Friday 10 May 2013

Letter 56 Part B Story Night.

Part B - The Stories Begin.

It's Shanti again as I continue with my story.
        This was when Amita introduced the game she wanted us to play. This game was about the many letters and stories we had written. The idea was for each of our friends to pick out their favourite letter and we would tell them about the story and answer any questions.
        We had eight stories to discuss during the afternoon and early evening.

        “Let me start things off,” said Amita as she looked through the letters book again. “Here it is – Letter number seventeen. This is a story by you Shanti where you and Mike made love on the beach while someone was watching up on the cliff.”
        “Mike and Shanti,” Sarvesh said. “Why don’t you tell us about this story?”
        “Wow! You chose that one!” Mike said. “It's one of my early favourites.”
        “Well, the story is a true event which took place a couple of years before I sent it to you Joseph. We had decided to write some of our sexy adventures out before I began writing to Joseph, so this story was mostly completed beforehand. All I had to do was copy it into the letter,” I explained.
        “Yes, of course, we revised it again when Shanti put it into the letter. That was when we added some more conversation and more detail, mainly about doing the massage,” added Mike.
        “So this story is really what happened on that day?” Amita asked.
        “Yes, as far as we can remember it is,” Mike replied.
        “And that cheeky fellow was there too on the cliff?” Sarvesh asked.
        “Yes he was there for real,” I said. “And we actually did all those things with him watching too.”
        “It seems in the story that you were shocked at him seeing you nude but you carried on anyway. Later with him still there you even made love too.”
        “Yes, I know. If I had thought about it at that time I would never have dared to be seen naked by a stranger but things just happened. But anyway, I was already naked when we discovered that he was there,” I said.

        “In the story, you were not even sure about swimming in the nude,” Peter added.
        “Well, that was one of the additions to the story. The first time I ever went skinny dipping was in the story we told in Letter 19 First Time Skinny Dipping. That story was when I lost my bikini and had to walk back to the car just wearing my partly see-through cover-up. So for this story with the watcher, we added that conversation about me being nervous about skinny dipping and about Mike talking me into it.”
        “So how did it feel, displaying your body and making love in front of that stranger? You saw him later didn’t you?” Amita asked.
        “Yes,” said Mike. “There was no doubt that he was there. Later when we were just finished having sex we could see him openly standing up. We also saw him later and he even waved to us as we left the beach too.”
        “At the time I didn’t really think too much because my mind was kept busy on other things. Later when I did think about it and what we had done in front of him, it kind of turned me on. It is a bit sexy to be naked in front of somebody and even doing some pretty sexy things too,” I explained.
        “Even though you knew this hidden person had seen your nude body. Still, you could have covered again with your clothes,” said Mandara.
        “Yes I know Mandara, but at the time I just thought well he had seen all of my body already after he had probably been watching for a while. So why bother covering up after he had already seen everything anyway.”
        “But still, you could have stopped there,” Sharon said.
        “Yes we could have stopped there but with what Mike was doing I was getting very turned on and so I didn’t want to stop the massage. And then the massage just sort of led to other things.”
        “I am thinking that you were happy to have him watching you Shanti,” Joseph said. “I am thinking that maybe after the shocking of knowing he was seeing you that you are then wanting him to see you.”
        “Yes,” added Amita. “I think so too. Maybe there was a bit of that. Was there Shanti?”
        I just smiled. There was no use denying it. I did know he was there. I did not stop. In fact, even at the time maybe a part of me wanted to let him see me naked.
        “Maybe I did enjoy it a bit at the time,” I admitted.
        “See I knew you did,” said Joseph.
        “Deep down there was always that exhibitionist in you Shanti just waiting to come out,” said Peter. “I knew you at school when you used to sit by yourself to eat your lunch. I would never have thought you would have become the sexy out-going woman you are now.”
        I just smiled at that.
        “Thank you, Peter,” I replied.

