Thursday 27 March 2014

Story 89 Katrina's Story (Part Three)

            Hi again from Katrina.
            Before I begin my story again, I want to be thanking all of you who sent me E-mails. I am happy you are enjoying my story and I am happy to make such a big addition to the Letters Book. I did not know I could be the writer in such a book.
            Here is part three of my story. In the parts one and two, I was telling about the events in India before I was leaving for my trip and with this part, I tell how my trip to Australia and New Zealand was started. 

            Then the day came when we were leaving on our trip. I was so excited I could hardly sleep and when they called me at 5:30, I was already up and dressed. A few last minute things and my bag packing was finished.
            After a quick breakfast, I went up to finish packing Steven’s things.  By eight o’clock, we were getting into the van and taking us to the airport. Most of the staffs were outside to wave to us and see us off. I had been among groups like that before and it felt funny this time to be among those who were leaving. Some of them came up and wished me a happy trip.
            We stopped in the town to pick up the other couples and then we were on our way. One of our drivers drove the van and I sat up in front with him. We had the child seat between us and little Steven was happily giggling and watching everything going by outside. I think he knew something different was happening and he was happy too.   
            We took until 2 pm to reach the airport and that left us with just enough time to get checked in at the counter. I am unsure about all this business because I was looking after Steven and three other small children travelling with us. I was too busy with the children to take note of our travelling details. Sarvesh had asked for my passport and took care of everything for me.
            Soon we were ready to go to our gate, ready for boarding the aircraft. I had never flown into an airplane before and this was all so new to me. We had a smaller flight of just over an hour to the main airport at Hyderabad, and then on to an international flight to take us all the way to Singapore.  

            For the first flight, Sarvesh made sure, I was sitting beside a window so I could look out and see the sceneries below us. It was interesting but also a bit scary for the first time, especially the taking off and the landing.
            Then we came to a rush and bustle to get all of us through this large airport and on to the international flight. Again, I didn’t have to worry about anything but just make sure I helped Hansini with the children.
            On the second plane, it was a lot bigger and since it was an evening flight Sarvesh didn’t bother with window seats. He made sure Amita and I were sitting together in the front row where they had baskets for the babies and small children, on the wall in front. Mandara’s baby was upset and cried until she took her and held her but little Steven was no trouble at all, he just went off to sleep. Since he was so good, I was able to help holding Mandara’s baby for a while too. Hansini seemed to have her child and Mandara’s older child under control for most of the flight. Amita seemed to be a bit tired. I think the stress of preparing for this trip.
            We arrived in Singapore late at night. There was the usual check points to get through and then customs before we could leave the airport. After travelling through what looked like a very busy city we finally arrived at our hotel. I was sharing a room with Sarvesh and Amita. They had a double bed and I had a single. We, of course, had Steven with us too.
            For the next few days, we had a lot of fun seeing the sights of the Singapore. I enjoyed this wonderful city and had a good time. I could not believe that this entire country was just one city on an island. It was so busy day and night.
            Our hotel came with a beautiful swimming pool and everyone was happy to enjoy the cool water after the day in the hot city. I was unsure how to wear until I found Amita was wearing her bikini. I was shy because this was the first time my bikini had been seen in a public place. But I wore this and was happy when I did.
            On the evening of the third day, we left Singapore to fly to Australia. This was a very long overnight flight with us arriving in Brisbane the following morning. Once again, there was the bustle of getting us all through this airport and on to a smaller plane to fly to the smaller city called Cairns. From there we took an even smaller plane to fly out over the most beautiful ocean I had even seen to our island resort.
            Sarvesh had put me beside the window again and I could look out over the deep blue colour of the ocean. Near islands it was green and we could see there were many tiny little islands as well.
            Apparently, it seems, those coming from New Zealand had arrived earlier in the day because they were all being there to meet us. I felt a bit strange when they were hugging each other but then Brian and Mega were standing back with me, a bit feeling the same way too. For some reason Hansini was quickly in the thick of it, hugging everyone, even those she did not know of.
            Then Amita pulled me over to meet everyone. I knew all their names and had seen many photos of them but it was still a bit strange to suddenly meet them all.
            Then to my surprise, Mike turned around and saw me. “Katrina,” he cried. “It’s so good to see you.”
            He came over and gave me a great hug, lifting me completely off my feet as he did. He felt so strong with his arms wrapped tightly around me, my body pressed against his. I also felt my breasts pressing to him as well. I am sure he would be feeling them as well.
            I looked over his shoulder and saw Amita smiling. She gave me a wink.
            When Mike finally put me down, holding me by each shoulder, looking directly at me with a big smile on his face. Then he said, “I was so pleased when Sarvesh said you were coming. I am looking forward to getting to know you a lot better.”
            Little did he know how much better I had in mind.
            Well finally, with all our welcomes and greetings completed, we got into two small vans to take us to our resort.  
            My room was overlooking the ocean. Below on the beach, I could see people on the beach enjoying the water. I had my own room while Amita and Sarvesh were just next-door. My room had the double bed that was so soft I could just sink into it. After the long flight, I felt like doing that, pressing my body into the softness. It was so nice and I was having the sleep. I was awoken by Amita who came in to announce they were going for dinner. Suddenly I realised how hungry I was so I went too.
            That evening we had a nice meal at a larger restaurant. The food was a laid out so you could take whatever you wanted. It was mostly European food but with lots of nice seafood as well. I was happy with this. It had been a long day and any food would be good. 

