Tuesday 30 May 2017

Story 198 Naughty Joseph.

Hi from Kalki,
        I heard they were going to hold a nude weekend up at the big house. I knew this would not just be everyone getting naked, there would be lots of sexual activity as well. Since joining in with the fun of Amita’s weekends, I’d had each of the men from India and so I was not scared to try with new partners. But now there were those from Australia and New Zealand too. Men, I didn’t know who might want with me.
        I was nervous about this and at one point even considered not attending. I talked to my husband Hamza, about my feelings. He was surprised I was feeling in this way. He reminded me of only a few days before I had welcomed a stranger, Peter, into our house and into my bed also, that very same night. So, what was the difference here? I think he was also thinking, if I stayed away, he would miss out too.
       “Kalki, you know at Sarvesh’s there is never pressure on anyone. Just enjoy yourself. Go with the flow.”
       Go with the flow! I’d not heard him say that before. He must have got it from the New Zealand men. So, I made my mind to go, to enjoy and be involved. To ‘go with the flow.’ Ha! Ha! I like that saying and I wondered what sexy adventures would go flowing to me. I was not to be knowing this would be happening soon after we arrived there. 

       Since Hamza wasn’t working we went up to the big house early. Amita had said come anytime. Of course, we took Peter and Jenny and the little girls with us. The girls were excited, chatting in the back seat about seeing the other children again. They were particularly excited about seeing Vishva, Steven as you western people know him, Amita’s son.
       We got there before lunch when most of the servants were still there. That morning, most of the temporary servants were leaving since their assignments were completed, meanwhile, the permanent ones were doing last preparations for the weekend and getting ready to leave for their weekend too. We were met at the door and guided through the house to the pool area where most of the others had gathered. 
       Amita and Sarvesh weren’t there; I heard were both busy with the staff. Hamza settled down with the other men, beside the pool with a drink. I sat for a while but then decided to take a walk and see what was going on. It raised a few eyebrows, a guest wandering through the house. Normally guests were expected to stay where they were left. One maid stopped me, asked if she could help me but I said I was Ok and kept walking. Ha! Ha! I could see the confusion on her face.
        I found my way into one of the more formal rooms in the east wing where all the activity seemed to be. Here was a line of people waiting for Sarvesh who was sitting at a small table. As each approached the table he would shake their hand and give them two envelopes. One, I knew was their final pay and the other, I heard later, was a reference letter. Amita and the House Manager were standing nearby to greet each worker and thank them for their service. This was interesting to watch how much importance they gave to each person when after all, these were just temporary workers employed for only a few weeks. It was good too. I like this about these people, they are very wealthy but still took the time to honour the people who worked for them. I noticed the smiles on the faces of these workers and knew they had been made to feel just a tiny bit special.
        I sat down in a nice soft seat to watch but soon another maid found me. She offered to bring me a cold drink out by the pool, a subtle ‘get back where you’re supposed to be.’ I said, “No, I was OK here.” She was a bit surprised but soon arrived back with a cold drink for me.
       Once the farewells had been completed they all moved towards the main door. I got up and followed along too. Outside, there was one of the big buses waiting and I watched all the temporary staff boarding and the bus left. The second bus pulled up and the other staff began to gather outside the door. Soon that bus had left too.
       “Come on Kalki,” Amita said putting her arm around me. “Let’s have some fun.”
       Together we walked down the driveway, past the new fountain to the open gate and I followed her into the gatehouse, I was surprised by the systems they had there. It was really quite technical. There were two video screens showing various places on the front of the house and out on the road. There was a small panel which Amita said was the intercom to parts of the house. Then there were controls for the big gate itself. She knew all of this.
       “Here, Kalki,” Amita told me. “Push that green one.”
       I heard a loud rumbling noise and looked out to see the gate begin rolling closed. It shut with a loud clang. I hadn’t noticed it was that loud before. Amita then typed a code into a small keypad and there was a loud clack as the gate was locked. She then did something with some switches labelled ‘Remote Control.’ Taking an intercom thing we left the gatehouse. Together we walked back up to the house where we found everyone gathered in the dining room and lunch was being laid out.
        We were sitting eating when suddenly a beeping went on the intercom Amita had beside her. She spoke into it then typed in a code. She jumped up from the table announcing Sairu and Payam had arrived. Soon, she arrived back with them. Of course, their house guests, Steve and Sharon were with them too.
        During the early afternoon, Mootie and Hansini arrived with their guests and finally, Jeevan came too. Now everyone was there and the weekend had started. After the last guest had arrived, Amita came back telling Sarvesh, “The fence is armed.”
       Sarvesh just nodded his head. I don’t know what she meant. Something to do with the security system I think. I admired Amita, how she could know so much about such technical things. She is a very clever lady, I wish I knew those things.
       Hansini once told us that Amita had been very involved during the building and knew this house to the very last detail. ‘Probably better than Sarvesh,’ she had said with a laugh. ‘You are probably right,’ Sarvesh had added to our surprise.

