Monday 15 May 2017

Story 197 The Nude Weekend.

Hi from Amita,
         Well, it had been so nice having all our friends in India but sadly, their holiday was fast coming to an end. Just one weekend left, just a few days and they would be leaving so Sarvesh and I had planned it to be special. Sort of go out with a bang if you are getting for my meaning. Well, I intended getting ‘banged,’ that was for sure!
        The week after the wedding had gone fast. Katrina and David were away on their honeymoon, a short trip to visit places in North India. Two other couples, Betty and Tom; Joyce and Jeremy had gone with them. It seemed funny, other people going with them on their honeymoon but they seemed Ok with it. I did ask Katrina but she said she was happy having those other couples with them so it looked like my husband got it right that time.
       Meanwhile, David’s family had to leave to return to Australia. I knew they had a few days stop-over in Singapore and so I asked Sarvesh if he could help. Sarvesh and David’s father talked and then both went into the company office. Air flights couldn’t be changed but I hear he got them upgraded to that hotel we usually use. He also helped arrange some tours and a meal at a up-market restaurant too. I was happy Sarvesh could do that for them.
       I went with them to the airport and Sarvesh came with us. Mike and Shanti also came along and of course, we took the two drivers again. There was no stop-over this time, just a drive there and back, all in one day. A big day but it worked out better that way.
        We were at the airport to see our visitors boarding their aircraft. Now we were back at the vans preparing to leave for our hometown.
       Sarvesh said to the drivers, “You two can drive the other van. I have a driver for this one.”
       I looked at him surprised. Who was the driver? I knew he wouldn’t do it as Sarvesh hardly ever drives anywhere. I can’t even remember the last time he drove a car.
       He smiled. “Get in Amita. You’re our driver.”
       “But Sarvesh, I…….”
       “You did before. It can be done again.”
       “No! No, Sarvesh I can’t……”
       “Amita, you can drive.”
       I was worried. I had never driven with him before.
       “Sarvesh, I have never…….”
       “Come, come, Amita. I am hearing of this good driving. Now I am seeing too.”
       “Ok,” I replied.
       He was still smiling. “That’s better Amita. Now get in and drive me home.”
       But I was worried. I don’t know of his intentions here. Was he teaching me a lesson? Was he really expecting me to drive or guessing I would chicken? I resigned myself, made my mind to do it, and not to chicken. I would do too, all the way to our house too.  
       Sarvesh took the front seat beside me while Mike and Shanti sat behind. I was aware with him beside me, alert and watching everything I did. I adjusted the seat, set the mirrors and began the engine. Confirming everyone was ready, I engaged the “R” setting and gently backed out. Now in the “D” setting, I turned towards the exit. I was nervous with him looking. But I made my mind, I had to do this thing.
       The traffic was bad, worse than last time but maybe this was good because it quickly took my mind from him watching me. I was looking all around us with walking people, cars, carts and motorbikes approaching from many ways. I worked my way out from the airport entrance and slowly moved along the road through the city centre. Once traffic gets like this, it’s just a matter of moving forward the best way you can, slowly creeping through the streets until they became clearer and normal road rules and practice could return. No matter how much you want to go, it is just, move with the flowing group. ‘Go with the flow,’ I remembered the New Zealand saying and smiled.
       He caught my smile. “That’s better Amita,” he said kindly. “You enjoy driving.”
       I did too. Even in blocked city streets like this. It was fun, maybe exciting, maybe a challenge.
       Once we were clear of that it was easy. Sarvesh had started engaging conversations with Shanti and Mike. While I made my mind to just drive without much talk with him being there but soon I was involved too. Yes, I drove all the way, right to our house.
       There was a funny moment when Sarvesh picked up my phone and dialled the restaurant for lunch. They are used to me and at first wondered who he was. I could hear a bit of the talking and hear his voice change, becoming so polite when Sarvesh identified himself. See, to many of these local people, Sarvesh was a just a name. Yes, a powerful name as he’d made himself stand out by only using one name. Everyone knew him by ‘Sarvesh,’ never Mister or by his full name, just Sarvesh. But usually, he would never book or order meals or directly conduct business with local people. That was almost always done by others working under his name. Ha! Ha! This poor fellow got a shock when he found himself talking directly with Sarvesh on a number belonging to me.