            After the dinner, we returned to our rooms. I changed into my bikini and just left my matching skirt and cover –up on too. I don’t know why I did that. I think I wanted to appear a bit more sexy. At the time, I didn’t think it was for the men there but thinking back now, I know that was why I did it.
        We all met in the big sitting room of the flat where the New Zealanders were staying. We had to bring some chairs from other rooms since so many of us were there. I wasn’t the only one dressed sexy either. Amita wore a very short skirt and her bikini top. Some of the other girls wore similar too.
       I was able to meet better many of them. For a while, I talked to Mike and Shanti. I like them because they are a nice couple. She was very friendly and gentle to me and I got to know of them a lot better. Mike was wearing a very tight T-shirt which clinging to his body showing the close shape of his chest. I couldn’t help looking and he caught me as he was talking. He just smiled as he continued but I was feeling a bit shy at getting caught like that. I must be more careful when checking to the men.
       Later I was sitting beside Jenny and Sharon the two European women. Shanti had introduced me. They were very nice too, asking about my life in India. I did have trouble understanding them because they talked very fast and used words I was unknowing of but they realised this and made their talking easier. 
      Amita and Hansini were sitting each side of the man called Steve. They were joking and laughing with him, obviously having a lot of fun. She looked up and saw me watching them so she called me over to meet him. I took my chair, going to sit close by them.
      They were taking about how Steve was doing the working within a gym. I had noticed he had larger shoulders and arms. Now I knew why. He working-out at the gym too.
       “Do you want to see his muscles?” Amita asked Hansini.
       “Sure,” Hansini replied.
       So Amita turned to Steve, “Come on Steve. Get your shirt off. Show us what you’ve got.”
      I was surprised she said that to this man. He didn’t seem to mind. He just smiled then reaching for his shirt, pulled it over his head.
      Now we could see what big arms he really had. Sitting there topless, I was interested to see him. He held his arms so the muscles were straining and bulging. I could see both girls were impressed too.
     Wow!” said Hansini as she reached out and touched his arm. "They are big!"
     Meanwhile, Amita was now holding and rubbing her fingers over his other arm. I could not believe this. Here were these two women doing this to a man while their husbands were there in the room too.
       I looked over at Sarvesh concerned he might not like it but then I saw why he wasn’t worried. He had his full attention on Sharon, particularly on that tiny top she was wearing with her large breasts almost falling out of it.
       My attention was pulled back to Amita when she said to Hansini. “Steve likes girls doing this. Makes him horny.” Then with a laugh, she added, “Doesn’t it Steve?”
       This made Hansini giggle too but I just smiled.
       Steve’s reply was not much more than noise but it didn’t matter as Amita continued.
      “I bet he is horny now.”
       “Are you horny, Steve?” Hansini asked.
       Steve didn’t reply, just had this funny grin. Suddenly Amita’s hand was on his shorts.
      “Oh he sure is,” she laughed. “Here Hansini feel this.”
      They were both feeling what appeared to be an erection through the fabric of his shorts. Steve just sat back in his seat, his hands behind his head, allowing them to do it. He was smiling so I know enjoying it.
      “Do you want to see it?” Amita asked.
       Hansini nodded in agreement, with a big grin.
      They soon had his shorts down with his erection fully exposed. Now they were both having a good feel. Suddenly Amita turned around to me.
      “Feel how hard he is, Katrina.”
      She reached for my hand but I pulled away.
      “Come on,” she said, grabbing my hand again.
