Saturday 9 January 2016

Story 173 New Faces at Our Nude Weekends.

Index of Letters                  Story 173 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 172.

Forward to Letter 174.

Hi from Amita.
        When Hansini approached me about her new friends coming to our nude weekends, I wasn’t surprised. I had been following what was going on and it was obvious their evenings were becoming sexier and sexier.
        When she told me they were planning to play “Strip,” I decided it was time to speak with my husband, Sarvesh. Oh did I get a surprise! He knew all about it, even more, informed than I was, in fact. Not like him to know more than me concerning social matters. It seems Katrina has been keeping him informed and updated. His only concerns were; First - they don’t get pushed into anything they weren’t comfortable with. Secondly - they respect the privacy of all those attending and do not tell anyone about our weekends.
        I was sure that would be OK so I asked if they could come. He suggested that we wait and see how the stripping game went before we invite them. That seemed like wise advice and when I told Hansini, she also thought this was a good idea too.
        Well as you will all know, the game went well. I heard everyone got involved in the game, got naked and had fun, so since they appeared to be okay with the nudity, I gave Hansini my permission to invite them. She was quick. Less than an hour later, she rang back to inform me they had both confirmed.

        A few weeks later a van pulled into our driveway. I was sitting in the guard house watching as they got out. Whatever they were expecting it definitely wasn’t our house. For a few minutes, they just stood there looking until Jeevan and Mandara arrived behind them.
        I pressed the button to operate the gate closing. I like operating those big gates, one of the better parts of our house. At one push of a little button and then the rumbling the massive steel gates rolled slowly into place. I always do it on the special weekends and Sarvesh says he should save some money and make me the gate-guard. 'I could sit there and push those buttons all day,' he joked.
        They turned at the sound to see me leaving the guard house and walking up the driveway towards them. As I came around the traffic island with its overgrown tree, they had turned to look at me. (Must get Sarvesh to do something about that tree.) I’m not sure who they thought I was at first, that is until Hansini introduced me as the lady of this house. They were still surprised both at me operating the gate and at the front of our house. In front of the main gate, it was almost three stories high. It looked impressive looking up at the white stonework but that was how my husband designed it. Sarvesh wanted the house to make an impression and my husband used it as a powerful tool when doing business. India it is an advantage if you can make an impression of being very wealthy.
        We walked up the steps to the front entrance. Normally this would be closed with its large double wooden doors but today one side was open with Katrina standing there. They were surprised to see her, both that she was there and also what she was wearing. Since Katrina lived at Mootie’s house she had met both these couples but had not been involved in any of their evenings. Now she stood at the door to greet them wearing only a tiny bikini top, with a sarong wrapped around her waist.
        I was a bit amused by how both guys were checking her out too. It had the right effect, her upper body was barely covered while her lower body was hidden from her waist to her ankles. Yes, Katrina knew what she was doing too. Her clothing and how she was standing pulled your eyes to her breasts. Leaning back against the doorpost like that, showing her body off to its full potential as they had to step past her to enter the house. She smiled and friendly greeted each of them, much as I would have done. Then when I entered last, the cheeky girl greeted me as if I was a guest in this house too.
        “Naughty girl,” I whispered to her as I stepped past her.
        She just giggled. She knew exactly what she was doing.
        We had decided to put them up in the main house so Katrina showed them to the guest rooms in the west wing of the first floor. Along the way, I heard she gave them a quick tour of parts of the house.

        The theme for that night was cross-dressing swimwear. We had done this a few times before but decided it might be a good way to get our new guests into the spirit of our naughty weekends. Of course, all of us girls would be bare-breasted while the guys would be showing almost everything wearing tiny string bikinis. Yes, the trick was to get them hard, and then those little bikini bottom could never contain their erections.
        Yes, when they came down, our new guests were the same. Both girls wore baggy shorts, much too big for them and were naked above the waist while their husbands wore tiny string bikinis that didn’t even attempt to hide anything. Yes, both their balls and cocks were bulging out from under these tiny bikini bottoms.
        I know I’ve seen the guys like this before but I can’t help having a giggle every time I see it. The boys seemed to take it well too even joining the other three men for a sexy bikini contest, posing for us girls, getting lots of raunchy comments from us. That was fun before we all sat down to dinner.
        This is how we stayed for dinner and into the evening as well. That is except for those who got involved in the games mentioned below.

