Friday 22 November 2013

Story/Letter 73 Mud, Rain and Sex.

Update and Makeover - 2021.
          When Anne, Susan and I joined the website Literotica, we began publishing some of our stories there. During this process, the stories were improved from what they are here. As long as they didn't change things too much, we've decided to include these better-upgraded stories, replacing the original ones with their newer versions.

Hi, Joseph here.
          Oh, Amita! Who is a naughty girl? And doing that to shock poor Katrina too. I hope you cleaned the table before breakfast. I must admit having your friends standing around watching was interesting too. Like some of the things, we did in India.
          Please tell Katrina I personally enjoyed her story. Forward to Letter 70 Part A. I hear that it might continue. Well, I am looking forward to that too. Nice work Katrina. Sure I know you got some help from others but it was your heart in it. I could see that.
          Now I must get on as I have a very big story for you this week.

          As you will know, when we moved to New Zealand, Lizamoa and I quickly found a nice house to rent close to where Shanti and Mike lived up in the West Auckland bushlands of Titirangi. But we had only been there for a short time when the owner discovered that she needed to sell urgently. That left us with the problem of finding a new place to stay. There just weren't any good houses around that area that we could afford to rent. It was then that Mike came up with the idea of buying the house we were living in.
          When we approached the owner, she lowered the price for a quick sale. Well, we visited the bank and they agreed to do a credit check on us. They found that I had a steady job, we had some of the money for a deposit from the house we had sold in India and we could easily afford to do the repayments. They looked at the house and saw it was a very good price for the area in which it was located. Then they contacted our old bank manager in India to confirm our savings and banking history. Of course, it was Sarvesh who was able to present us as being good customers of the bank there. Thank you Sarvesh for that. So we were able to get our loan and purchase the property.
          Now sometime after that, I was talking to Mike and Shanti about what we could do to make improvements. They suggested that the house was in good condition and probably only needed a coat of paint and some minor repairs. But the grounds were in a bit of a mess. First, we looked at just cleaning up as best we could but then this developed into a landscaping and gardening project.
          Shanti and Mike did some measurements and went away to look at some ideas. The following week they came back with some drawings of what looked like a nice garden.
          “This is a very nice garden Mike, but there is a lot of work to be doing.”
          “Yes but it should be easy to do,” Mike replied.
          When I looked at their ideas and drawings, I was seeing a rock wall, wooden retaining walls, paths, garden edging and other features including a garden pool and waterfall. Even solar garden lighting was included. It all appeared very complex to construct. I informed them that I had no money to pay for such a project to be done.
          “Oh we were not expecting you to pay for the work,” Shanti said. “You are going to do it all yourself.”
          “I do not know how to do these things.”
          “It is easy,” Mike said. “You are a practical, outdoor person. Just take one section at a time and we will help you get it done.”
          As they explained each part I began to realise that with some hard work and help from them we really could achieve this project. When they showed the cost for the materials it was within what we could afford. I talked with Lizamoa, showed her the ideas and we agreed to start it.