        “Talking about the changes in you Shanti, I want to ask you both about some parts of Letter forty-three. That is when you Mike tell the story of how you began your relationship with Shanti,” said Peter.
        “Yes, that is an amazing story. It is the story of how a shy little rosebud blossomed into a beautiful rose,” began Mike.
        “Oh, Mike!” I said with embarrassment.
        “Better be watching for the rose prickles,” I heard Joseph saying to Sarvesh as they both gave a little laugh.
        “Joseph!” I said. “Stop that!”
        Then Peter went on. “Jeff and I were watching when you began going over to sit with Shanti every lunchtime. You really seemed to be doing a lot of talking with her. We were wondering how you could talk to her when she never talked with anyone else, not even the teachers. It wasn’t until I read the story in the Letters Book that I discovered that you were helping her with her speech.”
        “Trying to help her. I think actually I was making things worse for her by making her try again.”
        “It was a hard time for me too" I explained. "I wanted Mike to spend his lunchtime with me. I'd never had a boyfriend and this boy seemed interested in me. I wanted him to stay and so I continued to work on my stuttering problem with him but most of what he tried I had done before.”
        “And then when you started dating her, you never even told me...Your best mate... About it either,” said Peter.
        “No, I didn’t want to draw any attention to this whole thing. I figured Shanti would be even more embarrassed if everyone at school knew about us dating.”
        “So you used to go up to the Christmas tree farm. You dirty dog! You never told any of us about that place either. We used to go up the Scenic Drive, to the lookout; that is until they closed it off at night.”
        “Yes I know, but when I took Shanti out that first time I didn’t want to find any of you guys up at the lookout and so since I knew of the tree farm we went there instead.”

        The others had been silently following this interesting exchange between Mike and Peter but now they began to join in.
        “Shanti, how did you feel when Mike asked you out?” asked Sharon.
        “Well Sharon, I was so thrilled that he had asked me to go out. It was a big deal for a guy like Mike to have even taken an interest in me. But I was nervous too. I had never been out on a date before and I was so anxious for it to go well. But being with Mike made things easier. He was very nice to me.”
        “Yes, very nice guy. He took you up to the tree farm and got a home run with you on the first date,” said Peter.
        “No! It wasn’t like that, Peter,” I said.
        “What is the home run?” asked Mandara.
        Her husband quickly told her, “They made love. They had full sexual intercourse.”
        “Oh!” Mandara she replied. “That was a bit fast, Shanti.”
        I tried to continue. “We went out to the movie and it was a very nice date. Mike was a perfect gentleman the whole time and we...”
        “Then you even let him take you up to that lonely place too,” said Jenny.
        “Well, yes! When you think about it, maybe it wasn’t a wise thing to do. But then again I was pretty naïve back then. I was just so pleased to have gone on a date with Mike that I just didn’t think about anything else.”
        “When you were at the tree place, did you really do all those things? You know even have a full sex too,” asked Mandara.
        “Yes, Mandara we did,” I said. “We did them like Mike said in the story. I know it was too fast to go the whole way on the first date but then...”
        “On the first date! You dirty dog!” said Peter again. “You actually got to home base with her on the first date. That’s something we never knew about. Then in fact you both kept this whole thing hush-hush, until long after you began dating.”
        “Yes, we did Peter. As I said it was mainly to save Shanti from any embarrassment with the kids at school.”
        “And to keep secret your little grubby affair,” Peter laughed.
        I knew he was teasing Mike but someone else listening missed that.

        Suddenly Lizamoa jumped up, bursting into the conversation, going to Mike’s defence. “Look Peter!” she said with almost a hint of anger in her voice. “If you had been reading the story properly with the eyes wide open, you will be reading that Mike was the gentleman the whole way. It was Shanti that was suggested going to the home base...”
        “Woo!” said Peter, holding up his hands. “I didn’t mean it.”
        But Lizamoa wasn’t finished with him yet. She stood to face him, her hands on her hips. “This story is a beautiful story. It is full of kindness, and compassion. It is...”
        “I'm sorry... I'm sorry!”
        “It is full of love. It is the beautiful story.”
        “OK! OK! I am sorry,” Peter tried to say again. “I was only...”
        “Mike is a nice man. He would never hurt Shanti.”
        “Yes, but I...”
        “It is a beautiful letter, Peter. Don’t you dare be saying it isn’t?”
        “No, I am sorry Liz,” Peter said again. “I was only teasing Mike. It is a beautiful story.”
        Then I heard Joseph’s voice. “It is alright Lizamoa,” he said softly. “You know these fellows like teasing each other. They are just having the fun.”
        “Yes Joseph, I know that.” Then she gave Peter a little smile as she returned to her seat. “I am sorry Peter,” she said.
        “I am too,” Peter replied.
        “Hey! That was lucky you called her off, Joseph,” Steve laughed. “Peter, I thought she was going to bite you.”
        “Steve! Can’t you ever keep your big mouth shut!” Sharon scolded.
        “But, Sharon...”
        “But shut up, Steve!”

