Friday 29 November 2013

Story 74 Part A Background.

                                                                               Posted by Rajah
Hi! My name is Rajah, Shandra’s husband.

        Up until I wrote this story much of my work on the Letters Project involved admin type work. It is my job to publish every Friday and take care of various problems so the main writers could continue their good work.
        One day we were considering this section covered by the old Vol 5 and the idea came about to split it into two volumes which became the final Vol 5 and Vol 6. During the process, this section was expanded by moving stories around and adding a number of new ones.
       At the meeting to decide this, the idea came up for each of us newer writers to do a story. So Kim, Ayaka and myself, each took a story to develop and write as our own. Ayaka got her one done quickly, taking only a few days (Letter/Story 65), Kim was working on one involving rain and mud, which was published last week (Letter/Story 73). I then had mine set in India with some partner swapping but I was having trouble with it.
        Shandra suggested that I write down an outline of the whole story and then treat each smaller section as a complete story. This was working and as I gathered the notes and ideas I could just add various parts into the story. 

        As this process continued young Ayaka wanted to get involved and give me lots of advice. Just because she finished her story quickly, in only a few days, seemed to make her think she was an expert. But I wanted to do this myself. I think I was making steady process and if I had more time I would have finished it too.
        Unfortunately, it was not to be, as events in my personal life overtook me. Soon the wedding between Shandra and myself was rushing up. We became very preoccupied with the details of this and so not much further writing was being done. Then after the wedding, there were the many tasks involved in preparing my business to be left while I was away in India showing my wife to my family members there.
       Also during this period, that fault was discovered in the HTML code on the index page. Susan had been copying the format as she worked down the page. It seems like a good idea at the time but it actually created a ‘bomb’ waiting to go off. One day we went on-line to discover font size and double spaced issues all over the way down the page. There was no quick answer; I had to deal with each problem, one by one by one as I worked down the page. This took me a lot of time too.
        Now when I was getting ready to leave for India, Anne informed me she and Susan were willing to complete my story using my notes. I knew there were some other projects waiting for me when I got back; I also knew I would be busy with my business, so I gave them my permission to continue. 

       They must have worked fast because I had only been in India two weeks when I came to learn my story was finished. I do notice they were careful to follow my outline so what they completed was very much as I intended. They even seemed to have followed my writing style as well because now it’s hard to say which parts are theirs and which are mine. Anne sent it to me while I was in India, I had time to go over it making final adjustments as I wanted them and then we called the job finished.
       Later the uploading team of Kim and Ayaka came through and did their little bits in the story and Reshma my sister-in-law has done some too. So you can see I am unable to take full credit for this story even if it is attached to my name. But I am very happy with it and I hope you are too. Oh, Allan, I suppose you were in there somewhere too.    
       I really like that opening conversation where we are left to figure out for ourselves who is talking. I don't know who did it that way but it's a good idea.

       Next week I am going to again do the background in which I will be more informing about the story itself and where the ideas came from.


  1. A good story so far Rajah.
    I takes a lot to bare yourself by writing on a blog like this. I like the way your story starts by jumping straight into that conversation. It attention grabbing. I had seen it in the pre-published state but it looked even better Friday morning when I found it.
    I know they have done a lot of work for you but they still have kept you original draft ideas. That is one of the main strengths of this writing team the seem to be able to take each others work and improve without losing the author's intentions. I know you and I talked about this story before you started it. I told you it was a good subject and would be a good first try. And it is too.
    Your loving sister-in-law

    1. Thanks Reshma
      Yes you were a great help starting me off like that. Thanks for your kind words and support.
      Your loving brother-in-law

    2. You are welcome Rajah.
      I enjoy the role I have in this blog helping people out. It gives me the chance to add those little bits to turn good stories into great stories. One day I wouldn't mind doing a story of my own or maybe doing a joint story with someone.

    3. Well Reshma, what's stopping you?

    4. I suppose nothing really. I just need to find get a place in the story from Anne.
      I also need a subject too.

    5. Oh Reshma, that’s nothing.
      Your first point, a place:- What about the middle of Volume Seven after the Beach Girl Contest. There is a space for a story/letter which has not been taken.
      You second point, the subject:- That’s easy too – SEX!!!!

    6. Is Anne and Susan OK with that? Their name is on that place.
      As for the subject – SEX? Sure Rajah, but don’t we need a bit more than that?

    7. Really, Reshma?
      We can fix that. Sex, sex and more sex! Is that better?

      Anne and Susan are both Ok with you using that slot. They have not started writing anything for it yet.

    8. Ha! Ha! We have a funny guy here.
      Seriously, we need a story. Any ideas? Did Anne have any suggestions?
      What lead time do we have until publication?

    9. About 18 weeks to publication I think. Looks something like that.
      As regards subject, it might be a hard location for a new story.

    10. In what way? Why would this be a hard location? It looks good to me.
      18 weeks - more than enough time. Of course it depends on the length of the story.

    11. The location is in Vol 7, the adult resort stories. There is a lot going on with stories overlapping etc. Also you have potentially 17 characters (8 couples and 1 single) which you could use in the story. They need to fit smoothly with their roles in other stories.

    12. Is it too much? Should I look for another location?

    13. No not at all. This is a great location. A good place for a sexy story.
      I suggest you start reading all the stories of Vol 7. Use Anne’s master copy as it’s the most up to date. In her folder in the drop box. That will give you a feel for the stories at that point. Remember Kim and Ayaka are still working on their stories. Their latest version is in the current folder of the drop box.
      Anne suggests you might consider doing something with Hansini, maybe Hansini & Mootie.

    14. Thanks Rajah
      I followed your suggestion this evening and began reading the file There is a lot in that Volume but I can see what you mean. Why does Anne think Hansini?

    15. Hansini has a leading role to play Story 99 The Worlds Greatest Lover. She is also in Ayaka story All Cum with me Guys. Anne thinks since Amita gets with a European guy Steve, then later Mega gets with Peter then it might be possible that Hansini and Mike, the third European guy, get together. Joseph is also possible too. She told me we must do something different to a straight couple swap as that has been done so many times.

    16. I was thinking about couple swaps between Hansini & Mootie and Mike & Shanti. I will need to reconsider now.
      Do you want to help Rajah and be a co-writer.

    17. Hi again Reshma
      Now the girls have finished replying to comments I can finally get back to you.
      I was wondering when you would ask me that.
      Sure, Reshma. I’d be happy to help.

    18. About time you two got to that point.
      We've all been waiting for days