      Before I could stop her, she had my hand on his penis. I was shocked. Were there people looking? I pulled my hand out of her grasp. I was so embarrassed she had done that! Made me touch him there!
      This attracted the attention of others in the room including Steve’s wife.
      “Steve, put that dirty thing away. Now is not the time for that.”
      As he did, Sharon added, “And you two, stop encouraging him. He is bad enough already without you too.”
      “Yes,” said another European man near me. “Naughty girls. You can’t keep your hands off the boys, can you Amita?”
      “Watch out Peter,” Amita said. “We’ll have our hands all over you next.”
       “Anytime, honey,” he said with a laugh.
      Then Amita did something I would have never expected. She made a jump at Peter. He jumped to avoid her. A few chairs were knocked over and I jumped out of the way. Peter ducked aside as she reached him. She grabbed him but by now, Steve was behind her. Soon she found herself with a man tightly holding an arm each. She struggled but they would not let her go.
      “Now Amita, think you are clever feeling the boys. Now the boys get to feel Amita,” Peter said with a laugh.
      “No!” cried Amita as she struggled even harder. "Don't you dare!"
       It was no good. They held her tightly. Soon both their free hands were feeling her breasts. First, they were rubbing her through her bikini top. Then, her bikini top was pulled aside and her breasts exposed. Their hands were touching her bare breasts and touching her nipples. Her struggling stopped and her eyes were closed. I realised she was actually enjoying this.
      “What about some pussy too?” Steve asked his friend.
      “Yes, Amita has a hot little pussy,” Peter replied to him.
       “What? No, not here!” she said as her eyes snapped open.
       They went for her skirt. Their hands went up under her skirt as she began to struggle again. Soon two hands were pulling at her bikini bottom. She tried to clamp her legs together as she couldn't use her hands to stop them.
      “No! No!” she protested again. “Don’t do that!”
       But it was no good. Soon her bikini was down to her knees, her skirt pulled down around her ankles. We all had a view of her pussy as their hands were feeling her. I noticed Peter’s fingers entered inside of her. Then she quietened down.
       Now it had really turned sexual. They were rubbing her pussy and she had her eyes closed now. Her legs had drifted open as I heard a moan escape her lips and I knew she was enjoying this too. While Steve was sucking on a nipple, Peter was thrusting his fingers into her pussy in a very rough manner. Then I saw her pelvis humping against his hand. I then realised she was heading towards an orgasm! I looked around the room and now everyone had stopped talking and was watching this surprise showing she was making.
       She let out a moan followed by a cry and I knew it had happened.
      Now the boys were holding her up because she looked so weak. When they felt she could stand, they let her go and they stepped away from her. She stepped out of her skirt before pulling up and replacing her bikini parts.
      “Good show!” I heard Sharon say as she began clapping. Soon everyone had joined in with clapping too.
      She turned to the room and gave a little bow. “Thank you,” she said with a smile, “And thank, you guys too.” She said to the two men.
      That sort of finished the evening. It was certainly not, what I expected. When Shanti announced that she and Mike were going to bed there were a few smart remarks about, “have some hot sex, Mike.” as they left. So soon everyone else was following.
       Amita had left to go to her room and Sarvesh came over to me. “Come on, Katrina,” he said.
      I walked with him to the door of my room and we stopped. “Are you OK ?” he asked me as he put his arm around my shoulders.
      “Yes,” I replied. “Just not what I expected Amita might do.”
      “Oh, I better warm you. My wife has come here to party. Don’t be surprised at anything she does. She can get pretty wild with those guys.”
      With that, he left me as I turned to enter my room.      

