Friday 24 May 2013

Letter 57 Game of Dominoes

From Joseph,            
The Game Reserve,                
Andhra Pradesh,                    

            To Shanti,
                        New Zealand.

Dear Shanti and Mike,
        Hello from India. Thank you for a good letter and not to forget the well-written story as well. Here we are in India in good health and happiness and we are hoping to hear you are also.
        As I was saying in our last letter to you, we were glad to hear that your daughter arrived without any problems. And also we were interested to hear what colour she was. In our case, our son is still very light in colour compared to either Lizamoa or myself. Lizamoa is now almost completely certain that I am not the father. During that time Lizamoa had two sexual partners who were European; you Mike and later, you Peter. Since you Mike were with her soon after you arrived here she thinks you are the most likely father. Even if this is true I do not mind. As far as the child is concerned I am his father and we will not be wanting to do any tests to find out for the real truth. After telling you this, Lizamoa and I have decided we will drop the ideas and not talk about this again.
        Oh Shanti, as I said last time, you are such a rebel. You want to go against everything women should enjoy. You are complaining for all of the nine months about the being pregnant. Now want everyone to have test tube babies. Ha Ha. And don’t you want your family to visit you and enjoy your baby too?
        A picture of contentment! That one is too funny. But then maybe all the beached whales and the waddling ducks are contented now too.
        Now don’t be in the rush to be getting back to your working place. But I know you, Shanti. You'll probably want to drive from the hospital straight to your working place.
        Enjoy your new baby and spend the time with her. You will not be getting the chance to be so close with her again. Children grow up so very fast so don’t be wasting this special time by rushing back into the working place. It is better if you can take their offer and be doing some work from home. I like that idea better if you must work. Now, Lizamoa has had our child she will not be working again until the child is older.
        We have both been asked to attend an interview with the New Zealand High Commission. We will be travelling there next week. My mother who is now planning to come to live in New Zealand with us will also be having the interview as well. If this goes OK then there will not be anything to stop us from going to New Zealand very soon.

        Now I am getting to the story for this letter. This is the beginning of our touring all around India.
        We left our house and caught the train for the first part of our journey. As you know Sarvesh changed our travel plans and at the same time arranged for Amita and himself, and also Jeevan and Mandara to come as well. So now we were a fairly large group of 12 people travelling together. It was nice to be travelling in such a big group.
        The first part of our trip was to be the Southern India before we went north to finish the tour. On this trip, Lizamoa and I saw more of our own country than we had ever seen before. It was a nice trip.
        We are not to go into too many details because this is not part of our letter's story but I think we should mention some of the places.
        Our first stop was Madurai City where we saw the famous rock fortress of Trichy. This city also has the Sri Meenakshi-Sundareswarar Temple Complex, the largest complex of temples anywhere in the world. There is also the Gandhi Museum and the Thisumalai Nayak Palace. We enjoyed seeing these.
        From here we went to Periyar Tiger Reserve. I had a good friend who works here and after we had completed the usual tourist part he was able to show the boys a lot more. Meanwhile, another worker at the Reserve had taken the girls to see something really special – a tiger giving birth to her cubs. We guys arrived just after she had finished. Another highlight of the trip.
        From there we flew to the other side of India, to Kochi, a place with much history both Indian and European. Here there was much activity with the Dutch and also the British as well. Also here you Shanti had problems with the bikini top. Ha. Ha. Ha.
        Our journey then took us inland and up into the mountains. Here we caught a little steam train that ran on the famous Blue Railway. This took us to the hill station Udhagamandalam (called more commonly Ooty). We stayed here for a couple of nights. It was cold for us Indians and good to sit around an open fire enjoying the heat and toasting marshmallows over the flames. There is also not forgetting the sexy party we had too.
        The next part of the journey was a surprise for us. When Sarvesh took over the details we left him to do all the arranging. All we had to do was be in Delhi to meet the international flight. So some things on the trip are very much the surprise for us all.
        As I am saying the next part took us to the famous Kerala Backwaters. This is a series of inland lakes connected by canals and channels. We stayed on a houseboat large enough to take all of us as well as the crew. This was an overnight trip into the lakes area.
        We then flew to Mumbai (this was called Bombay in British times) where we took two days seeing this great city and its many attractions.
        We then took an overnight train to Delhi where we had a short three-city tour. First, we saw the attractions of Delhi and then we went on to Jaipur to see the famous Palace of the Winds. Finally, we went to Agra to see that most famous attraction of all of India the Taj Mahal. This is the greatest monument to true love in the entire world. Out of all of us on the trip, only Sarvesh and myself had ever seen this place before.
        We finally returned to Delhi where those returned took a flight to South India while the international travellers stayed one more night before catching their flight to Singapore and then on to New Zealand.