       Now after lunch we went out to enjoy the afternoon by the pool. My husband and some of the men were over at the chess set. I had often seen the men use it and I had also seen Katrina and Hansini were good too. Sometimes we would watch them play, not that I understood the game, I just liked how they teased each other but for this time this girl decided relaxing under the shade on the other side.
       I was sitting next to the New Zealand woman, Shanti. An Indian by looks but wore western clothing and acted very western too. She was gentle and quiet with me but every so often you could see the strong personality coming through, particularly when talking to the men. I had not had much chance to meet with her and we were enjoying a conversation together. I had learnt much of her from the stories but she knew nothing of me. So, I was telling and she was listening about me.
       Soon the men were with us wanting to go swimming. It might surprise you but up to this time of the weekend, we were still with the clothes. I had decided with western clothing, jeans and shirt with my bikini under. They were pushing for us to join them. Wanting us for the swimming. I notice Shanti was denying them and the other girls were joining the game too.
        I watched while Joseph who was near me took off his shirt and shorts. I was also admiring the view of his body nude too. Yes, checking to that part of him too, what girl wouldn’t check him too. He caught me looking at it and smiled.
        “Come on Kalki,” Joseph said. “Let’s go swimming.”
        I wanted to, the water looked nice, but was not going to be first to give in. Now Sarvesh and Peter were also calling me for swimming. I think they were making the target of me thinking I would be the weak one and give in.
       “Let’s go swimming, Kalki?” Joseph said again.
       “I am not ready for the swim,” I informed him.
       “Come on. Let’s get naked in the pool.”
       “Why naked? There is no need, I have my bikini on.”
       He looked at me, then smiled. Maybe he was not expecting such resistance from this girl.
       “No bikini. This is a nude weekend.”
       “Not nude,” I informed back to him. “Nude optional.”
       He laughed at that.  
       “Come on guys,” he called to some of the men. “This girl won’t go swimming.”
       Two other men, Mike and Mootie, also naked, had joined him. Peter and Sarvesh were there too.
       I was completely outnumbered but still decided to resist them. “This girl says no! She is not ready for being naked in the pool.” I said trying to keep from the smile.
       I think he caught part of my smile and knew I was playing with him.
       “Ok, if Kalki doesn’t want to swim nude, no problem.”
       “Good!” I said thinking I had won.
       But no, he grabbed me, pulling me from my seat. The other men had hold of me too and I was being carried towards the pool.
       “Hey!” I protested. “Put me down!”
       I was trying to resist him but he was too strong. With other men helping it was hopeless for me but I couldn’t give in with the other women watching.
       “You won’t swim nude, you can swim in your clothes.”
       “No! No! You can’t……”
       “Yes, we can,” they laughed.
       “It is not allowed. This girl says NO.”
       “This man says YES,” he replied.
       “No! Don’t you dare.” I tried using authority in my voice. But that just made them laugh even more.
       I struggled at them but they were too strong. I was being taken closer and closer to the water.
       “You can’t do this,” I protested.
       “You just watch us.”
       They were a bit bold with their hands too. Touching and feeling naughty things too.
       By now other women had come to my rescue but there were more men too. Suddenly, I discovered it was only Joseph who was holding me.  The other men holding off the attacking women. My feet had found the ground again and I tried to fight him. But he was too strong for me. I knew unless help got to me soon I would be in the water.
       For a moment he held me, his strong arm wrapped completely around me over my breasts while he fended off a double attack by Jenny and Paula with his other arm. I struggled too, thinking this was my only chance. But there didn’t seem to be much hope as by now we were at the very pool edge.
       Sarvesh was there. I saw him wrap his arms around Jenny and pull her away. Steve was preventing Amita from reaching me. Further along, Shanti appeared to be in as much trouble as I was, standing on the very edge of the pool as Donald and Jeremy tried to push her in.