          The first few weeks it was going well. We were doing some work on the weekends where Mike would show me and I would continue the work during the week as I found the time. We had the 10 posts set for the wooden wall and the area below where the rock wall was going dug out and ready. Now Mike said we would do a big push all in one weekend and get both walls completed. He had arranged for us four men and our wives to help to get the job done.
          Well, I left the details to him and when I came home one night I discovered the front lawn had all the materials delivered. There was a large load of planks for the wall. There was a truckload of rocks and another truckload of some dark black soil. Some other items such as the drain pipes and scoria required were also there as well. Lizamoa came running out to show me, not that I could have missed it all over the front lawn and driveway.
          The weather was looking fine Saturday morning but there was some rain expected later in the day. It was still early when they all turned up with spades, wheelbarrows and other tools. The women brought their babies over which we left with my mother.
          Soon we got into the work. We laid in the drainage behind both walls and covered it with the scoria and then we began on the walls themselves. While Steve and I were bringing the heavy planks around, Peter started cutting them and then we helped to nail them into place against the posts I had already set in.
          Meanwhile, Mike and Shanti began on the rock wall as he was bringing the rocks she was placing them into the wall. She appeared to be very skilled at doing that, fitting each rock in like it was a large puzzle. The other girls were helping with the wheelbarrows of rocks and soil as we required.
          By lunchtime, the job was going well but the clouds were threatening. I knew the rain was not very far off. We pushed on into the afternoon when suddenly the rain started. First, it was light with only fine drizzle but steadily it got heavier. We wanted to get it finished so everyone was in agreement to continue. Soon we were all soaking wet and the area where we were working quickly turned to thick black mud. The wooden wall was finished and Peter was just cutting the timber for the cap. Lower down the slope, the rock wall was coming along well too.
          We began the garden pool with its little waterfall. First, the smaller pool was placed in the gap we had left at the top of the rock wall and the remaining rocks were placed in around it. Then we fitted the bottom pool and I got involved in placing the rock surround, like a low rock wall with Shanti while the others continued bringing in more rocks. While Peter fitted the pump and pipe to the top pool, Mike was laying the path and shaping the garden edges while the girls began helping by spreading the soil where they could.
          Then we were finished with the rockwork and pool surrounding. I stood back to look at it. It was looking very nice and we could see that it was going to be a very nice garden when we were completed. We had just decided we would be finished for the day but the women were still bringing barrows full of dirt and they were spreading it over the large area in front of the rock wall.
          “Let's do that tomorrow,” I said to them.
          “No Joseph,” Lizamoa replied. “We are wet and muddy now. I want to finish this thing.”
          The others seemed to be in general agreement with this so I grabbed a shovel and began spreading the soil evenly. Then something interesting happened.

          The rain was continuing and there was mud and water all over where we had been working. Then Shanti reached down picking up some muddy dirt; she threw it at me, hitting me in the chest. I turned and saw her grinning but I didn't see Lizamoa who was beside me, picking up a piece of dirt and throwing it back at Shanti. Shanti ducked, she missed and it hit Steve.
          Steve of course quickly joined in by throwing dirt back at Lizamoa and I went to her aid by throwing dirt at Shanti. Mike was helping his wife but to my surprise, Sharon joined us against her husband. Jenny and Peter joined in too but I have no idea whose side they were on because they seemed to be throwing mud at everyone including each other.
          So soon a full-on dirt fight had begun with all of us throwing dirt at each other as if we were little children. We soon lost track of who was against whom; we didn't really care just throwing at anyone. We had been a bit dirty before that from the work but now we really got muddy onto our clothes and all over us. But soon things had moved beyond a dirt fight.

          Jenny reached down to pick up some mud to throw at Lizamoa. She slipped and ended up sitting on the ground. Lizamoa saw her chance, grabbing both hands filled with mud rushed at Jenny plastering both handfuls of mud across her chest. Jenny looked down at herself, and the oozy mud running down the front of her. Then she looked up, made a grab and caught Lizamoa by the legs so she fell back flat onto the ground. Jenny made a jump at her landing on top of her. There they were clinging to each other rolling through the mud. For a while, it was unsure if it was a fight or an embrace but soon it became clear it was turning sexual.
          Peter jumped in to help his wife, thinking it was still a fight. Bad idea, Peter! To his surprise, both women turned on him. Both of them made a grab at him and as his feet slipped out from under him, they managed to push him to the ground. With two girls on top of him, he was soon as muddy as they were. They began grabbing at his shirt trying to get his clothes off. Soon they had his shirt off and while Lizamoa sat on his chest Jenny quickly had his shorts and undies off. Suddenly Peter found himself naked with the two women on top of him.

          As the women were obviously getting the better of Peter, Mike decided to jump in and help his mate. Quickly, Jenny turned on him. Before he knew what had happened he had been pushed to the ground with Jenny on top of him. She soon had his shirt open, we never ever found a couple of those buttons, but not at a loss of modesty herself because Mike had managed to get her blouse open and her bra pulled down out of place. Then with two hands, he plastered mud over her bare breasts.
          Meanwhile, Lizamoa and Peter were in a little session together. He had realised this wasn't fighting now. They were rubbing mud over each other, hugging and rolling on the ground together. They were completely covered in mud as they continued taking her clothes off. Yes, they did, because I noticed she was helping him too. Soon she was as naked as he was and as muddy too.

