Friday 22 May 2015

Story 143 Katrina Leaves the Big House.

Hi, it’s Amita again.
             We are sorry if we have been a bit slow in writing any stories over here. 

           When we arrived back in India from our trip to Australia and New Zealand there was a letter waiting for Katrina. She was so pleased. I knew she was just a little bit worried that David might not write to her. But he did, so all is well with the world, well Katrina’s world anyway.
            Katrina took a trip home to visit her family and showed them many of the great places we visited and seen. She was telling them about what these two countries were like. They were pleased that she had a good trip and a good time. Little did they know how much of a good time she actually had!
            When she returned to our house, of course, she began her usual duties taking care of Steven and working in the big house. She then got the chance to reply to David. When she asked me what she should write about, I told her to tell him how happy she was to find his letter and you hope that this is going to be the start of a good friendship writing to each other. I also told her there is so much to tell him about our trip to New Zealand, and she could tell him about India and her life she had here.
         “Oh,” she replied. “I forgot about that.”
         I don’t know why she needed that kick-start, it seemed like she had a total brain block. I really think when it comes to David that girl’s brain is switched off! Ha! Ha!
         His reply to that letter came back quickly and soon they had two sets of letters passing each other somewhere between Katrina in India and David in Australia. I don’t know what was in a lot of those letters, she only told me a few bits but I believe David has turned out to be good at writing too. 

            Now I did not witness this next bit so thanks to Sarvesh and Katrina for helping me with writing it.
            Katrina usually took Steven out into the garden before the day got too hot. One morning she was there when she heard Sarvesh calling for her. She looked up to see him coming down through the garden towards them. He was in a hurry, almost running.
            “Katrina! Katrina,” he called. “I have some great news for you.”
            She thought it was strange he would come down looking for her like that so she stood up as he approached, waiting to hear what he had to tell her.
            “Katrina I have just been talking with Donald on the phone. He and Paula will be coming to India in a few months’ time.”
            “That’s great,” Katrina replied. “I would like to see them again.”
            “No! No! That is not the best part. Katrina, they are bringing someone with them. A new man they have just employed to work for them.”
              Katrina was wondering why this was so important to her that he had to come running out to tell her.
            “That is good Sarvesh,” she said. “You will get to meet him too.”
             “No, No, Katrina, you misunderstand me. I think you know this man.”
            “Who?” she asked and then she realised. “You mean……? David?  Is David coming too?”
            “Yes, Katrina. David is coming to India!”
            “Oh Sarvesh that is great news,” she cried and without thinking she jumped up and gave him a hug.”
            That was something she really shouldn’t have done because just at that moment she looked over his shoulder and saw two of the staff watching them. In shock, she jumped away from him but it was too late. They had been seen.
            “Oh, I’m sorry Sarvesh. I shouldn’t have done that,” she said.
            “It's OK Katrina. I know how happy you are to see David again.”
            “No Sarvesh. It is not that. There were two people up at the window watching us.”
            “Now I see Katrina. It is not a problem; we will take care of it.” 