        Well, that little exchange was a surprise for all of us. And it even shut Peter up too. He sat back in his seat with a grin on his face but I noticed he kept quiet for a while.
        “Tell us about when things were getting carried away, Shanti. How did you feel about what Mike was doing to you?” asked Jenny.
        “They weren’t really getting carried away, Jenny,” Shanti replied.
        “Yes, I know honey. How were you feeling about it?”
        “Well, of course, I was very nervous and shy as well. I had never done anything with a boy. I had not even kissed a boy until that night. But I knew what we were doing and I knew we could have stopped. But I didn’t feel afraid of Mike or anything like that. I didn't feel forced or anything like that,” I said.
        I looked around and saw everyone was listening so I continued.
        “When Mike touched me on my breast it was a surprise but I allowed him to leave his hand there. Soon what he was doing to my breasts awakened feelings in me I had never felt before. It was then that we discovered I wasn’t stuttering. That was a game-changer for me. I think it was because I was so busy concentrating on what he was doing.”
        “Anyway that sort of changed things for me. Suddenly I felt so close to this man beside me. I know now that it was taking such a risk. He could have just been using me, taking advantage of me, but it didn’t feel like that at the time. That was when I wanted to do a bit more. I even unbuttoned my blouse for him. I let him undo my bra and soon my breasts were bared for him.”
        “Sure I was a bit scared. Well maybe not scared. Rather you could say I was scared he would not like me... He would not like seeing my breasts. It was also a bit nervous to bare my breasts in front of a guy like that.”
        “But that wasn’t all you did that night, was it?” asked Amita.
        “No, next he leaned forward and took my nipple in his mouth. For me that was heaven. I never knew my body could give me feelings like that. I know that sometimes when I touched my nipples it felt nice but nothing like this.”
        “For me that I think was the turning point. Maybe before that, I could have stopped but then I became so overcome with all of these feelings I was experiencing for the first time. After that, I just didn’t want to stop. Once he had moved lower down it became even more intense for me. Then he gave me my first orgasm ever. It just blew my mind doing that. I was just so surprised and so pleased both at the same time.”
        “Then afterwards I was so grateful for what he had just given me that I wanted to give him something back in return. I wanted to give him an orgasm too. We mentioned going the whole way but when I said I wasn’t ready for that he suggested a blow-job instead.”
        “I used my hand first and then took him into my mouth to complete the job. It was completely new to me doing that to a man. I was so happy when he came. I had made a man cum. I was very happy I was able to do that.”
        “But then there was still a longing between my legs. I then knew I wanted more from him too. I suggested we try going the whole way and so we actually did it. On the first date too! Mum would have killed me if she had found out about that.”
        I looked around at the group and they were silently listening, all eyes were on me.

        Mike broke the spell by saying, “No Shanti, your father would have killed me.”
        “Yes! He probably would have Mike,” I laughed.
        “So after that, you were love-making regularly with Mike,” asked Lizamoa.
        “Yes Liz, for a while we did but then when we finished school things changed for a while. We didn’t break up but I think since we were going in different directions we were sort of drifting away from each other. We still dated from time to time but Mike also saw a few other girls as well.”
        “How did you feel about that?”
        “I had mixed feelings about it. In one way I was OK with it. In another way, I still had feelings for Mike and still hoped one day I would marry him.”
        “I dated a guy who worked for my father, an Indian guy. But that didn’t last long. By then I was becoming more and more independent and he was too - too Indian for me. He started to tell me what to do and so one day I had enough of it and so I dropped him. I remember Mum and Dad weren’t too pleased about that, but you all know me.”
        “Yes we do,” said Joseph. “Shanti always does things Shanti’s way.”
        “Hey, Joseph! That’s not fair! I’m not that bad.”
        “You almost are Shanti,” added Jenny.
        “You too Jenny. What’s this, pick on poor Shanti week?”
        A few laughed at that before I continued with my story.
        “At about that time, I began writing to you Joseph and then suddenly our relationship, between Mike and I, took off again. So that was how things happened. Soon we were married and here we are.”
        “I didn’t know your stuttering was so bad. I have heard you a couple of times when you get excited but otherwise, it has completely gone. You always come across as being so confident now,” said Amita. “It seems like you must have changed so much.”
        “Yes, and it was a surprise for everyone because nobody except Mike knew what had cured me. Well, I couldn’t really tell my mother that the solution to my problem was filling my pussy with Mike’s willie could I?”
        This brought a laugh from everybody.
        “Oh but it is such a nice willie,” said Lizamoa. “Perhaps your mother would be pleased.”
“We all knew you would say that, Liz,” Jenny said.
        “Lizamoa, don’t go starting that willie business again,” laughed Joseph.

