Friday 26 December 2014

Story 126 Katrina and the Pilot.

       It is me, Katrina, again.
       This next story is actually about me and Hansini will be doing the telling of it. Before she is doing this Amita thought it would be good for me to be telling about some more of the trip. 

       That day turned into a fun evening for all of us and I ended up spending the night with Steve. And for those of you who are interested, I did behave myself and was a good girl for him. After the way some of you have treated him I think he was happy to be with someone who was not teasing and giving the hard time for him.
            First, we did like Sarvesh and the girls had done. We had a spa in the pool in my motel room. It was nice in the warm water with Steve and we had a good conversation together.
            Later when we got out of the pool we went into the lounge he did me a massage. This turned in a 69, for me the first time together. This time he was allowing me on the top and it was good for both of us. Then when we did sex again it was with him on the top in the bedroom. But I have told you of this story already.  
            We had a good night together and made good love-games together. Sharon, your husband is very good within the bed.
       When I woke in the morning he was gone. I woke to the sound of Amita knocking. When I called to her she told me to get up and meet them for breakfast in half an hour. I got out of bed in a hurry and it was then I discovered how sore I was. I tried to play warm water of the shower onto it, to sooth my pussy but it didn’t help too much. Maybe I overdid it last night.
       When I got to breakfast, they were all there. I saw some grins when they saw me. They must be thinking; 'That girl had a hard night!' 

Day Two – Waitomo Caves and then to Taupo
            On Day Two our plan was to spend the morning visiting the glow-worm caves and then in the afternoon we would view a thermal area before ending our day in the large town of Taupo.
            For the glow-worm viewing, we had to take a little boat inside the cave which took us deeper into the darkness to view the glow-worms which looked like little stars on the roof of the cave. In India, I had seen fire-flies but they are outside and are red. These were in a cave and they looked very blue in colour. This was very interesting to see these glow-worm caves.
        I had seen them before at a damp bank near Shanti’s house. They had also been at the streamside where we did the camping but only a few. Here in this cave, there were so many, blue like the stars in the sky.
       Where went into another cave where the limestones had made many wonderful shapes. The water was dripping from the roof to make stalactites and stalagmites but I forget which grow from the top and which from the bottom. Sometimes they grow so much that they meet in the middle. 

            Leaving Waitomo we drove a long way through beautiful scenerys until we came to a place where Peter called Orakei Korako. This place was beside a lake and it had a small jetty where boats were to get to the thermal area on the other side.
            The boats were very powerful and very fast and it was fun to be in them. We reached the other side very quickly. At the thermal area, we were enjoying seeing the many wonders there. Then back in the boats to our cars and we went on to the big power station where New Zealand makes electricity from hot steam in the ground.
            Finally coming over a hill there was the big lake Taupo before us. It was so beautiful that we stopped for a photo. There was the town with the blue lake behind and Mike was showing the large mountains on the other side too.
            After a very late lunch, we were down on the lakeside when we discovered two floating planes which were on the lake. Some of us took a flight in these and we flew with two planes together all the way across the lake and to the large volcano mountains.
            While we were there Peter asked the pilot to see the place where we were going the next day so he could see if there was snow anywhere near the road. He found some and told it would be easy for all of us to walk to. So I realised I would be even getting to experience snow too.
            The evening which we spent in Taupo was very interesting too but then I think there is a plan for others to be telling about this. For me, all I want to say is we went to some very nice hot pools and then we went on to have a dinner within the town. Back at the motel, there were some room changes again as well. But I was not involved on this night. The pussy of Katrina needed to rest.           

