Friday 12 December 2014

Story 124 My Night with Shanti.

            Hi, it is Mootie here.
            After the fun in the pool, I noticed different people were pairing up for a night of fun. I decided I would do the same, so I looked around at the girls in the pool. Then I spotted Shanti. Ever since I had met her in India during the crocodile hunting story, I have been fascinated by this woman. I thought now might be the time to spend the night with her.
            For a moment she turned away from me and so taking my chance I stepped up behind her and reached around to cover her eyes with my hands.
            “Hey!” she cried. “Who is that?”
            “You lover for tonight,” I replied.
            “Yes, Shanti,” I replied. “Will you share my bed with me tonight?”
            “Well, I don’t know Mootie. Maybe I will get another offer.”
            “Hey guys,” I called out. “Does anyone want to make Shanti an offer or is she mine for the night?”
            “Be my guest,” Mike said.
            “Go for it,” I heard Peter say.
            “I’m not yours,” replied Shanti. “Who do you think you are? You don’t own any girl you take to bed.”
            I realised my mistake by saying ‘mine.’ I knew how Shanti had reacted to Joseph in his letters sometimes and now I had put my foot in it myself. For a moment I thought I might even have blown my night with her. That same fire which attracted me was now turning back against me.
            “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”
            “You Indian guys are all the same. You think you own the women.”
            “Look Shanti, I didn’t mean it. I am sorry.”
            But she wasn’t going to let me off lightly. “It’s no use saying sorry now. It’s too late now.”
            “I didn’t mean…..”
            “Well I will spend the night with you but you don’t own me," she said. Then came the surprise as she continued. "I own you. OK? I expect you to do exactly what I tell you. Then I might forgive you.”
            I wasn’t sure what I was getting into. I had seen Steve get into trouble with women at the resort. I hesitated for a minute thinking about what she might have in store for me.
            “Well?” she asked. “Do you agree?”
            Everyone was watching, waiting to see what my answer might be. Finally, I agreed to her conditions.
            “Yes Shanti, “I replied. “I do not own you. For tonight you own me and I will be your sex slave.”
            A broad smile crossed her face. "Thank you, Mootie," she laughed.

            After our swim, we went out to the restaurant and I decided to play Shanti at her own game. As she went to sit at the table I stood behind her and pushed her chair in for her. Then I sat next to her. When she reached for a jug of water, I reached first saying, “Let me pour that for you.”
            She was a bit surprised at that, just saying “Thank you.”
            The menu was a buffet and so I offered to get her food for her. As we walked down the line of dishes I held her plate and placed on everything she wanted and then I took her back to her seat before going to back for my own food.
            When I returned to the table I could see some of them smiling.
            “What are you up to Mootie?” Hansini, my wife asked.
            “Just being polite and the gentleman,” I replied.
            “Well, you never do that for me.”
            “Now Hansini. That is not being true. I do a lot for you.”
            Hansini smiled, then replied, "Yes Mootie. Yes, you do hun." 
            Well, that was how I continued throughout the meal, being very attentive to Shanti’s every wish. I know this was causing many of the girls some amusement, particularly my wife Hansini. I bet some were wondering where I was going with this. What I'd be like in bed that night.
           I also noticed Katrina was watching me closely too. It one point when I looked directly at her and caught her looking at me, I pressed my lips into the shape of the kiss. I think she was a bit surprised at that, she looked down at her plate almost with embarrassment. Then she smiled. She again looked directly back at me, and when she saw me still looking, ran her tongue across her lips. I was then sure that this girl was interested and for I moment I wondered how it might happen before my attention was pulled back to Shanti.
          “Mootie,” she said. “Where were you? I asked you to get me a coffee. One sugar and milk.”
          “Sorry! Sorry Shanti,” I quickly replied. “I didn’t hear you.”
          “Obviously,” she laughed. “Lining up your next victim, were you?”
          “No! No! Just thinking.”
         Then she lowered her voice so only I could hear. “That’s not what Katrina is thinking.”
         She must have caught what passed between Katrina and I. There was no use denying it. I just smiled and asked, “Now how do you want that coffee?”
        “I told you. One sugar and milk.”
        “Yes of course. Of course! I’ll just get it for you now.”   

        Our original intentions were to return to our hotel rooms but Amita was organizing something first. She had arranged with the motel manager for us all to have a late-night swim. With us all naked again this turned into an interesting time, especially with the contest Mike organized, but that is not my story to be telling. I know one of the others will be telling. 