        “Another relationship-changing event took place with you, Joseph and Liz. Remember, when Lizamoa caught you wanking in the shower,” Jenny said.
        “Yeah! I like that one. It's where you got caught by your wife having a quick pull,” Peter said.
        Joseph looked around at us for a moment. I think he was surprised Jenny brought that story up. Then he looked back at her and smiled.
        “Yes Jenny, at the time when she caught me our marriage was not going the best way. We had got over what you call the honeymoon time and now we were not getting on as well,” he replied.
        “The sex and love-making was becoming uninteresting too,” added Lizamoa.
        “Tell us what happened, Lizamoa,” asked Amita.
        “I walked in and was seeing him in the shower. I was going to say the ‘Hi’ and maybe even join with him with my clothes on but until I noticed what he was doing to himself,” began Lizamoa. “He was stroking himself with one hand while playing the water on himself with the other.”
        “I was so busy with what I was doing I didn’t even know anybody was there,” put in Joseph.
        “Seeing him like that gave me very mixed feelings. It made me angry to be thinking he wasn’t leaving for me but it also was very sexy to watch too. This is what made the idea of making him suffer a bit for what he was doing.
        I finally told him I was there and he had a big shock too. It was a bit amusing to see him trying to wash without any soap in his hand.”
        “Why did you decide to take over and order him what to do?” asked Mandara.
        “I don’t think at the time. I don’t think I really decided to take over - it just happened. Once we realised how sexy it was for both of us, we just have carried it on most of the time. Joseph is the head of the house all but in the bedroom where I am being the head. Except when we play 'Daddy Joseph,' of course.”
        “This was an important point in our love relationship because it opened our eyes to each other’s needs. From then on we understand a lot more now. We have a better relationship in bed and that is making a better relationship in the marriage as well.
        “How did you feel writing down this story, Joseph?” Sarvesh asked. “I am thinking this is very personal to be admitting these things.”
        “At first I didn’t want to do it. It is opening up some very personal and private things which men are not happy to be talking about. So when Lizamoa really wanted to tell this story as she was saying it was an important time in our marriage I finally agreed.
        For most of the story, she wrote it down and I just copied it and improved where I was able to. So really, as was not told in the letter, this is mostly from Lizamoa’s writing.”
        “Both Mike and I realised that because of the way it was written. To us, this story has always stood out among the letters as being very different and so we knew Lizamoa was involved in it as well. Later we saw some of this same style again in the stories Liz wrote,” I added to the conversation.
        “Yes Shanti, later we realised you had guessed who was behind this writing too.”
        “I know sometimes it is very hard for the man to admit very personal things and so I must again be saying the thank you to my husband for the writing it in the letters book and to let us talking about it today.”
        With that Lizamoa leaned over and kissed him.
        “Another thing that started that night is this habit you have Lizamoa of walking into showers with your clothes on,” said Mike.
        “Oh Mike, I do that but it is not the habit I think.”
        “Well, I have known you have done it enough times.”
        “But it is sexy to do - the men like it too,” Lizamoa said.
        Nobody could disagree with her on that.

        At that point, Amita and Mike got up and went off to the kitchen. I thought they were going to bring more drinks and snacks out but I was mildly surprised how Mike ended up helping.

        Jeevan was next to find a letter. He picked up the Letters book and began to look through it for a story. I was surprised he hadn’t selected a story already like everyone else had done but it wasn’t until later that I realised he was stalling for time.
        “The letter which I like the best is in Letter 25. The one about eating the ice cream,” he said. “It is so sexy that you were able to do that with food. Almost like having sex in the public.”
        I picked up the letter book which he had opened to this story. “Do you want me to read it to you?” I asked him.
        “Yes please.”
        So since it was a short story I read the whole letter. The story was about how I had licked my ice cream making it into a shape like a penis and then while Mike and some others in the shop were watching I proceeded to lick and suck it. Finally, I took a bite into it, swallowing the bulb whole just before we left the ice cream shop.

