Friday 26 December 2014

Story 126 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Ayaka.
         The idea for this story came from a combination of two experiences I had after moving to live on the farm with Anne and Allan. When Shandra left to go and manage another company farm, they wanted someone to manage and run the dairy shed where we have a 70 bale rotary milking platform. This job required learning about the machine’s operation and maintenance, something Anne never had the patience to do. It also meant working with the engineers when they came to do repairs for the annual refit before each season began. I took this role and enjoy doing it now as Anne’s Dairy Manager.
         So the first part of my idea came when we had two engineers working on the platform. Shandra had encouraged me to get in and help them as I would learn more that way. In the work we were doing they were replacing some of the ankle sensors which were placed level with the bracelets the cows wore. This meant bending down to reach them.
        I was wearing no bra that day and a loose shirt. I did not realise at first that it was opening when I bent down. Suddenly I caught him looking and knew he had been looking down my shirt. That was naughty of him and a bit sexy for me too. Next time I made sure he could look again, just talking to him and pretending not to notice.
        Finally, Anne and Susan came in to see how the work was progressing. Yes, they caught what I was doing too. Later they teased me about it and Anne said it might make a good story theme.
        I was looking for an idea where I could use this when we went on a trip to Taupo. We had booked to fly on the float-planes for a trip across the lake to the volcanoes like in this story. We were sitting having lunch on the foreshore after our trip watching the pilot washing his aircraft. Then the idea came to me that I could get Katrina to help cleaning the aircraft while flashing for the pilot at the same time. I mentioned it to Anne and we wrote some quick notes to write this story when we got back home.    


  1. Naughty of him? No, naughty of you Ayaka.
    You were the one not wearing a bra and allowing your shirt to fall open. No doubt, not enough button done-up at the top. Then it turns you on so much you go write a sexy story about it.

    1. James! How can you be saying I am naughty.
      Can't a girl make an 'accident' with her clothing without some man taking advantage and looking to her?

  2. First I read the front page of this story. I think what a naughty girl this must be who wrote this story.
    Then I came here to the Background and discover what inspired this story.
    Ayaka that was very naughty flashing your titties at those engineers.

    1. Hi again Geoff.
      So you know of the backgrounds too.
      Did you read what I said to James above. It was an 'accident' with my clothing. Anyway why did the engineer need to look?
      HaHa. Ayaka.

    2. My dear Ayaka,
      I am sure you had more control over your "accident " than you would like us to believe. We all know you are a good girl who likes to be naughty sometimes.
      Yes I've been reading this blog for a few months now. I particularly like reading your parts..
      See you on Friday.
      Love from Geoff.

    3. Thank you Geoff,
      Yes I need to admit what you say is true but I also need to be admitting it was fun too.
      I think the engineers were happy too. LOL
      Yes I did not know you were know of my involvement in this blog until this week. Susan has confirmed this that she told you about it. I wasn't sure how you would think of me.
      I Love you Geoff.
      Ayaka XXX