        Now to the point of all these driving things. There was a discussion in the van about the weekend coming up. We had decided it would be a nude weekend but nothing had been arranged. To my surprise, Sarvesh suggested extending it. His plan was the staff leave Friday morning and not return until Monday morning. This was longer than before but his idea was we had more private time with our guests. Of course, we were with full agreement for that.
        It was next decided what the key events for the weekend would be. This discussion continued over lunch and most of the way home. By then all was decided with details. Here was our plan for the weekend. As history will be showing, in the end, it didn’t exactly go like this but at least we had a plan, to begin with.

Friday –  
         Pool & games fun around and in the pool.
         Evening playing stripping game “Strip XX.” Mike suggested the game I think.

Saturday –
         Games – Strip Chess Contest. We knew people like Hansini, Katrina and some of the men would be in for this.
         Naughty Couples Night. Movie Director. Anything Goes Contest. Three ideas for this evening and we would work out the details later.

Sunday –
         Planning session for writing the stories.
         Costume Party – maybe Ripper Stripper Party.    

Monday –
        Clean-up and get ready to leave.

       So, as we approached our town and I took the side road up to our house, we had finished our planning session. All things had been planned, now all was needed was to action our plan. Word quickly spread through our group and everyone got excited, both that we were going ahead with the extended weekend and with what we were planning as well.
       We approached the gates and it began opening for us. The man came to my window and finding me driving. He greeted me then looked across and seeing Sarvesh. There was almost a smile on his face like he knew of a joke. Maybe he knew what Sarvesh was up to or had he just realised, thinking Sarvesh has given up stopping me driving.
       I pulled up to the steps for the main door and stopped the van. As I opened the door one of the drivers was there to take over and park for me. I had done it. Driven the whole way and I thought did well too.
       “Thank you Amita,” Sarvesh said as we walked the stairs to the door. Nothing else, like if I was good or no. I am admitting I was mildly surprised and a bit disappointed.

       Now, you are all thinking this has been a boring admin story by Amita. Just all this driving things. No fun, no sex, just boring.
       Well, you are wrong!
       Keep reading……