      Later, back in my bed alone, I was thinking about what happened. My thoughts went to when I touched Steve. He was so hard and the shaft felt warm too. I wished I’d taken longer and felt more.
      I wondered what Mike would look like hard. Steve had looked very different to the Indian men I had seen. I don’t know why but it was different. I thought Mike must be the same as this.
       I was thinking about what those men did to Amita. It looked so rough like she was being hurt and held against her will, but she was loving it. It had not occurred to me sex could be like this. I always thought of sex in a bedroom between two people, not openly displayed like this. But, it was sexy to see. I heard that cry as she cum and it affected me too.
       This thinking had me feeling sexy myself. I discovered I was wet and began to work my pussy with my fingers. All the time thinking of the men doing that to me, instead of Amita. I was thinking about them, even about their cocks too. It didn’t take me long before my cum arrived. I gasped at the thrill of it. I was surprised at how quickly I had cum and how I could be excited by sex like that.
      Then I settled down to sleep still thinking about cocks, about feeling then, touching them, maybe doing more with them too. 

       This must be when I end with Part Three.

                  Katrina – with help from Hansini and Amita.


  1. Oh wow!
    That was not what I expected. That Amita is sure a naughty girl.
    I told Asami that and she has used that in the name for one of the parts in her Katrina Page.
    Why did you include that in this story? I am not complaining just wondered that's all.

    1. I think Shandra explained it all in her background notes Kirsten.

      I like the way you are developing the character of Katrina.. She is very open about things which are new to her and she is struggling with. I like that. We can see her learning and experiencing new things. The way she described her journey to Australia was good. I could see that young girl, wide eyed as she follows Sarvesh and Amita through those airports etc.
      Then came that scene where she met Mike. I wonder about why Mike was so pleased to see her? Has he been sneaking in and reading some of your future stories? LOL It just seemed to me to be a bit over the top.
      Then finally Amita. Oh is she the girl it ask to your party. She is so wild that one. I'd love to meet a girl like her.
      Thanks again for a great story, all who were involved in it.

    2. Hi James,
      I don't think Mike's welcome is unreasonable. There was some connection between them in India and they have got to know each other since then. I would expect he gave the other girls a good welcome too so why not Katrina? Any way looks like he got it right as far as she is concerned doesn't it?
      If I had the chance to put my arms around a sexy Indian girl, or any of the girls in the writers team, I most likely would. LOL
      Don't change that greeting by Mike. It works for me.

    3. John I can see the wisdom in your comments.
      But as long as I get two big hugs with Sexy Sue.
      Yes most definitely two; more if I can get away with it.

    4. Thanks for those comments guys.
      Now Mike's greeting. That has been in the story for a long time and to tell you the truth I thought it was fine.
      Do you really think it was over the top, James?
      Oh John, am I on your hugging list too?

    5. Hi everyone.
      Can I add my bit into this since I have been helping my sister prepare her Katrina stories for publishing. First the trip has been worked over a few times as things got changed in some of the earlier stories. The departure airport got changed from Madras (Chennai) to Hyderabad. The stop over was changed from Malaysia to Singapore. This was when they more clearly defined where this town in India might be located.
      When I first saw this story a few years ago Mike's greeting was there so like Shandra says above it has be in the story almost from the beginning.
      The scene with Amita. I'm not so sure about. It is sexy, sure. Well worth putting in somewhere, although I hear some readers and writers have wondered if it gives the impression that Amita was "used" against her will. I do not believe that was the intention. What concerns me is that it is a big step forward for Katrina to witness this. In story 72 I remember the discussion as to whether she should witness Amita being fucked on the dinning table. The general feeling was that she shouldn't. I wasn't present when the discussion was made to include this scene here or I would have strongly argued against it. I think we should have waited until after she lost her virginity first.
      As I see it

    6. Reshma,
      I can understand you reasons for not wanting the scene with Amita included in this story but I can't understand why you feel so strongly about it. I think the scene was handled well. Katrina wasn't dragged into any more than she could handle, (no pun intended) and Sarvesh did talk with her afterwards, which was good. Judging by the ending in her bedroom I think she was a bit turned on by it too, don't you think. For those reasons, maybe it could be argued that watching Amita was another step forward for Katrina too.