          Sharon beside me had only been watching all this. Suddenly she was unbuttoning her blouse which she soon had off and thrown away to be quickly followed by her bra. Turning to me she dropped to her knees in from of me.
          “Come on Joseph. Let's play too,” she said as she reached up for the belt of my jeans.
          She soon had my belt, then my zipper was undone and with a tug, she had my jeans down to my knees. At that point, she gave me a push. With my jeans like that, I couldn't step back to save myself and fell backwards onto the ground. Sharon then sprung forward on top of me.
          I reached down and took two handfuls of mud, bringing them to her chest and rubbing mud over her naked breasts. I could see the slimy mud running down her breasts as they hung over me, dripping off onto my chest. She was soon doing the same to me too. It felt nice since the dirt we were using was so fine and made such slimy, smooth mud.
          I pulled her to me, and as our bodies came together, she moved her shoulders causing her muddy breasts to rub across my chest. I kissed her right on the mouth and quickly she responded to me. For a few moments, our tongues met and danced together before we pulled apart again. I still held her and when she moved I felt our bodies easily move against each other, slipping and sliding with the mud.

          Shanti turned to Steve and said, “Oh well Steve, everyone is having fun in the mud, we may as well join in too.”
          “Ok,” he agreed.
          They both fell to their knees and were reaching for each other, taking turns to remove each other's clothes. I watched him taking Shanti's shirt off and she was starting on his shirt when Sharon pulled my attention back to her. Now it was my turn. While she sat back I pulled her shorts and she lifted her bum to allow me to pull them down. While I was doing this something happened that made me stop.

          It was at that moment that Lizamoa looked up at the deck and saw my mother. She was standing on the deck watching us.
          “Hi Mum,” Lizamoa said. “We are just finishing the gardening.”
          “I can see that dear,” mum said.
          She shook her head and turned and walked away.
          Oh my God! I was shocked! I had forgotten about her being here. It must have been a real sight to see us like that. Lying there on the ground in each other's arms was Peter and Lizamoa. They were both quite naked. Nearby Mike and Jenny were almost as bad. I was with Sharon and we still had our underwear on, well in Sharon's case half her underwear with her shorts down to her knees. Then across the other side were Shanti and Steve by now down to her bra and panties and his shorts. Clothes were lying all around us, some almost unrecognizable in the mud.

          It sort of stopped all of us. We were looking at each other not sure what to do.
          “We better stop Lizamoa,” I said.
          “No Joseph,” she replied. “She has gone now.”
          “But we can't...”
          “Joseph it is too late now. She has caught us. We might as well finish our fun.”
          I was not so sure. I thought we should have stopped but Lizamoa was sure my mother would not come outside again and she wanted us to continue.
          It was Jenny who finally decided for us.
          “This has made me horny,” she said.
          She pushed Mike back into the mud, putting one leg on either side of him. Then one hand quickly guided him into her pussy and she sank down onto him with a sigh, taking him deep inside.
          “Ahaaa, that is nice,” she said. “My pussy filled with hard cock.”
          As I said, that sort of decided it for all of us. Maybe I should have stopped and gone to see how my Mum was taking it but then Sharon pulled me towards her giving me the other ideas.

          It didn't take long for the rest of us to get as naked as they were. I soon had Sharon's shorts completely off to be quickly followed by her panties. She then took my pants off throwing them away in the mud. She came up alongside me and as I lay back she was half lying on top of me.
          I felt the press of her breasts against my chest and she reached up hugging me and then our lips met again. As we did I ran my hands down across her back. Her body was wet, covered with a mix of rain and dirt. It felt nice under my touch, so slippery, so slimy, as my fingers moved along the sweep of her back.
          Feeling her body against mine felt so good that suddenly I was ready for her. I pulled her with both hands and her body slid up on top of mine. It didn't take long for my hard erection to find what it was looking for. I felt the entrance to her pussy then with a slight movement of her hips I felt the lips of her pussy open over the head of my cock. She was so wet, not from the rain and mud either. It was clear this had turned her on as much as it had me.
          Now Sharon took over, as with practised ease, moving her hips so I plunged deep inside her and then pulled almost right out. It felt good, not hard and rough as some sex I had with Sharon but instead just gentle as her movements were taking us both towards our climax. The sensation of the rain still falling and the mud which covered us added to the excitement as well.
          Before long I knew I was approaching the point of no return. I began humping up at her. She knew I was getting close and she increased the speed of her hip movements. I could feel my body tighten as the cum began to move up the shaft of my cock. It was feeling good and now I was only seconds away from my orgasm.
          But she beat me to it. With a massive gasp, she slumped on top of me. Her body heaving and shuddering in the throes of her orgasm. Her head was close beside mine and I heard her give a moan in my ear as the pleasure filled her body. It was clear her orgasm was an intense one. I did what I could to prolong it but then my own orgasm hit me. I felt the uncontrollable jerking of my cock as I pumped my cum deep inside her. She felt it and shuddered again at the pleasure. We lay there in our afterglow, both still recovering our breath until I felt my contracting cock slip out of her.