        Our first sex adventure happened during our overnight stay in Madurai. We booked into the hotel mid-afternoon. After the day travelling, it was going to be good to rest for a while. Some of our party went on a short walk with Sarvesh but since Lizamoa and I had been here before we decided to rest in our hotel room.
        “What plans are we having for the evening, Joseph?” Lizamoa asked as she climbed onto the bed to lie beside me.
        “I am not sure,” I replied as I put my arm around her and she cuddled against me. “Sarvesh is saying there is not anything he has planned for this evening but I am thinking Mike has something planned. I am not sure just that Shanti said we might be doing a sexy adventure tonight.”
        “Oh! That sounds interesting. I wonder what it is,” Lizamoa said.
        Sometime later, there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened it to find Mike there.
        “Hello Mike, come in,” I greeted him with.
        “Do you have a pack of cards?” Mike asked. “I need a pack of cards for our entertainment tonight.”
        “No sorry, I don’t have any here, Mike.”
        “That’s a shame. I was hoping that one of us would have a pack but nobody does.”
        “Have you tried the hotel? Often they have things like that for the quests.”
        “OK I’ll ask when we go down for dinner this evening,” he said. “Oh, by the way, Shanti wants to know if you guys feel like going for a swim. We’re going down soon. I’ll give you a call.”

        We all ended up going down with Shanti and Mike for a swim. After travelling most of the day, it was nice to relax around the pool for a while. The only one who wasn’t able to go swimming was Mandara and she came down and sat in the shade watching us.
        After swimming, Mike got us all together and said he had some fun planned for the night. He told us, men, to pack an overnight gear because we would be spending the night away from our wives somewhere else. He told us to leave this in our rooms until after dinner when he would announce the plans for everyone that evening.
        He made it very clear that all of us men but also all the women would be involved in something but would not be saying what and if the ladies were involved in doing the same as what we men were doing. Not even Shanti knew what he was planning and of course, as everybody knows, Shanti makes it her business to know everything that is going on.
        I was wondering what Mike had been able to organise by himself in a strange city where he did not know anyone. It didn’t occur to me that it might be a sexy adventure although Lizamoa was sure that it would end up as one. Even when I asked her how could there be a sexy adventure when the girls and the men are being separated. She could not reply to that but still said she was sure it was going to be a sexy evening.

        Later after changing we all got together again and went down to the restaurant for dinner. After another good meal washed down with some fine wine we retired to the bar for some drinks and to spend some time together.
        Mike then went up to the bar and asked the barman if he could borrow a pack of cards. The barman said that they didn’t have any because it was the hotel’s policy against gambling. Instead, he offered Mike a set of dominoes. When Mike returned to us with a set of dominoes we were all wondering what could be going on. What was Mike planning? Surely not just playing children's games?
        “We can’t find any playing cards so this set of dominoes will have to do,” Mike explained. Then lowering his voice so only we could hear him he said, “What we are going to do tonight is play a swap partners game if everyone is in agreement to this. Each woman will stay in her own room and we guys will play dominoes to decide which man will visit her and be her sex partner for the night. Do you all agree?”
        We were all a bit surprised but happy to be agreeing to Mike’s plan except for Mandara. She said she was unable to do this thing tonight. It was her woman’s time we were to learn later. Since Mandara was not participating it made a problem for Mike’s plan. There had to be one man not involved as well. Before we could say anything Mike volunteered to be the one. He said he would have to stay in Mandara’s room for the night if she was OK with this. Mandara agreed to this and so we were able to go on with the game.
        “Well Mandara, since you are not involved in tonight’s game could you help me to organise it?” asked Mike.
        “Of course, Mike. What do you want me to do?”
        I have noticed on this trip that Mike and Mandara had become good friends. They went away together while Mike explained what he wanted. Then Mike and Mandara sat down and I saw Mike had some paper with him. First, they cut up five pieces of paper and wrote a number on each one before folding them up tightly and laying them on the table. Next, each of the girls selected a piece of paper and handed it to Mandara without opening them. Secretly she opened the papers and recorded a name against each number. This is how we were selecting the women for the night.
        Now we had to select a man to go with the name of each woman on the list. Mike’s plan was for the men to play a game of cards to establish which girl they would be sleeping with. Since the cards were not available we had to play dominoes instead.
        Let me explain. There were nine doubles in the set plus double zero so the winner would be the boy with the lowest score after 10 games. This player would take girl number one. The next lowest player would take girl number two. The only problem was none of us knew who was girl number one etc. So we couldn’t play to lose but instead, we just had to play the very best we can and hope the girl we wanted, had the same number as the order we finished the game.
        I am thinking that very quickly Mike and Mandara were working out who the partners were because she started smiling as we were playing. I noticed she checked her list a few times and showed it to Mike. He nodded and smiled too so he was happy with the results too.
        The game was played on a low coffee table with us all around. It was very competitive and closely fraught. We were all very involved in the game even the girls because we all knew that a night of sex was being decided on the outcome. Of course, at times we were getting a bit noisy as well which was attracting the attention of others within the bar.
        During the early part of the game, the New Zealanders seemed to be doing better but later in the game, we began to catch up again. Since the results were secretly recorded by Mandara it was impossible to tell who was exactly winning.
        Now something extra to the story from Shanti.