        Just as I finished Amita and Mike suddenly appeared carrying trays of ice cream cones. There was one for each of us.
        “There Shanti,” she said. “Why don’t you show us how to do it?”
        “What?” I said. “Where did you get those from?”
        “They made them in the kitchen,” Mike replied. “You’ve been set up, love.”
        I smiled back at them. They must have known beforehand what Jeevan was going to ask for so they could never have made the ice creams so quickly. They must have been waiting in the kitchen as there wasn’t time to get them any other way.
        She handed me the ice cream and taking it with both hands I looked it over. Then I began to lick it. Using my tongue I slowly molded the ice cream pulling it up into a rounded bulb at the top. Then with a few licks around the top of the cone, I had an interestingly shaped ice cream.
        I began working on this bulb much as I would have worked on the real thing. First licking around the edges and then taking it right into my mouth sucking on it. This is how I continued while they were all watching enthralled by what I was doing.
        Suddenly the silence was broken by Joseph, “Now Shanti,” he said. “This time lick the ice cream. Please don’t bite it off.”
        “What? Miss the best part.”
        I gave it a few more licks and then really began to suck at it. I could tell that I was getting through to some of my audience, not just the male half either. Pushing it deep into my mouth, and then as I withdrew it again running my tongue across my lips.
        Now I was picking up the pace, pumping the cone in and out of my mouth making things more and more sensual, giving little throaty moans as I did. Taking turns to suck it, then pulling it out to lick it. Running my tongue around and over the bulb before beginning to suck again must have made a really sensual show. A real turn-on for my audience. I must admit I was even getting a bit carried away with it too.
        Then suddenly a wicked thought came to me. I glanced around the group and saw that everyone both the men and the women were deeply engrossed in watching me. They were all completely captured by what I was doing.
        With one last push, I pushed the cone deep into my mouth, closing my mouth my teeth cut through the ice cream sheering the bulb off. As I swallowed the globe of ice cream I withdrew the truncated cone from my mouth.
        I smiled as I heard at least two groans from the male side of my audience. I sat there looking at the truncated cone with a smile on my face.
        “Shanti, I told you not to do that.”
        “And miss the looks on all of your faces, you guys. You knew I was going to do it.”
        “You are a total worry Shanti,” said Peter.
        “Thank you, Shanti. That was better than just telling the story,” said Jeevan.