          Then a noise caught my attention. What I saw surprised me. There was my wife lying on her back with her head in a puddle of mud. That beautiful soft hair, always washed and always brushed, so soft to touch, so nice to smell, was now caked in mud. There was mud on her face and all over her naked body from what I could see of it.
          Peter was on top of her pounding into her with everything he had. She was taking it roughly and loving it too. Humping back to meet his every thrust. It was hard sex, aggressive sex, and exciting to watch although I did wonder that she might hurt herself. But I should know better with Lizamoa that she sometimes likes that style of sex when she really gets horny.
          And then she came with what was a loud long moan or was it a cry. She gave a shudder through her whole body and as he continued pumping into her she was bucking around underneath him. It was a wonder he was able to stay in or for that matter even stay on top of her. That was a sight to see.
          By now their noise had attracted others' attention. Mike and Jenny, who had finished about the same time as us, were also watching the show.
          Then Peter reached his orgasm. There was a loud gasp and it was clear to all of us that my wife's pussy was taking a load of his cum juice. He was still thrusting into her but by now had lost control of his rhythm. Before long he had stopped moving as the last of his cum was pumped into her.
          Now they had stopped. He was still lying on top of her as they recovered their breath. Next, to me I heard Jenny, giving them a clap. “Great show guys,” she laughed.
          This caused Lizamoa to look in our direction. When I saw her looking directly at me smiling I asked, “How was that?”
          “Good,” she managed to gasp out still trying to get her breath. “That was so good.”
          As Peter rolled off her she sat up. I could not believe the mess she was in. Lizamoa was never in a mess, always clean and tidy, never a hair out of place and look at her now. Covered in mud, her hair matted, hanging down over her shoulders. The mud dripped from her hair, running down over her breasts. But she was happy and smiling, obviously enjoying being like that, as she was laughing with Peter.

          But then I noticed that Shanti and Steve were still going for it. She was on her hands and knees and he was pumping into her pussy from behind. He was really thrusting at her and she had her arse pushed back against him. One of his hands gripped onto her while the other reached underneath her pussy. Then the lower part of his body began to jerk and it was clear what was happening. He must of at that moment touched her clit because suddenly with a cry her whole body jumped before she fell forward, face down in the mud. He had slipped out of her and we watched as the last globs of his cum flew through the air landing on her arse.
          When she rolled over she was smiling. She sat up supported by one hand while the other came up to her chest. She looked down at herself and wiped at the dark mud on her breast. The whole front of her body was covered. You could see the shape of her body, the shape of her breasts but they were covered with a mixture of mud and rainwater. The gentle rain was not washing her off, instead just mixing with the cakes of mud.
          “How are we going to get this off?” she asked.
          “It's going to take a bit,” said Jenny. “This stuff really sticks.”
          “I think we should stand under the hose first before going inside for a shower,” I suggested.
          And so that is what we did.

          Not bothering to find our clothes which would have been useless putting on anyway, we just walked around the side of the house naked. To my surprise, there was a pile of towels waiting for us in the shelter by the sliding door. My mum must have left them there.
          I got the hose and rinsed each of the women off as best I could. Their hair was a mess, so caked with dirt and mud. As each woman stood with their back to us we worked to get as much as we could out of her hair. When I hosed them the dirt was just streaming off their naked bodies, leaving muddy puddles on the deck. We found the best way for someone to rub our hands over the woman's body to loosen the mud while I followed with the hose. That was a little bit sexy doing that too. But I noticed none of the women were objecting.
          When I finished with each woman she went and grabbed a towel to dry off the surplus water and wrap around herself before going inside to shower.
          I then turned the hose on Mike. He has shorter hair so it didn't take long to rinse the dirt off him. Again the only way to get the dirt off was to rub it loose first and then rinse it away. Since he had to wait for his shower he decided to jump into the swimming pool. Soon Peter had joined him while Steve and I rinsed off each other before joining the boys in the pool as well.
          Lizamoa appeared and called two of us for our showers too. It took a lot of getting that dirt off. Even in the shower after swimming in the pool, dirt was still coming off my body. I noticed that later Lizamoa went back for a second shower and washed her hair again. Of course when I went outside later the swimming pool had turned a dirty shade of brown too.