        Joseph still had one arm around me and he had got his other arm around Paula. He took one step back and just fell backwards, taking Paula and I with him, into the water. Amita and Steve who were with us, lost balance and fell in too. The cold water covered me, soaking my clothes. I came up to the surface, finding my feet on the hard of the bottom. I was free from Joseph but soaking wet in the pool. I looked up to see the fight was still going on as the men were determined to get every girl in the pool. Near me was Shanti who had also been thrown in the water.
        “Come on Kalki. Let’s help the others,” Amita said.
        Shanti and I followed her up the pool steps to join in the fight going on the poolside. I felt one of the men try and grab me to pull me back but I managed to escape him. I ran after Amita and Shanti around the pool with some men not far behind me. The first man I met was my husband Hamza, who was also naked. It seems all the men were naked by then.
        “Kalki!” he said. “Get back to the pool.”
        “No!” I informed to him.
        “OK, I will put you.”
        “No, you can’t…….”
        But he attacked at me. I put my hands up to meet his and for a moment I could defend myself, holding him from me but suddenly strong arms wrapped around me, one had grabbed across my breasts and the other gripping me over my pussy. It was bad Joseph again!
       “What are you doing Kalki? I put you in the pool.”
       “I got out!”
       “I can see that but now you go back in.”
       I struggled with him. "No! I can not!" I protested. 
       I could see my husband standing watching this naughty man with his hands to my personal parts. Yes, he was holding me with one hand to my breasts and one to deep between my legs. Very naughty boy, this one!
       “Help me,” I called to Hamza.
       But he just smiled, allowing Joseph to throw me to the pool again.
       On the shore, it was now a losing battle as the men got each woman into the pool. Soon it came down to only Sharon and Joyce left dry. They were putting up a fight with some of the other women out helping again but there was no hope. I knew those boys would get them all.
       Now that naughty Joseph was back to me again.
       “Kalki, your clothes are wet.”
       “Of course, they are wet. You threw me into this pool.”
       “I think they need to come off.”
       I knew this was coming. I was Ok with it but decided to resist him. First I turned to run which was a bit hard in chest deep water. I was actually doing Ok, I thought I was getting away from him until Donald came in front of me. Watching over my shoulder, it was too late before I saw him. Donald grabbed me and held me until moments later Joseph reached me. David was there too and between the three men, they began to strip the clothing from me. I struggled a bit but it was not much use with them so I resigned myself to becoming naked.
       It didn’t take them long before every clothing item which was mine had been thrown to the poolside. I was naked like these naughty men. Naked in the water with them and they weren’t shy for touching of me too. There was also that naughty farmer Tom there. He was being very bold to me with his hand to my bare pussy and I reached back for him. I had seen him naked and was amazed to his cock. I had never seen a cock so tiny. But I also noticed he could make it hard and he was very popular with the other girls. I know Hansini and Amita were very interested in him. While his hand was into the Pussy of Kalki and I was exploring to the Cock of Tom. I held his little shaft that could almost hide in my hand. I felt what he was like and made my mind to try for him. Meanwhile, the other men had moved on to other women leaving only Tom with me.
       “Do you like what you are holding?” he whispered into my ear.
       “I can be interested,” I replied.
       “More than interested. You can try if you want.”
       This naughty farmer was suggesting we play the love-games, do fucking together.
       “I can try,” I told him.
       I even considered he might take me to play at that time but other things happened before he could do this. I made my mind to try with him if I could.
       “We can try this too,” he laughed as his finger pressing to my pussy, pressed inside me.
       What his hand was doing into my pussy and with the other playing to my nipple I was getting to having sexy feelings. I was slowly stroking to his cock now and I had made my mind that this would be going more serious. While I was not intending the sex so soon as this I was Ok for it also.
       But something caused us to be distracted and Tom was standing near as we were watching.

