looking at Steve. She looked a bit worried for a moment and then she shrugged, before returning to what she had been doing.
        “I will be happy to help Joseph,” said Steve. “What punishment do you think she deserves?”
        “I think a good smacking should do it.”
        “OK then, I’d like to take care of it,” agreed Steve.
        With that, Steve stood up and walked over to where Lizamoa was still bending over Mike. He pulled her skirt up over her back so her bikini-clad bottom was exposed to all of us. With both hands, one on either side he then pulled her bikini panties down to her ankles, now exposing her completely bare bum to us.
        This made her stop again for a moment, looking around at Steve and then across at Joseph before she turned back to Mike, to continue what she was doing to him.
        Steve ran his hand over her bare bum. Feeling the smooth skin, squeezing each cheek, running his fingers right down between her cheeks.
        This brought a sharp intake of breath making her whole body jerk. He must have touched home base at that time.
        Then suddenly he raised his hand bringing it down with a sharp smack on one of her cheeks. This really made her jump. She stopped for a minute before continuing again.
        The second slap hit her other cheek. Then he asked, “Lizamoa, do you promise to be a good girl?”
        She turned around to look at him, licking her lips before she returned to Mike.
        “No not enough yet,” said Joseph.
        Steve’s third slap hit her first cheek again. Again he asked her if she was going to be good.
        “Yes, of course, Steve, I want to be good but my naughty pussy made me do it.”
        “Does your naughty pussy need to be punished too, Lizamoa?”
        “Yes, it does Steve.”
        “OK then,” he replied. “I wonder what punishment I need to give this naughty pussy?”
        He looked over at Joseph and saw he was smiling, enjoying watching this surprise floor show like the rest of us. Steve then stood behind her; he unzipped and dropped his pants and togs to draw out a rock-hard cock. He reached between her legs, rubbing her pussy and by the look of it, he even put his finger into her.
        Then again looking over at Joseph he silently asked “OK?”
        Joseph still smilingly nodded back. With that Steve lined himself up and with one massive thrust pushed right into Lizamoa taking himself up to his balls.
        She stopped what she was doing as her eyes opened wide with surprise. I think she might have been expecting a hard cock up her pussy but not all at once like that. Then she relaxed pressing her bum back against him before going back to the blowjob she was giving Mike.
        Steve began pumping into her and we watched his wet shaft moving in and out of her soaking slot, glistening in the sun. Meanwhile, she was getting to Mike now. He gave a moan and we all knew he was cumming. I could see her gulping and swallowing as his body jerked. Then her climax hit her and she slumped against Mike. Steve had noticed what was happening and with a couple of large thrusts, he began cumming too. He withdrew and we all watched as great globs of his cum landed all over her bare behind.
        She still lay across Mike’s lap as he reached over for a towel to wipe her bare behind. She then stood up facing all of us again.
        “Joseph, I think Lizamoa has had enough punishment,” said Steve.
        “Have you had enough punishment Lizamoa,” asked Joseph.
        “Yes, Daddy Joseph I have.”
        “Are you going to be a good girl now?”
        “Yes Daddy, I will. I want to be a good little girl for Daddy.”
        She was now standing there pulling down and straightening her skirt looking like a naughty little schoolgirl, but her bikini panties were still around her ankles. We all laughed at how well she was acting the part. Kicking off her panties, she walked across to Joseph and sat on his knee, putting her arms around his neck.
        “I hope none of your servants witnessed that Sarvesh,” I said.
        “No Shanti. I have told them to stay away from the pool area while our visitors are here.”
        “Then it’s ok if we go swimming then.”
        “Yes, Shanti it’s fine. You can take your clothes off if you really want to.” Then with a grin, he added, “And it is safe for you too, Mike.”
        “Oh thank you, Sarvesh. I don’t want to be caught with my willie hanging again do I Lizamoa?”
        “No Uncle Michael,” she said continuing her little girl act. “That would be very rude!”

        I had my T-shirt over my head and the bikini top was undone. With one movement I took my shorts and bikini bottom off together and before anyone else realised what was happening I was on my way to the edge of the pool.
        At the edge, I stopped and looked back. To my surprise, nobody had moved.
        “Come on! The water’s nice.”
        Suddenly they all started moving at once with clothes being thrown off everywhere. I turned and dived into the water. It was then that I remembered my sore shoulder and as I came up to the surface on the far side it was hurting like anything again. I really shouldn’t have dived like that.
        Rubbing it again I turned in time to see Steve was the first to follow me in with Mike and Amita not far behind. Soon they were all enjoying the water throwing a ball to each other. I didn’t feel like joining in so I sat in the water, by the steps watching them.
        Even in the water, we could feel the hot afternoon sun so we decided not to stay in too long. We got out and were drying off beside our seats. Amita suggested that it might be better if we at least put our swim gear on just in case one of their staff came back into the pool area.

        Once we were all decent again Sarvesh asked, “What about some more drinks?”
        We all agreed to that and so he got up to go and arrange it. Amita went with him but a few minutes later she returned and asked Mike to go and help too. I thought that was a bit funny that she asked him but then, with what was happening when he returned, I forgot to ask him why.
        Meanwhile, we all settled down in our seats for an entertaining afternoon. Once the drinks had been delivered we were ready to start.


  1. Interesting Party. Hope you invite me next time.

    1. Hi Andrew
      I was just replying to some other comments when I saw your comment arrive.
      Thanks. I think there would be quite a long waiting list for one of these parties and my name is at the top. LOL

  2. Hi to the writers team.
    This is shaping up to be an interesting story. I will be watching tomorrow for Part B.

    I enjoy the fun you guys have with the various charactors in your stories. I get the feeling this might be what you are like in real life. A group of people having fun.
    Good work guys.

  3. Hi Janet
    Thank you for taking time to comment on our stories.
    Yes we do have fun in our house. We have a few very witty people who love throwing one liners at each other. Of course this is being reflected in our writing too.

    If you can enjoy our stories each week have a laugh, read a sexy bit, feel you are getting to know the people in our stories then our work is all worthwhile. As for me, for a long time it has been a dream to see these letters and stories published. To see them being added each week, to see you guys reading and enjoying them is so rewarding for me.
    Love Anne
    & the writers team.

  4. Ah "My naughty pussy made me...." I love that. That is a good line, one of the best.
    Yes, it needed to be punished too. I would have been happy to take care of it for you Joseph. LOL

    1. Hi John,
      Glad you like it. We thought it was funny too when Shandra came up with it.
      But it shouldn't be all that surprising. My naughty pussy gets me into trouble all the time. LOL.

    2. Your "naughty pussy" getting you into trouble? I bet it does you sexy little minx.

    3. Valentine
      You say such nice things to a girl.

  5. Hi Shandra
    I did enjoy this story very much.
    I think you were writing it well. There are two other parts to this story and so I will be enjoying these ones too.

    1. Thanks Asami
      Glad you enjoyed it. I can't take all the credit for this one. Such a large complex story of course usually involves more than one of us. In this case to was primary a joint venture between Anne and I with some help from others in the team.