        I knew Hansini would pick up on it sooner or later. Actually, I’m surprised she hadn’t already. She had to play them at chess and we all know it had to be “strip chess” too.
        She pretended she was talking with me, saying in a voice everyone could hear, “Amita, did you know that all men are useless at chess.”
        Now that was provocative. A real conversation stopper!
        “No, I didn’t,” I replied, playing along with her.
        “Yes, they are all the same. No good at playing chess.”
        All other conversations at the table stopped as they were all listening to what was going on. It was my husband who picked up on it. I would have thought he of all people would have known better but no, like all males, he fell for it. He just couldn’t leave it alone.
        “Now that’s not true, Hansini.”
        “Of course it is, Sarvesh. How many times do you beat me?”
        He knew she had him there. He had to either shut up or admit she beat him most of the time which would have added more weight to her argument.
        Now the new guys got hooked. And we listened and watched while she reeled them in like a fisherman does a fish.
        “I don’t think you are right Hansini,” Hamza said. “Most of the grand masters of chess are men.”
        “I don’t mean Grand Masters, I mean ordinary men, everyday guys.”
        “So why can’t men play well then?” Payam asked.
        I smiled to myself. Hansini really had them hooked.
        “You men use logic and strategy. It doesn’t work. When things go wrong you have no plan, you are lost.”
        “No! You are wrong Hansini! A good chess player always has a backup plan.”
        “There I told you. That is what I mean, a backup plan for one change. In chess, anything could happen.”
        “OK then!” Payam said. “How do you play?”
        “I use emotions and feelings. I feel the way the energy of how the game is going and act accordingly.”
        They were listening to her but I don’t think either man believed her. They tried to argue with her but she would not give in. It was a dangerous strategy she was playing. She was luring them into playing against her. What if one of them was better than her she would be in trouble? She had no way of knowing how good they were. She just had blind confidence in her own playing skills.
        “Ok then, play us and we’ll see if we can beat you, Hansini,” Payam said.
        “Alright, we’ll play. But I must warn you I only play “Strip Chess,” she said. “I like beating the pants off you guys.”
        So cheeky! She was daring them to beat her. What man could resist that! Both men were quiet for a moment at this unexpected turn of events. Playing chess was one thing but now she wanted to play strip chess. I think they now picked up on her confidence too but with all of us listening they couldn’t back out. Anyway, as I said above, it was a challenge to them to them not many men would have been able to resist.
        “Ok,” Payam said. “We’ll play you.”
        “Strip Chess?”
        “Yes, Strip Chess,” Payam said.
        “Yes!” she said with obvious delight.
        “We'll see what you feel like when you get your pants taken off,” Hamza added.
        “Not going to happen, Hamza. You two will be the ones showing everything,” Hansini laughed.
        I also noted the exchange of looks between the two guys. Maybe even then they thought they might be in trouble.

        So the large chess set was brought through to the dining table and we sat around to watch. The plan was for Payam to try first, followed by Hamza.
        I will not go into much detail about the games because I still have not learnt all the moves. It was very obvious from the start that Payam was in trouble. She went for him, attacking from all sides. I could soon see he was only moving in a desperate attempt to defend himself, save his key chessmen. They had started with eight articles of clothing each and by the time checkmate was called he was down to three items while she still wore six. She made him take those three off too.         “Come on Payam. Get naked now,” she said. “Show us your cock.”
        Poor guy had to strip with all of us watching and Hansini cheeking him too.
        Laughing at him she wouldn't let him hide, insisting that he showed everyone his cock. She even reached out to give him a quick feel which I thought might be overstepping his comfort zone. But his cock didn't think so, getting hard at her attention.