          Later after our friends had gone home I heard Lizamoa talking to mum.
          “Sorry about us outside,” Lizamoa said. “We were just having a bit of fun in the rain.”
          “Yes, Liz,” Mum replied. “I know you were.”
          “You are not shocked?”
          “No dear. I see you go topless by the pool when I am here so I thought you might get bolder when I am away.”
          “How did you know?”
          “It is pretty obvious. I saw you changing after swimming the other day and you are the same brown all over. No bikini marks. So I knew you were nude at least sometimes.”
          “Oh,” was all Lizamoa said.
          “So... we didn't upset you?”
          “No! No! Like you said, you were just having fun dear.”
          Then she stopped and looked at Lizamoa. She didn't know I was listening but still lowered her voice.
          “Tell me, dear, what did it feel like?”
          “What?” Lizamoa asked.
          “Like you were. You being in the mud like that.”
          Now Lizamoa was shocked. I noticed she took a moment before she answered.
          “It was lovely, Mum. So smooth and slimy.”
          “It is a bit naughty, what you were doing. Just a bit erotic,” Mum said.
          Again Lizamoa hesitated before she smiled. “Yes Mum, it was, just a bit.”
          “You got so dirty, Liz. That is not like you.”
          “Yes I know,” Lizamoa laughed. “It was so sexy. I got really excited. But now it is hard to get that mud off.”
          She must have shown Mum her hair because I heard her say, “See there is still stuff in my hair.”
          “Can I wash it for you?” Mum asked her.
          Soon Lizamoa was leaning over the sink while Mum washed her hair again.

          “I saw you doing more too,” Mum said. “You had your clothes off with the European man.”
          “Yes,” I heard Lizamoa reply softly.
          “You were taking sex with him too.”
          “Yes,” Lizamoa admitted wondering where this was going.
          “And Joseph doesn't mind you doing that with another man?”
          “Not if he is doing with another woman at the same time.”
          “It looked very exciting.”
          I could not believe my mother had just said that.
          “Yes, it was,” Lizamoa agreed. “Very sexy.”

          I now knew that she had looked again or even been watching us. I noticed Lizamoa didn't give much of a reply to her either. She probably didn't know what to say. I didn't. After that, the subject was dropped. Mum seemed to be taking our swimming nude and fun with our friends fairly well but I was just wondering what she really thought about it. It was obvious to her now that we were doing more than just getting naked.
          I talked with Lizamoa about it later and we decided that we should still be more careful when she was around. There was not much we could do about it now as we had been caught but we thought it better that she didn't see any more of our sexual activities.

          So now we have a lovely garden and waterfall. I enjoy looking at it, seeing the water flowing over the rocks and falling into the pool below. Seeing the plants and flowers we have planted in the garden taking on a new beauty as they grew. But looking at the garden always brings back memories of the day we made the walls and the muddy sex which followed.
          Yes, Sarvesh and Amita, that was landscape our way. I hope you enjoyed our story as much as we did. When I talked to Shanti she said we really needed to get this into the Letters Book since it is such a sexy erotic story.
          Lizamoa and I have been writing it and now finally we are finished.

                Bye to you now,
                      From us in New Zealand.
                            Lizamoa and Joseph.


  1. This is a good story Kim.
    See like I told you, you had a good subject which meant you had opportunity to inject but fun and sex into your writing. One highlight for me was how Joseph describes his wife Lizamoa laying with her hair the mud. When reading this I immediately thought of you Kim. You are always so well presented, your hair always nicely brushed. In fact Joseph goes back to this again as she is described sitting up afterwards, making it appear he was amazed at her, getting into the mud and enjoying herself.

    I like the opening where you have developed an entire landscaping project with walls and pools and gardens. I could imagine this and see what it might be like but I wonder if many of our readers might feel it is too long. I'm sure they can skip over until they get to the sexy parts. Other than that the story appears moves along at a good pace.