       I heard a woman squeal and looked around and noticed that other men were getting to the other girls too. There was some struggling but we all knew the guys were determined to get us all naked. Finally, there was only Joyce left. She was out of the pool again and had given a few men a job catching her. She was surprisingly fast and able to dodge them skillfully. But as more men left the pool to help we all knew she would get caught.
       They had her and were pulling her to the poolside. I was unsure if they would strip her there or cast her into the pool again.
       “Stop! Stop!” she protested.
       “We need to get you naked, Joyce,” Mike said.
       “Ok! But let me do it,” she said.
       “But no tricks.”
       “No tricks,” she agreed.
       They let her go and she started to undress.
       “Do a strip like in the story?” Steve said. “Like you did for Donald.”
       She stopped what she was doing and looked at him for a moment. Then she smiled. “Ok,” she agreed.
       What followed was a stripping show to hold the attentions of everyone. Many of us were into the pool, looking out to her, very sexy when she was on the poolside above. I noticed some of the men moved closer for a better show. Tom had gone with them. Others were watching from the poolside too.
       Of course, since she had already been thrown into the pool, her clothing was wet and hugging to her body. While her hips and body were moving in sort of a dancing style, she was running her hands over her body, even over the swelling of her breasts and down to her pussy area. It was sexy to watch before she had even started the undressing.
       She began with the buttons of her shirt. Working from the bottom upwards. Slowly undoing each button so her shirt parted as she moved up. Finally, she came to the last button. She undid but still holding in place, hiding what was underneath. Suddenly, she pulled open, the wet fabric peeling from her body to reveal her bikini top underneath.
      She teased the men by playing to them, her hands running over her breasts and feeling through the bikini. She even gripped at her nipples through the bikini, stroking and fondling over them, making them appear hard through the cloth.
      Now her hands were to her shorts. There was a clip in front and then a zip. She had it open and zip pulled down to reveal a matching bikini bottom but would not pull the short down. She turned and showed the tight wet fabric over her arse. Even running her hands over it too. With her back still to all of us in the pool, she began to ease her shorts down so more and more of her bikini bottom could be seen. Soon the shorts came loose and were allowed to drop at her feet.
      She turned back to us as her hands went for her breasts. She was again feeling herself through the wet fabric of her bikini top. Then she began squeezing and massaging her breasts, rubbing the bikini top over them. Finally, her hands slipped in underneath. We could see the shape of her finger under the top. See how it was clear she was rubbing at her nipples.
       Now, as she turned away from us again, she reached behind to her bikini clip. It was undone with her back bare but still, she held the top in place. She reached for the tie around her neck, pulling it over her head but still managing to hold the bikini over her breasts. She had turned back to us and was playing and teasing us with her hands covering them.
      Suddenly, her hands just pulled away and the top fell to her feet. Now began a very sexy playing with her breasts and nipples. Yes, it was sexy to see and I’m sure sexy for her to enjoy too. I think the way she took her nipples between her fingers, rolling them between her fingertips was the best. She was pulling at them, pinching them as she played for us.
      Made this girl feeling a bit sexy too. After what I had been doing with Tom and now this show you could even say this girl was getting horny now.
      She was topless, left standing in just her tiny bikini bottom. Her hands went down there, first feeling all over the outside then even pushing down inside too. It was sexy to see the shapes of her fingers under the bikini, working to her pussy. This girl Joyce was making a very sexy show.
       She turned from us again and began pulling the bikini. More and more of her behind came into view. More of her cheeks and the split between. As she did she was looking around, watching us too. Finally, once all her arse had been revealed she let the bikini fall to her feet. Joyce was naked now but still not showing all of her.
      She was facing us again. Both hands down between her thighs, covering every part of her pussy. She teased us like that for a while but suddenly her hands were gone. To my surprise, she was revealed to us. All of her, as she had no pussy. Just completely shaven and showing the open and excited lips. Soon, her hands returned but this time playing with the pussy of her and even pulling open of the lips. I even saw her fingers press in, going deep inside her too. It was a sexy part watching what she did for herself. I think the whole show had been sexy. For a while, I thought she even might make herself cum, but she didn’t.
      The final was when she stepped forward and plunged into the water of the pool. I had heard of strip-teasing show women did for men but that was the first time I had witnessed one. 