        “Now my turn,” said Steve. “There are so many of the letters which I like but the photos which I like best are those first outside ones you took beside the lake, Joseph and Lizamoa. This was the same lake where we went today?”
        “Yes Steve, it was,” replied Lizamoa.
        “We wanted to take some outdoor photos to send to Shanti and Mike. We had already taken some of us nude and almost nude inside but they were too dark and not much of the detail could be seen,” explained Joseph. “We decided to try some more outside.”
        “It was then that I remembered the little lake with its hidden picnic place. This lake as you know is away from the public areas in the Game Reserve and so I thought nobody would ever be there. So one day when I knew all the workers would be on the other side of the Reserve I took Lizamoa there.”
        “Lizamoa took over from him, “We had carefully planned the photos before so we both knew what we wanted to take of us. The plan was first some of us dressed and then I would undress while Joseph photographed and then he would follow while I photographed. We were then thinking about doing some of us together so we had brought a photography stand for the camera. We even were considering doing some love-making ones too. I was not sure how he was going to achieve this but then I discovered he had brought a remote cable to work the camera.”
        “When I began to take my clothes off I was feeling quite excited. When I was in just my bra and the panties we discovered we had someone who was watching us. I didn’t mind too much and then I changed where he couldn’t see me into another bra and pantie set. This happened again until I was in just a tiny set with the tiny bra and the bottom was just a tiny G-string one too. You can see it in this photo, Steve. Of course, changing underwear sets meant I was getting naked between them but I wasn't too worried. I even thought it fun and sexy.”
        “Joseph said we had better stop then and asked me to get dressed but I said I was happy to do more. He had already seen most of me naked while I was changing so why not go further and show the rest? Joseph got a funny smile on his face. I remember that. And then said it was OK for me to continue.”
        “I took my tiny bra off by pulling it down showing my nipples to the camera but with my back to the other guy. Then I reached around and took off the bra completely. Soon I was showing him the breasts too. Later I then took off my G-string too and was showing my body nude.”
        “You knew he was watching and could see everything?” asked Amita.
        “Yes we both had seen him and so we both confirmed he was there. He was not very clever at hiding from us.”
        “And then you took your clothes off too, Joseph?” asked Amita.
        “Yes,” replied Joseph. “I thought Lizamoa would get dressed before she began to photograph me but she just took the camera from me still totally naked. We did the photo set of me of me undressing and now we were both nude. I knew Lizamoa was a bit excited by this and of course, I had my erection too. Soon we were doing the other things we were planning too.”
        “When we were having the sexy ones of us together we looked up and saw him standing up so we could see him and he had his cock in his hand with the erection too. Lizamoa noticed this too and I thought she might be upset by this but she was even more turned on. I asked her if I should invite him to have a closer look and Lizamoa said it was OK too.”
        “When he came over to us he was not sure if we would be angry with him. I think he might have thought I might be going to hit him but I encouraged him that it was OK and so he came over to us.
        Then while this man was watching Lizamoa was laying on the rug opening her legs and showing him the pussy.”
        Lizamoa continued. “It was very sexy being like that. I had never revealed my body like that to anyone except my husband and that next-door neighbour at our old house. (See Letter 10 Lizamoa in the Court-Yard.) Now I had another chance at showing off and I was enjoying it. I knew he had his eyes were on me. On my breasts and on my exposed pussy too. I was feeling very excited and began to touch myself.”
        “First I was touching my breasts and making the nipples very hard. Then I let my hand go to my pussy. As I was running my fingers up and down I was looking at him. He had his erection in his hand and he was stroking himself while he was watching me. Joseph was doing too. This made me even more excited. I was now working my fingers into my pussy hole. I wanted to cum so badly and I wanted him to watch me cum.”
        “I was sexy to see both men doing that. When the man gave a moan and I saw his man juice shoot out it was all I could take and I was cumming too. Then Joseph was cumming too.”
        “That is such a sexy thing to do,” said Amita.
        “I can’t believe you were doing that in front of a complete stranger,” Mandara added.
        “Why don’t you demonstrate to us what you did Lizamoa,” said Jenny with a wicked grin.
        “What Jenny? You mean do it here?”
        “Yes Lizamoa, I’m sure it will help the boys understand what you were doing to make that guy so excited.”
        “As if they don’t know now,” I whispered to Sharon.
        But Jenny, pretending not to hear me continued. She was trying to talk Liz into doing a sex show for us. “Come on Lizamoa; show us what you did for that guy.”
        I looked around at everybody. Steve and Mike were leaning forward both interested. I could see Amita was very interested too. But when I looked at Joseph, he seemed very relaxed about it. He was just sitting back with a grin on his face.
        “I’m not sure,” replied Lizamoa hesitating for a moment.
        “Sure you can,” encouraged Jenny. “Everybody has seen you naked before and we all know you love showing off too.”