            Well, he was wrong there; it did turn into a problem, a very big problem. The word quickly spread around the staff and many just as quickly jumped to the wrong conclusion about Sarvesh and Katrina. Many were looking at me strangely and I even noticed they were talking and giggling behind my back. I began to feel embarrassed and I know it was becoming even worse for Katrina.
            When Katrina spoke to Sarvesh and I about it, we told her not to worry as it would soon go away as people moved on to talking about other things but it didn’t go away, instead, it got worse and worse. She began to feel that she had no one in the house who was her friend. She told me one day she just felt so terrible. Finally, the House Manager came to Sarvesh to tell him how serious things were and that something had to be done about Katrina.
            Later that day we called her into the office.
            Sarvesh and I were there and so was the House Manager. To her surprise, we had two other people there as well. Jeevan and Hansini were there too.
            “Now Katrina,” Sarvesh began. “You know the problems that this small misunderstanding has turned into. Well, we have decided that it might be better if you were to leave the house.”
            “What? Are you asking me to go Sarvesh?” she cried bursting into tears.
            “No! No, Katrina, we are not firing you. We are offering you a new job.”
            Wiping the tears from my eyes she looked up at him. I could see the confusion on her face. If the situation hadn’t been so serious it would have been amusing.
            “Jeevan wants you to work for us down at the exporting warehouse.”
            “I don’t know how to do warehouse work,” Katrina said.
            “It is not warehousing work; it is working in the office. Donald has taken on a younger man as his new shipping officer to arrange shipments between Australia and India. We want someone about the same age to take care of things this end. Someone whom we know will work well with this new man.”
            “But I don’t know about shipping things. How do you know I can work with this new person?”
            “Oh, I know you will get on very well with this new man. You will need to talk to him regularly as well to arrange shipments. And you can learn about the shipping too.”
            I could see she was totally missing what he was telling her. I would have thought she would have seen it but she was so full of worry about not being able to do the job. Then she heard me giggle. I think at that moment it clicked.
            “Is this new man David?” she asked.
            “Yes,” Sarvesh replied. “It is David. Remember I told you before. That is one reason why he is coming to visit India next month.”
             There was another reason why David was coming to India. We all know he wanted to see her again too.
            Not thinking Katrina stepped forward to hug him again.
            He stepped back laughing and holding up his hands. “Now, now Katrina. That has got us into enough trouble already.”
            Then she remembered he had said that she had to leave the house. “So where will I live?” she asked.
            “Oh that’s where I come in,” said Hansini who had remained silent up until then. “You can come and live with Mootie and me, in our new house. With the children, I could do with a bit of help at times too.”
              “And you’ll come and work for me,” Jeevan said. “The work is not hard. We can teach you.”
            So that was how it was arranged. There was a quick staff meeting where it was announced that Katrina would be working for Jeevan in the exporting business and that she had decided to live in town since it was closer to her work. Sarvesh did say that she was not being fired but instead she had decided to leave to take up this new exciting position. He did a good job of selling it as a career move for Katrina.
            To our surprise, many of the staff came up to wish her well in her new job and they were saying they would be missing her. I did add they would be seeing her from time to time whenever she came up to the house.           

            So the very next day Katrina moved to Hansini’s new house and a couple of days later she started her new job. I was sad to see her leave the big house and I knew Steven would miss her too but I was excited for her about beginning this new job. The best part was that now every few days she actually got to talk with David as they arranged shipments between the two countries.
            I have heard both Jeevan and Sarvesh are very happy with her work.  

             Hi, it is Katrina now.
        I want to add something a little bit sexy to Amita’s story. As she said above one of the best parts of my new job was getting to talk with David two or three times a week. Mostly we used the internet and webcams when we talked now. We still write hand letters to each other as they were fun to do but most of our communication quickly moved online.
       One morning I got to work early because I had an early meeting with David. Suddenly I had a very naughty idea. Just before the meeting I went into the ladies and took off my jacket and then my blouse. Taking my bra off, I then replaced my blouse. Since my blouse was very light, almost see-through, I did up two buttons of my jacket so no one could see I was wearing nothing underneath. Back in my office I closed and clipped the lock on the door then just before we connected I undid the buttons of my jacket.
        During the conversation, I asked David, “Are you alone in the office?”
        “Yes,” replied.
        “Can anyone hear us or see your computer screen?”
        “No. Why do you ask?”
         I didn’t reply, instead, opening my jacket a bit wider.
         He got a big smile on his face, “Is that see-through?”
         “A bit,” I grinned, very pleased with the reaction I was getting.
         “Are you wearing anything underneath?”
         My answer was to pop open some buttons of my blouse and then pulling it aside to bare a breast for him.
        “Wow, Katrina! That is very naughty in the office.”
         “I can be naughtier too,” I said as I pulled open the other side to bare my other breast.
         “Very nice,” he laughed. “You should always dress like this for our meetings. I think we would need to meet every day.”
        “Would you like it if I wasn’t wearing panties too?”
         “Yes very much,” he replied. “Aren’t you?”
         “Actually I still am but maybe next time I won’t. Then I can flash my pussy for you too.”
         “I’m looking forward to that,” he laughed.
         I stayed like that for the rest of our meeting with my breasts bare for him, then went and replaced my bra when we were finished. We never got to do that again, the chance to be alone together never came up before David left to come to India. 

          So it appears Katrina is naughty where ever she goes these days. Flashing her breasts at work while talking to a business partner. Doing that for David was very bold. Even Sarvesh was surprised when he found out she did that. But he was laughing too, saying, “Wish I’d been there to watch.”
         Isn’t that typical of men. He sees her at nude weekends regularly but when she flashes a breast in the office he gets all excited about it. Although I must admit, it was rather sexy when you think about it.
         Well, that is all my part of this story because Katrina is going to take over and tell you about David’s visit to India. But that is getting ahead of ourselves now. Others have stories to include before we get to learn what happened when David came to India.

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