       There was a man behind me. Strong arms wrapped around me and there became a voice whispering in my ear.
       “Did you like that show, Kalki?” Joseph said. “Did it make you horny?”
       “It was good,” I replied.
       “Just good?”
       “Yes, just good.”
       “I think more than good,” he said as his hand went for my pussy. “I think it made you horny.”
       Here was this naughty man feeling over and breasts and even to the Pussy of Kalki.
       “Yes, you are wet.”
       “Of course, wet. I’ll in the pool.”
       “This is not water wet,” he said.
       By now I was resting back against him enjoying what was happening. His fingers had found inside me and going in and out with little thrustings. It was very sexy for me. I even closed my eyes to enjoy him more. As we played to each other, yes, I had found his cock too. My hands wrapped around the thick shaft of the Cock of Joseph where he was hard too.
       We had moved to the poolside so I was standing with my back against the wall. Suddenly, his large hands reached for my hips. His fingers wrapping around me, gripping me tightly. With ease, he lifted me until my body was right out of the water, then stepping forward he placed me sitting on the poolside. He then stepped to me, pulling my legs apart until I was exposed.
       There were two men with him now, Brian and Tom, one each side, taking and holding my legs open. All my pussy secret was open to Joseph now and he wasn’t shy in touching me there too. First were his fingers, touching me and stroking to my pussy lips. I was wet and partly open which allowed his fingers into me. He didn’t do much more of that. I was expecting more.
       Now he came in with his mouth. I was looking down at him as he approached me. I knew what was coming to me and my body gave a shudder. The men saw it and laughed. He touched me, first with just the tongue. Licking up and over me, licking along the lips. I gave a deep moan. Then pressing in with his lips and mouth touching me too. This was feeling very sexy for me. But he had even more for me when his hands came to me, fingers pulling each side so my pussy slot opened and he plunged his face into me. His tongue the thrusting inside, his lips were sucking at the flesh of my lips. Feelings were building inside me now.
       He must have known I was close. Later, they told me I was moaning and humping to him. I don’t know of this as my mind was wrapped in my building orgasm. Yes, I knew it was coming now. I also knew it was to be a good one. As I was saying, he knew I was close and knew just how to making an ending. His tongue moves to the top and he thrust in. The warm flesh of his tongue touched the hardness of my clitty. Not much, just a few licks there and I was gone. The feelings were strong and sweeping over me. I made a very deep cum which filled all the body which was mine.
       The next thing I knew, I was looking down at him, smiling. I was very happy with this man, with what he had just done to me. It was a few moments, me just looking as my body recovered and returned to normal.
       Finally, he said, “Come on, let’s do this properly.”
       “We are doing here,” I replied.
       “No, I want to do it properly. I want to fuck you.”
       He was telling me he wanted to do it with me. Making the full love games with me. I was Ok with that, in fact, you could say very Ok with that but not here. There were all these people here. All the people from the Letters Stories. They would all be observing us. I was not sure I could be bold for that.
       Suddenly Joseph said, “Lift her to the table guys.”
       Four strong men were out of the pool and came into each side of me. They just picked me up and carried me to the nearby table. Shanti and Amita had quickly cleared things away. As they laid me on the table top Amita bent down to me.
       “Are you Ok with this, Kalki?” she asked.
       I nodded Ok.