            Later we went back to her motel room and we had hardly shut the door when she was on to me. Without even talking she came at me and pushed me back aggressively. Caught by my surprise, I fell back onto the bed and then she was jumping on top of me, flinging her whole body against mine, her mouth sought out my mouth in a hot passionate kiss.
            I wrapped my arms around her rolling until now I was on top of her then I broke away from her kiss.
            “Should we be undressed first?” I asked.
            She laughed. “That would probably help wouldn’t it?”
            So I rolled off her and stood up and reached out to pull her up too. Then she started on my clothing. She was in such a hurry that she ripped a button off my shirt and I think almost ripped it getting it off.
            “Hey, slow down a bit,” I was telling her. "Why such a hurry?"
            "I want you now!"
            “We have all the night together.”
            “But I am so hot for you Mootie. I want you so much!”
            I was a bit surprised at this. What had brought on this sudden change in her? I was expecting her to give me a bit of a hard time for my sexist comment about owning her but now she was now being like - how do they say - the wildcat. Later I was to learn that I had actually earned her forgiving by how I had treated her during the evening at the restaurant. She was actually finding being treated like that a turn-on which surprised everyone, even Shanti herself.   
          So back into my story where finally we had become naked and were getting back up onto the bed again. 

Hi, it is Shanti here now.
            When Mootie asked me to spend the night with him I was just a bit surprised. You see I have always seen him as being kind of shy with us girls and so I thought he wouldn’t be so bold as to come up to me like that. But he did and I was happy he did, happy to spend the night with him too.
            Then he made a remark about me being his which sounded like he owned me. I wasn’t really bothered by it because I knew what he meant but I decided to give him a bit of a hard time on it, sort of like I had done to Joseph in my early letters to him. Judging by his reaction, maybe I was a bit too hard on him.
            His response to this was surprising. He suddenly changed becoming very attentive to me during the early evening and dinner. I was very impressed by him and I knew it raised a few eye-brows among the others too. Even Hansini his wife mentioned it. But let them think what they wanted, I was happy and as I said, impressed that he had put so much effort into it.
            So by the time we got back to the room I had dropped the idea of giving him a bit of a hard time and I was now more than ready for him. In fact, I think I almost overdid it by coming on a bit too strong at first, jumping at him as soon as we entered the room.
            Anyway as Mootie said above we finally got our clothes off and we were on the bed together.
            We lay on the bed together with Mootie lying on his back and I was laying on my side beside him. I began to gently run my hands over his body. Mootie is a larger man and very strong too, almost like a slightly smaller version of Joseph. I could feel the muscles in his arms and how tight he was across his chest. This was the first time I had actually touched him like this and I was enjoying exploring his body.
            Finally, my hands moved down onto his lower body and to the nest of hair around his erect penis. Then my fingers found his shaft itself. Again he was impressive here too. Mootie certainly hadn’t been short changed in this department either.
            My fingers wrapped around him and I began to pump up and down slowly. Without too much of this, he suddenly gave a massive jerk and I knew he was about as turned-on as I was.
            Suddenly I wanted to feel him inside me.
            I rolled over onto him and guided him to the entrance of my wet pussy. I was so ready for him that his head slipped easily into me and then slowly I lowered myself down watching as that massive shaft disappeared into my body. It sometimes amazes me how much I can take inside me like that.
            Then I began to move my hips, making my pussy move, sliding up and down his shaft. It felt so good and my pussy felt so full too.

             When Shanti rolled on top of me and took me into her pussy, like that it felt so good. She makes a good partner into the bed and knows how to make a man happy. What her body was doing was soon having the effect on me and I became worried that I would be made to cum before she even got to there.
            I tried to slow down but it was no good because my cum kept building up and finally I knew I couldn’t hold back any longer. My orgasm came and it was very strong as well. It made me moan out loud and my body giving a massive jerking. It appeared that this was just what Shanti needed to complete things for her too because unknown to me she was almost there too.
            We lay beside each other, as we were trying to catch the breath back until finally,  we could talk again.
            “Thank you, Shanti,” I said. “That was so good for me.”
            “And you weren’t too bad either,” she replied.
            A little later we were ready to try for again and this time I took the leading and was up onto the top of her. We both had the fun and the orgasms again and I think we were then both happy to go into a deep sleep.
            When I woke up she was still beside me and she was still asleep. I lay watching her in her sleeping. This Shanti was a very different woman to most women. She was very outgoing and at first even a bit scary for a shy man like I am, but once you get to know her, you know she is different to this. I did enjoy my night spent with her and also I enjoyed getting to know her during our holiday together. 

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