    7. Now James,
      I do think Reshma has a point. As much as I like hot sexy stories, in this case the scene with Amita doesn't fit well. I didn't see her being forced against her will or anything like that. I think maybe I know the characters involved would all like playing games like that. I saw her protests and struggling as part of the fun. My concern is with what Katrina would be thinking.
      My thoughts go back to that story Letter/Story 70 Part C where Elizabeth is watching Katina being forced to strip naked after loosing a Strip Chess Game. In this case would Katrina be feeling the same? Would she be thinking, "What if those men do that to me?"
      I think the key things here are that Katrina did realise Amita was enjoying it, she says so twice, and that fact that Sarvesh thought to check she was OK afterwards. One; Katrina would realise it was fun and Amita was not being forced against her will. Two; she would be reassured by Sarvesh that she was personally safe here.
      For me, Kirsten

    8. It seems like this story is creating quite a debate. That is good to see. Personally it doesn't really matter if you like or dislike this story. That fact that you are moving to voice an opinion is good. There are some stories in this blog I would just love to use the delete button on too, but they are all part of the big picture the big story. And of course one of our team loves them too. LOL
      Have you seen my explanation in the background notes? If so, you will have known that this story went through a major rebuild just days before it was published. Perhaps if we had stopped to think about it we would have come up with something better or even decided not to use the bit about Amita. But we didn't and its now published.
      Lets take what Kirsten said above. It would have been better if Katrina didn't see what Amita did, but she did, and she seems none the worse for the experience.
      She is in for a few more surprises from these girls in the next few stories so lets continue on her journey towards her big night later in this volume. But that is not all that happens in Katrina's life. There is another major life changing event rushing up which even she doesn't know about.

    9. Hi its Susan here,
      Yes, I am still in hospital, but back online. I will be here a couple more days but since I started complaining, Anne has brought me in one of the laptops. I have been catching up on what is going on with the blog and also doing some writing too.
      Now I see this little debate going on here and have decided to wade, (well waddle or crawl, whatever a woman does just after child birth) into this debate.
      I first got to read the completed story yesterday and told Shandra that she needed to add to her background notes. Give credit to others besides just Ayaka, the girls who took over her duties, Rajah who allowed his story to be moved and me for suggesting the new ending. Yes it was me! Guilty as changed but totally unrepentant.
      I came up with this new story idea but days before my baby was due, there was no time to do anything about it, so I gave the idea to Shandra. A couple days later I was in here and Rebecca was on the way.
      I didn't get to see the finished result until yesterday. It is good! Works well as far as I'm concerned. Don't get talked into removing it Shandra.
      I don't think it was too much for Katrina to see. I also don't think Amita was forced against her will, even with her protesting. Here are my reasons:- First Katrina is going to become a bit wild herself so this just gives her the idea that sex does not need to be just in bed. Secondly, I think you guys might have forgotten that men like Mike and Sarvesh were there watching. They would never allow anything bad to happen to Amita.
      Sexy (well not too sexy just now) Sue.

    10. Ah my Sexy Sue is back!
      To me honey you will always be sexy, no matter what. So don't bother telling me you are not as I know differently.

      This has been an interesting debate but I fear that Amita's naughty fun has over shadowed Katrina a bit. I like how you handled this on the Katrina Page where you included Amita and the boys but split it off into a separate story. It just separated it a bit while still achieving your goal of giving Katrina a sexual display to watch and think about. Yes that works better than in the story here.

      I also like the comments you Susan and you Shandra have made when you tell us about your stories. You talk about these people in your stories as real people. My wife Raviprabha say, "You have lived with these characters for so long that you really do think as them as real." She could be right there in some ways.

      I also like that way you girls drop juicy little hints. Shandra above:- "But that is not all that happens in Katrina's life. There is another major life changing event rushing up which even she doesn't know about." We all know she is heading towards losing her virginity and it will most likely be Mike. What is this new 'life changing' event? You have done it again! Drop this intriguing hint then leave us waiting for further details. Like I said this makes your blog much more intriguing but also a bit teasingly naughty on your part too, I think.

    11. James you are a flatterer aren't you. I bet you charm all the girls. LOL
      Thanks though. Makes me feel sexy you saying so. Yes Sexy Sue will be back soon.

      Now your comment about our characters. Yes we do talk about them as real people. You should hear us in our Writers Meetings. We had to add the two pages 'The Writers of Letters' and 'The Cast of Letters' to help people like you work out who is who.
      Sexy Sue.

    12. Sue I use those two pages all the time. The first to gaze upon the beauty of you girls. The second page to read about characters found in the stories. I see you are updating continually too.
      I hope you and little Rebecca are doing well too.