        Suddenly she smiled. So that was what it took. It was then that I suddenly realised that Lizamoa was actually going to do it.
        She lay back in her deck chair and lifted her skirt. She still wasn’t wearing anything underneath. She reached up and pulled her bikini top aside baring her breasts before lying back with her legs splayed wide.
        One hand moved to her breast and began fingering her nipple while the other hand strayed down towards her pussy. She looked over at her husband and then briefly around at the rest of us before she closed her eyes, settling down to ‘concentrate’ on what she was doing.
        Slowly she was moving her fingers around her pussy and even from where I was sitting I could see she was beginning to get wet. Soon her fingers had moved to her slot and she was working her pussy with both hands. Slowly at first but then building up her speed as her excitement built. All the time her eyes remained tightly shut.
        “Maybe she needs some help,” said Peter. “Mike, shall we give her some encouragement?”
        Her eyes snapped open and she watched as the two guys got up and came towards where she sat. They stood one on either side of her and dropped their swimming togs, both revealing huge erections. As she watched they began stroking their cocks.
        She had stopped what she was doing for a moment as she was watching what the two guys were up to. Now she realised that they were putting on a show for her pleasure she again began to working her wet pussy, watching the two guys as she did.
        It was a sexy scene to watch and before long I felt horny too and I slipped my fingers down inside my bikini bottom. I wasn’t the only one either as both guys and girls had decided to join in too.
        Now before us, Mike and Peter were really going for it. I could see Mike was close to cumming and by the way Peter was going, he looked not too far behind. Then it all began to happen. Mike came first shooting his white cum onto Lizamoa’s lower stomach and pussy. Then we were given another cum fountain from Peter as he shot his load over her stomach and breast.
        This was all it took to send her over two. With a massive gasp, she came, her whole body shuddering as she did. Once she recovered she looked around smiling at us all before her eyes rested on Jenny.
        “Does that show you what I was doing?” she asked, looking at Jenny.
        “Yes Lizamoa, thank you. I’m sure we all understand now.” Jenny replied with a grin.
        Lizamoa looked down at herself and noticed just how messy she was. There were drops of cum all over her.
        “I think I need a swim to wash this off,” she said.
        Getting up she stepped out of her skirt and then reached behind her back to untie her top before going to the pool. She stepped down two steps into the water before turning back towards us.
        “Well? Is anybody else coming in too?” she asked.
        This started a general rush towards the pool as clothes and swimming togs were peeled off again. Soon all of us were again swimming naked in the water. It had cooled down now the sun was lower but still hot enough to be enjoyable. Of course, I made sure I didn’t dive in this time.
        Once the swimming was over we all returned to our seats, replacing our clothing as we did.

        “Did you know who the guy was?” asked Steve, picking up the story again.
        “Yes actually I did meet him again about two years later,” replied Joseph.
        “Really!” gasped Lizamoa. “You never told me, Joseph.”
        “Yes soon after I was promoted to Head Game Keeper I was looking for some more staff. One of those who applied was that guy.”
        “Did he know who you were?” asked Peter.
        “Yes, he did because when he recognized me. He wanted to call the interview off. I said it was OK and we could keep the lakeside event private. He agreed with that and so we completed the interview.”
        “Did you employ him?” asked Lizamoa.
        “Yes actually I did and he is one of my best workers.”
        “You never told me that.”
        “No I was going to and then when I employed him I decided not to as it might embarrass you to know.”
        “So when I come to the Game Reserve have I seen him again?”
        “Yes, Lizamoa. Actually, you saw him today he was one of the men who helped lift the crocodile onto the truck. Remember when I was driving the van back he was talking to Shanti and Mike on the back of the truck.”
        “Yes,” I answered “I remember him. He was the only one who could speak good English and he was asking where we came from. What was his name, Mike?”
        “Oh my God!” said Lizamoa, her hand going to her head. “I thought he was familiar. He was looking at me too. Was that him?”
        “Yes, Lizamoa, that was him. His name is Mootie. He is actually a very nice guy really.”
        So that was a really big surprise for Lizamoa. In fact, a total shock! And I think even more of a surprise was that she had seen him that very day. She was sure he would have recognized her too considering she had been with her husband Joseph.


  1. Another good story. You really made Lizamoa shine in this section. Now I have to wait a whole week for the third section.

    1. Thanks Janet,
      Yes we seem to have given Lizamoa a lot of fun in this story haven't we? I think it was because we sort of saw her as being a good sport but also I bit sexy, a bit exotic for the New Zealanders too.

      And don't worry. It will be Friday before you know it.

  2. I am concerned about this ice cream story. It is a good story both the original and this version too. Very sexy! Very sensual! But I agree with Joseph the character in the story. You really should do something about that biting it off.

    1. No way John!
      The bite stays. That's the best part.

    2. Anne! You surprise me.
      Mental Note:- "If ever I get to meet Anne must keep my cock out of the way."

    3. That might be a good idea John.
      You never know when I might feel like a bit of fresh meat.

  3. Hello Anne
    This is part B of your story.
    I think this has become better than Part A.
    I was concerned that it was just repeating the original stories but now I come to know they will be acting out the events too. This must be more fun.
    Bye now

  4. Hi Asami
    Yes you should noticed that this story gets better as we continue. It is written to build to the big climax at the end of Part C. Your concern about repeating the stories is one we had too which is the reason why we moved to include the acting out of some of these earlier events.