       It had been a long day driving and I went into our bedroom to change and a shower. Soon the door opened and I saw Sarvesh enter the shower room. Like me, he was already naked. The shower door opened and he joined me under the shower.
       My hands reached for him, fingers moving over him, from his shoulders down onto his chest. I love feeling his male body. Can’t resist when there is a chance. His hands reached for me too. Fingers exploring my body too.
       “You drove well today, Amita.”
       “Like a professional.”
       I was happy he said that. I smiled at him, acknowledging his compliment. My eyes then returned to my hands as they moved further down his body.
       “I might make you my personal driver.”
       I didn’t reply to that either, now partly focused on what I was doing to his cock.
       “More sexy than my usual driver.”
       I was getting a reaction from him now. His cock had moved and began to harden. His hands were working over my body now. My breasts were still getting some attention but so were other parts too.
       “I’ll get you a sexy uniform,” he continued. “Low cut blouse and very short skirt.”
       He was getting hard now. On his part, one of his hands had found my pussy.
       “No bra and panties?” I added.
       “Oh, Amita!”
       I think that last bit got him.
       His hands left what they were doing and wrapped around me, pulling my body against him. Our lips met in a deep passionate kiss, my breasts pressed against his chest, my thigh against his cock while his thigh pressed between mine, against my pussy. Our desires for each other were building and it was obvious where this was going.
       We broke apart to continue washing, well, maybe not so much washing. I took some soap and rubbed over his cock, around the head and along the hardness of his shaft. I even strayed down over his balls, further down between his legs to his bum hole. Using the smooth slippery of the soap to make it nice for him. This was going well, I thought getting him too but suddenly he surprised me. I had only been working him until he took the soap from me. Now, he used the hardness of the soap bar against my pussy lips. Pressing into part them, pressing in against my clitty. The smooth slippery was coating over the wetness of me.
        Oh, that was good!
        He dropped the soap, just using his fingers. Digging in, pulling up over my mound, over my clitty before pressing back down into me again. Feelings of desire and passion had now been replaced with feelings of approaching orgasm. I was feeling light-headed having to reach for him for support. He knew I was getting there now and increased the pressure, moving faster.
        The orgasm was almost over me. First the feelings, the tightness in my clitty, soon spreading over my pussy. I was humping at his hand like asking him to take me over. He pressed in, rolling the bud of my clitty between his fingers. Oh, that was good. Amazing and powerful.
        It was all I could take. My orgasm burst upon me. A strong one, making me moan in his ear as waves of feelings surged through me. My body became weak, I gripped to him and he wrapped his strong arms around me until my cum subsided and I recovered to normal. It had been good, well great actually.
        When I had recovered and pulled away from him. I noticed he was still hard and reached for him.
        “No, Amita,” he said, putting his hand on my hand. “Let’s do it on the bed?”
        We rinsed off and left the shower. Soon I was laying back on the bed as he came down on top of me. He was still hard and my pussy still wet so no need of more foreplay, just straight into sex. I felt him enter me, press into me and begin the sex. Good sex too, hard, aggressive sex, driven by our passion for each other.
        Before long, I felt myself, my body responding to him again. My mind became focused on one thing, that cock thrusting into me, that hard shaft rubbing over my exposed clitty. As you all know, once a girl gets to that point there is no turning back, only one way it will go. It was happening for me too. I was heading for another one. There was a brief thought as to what to do about him before it hit me. I bucked at him, my pelvis thrust up against his. He knew I was on the peak of going over and gave a couple of huge thrusts. Deep thrusts, going all the way in, his cock pressed, dragging over my exposed clitty.
       That was it for me. I was under orgasm again. An intense one, even better than the one in the shower. This one burst through my entire body. Filling me, filling my desire with the satisfaction only orgasm could give.
       “Who’s so horny today?” he laughed.
       I fell away from my peak to notice he was still inside me. I realised he hadn’t cum. Still hard, still fucking with me. I wanted him to enjoy too so I made my mind to help him.
       “I’ll be your sexy driver.”
       “Each morning I’ll wear my sexy uniform.”
       “Very short skirt, half open blouse – nothing underneath.”
       “I can drive you to work each day.”
       “My blouse undone – tits showing out.”
       “Oh, yes!”
       “Feeling them……playing.”
       “Oh! Yes! Yes!
       “My skirt pulled……. seeing under…… rubbing my pussy.”
       “Oh! Amita!” he gasped.
       “Feeling to my…….”
       That was it. He was over. He was filling me with his male-juice.

       (This story was written by Julie. Asami just uploaded it for me.)


  1. Hi Julie, what a great start to the nude weekend. You have hit on something that doesn't happen very often in the blog... sex between husband and wife. You have captured it extremely well it seems as if you are retelling an event rather than a story
    Thank you

    1. Thank you Ian.
      I agree that the interaction between Sarvesh and Amita made for something different. Yes, of course some experience of my own relationship with Brian was used. We use fantasy like in the story but never tried a driving one.

  2. So finally it's here. Your new story. From a newer writer too. Nice work Julie.
    An orgasm about driving a car, interesting. Not seen that before in your stories.
    Bill & Sally

    1. Hi Bill & Sally
      Good to see your comments in here. I know you read all the stories.

  3. I thought I would be first but didn't quite make it.
    Like the story Julie. Some fun. Like the way Amita was worried about driving in front of her husband.
    Also that was a nice fantasy sex scene too.