Hi, it’s Shanti here.
        During the game of dominoes, the boys were busy playing and they were a bit noisy as well. It was beginning to attract the attention of others in the bar. Since the boys were too busy playing it was left to us girls to order the drinks.
        Lizamoa and I went up to place our drinks order at the bar when the barman spoke to me.
        “What game are they playing?” he asked.
        “On just dominoes,” I replied.
        “They are very excited in their playing.”
        "Yeah, those guys are usually quite competitive," I said.
        ”Yes,” agreed Lizamoa, “they are because there is a very high reward for the winner.”
        “Oh! What is the reward to be?” he asked.
        Lizamoa leant over and whispered in a low voice so only he could hear her. “They are playing to decide who will be playing love-games with each of us girls.”
        “Really?” asked the barman looking at me, his eyes opening wider.
        “Yes,” I agreed, nodding my head and trying to keep my face straight. “A very high-stakes game!”
        “And you are all playing this game?”
        “Yes,” replied Lizamoa. “All the boys are. We girls are waiting to find out who the winner will be, and who our sex partner will be in the bed tonight.”
        “And one of you will be sleeping with each of them?” he asked, surprised.
        “Yes, well not sleeping I hope,” I said with a grin. “We will all get a bed partner but we don’t know who he is yet.”
        “This is a very interesting game,” he replied.
        “Yes it is, isn’t it?” I agreed.
        We left him with his mouth open as we returned to our table. On the way back we looked at each other and burst out laughing. As I sat down I looked over and he was still watching us. I am not sure if he believed us or not.
        “What’s so funny?” Mike asked.
        “Oh nothing,” I replied as Liz and I started laughing again.
        “I think those two are up to something,” Steve said.
        “Oh no, Steve,” I told him. “Liz and I are just happy we are going to have a great lover in our bed tonight.”
        “Sure Shanti,” Mike said. “Sure you are.”
        I could see he did not believe me either.
        Later the barman himself brought over the drinks. I was watching as he was looking closely at the game and the boys playing it. When he looked up at Lizamoa and I caught her, give him a wink. The poor guy now really didn’t know what to believe. I bet he was wondering what was really going on.
        Well, that is all from me so I’ll pass you back to Joseph.

Hi, it’s me, Joseph, again now.
        So to continue with my story. Once the game was over and we were finishing the last round it was time to decide the results. Mike and Mandara went away to a different table and they were looking at the lists comparing the girl's list with the results of our game. Mike said that they might make changes if any player ended up with his own wife because this was actually a wife-swapping game we had been playing.
        In a short time, they came back but they would not tell of any changes to be made. So now Mike had to tell us the results. He got the girls to join him and Mandara standing.
        Now he began to read out the names. When he told a girl’s name Mandara followed with a boy’s name. Then that woman had to go and sit with that man. They would be both going to the room of the girl that night.

        First Mike called, “Amita!”
        Then Mandara followed with the name, “Peter.”
        Amita then went and sat down on the seat next to her lover for the night. By the look of them, they were both happy with the choice.
        “Good one, Peter,” said Steve. “Amita you will have a fun night tonight too.”
        Amita just smiled a bit shyly back at Steve.

        Mike then called the name. “Sharon.”
        We all waited for Mandara until she called, “Sarvesh.”
        Sharon went and took her seat beside Sarvesh.
        “Ahhh, Sarvesh. So you get to play with the big knockers tonight,” Peter laughed.
        Sarvesh just smiled but I think that comment made Sharon a bit embarrassed. Anyway, I am sure they were both happy with their partner.
        “Peter! Shut up,” Jenny said.
        “But it’s true.”
        “You are embarrassing them.”

        “The next man is Joseph,” Mike said.
        “And Joseph you get to be with Jenny,” Mandara added.
        “He is ready for you Jenny,” Liz laughed. “We haven't had sex since last night.”
        “Oh wow!” Jenny laughed. “I can't wait to try that cock again.”
        “And have him for the night this time,” Sharon said. “You're in for some fun!”
        I was surprised how these two women were openly willing to talk about my cock like that!

        “The next couple is Jeevan,” Mike said.
        “He will be with Shanti,” Mandara added.
        “Oh, my friend, she is a wild one within the bed,” Joseph said. “I've had lots of fun with her.”
        “Not always, Joseph. I can be a gentle pussy cat when I want to.”
        “More like the tiger,” Joseph replied.
        I noticed Jeevan didn't reply. Maybe he was a bit worried about being with Shanti. Perhaps I shouldn't have called her the tiger like I did.