       Amita turned to Joseph who was now out of the pool and standing behind her. “Give her a good fucking Joseph,” she said.
       As she stepped aside, Joseph approached me. I could see what a big strong man he was. I could also see that big strong cock he had, sticking out in front of him. Oh wow! He was massive. Taking his cock with one hand, he stepped in between my thighs, guiding his cock to my pussy. I decided to play protest again.
       “No, don’t come near me!”
       “You know you want it Kalki.”
       “No! No! Take that dirty thing away!”
       “It’s not dirty. I washed it last month,” he replied with a grin.
       "That got you!" he just laughed. 
       Others laughed too.
       “Your pussy wants cock, Kalki. Wants my big cock deep inside.”
       “Ahhh!” That thought was sexy.
       “You want me to fuck you.”
       I gave a light moan, trembling with desire.
       He was talking sexy to me like that. Other people were around and watching. They could hear him too. This was all very sexy for me.
       “I’ll make you cry out when you cum,” he went on.
       I felt so sexy now as he moved right up to me. I knew what was going to happen. I watched him, well we all watched, as he pressed his cock against me. I felt him push, felt my pussy open, the wet lips opening to allow him in. See even my naughty Pussy of Kalki wasn’t behaving herself, willingly letting him in like that.
       Suddenly here I was with all those people watching and this naughty man fucking to me. It was a surprise to me that it had come to this but even more surprising that I was finding myself enjoying too. That huge, thick cock within my tiny little pussy was doing wonders to me. I could feel how filling he was to me but also, I could feel him moving, the thrusting in and out of me.
       I do not know why I was so horny for that time and my body could make the cum so easy. This full fucking with him had me building for even another one. But this time he was different, more in control of things I think. I could feel myself getting close and then he would slow his movements and pull back from me a bit.
       I could feel myself drop back from my cum. Even when I wanted to badly he could still hold me back. It was frustrating for him to treat me like that but I could even feel my sexual feeling becoming more intense and then with him dropping back again. This continued and couple of times more. He was playing with me, teasing me.
       “I want to…..” I said.
       “What do you want?”
       “Let me cummm.”
       “You want to cum do you?”
       “Yes, I want……”
       “Well, I say NO. You can’t.”
       I was a bit surprised and confused. Just on the peak of my orgasm, he was doing this to me. I was light-headed, not thinking what he could be doing to me.
       He laughed, “Shall I let her cum?” he asked those watching.
       I couldn’t believe this! He was asking them if I should cum.
       “It's my cum,” I said. “And I say YES.”
       “Oh do you?” he laughed.
       He was still fucking to me but controlling. Going slower when I became close.
       “How much do you want to cum, Kalki?”
       “I want!”
       “How much?”
       “I want a lot.”
       “More than that.”
       “Please! Please!” I said with total frustration.
       Suddenly, he pressed into me, going in all the way. This was followed by a series of short sharp fucks and I went over the top. They say I cried out at the joy of it. Bucked around until some other men held so I wouldn’t fall from the table. But the fucking continued short sharp fucks. I was quickly into my second peak which was also very intense.
      I was just getting over and recovering when the man inside me gave a deep moan. He pulled from me so all those watching could see the Cum of Joseph, flying and pouring to the Pussy of Kalki. Going all over the lower part of my body. The men each side began rubbing it over me, massaging my body and even my pussy as I gently cooled off.

