Monday 15 May 2017

Story 197 Background

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                                                                                        Posted by Julie.
Hi from Julie.
       We were at a writers meeting when they were discussing the nude weekend series of stories. It quickly became clear that this was going to be a biggie. The main writers were taking different parts but Susan seemed to think we needed an opening story. Sort of a way introducing the whole idea and getting Sarvesh to layout how the weekend would go. It sounded easy enough so when Susan offered it to me I agreed to give it a hit.

       Now, Anne had another pet project she has been working on concerning Amita driving. No one but her had any idea where this was going. After the meeting, she took me aside and asked if I wanted to add driving into my story since she wanted to bring this theme to a head. We worked out a few ideas until the driving became the central theme of this story. I rather liked that idea to tell you the truth. It made the story just that bit more interesting while at the same time making it a bit more challenging for me as a new writer.
      I touched base with Shandra to get a bit of Indian culture into the story. She suggested crazy traffic and the restaurant. She also said that Sarvesh, being very wealthy, most like wouldn’t drive himself or deal with simple things like buying from local trade people.
      I talked with Susan and she said the story needed a sex scene. Of course it does, this is a sexy blog, isn't it? I wondered about this and almost changed it to an overnight trip but then Allan who had been sitting with my husband Brian suggested the idea of a driving fantasy. The two men bounced ideas off each other and almost knocked out that last section. When Anne agreed, after all, the driving theme was her baby, in it went.

      So there I was, with all these ideas and a small pile of notes, I went home to write. The story proved very easy to write and went together very quickly. By mid-April, I was completed and ready for uploading when I was told Shandra was jumping in first with her story. I was surprised but it sort of makes sense when you read her story.   

          (Uploaded for Julie by Asami.) 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 197.


  1. I rather like the way you built this story by talking with the more experienced writers before going away and writing it your self. I've heard that is the harder part, writing in the world they have created.
    Personally Julie, I think your story is a bit different, showing some of you in it while still blending well with the other stories.

    Now in the first section the highlight was Amita learning Sarvesh wanted her to drive. There is surprise, even shock. She says she is not sure what he is intending. Then that strength of Amita's character starts to shine. "I made my mind to do this." Well done Julie.

    The last part, the sex scene. Told through their conversation as they develop their sexual fantasy. That was good too, very readible, very real.
    Good job Julie. A few minor points I've sent to Anne, otherwise a well done story.

    1. Thank you Moa.
      I've sorted those small errors now.
      I would agree with you. There is a 'world' behind these letters. In writing you need to understand and set yourself in this world. Anne and Shandra are good at giving advice on background information.
      There are many things set in concrete from earlier stories that can't really be changed but in other areas things are open and able to be developed by new writers. Look how we've found out much more about the town in recent stories.
      I have heard others have tried writing but not paid attention to this background detail and been disappointed when Anne rejected their stories. I've studied earlier stories and tried to fit my work in with them. I know Reshma and Rochelle do the same which is why we're accepted as writers.
      To see this team work in action you might want to check out their new page above. Planning Sheet for the Nude Weekend.

  2. Please Mrs Teacher,
    Can I respectfully point out that in your first paragraph above, using preferable grammar, the words 'your self' should be combined as 'yourself' in one word. You will understand that we can't allow these minor imperfections to creep into our writing.
    Allan snr LOL

  3. Cheeky Boy!