    PS Stop smiling Ian. It's not that funny.

    1. Thanks Janet
      I just wanted to capture this driving thing for Anne. I think it work out pretty good.
      As for the race between you and Ian. That has been a lot of fun.

      I won't be commenting on any of what is going on below here.

    2. It's never a race Julie, I sometimes let Janet get in first. And as for commenting on what goes on down below...I think you have given us all and idea about what goes on with you 'down below' LOL

    3. Hey girls, we've got a naughty one here. Twisting the words of my innocent comment. Naughty boy Ian. So you think you know what goes on 'down below' do you. There might be much more than you think. Only one way to find out, mate. LOL

  4. Oh dear. Janet got beaten again.
    Never mind, we have to give Ian some fun too you know.
    That was a good story, honey. Julie, you put it together well. Maybe a bit short but considering you delivered what you set out to do I don't think anyone could speak against it. Well, other than Moa that is.

    1. That comment has fish hooks all over it Allan. Were you out to upset everyone?

    2. I am so hurt you could accuse me of such a thing Anne.
      But I have to admit some small satisfaction at getting a bite from at least one of you girls.
      Allan snr

    3. It's bites you are after is it? Well I'm not going to lower myself to giving you one. Have a nice day Allan and do everything your 'boss' Kim tells you.

    4. Oh Allan, I've seen nasty little boys like you in my classes before. Going around poking the girls with sticks to make them cry and pulling the wings of butterflies to feed to your gecko. I can now see where your son gets it.

      It's my job to offer constructive criticism to the writers of this blog.

    5. Nasty little boy! Pulling the wings off butterflies. LOL That was good Moa.

    6. Susan, you behave yourself too. This is not a chance for you to get on Allan snr case.

    7. Susan, how can you consider me to be 'The Boss?' I don't have a big corner office with my name on the door. I don't have a big fat salary and sit around chatting in blogs all day. Someone around here has to do some work. LOL
      I'm off out to lunch before anyone sees this.

    8. Kimberley, are you asking for a pay rise or a kick in the arse?
      Your timing is impeccable girl. Board meeting tonight, you're gone for the afternoon and I hear your phone ring on your desk when I called you. My fellow directors are going to be gunning for you tonight.
      Yvonne. LOL

  5. Did you get that text too Yvonne? No doubt the other directors got it too.

  6. I've just learnt Kim is off shopping for the afternoon. Ronnie told me she meeting Anne & the girls in St Lukes. He is with them, of course. Meet me in my office at 4, we can arrange a little welcome for Cheeky Miss Kimberley when she gets back for the meeting. LOL Lots of LOL

  7. If you guys are finished having your little Directer Meeting on our blog at our expense perhaps we can get back to talking about sexy stories again.

    Oh Kim - Ayaka said she can make you a sign for your office door and bring it down this faternoon. Not the cheap plastic like their ones but in wood, native Rimu. What job title do you claim? "Kim (Kia) - The Real Worker."
    Sexy Sue. LOL

  8. Oh, Susan. Trust you to stick your nose in.
    Anyway, we wouldn't be having a meeting unless you were releasing our comments.

  9. "Director Coordinator" will be fine.
    LOL Anne & Kim.

  10. Allan if you must use terrible English like that in my class, at least spell it right. Nah is spelt with a soft 'h' not as you have with the harder 'r' sound.
    LOL Moa

  11. Oh, I forgot.
    What happened to Kim at the meeting last night. The last thing here was Simon and his merry band were making plots in a secret meeting in his office.

  12. Moa it's a bit of a story from what I hear. They took an idea from one of our stories and used it on Kim.
    Made her chair the meeting and then gave her a hard time. I hear she did well but don't tell her that.
    I won't say more because I hear they might be writing a special attached to this story here.