       So that was how I started my nude weekend. I wasn’t intending to be the main show for the afternoon but then I must be honest and admitting I enjoyed what happened to me. I think I enjoyed giving the show too.
      But, now it’s time for this girl to finish her story so others can be telling their stories too.
              Bye from Kalki.   

Index of Letters         Story 198 Background         Back to Story 197.   


  1. Shandra and I have just woken up and found this story. Nice work girls, the finished version looks good. Rajah says he likes Joyce's strip scene. While that was good, I enjoyed the way you bring Kalki's personality out.
    I understand that you both will be at the airport now getting ready to board for you flight to Japan. So you won't see this until much later today, even tomorrow.

    Did you have any problems publishing Mary & Rochelle? If so, let us know so Rajah can fix them straight away.
    Shandra & Reshma.

  2. Hi girls.
    Mostly it went Ok. Just those new links wouldn't format properly. Rochelle used that procedure you showed her and each one worked the second time. Its a annoying that always happening. Other than that it all went well. We just followed Asami's check list.
    Mary & Rochelle.

  3. You girls in Malaysia are early, must still be the middle of the night there. Here in Brisbane it's not even breakfast time yet.
    You girls did a good job of publishing. Anne has tested all the links. Look good and work too. Thanks for doing that Mary & Rochelle.
    I think Ayaka & Kim will be taking off in 10min time if the plane is leaving when scheduled.
    Anne & Susan.

  4. I think we got the title wrong here. Should be "Naughty Story by Two Naughty Girls"

  5. You girls have a thing about fighting men don't you? What's up with that? You know they could never let you win, they are males. It's part of the male mindset. You'll never be allowed to beat them.

    1. Amanda, I handle men every day. You can beat them.

    2. You can handle me anytime Anne

    3. I don't think so Paul.
      I'd be much more than you could handle.
      Awesome Anne

  6. Not much of a comment stream this time so I've decided to add something concerning both this story and the blog in general.
    I've been reading this blog for nearly 12 months now. Still got a lot to read. I have enjoyed the progression of stories from rustic immaturity to the more polished ones now. I've also enjoyed the personalities of various writers. For example both Kim and Ayaka shine out in this story here. For example "Pussy of Kalki" is certainly Ayaka. She likes to title sexual parts like that.
    I also like how character relationships and personalities have been brought out too. For example that interaction between Steve and the Indian girls Hansini and Amita. Tying him to the bed.That was a classic. Even here we see more of Kalki, young, nervous, not so confident in herself becoming a bit wild and sexy. I have also noticed she refers to herself as "this girl" making it her own style.
    Great work everyone involved.

  7. Its obvious Ian has been asleep for the last few days so I thought one of us needed to comment.

    Kim, a good story. I liked the games that went on. Guys trying to get the girls in the pool naked. That story was taken straight from an afternoon around the pool at Anne's place. I can remember it well. Yes, Rajah. I still think you are a naughty boy for what you did.
    Best part was that last conversation where Joseph is asking if she wants to cum. That line he says was so funny "Well, I say no, you can't." Well done Kim and Ayaka.

    1. Hello Janet.
      I thought you were 'sleeping' too. Nice to see you in here.
      Are those two wild women behaving themselves at your place?
      Allan snr.

    2. Of course we aren't behaving ourselves. We have a precipitation to keep up remember.

    3. I can believe that Anne. The two of you together, that's a recipe for trouble. Just like Amita and Hansini in your stories, you and Susan couldn't stay out of mischief if your lives depended on it.

  8. This is a very active story Kim. You cover a lot and there is a lot going on.

    First that part about Kalki watching them sign off the staff and then following Amita as she closes the gate and sets the alarm. For a stand alone story that would be totally unnecessary, just a distraction that clutters your story. For one, of a long line of stories, I can see you are building something here. My knowledge of your writing styles tells me often Anne or Susan are dropping in hints of future stories or adding to past ones. In that case this extra section is probably allowable.

    Now your 'fight scene' if I may call it that, is a complex part to deal with. There are a lot of people, a lot of things happening. You did well to just focus on Kalki. Trying to follow too many people would just confuse things even more. I notice your main intention here was to follow the title and build things between her and Joseph.

    Of course, the climax of your story was that sex scene. You say sex scenes are hard not to repeat yourselves but this one was different. I had the feeling you were writing from experience here. While you only covered the actual sex lightly, you went into a lot more conversation. I loved that last bit where he teased her about cumming. That poor girl, almost bursting to cum and he is holding her back. May a quote from the story "Very naughty boy, this one!" LOL

    As for writing errors etc. Very good Kim. There doesn't seem much to fix here. You'll have my email by now.

  9. Thanks for those corrections that you sent Kim. I know she's done them but not got around to commenting here. We always enjoy your comments / feedback, Moa. You're a great help in improving our writing.
    Hope you can visit when we get back from our holiday.