Hansini here.
            I just want to add an interesting extra which I notice Katrina has left out of her description of Day Two.
            As she wrote some of us took that flight over the lake and mountains in the float planes which take-off and landed on the water but she did not mention the conversation she had with the pilot of one of the planes before our flight. Lucky I was standing nearby and able to witness everything they said so Mike suggested I write it all down.
            Katrina has changed from the girl which I knew in India. As I have watched her on this trip to Australia and New Zealand I have noticed she is becoming much bolder and cheekier as her confidence grows.
            A few of the guys walked down onto the little wharf to look at the two float planes moored there. Katrina and I went along too. A man was working doing something with one of the planes. As we approached he greeted us with a “Hi.”
            We all returned his greeting as Katrina went up and spoke to him.   
            “Do you drive this plane?” she asked him.
             “Yes,” he replied. “I am the pilot.”
            “Why does this plane float on the water?”
            “It is a float plane. It takes off and lands on water.”
            “Oh! I am not knowing planes could do that.”
            I think at this point he realised Katrina was not from New Zealand because next, he asked, “Where do you come from?”
            “From India, “Katrina replied. “I have not seen a floating planes before.”
            “We take tourists sight-seeing over Taupo and also across the lake to those large mountains over there.”
            “We are going to those mountains tomorrow I think.”
            “Would you like to see them from the air first?” said the pilot pushing for business.
            I think at that point Sarvesh decided to purchase a flight but he never said anything, until later, instead just listening to Katrina and the pilot.
            “How does this plane fly off the water?”
            “Just the same as on land. We go faster and faster until we have built up enough speed, then we just lift off like any normal plane on land except we are on the water.”
            “I would like to see that.”
            “Maybe I could take your group for a flight.”
            “Are you a good pilot?” she asked him cheekily.
            “Very good.” He replied.
            “I do not want you to make it drop into the water.”
          That was cheeky I thought.
            “No, I will only drop into the water when it’s time to land.
            Katrina giggled at that.
            "What's funny?" he asked her.
            "You said 'land' when you are within the water."
            He smiled, probably getting her little joke. "On the water." he corrected her.
            At that point, Sarvesh entered the conversation and asked more about the flight options and prices etc. He then left to go up to the little booking office to purchase our flights. While he was away Katrina stayed talking to the pilot.
            “Is it hard to drive an aeroplane?”
            “No, not when you get used to it. I think driving a car would be harder.”
            “Oh,” Katrina said. “Why is that?”
            “Well with a car you have to stay on the road and steer around sharp corners. With an aeroplane, you are just able to go where you want.”
            “I did not think about that.”
            Katrina was wearing a pair of shorts she had borrowed from Jenny. She also was wearing a blouse which buttoned up the front. I have noticed she had become more and more daring since we had been on this trip and on that day she had left two top buttons undone which gave a hint of the swelling of her breasts at times when she moved and the blouse hung open.
            Then the pilot asked her if she could pass him a brush which was lying on the wharf. I noticed that as she bent down to pick it up her blouse hung open which must have given him a good view down her front too.
            She was watching him cleaning the plane and then she asked if she could help.
            “Of course,” he replied. “You can use that broom there. You can wash down on this side.”
            I watched as she took the broom and began helping wash the plane. I also noticed that she was moving so she could bend over and give him further views down her blouse too. She then bent to wash the top of the floats and as she did I also got a clear view down her blouse too.
            Oh wow! It was then that I realised just how much she was showing off. She was wearing nothing under the blouse so the pilot was getting a complete view of her naked breasts.
            “You are very beautiful,” he told her.
            “Thank you,” she replied with just the hint of a smile. She knew exactly what she was showing.
            “I think Indian girls wear such lovely colours,” he said.
            “Oh, you mean the Indian sari. I often wear a sari too.”
            “I think you are beautiful in what you are wearing now.”
            I was a bit amused by all this. Here was Katrina flashing her bare tits and flirting with the pilot while she pretended to be just interested in helping him wash the aeroplane.
            By then Sarvesh had arrived back with another pilot. The plan was for eight adults to go in both planes.
            As we were ready to board the first pilot turned to Katrina and he asked her, “Would you like to be my co-pilot? “
            “Do I have to fly the plane?” she said in surprise.
            “No just help me by looking out for any other planes.”
            “I can do that,” she agreed.
            So Katrina took the front seat beside the pilot while three of us sat in the back. As Katrina has already told you we then took the flight out over the lake and mountains.  
            Later after the flight, Sarvesh asked, “Katrina how did you get to have the best seat?”
            “Oh, I think because he was happy I was helping him washing the plane.”
            “No,” I added. “There was more than that. Wasn’t there Katrina?”
           Sarvesh looked at us both wondering what was going on but Katrina just smiled. Finally, I had to tell him the whole story.
           “No Katrina. The pilot gave you the front seat because he was happy looking down your blouse, seeing your bare tits.”
            “What is this?” Sarvesh asked. “Is this true?”
           At first, Katrina just smiled. Then she nodded her head. “Yes,” was all she said.
           “What? Being naughty again Katrina?” asked Sarvesh.
            She didn’t bother answering him again. She just smiled that little smile she has when she is very happy with herself.


  1. This seems like the sort of naughty thing you would do Ayaka.
    Then I read in your background it was inspired by what you did for those engineers. Yes that was naughty, but I bet they enjoyed seeing you 'accidently' flashing your tits like that.

    1. Yes I am thinking they were enjoying looking to me. I was enjoying just a little bit too.

    2. Just a little bit Ayaka?
      I think a lot.

  2. So who was it who wrote this story. She must be a very naughty girl.

    1. Geoff I did not know you were knowing of this blog.
      Now Susan is saying you were knowing for a long time.
      I also think you know who is writing here. It is me, Ayaka.
      As for being naughty! I am not making the comments.