        “That means I'm with you Lizamoa,” Steve said.
        “Yes Steve, I think that one too. We are going to have a good time together I think.”
        “I'm sure we will,” Steve replied as he went over and put his arm around her. She was happy with that, reaching up to give him a kiss on the lips.
        “Calm down Liz,” Peter laughed. “Wait until you get to your room before you start anything.”
        “Peter! You are the bad boy. We are not doing anything. I was only saying the 'thanks' to Steve for being my bed partner.”
        “Sure you were but shouldn't you be saying that in the morning,” I said.
        “Look guys, leave them alone. I'm sure everyone is going to have fun tonight,” Amita said.
        “Yeah, Steve. Liz will be good. She always is with me,” Mike said.
        Liz beamed back at him, happy Mike had said that about her.

        So Mike and Mandara continued until all five pairs had been announced. While we were doing this there were a few people who had stopped and were watching. I wonder what they were thinking we were up to doing. I also noticed the barman had stopped to watch us too. It was only later that I came to know what Lizamoa and Shanti had told him what we were doing.

        Now the results of the evening were: -
                Peter and Amita.
                Sarvesh and Sharon.
                Joseph and Jenny.
                Jeevan and Shanti.
                Steve and Lizamoa.
        Of course, Mike and Mandara were to be together in her room.

        We ordered up one last round of drinks and I saw the look when the barman delivered them. Then I caught my wife giving him a wink. “What is my wife up to now,” I thought.
        Sarvesh called a toast, “May we all have an exciting night with our new sex partners.”
        We were all happy raising our glasses to that one.
        This was the last drink before we all went to our rooms. Mike had warned us, men, to have our gear for the evening ready so after quickly getting our gear from our own rooms we went to our new love partner’s room.

        Now it is not for me to tell the story of each couple during the night so I will begin my story again for the next morning.
        In the morning, it was the plan for each man to return to his own room at eight-thirty so we could be ready for breakfast at nine in the morning. Over breakfast, Mike told us about one last part of our night which had to be done.
        Each loving couple had to get together after the breakfast and write down the story of their night of sex. This could be written together or by one of the two of them. This was so it could be added to the letters book.
        He produced a plastic bag which contained six pads of writing paper. He gave one of these to each couple, as well as a couple of pens. He kept the last pad for himself. I was wondering where he had time to buy paper and pens. I was realising that this guy was a very resourceful fellow.
        Shanti told me later Mike was chatting with the girl in reception and she gave him the pads and pens. So this Mike can be charming the ladies when he wants to.
        We all decided it would be good to sit around the pool to do this and as I was looking around at each couple I could see them all very busy with the writing. I was sitting with Jenny so we could write our story. Then I noticed that Mike and Mandara we also very busy. I was thinking what was it that they had to be writing? I also saw Shanti's interest in this too. She even went over to find out but they were not telling and turning their papers so she was not seeing. It was funny seeing this.
        Shanti tells me these reports from each couple will be added to the letters book after my letter.

        So that was our game of dominoes which we played for our sex partners. I am thinking it is a very interesting way to make the selections. When we knew what the prize was we were playing for the game was of course even more of interest too.

        Well, we must make this the end.
                Bye for now,
                        Love from,
                                From Joseph and Lizamoa.


  1. Hi Shandra
    This is another good story which carries promise of six more to follow. I had a sneak look at the index and yes there are six stories following each couple from this dominoes game. I'll be back here next week, that's for sure. John.

    1. Thanks John,
      Yes, you are right. This story is sort of like the first part of a seven part story. The next stories will tell us what each couple did during their night together. Don't miss them. I believe they are examples of some of our better writing. I think you will enjoy them.

      We in the writers team are glad you are enjoying our stories and happy that you take the time to comment on them. After putting so much work into this blog good feed back is appreciated and most welcome. It is our intention to reply to every comment if we can.
      Regards Shandra & the writers team.

    2. Hi Shandra
      Yes we are rather intrigued as to why you chose to use dominoes. Interesting to say the least. There is one thing we can count on with this blog, we never know what is going to happen next.
      Oh Susan we love your new background picture. Hot! Hot! Hot!
      Paul & Kirsten

    3. Thanks Paul & Kirsten
      I think the reason why we decided on dominoes is explained in the background to this letter.
      Oh and I will tell Susan you liked her wallpaper photo too.

  2. Thanks for you comment on my photo Kirsten. Yes I like this new series I Allan took of me. I've replaced all my photos on this blog now.

  3. What a most unusual way of deciding. A game of Dominoes.
    Where did that idea come from?