        Then Hansini turned her attention to Hamza.
        He looked more worried when he sat down to play. We were all watching too, and that didn't help his confidence.
        Hamza seemed to be doing better at first. He even managed to blunt her attack with what seemed like aggressive battles in the middle of the board. In reality, she was slowly gaining on him, wearing him down in exchanges that cost him more than it did her. When the final attack came it was fast and he folded quickly, standing in only his undershorts. This time Hansini was down to just her bra and panties but of course, it was him who had to get naked.
        With some smart comments from Hansini, another guy stood up and had to bare his cock to all of us watching.
        That had been fun. She had proven her point too, that girls are better at chess. Well, at least that girl was better in this case.
        Hansini stood up and walked over to the two still-naked men. As she approached them her bra came off and then her panties. “You get to see me naked too but you didn't beat my panties off. I took them off,” she said.
        She stepped up to each man and hugged him. I noticed a bit of touching and feeling between her and Payam before she moved on to Hamza to give and get back much the same as with Payam. The men enjoyed it judging by their stiff cocks.

        It had taken much of the evening and soon we were heading off to our beds.
        Yes, there was a bit of partner swapping but it didn’t involve our new guests. I don't think they even know about it.
        I spent the rest of the night with Mootie. That was fun! He was horny and ready to go. I wonder why watching two men getting stripped naked by his wife was a turn-on for him? Ha! Ha!

        The next morning, our guests came down wearing clothes. We were all naked of course. We’d cooked them a great breakfast so they stayed to join us but I noticed that as soon as breakfast was over they quickly disappeared. Soon all four come back to join us naked. They stayed that way the rest of the weekend too.
        We played a few games until it got too hot and then we moved to our favourite spot under the shade beside the pool. The water looked cool and inviting and soon we decided to jump in. All of us naked, all of us enjoying the water, throwing a ball around. It was at that point I began to notice something developing between Sairu and my husband Sarvesh.
        Sairu was trying to get the ball. Not watching what she was doing she crashed into Sarvesh who was also watching the ball instead of where he was going. It was not a hard crash, more a bump than a crash, not one that they would have been hurt. Their bodies did come together, come in contact with each other. Her naked breasts pressed against him. I think that this first time it was clearly an accident.
        On the second occasion, Sarvesh had the ball and Sairu ‘attacked’ him from behind, trying to take it from him. It was actually a futile attempt as he was a lot bigger and stronger than she was but still she tried. She came up behind him, jumping at him as she reached around for the ball. Of course, this brought her full body in nude contact with the back of his. She was in no hurry to get off him, even after he had thrown the ball.
        Finally, Sairu was taking a catch from a long throw. As she stepped back, she backed into Sarvesh who had come up behind her. With her hands now holding the ball, her back came into full contact with his front. He made no attempt to grasp the ball, instead, wrapping his arm around her and across her breasts. She threw the ball to Mandara who was standing nearby but he still held her for a few moments. I saw her move her shoulders, rubbing her back against him and no doubt her bum against his cock too. Finally, as he pulled his arms away he gave both breasts a quick feel-up as he let her go.
        As I said above both those second two were no accidents but intentional contact was welcomed by the other. I also noticed that she didn’t allow herself to be put into similar positions with other males in the pool.
        I asked Sarvesh about his ‘girlfriend’ later. He just laughed and said she was a nice girl and he liked her a bit too.

        After the fun in the pool, I noticed that they spent some time together. She seemed to be wherever he was, listening to him, laughing at his jokes.
        Over on the other side of the pool, they sat together for a long time. When people meet my husband, they are often shy around him, but Sairu didn't seem like that. She was talking as much as he was.
        I thought it could have developed further but for some reason, neither of them made that next move. I asked him later what he thought of her. He said he liked her and would have gone the full way with her but he wanted to be sure it was what she wanted to do.

Index of Letters                  Story 173 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 172.

Forward to Letter 174.

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