    The mud fight works well. I heard about what you guys did back in April. I can just see it getting totally confused until nobody really knew who was on whose side and nobody really cares anyway. It was always going to be a difficult part of the story taking your characters from gardening to sex. The mud fight was a natural way it could happen. I thought it was funny how Peter jumped in to help and both girls turned on him, stripping him naked like that. Yes I loved that bit. And it set the scene for everyone else to join in too.
    The sex which followed was good. Not as detailed as in some stories but I believe it isn't needed here. That part where Shanti falls face first into the mud as Steve shoots cum over her bum. I loved that. Made me laugh so much.

    Now finally just one point about that last minute rebuild of that final conversation. Anne and Shandra do we want Greeshma to find out about the sex this early or at least let on that she knows. I suggest we delete the last line so we leave that doubt in Joseph's mind as to exactly what she knows.

    So Kim, remember what I have told you when you do your next story, Keep it moving, keep it interesting and thing about your readers. Well maybe don't spend too much time thinking of those horny guys as it might distract you from your work. Overall this was a good effort Kim. A story you should be proud of. I'm sure you are.
    Bye now. - Reshma.

    1. Thank you so much for your help and support Reshma. You did a lot to polish my story up at the end.
      I also want to thank everyone who had a hand in this story. Some of you didn't even know that you did.
      Oh and I must thank you Allan and Anne for running out into the rain back in April and giving me the idea in the first place.
      Love you all

    2. Yes Reshma
      I talked with Anne this evening. She had seen you comment and agrees that we should delete the line where Greeshma says she saw them having sex. It will fit in better with Story 77 where Lizamoa is shocked when her mother in law admits to having seen the letters books.
      Good suggestion Reshma. It has been done.

  2. Hello Kim, what a sensational story, well written and constructed, but then I am not a literary critic nor can I pretend to be. Your story had me right there with the characters, enjoying it all, mud and all LOL. I felt I was there, that it was an actual narrative of what happened, and all I can see is Ayaka and myself .... well, you know what we would be doing!!!!! And what a beautiful photo of a gorgeous woman on this page now, sweet, sexy, alluring, desireable, love that black bikini top, adore whats in that top LOL but would prefer to remove that top myself mmm Kim, well done, all my love, Peter xxxxxx

    1. That was nice Peter. A sensational story! Thank you for that.
      Hey how did you and Ayaka get into my story. I didn't see you two rolling around in my mud. Maybe I better re-write it putting you both there.
      Yes I thought the mud parts of this story went well. I have to admit it was rather fun writing it and I got horny a few times thinking about it. I must find a decent mud puddle then I might try it again, naked this time. The only mud puddle I know of on this farm has too much cow shit for my liking. LOL A before you guys say cow shit has the right slimy texture, the answer is NO! I don't know how sex in the mud would go for real. I know the mud all over me would feel nice. Something to think about.

      I will tell Susan that you liked her photo Peter. Sorry that is not me. I don't have a chest like that LOL.
      Bye now from Kim

    2. Hello lovely Kim, I think I wouldnt like the cowsh** mud puddle at all, prefer things more natural and then it becomes far far more sexy! Mud? maybe, but you'd agree there are other ways to be wet!!! *naughty me*. As for the photos, yes I did finally wake to the fact that the person who says "my name is ..." is the one in the photo, and as for your comment about your chest, just let me say its hard to improve on gorgeous perfection! Give that sweeet Ayaka something special from me ok? xxxx Peter

    3. Hi Peter.
      I thought cow shit was a very natural product. The grass eaten is natural, fermented naturally, and out it comes. All over Ayaka in the cowshed LOL. (Who said that? LOL)
      No Peter you are right there are other more satisfying ways of getting wet. I'm sure you have thought of many.
      Yes the photos rotate each week. My photo will appear at around 6am NZ time Friday. Ayaka is a week after that.
      They are all kept in one directory so Rajah knows which will be next. Each writer is responsible for their photos and they can up date and change them.
      I will make sure Ayaka has something to thank you for. OK
      Princess Kimberley.

    4. Hi Peter,
      Your comment to the "Read Me First" page was rejected by Anne. She doesn't want comments there. Sorry about that Peter.
      Regards Shandra.

  3. Love the story, Kim ! it was nice to finally be able to read the 'mud' story. Now I know where the inspiration came from that day....

    1. Yes now you know. I was very inspired if you remember.
      Glad you liked the story. I am very happy with it and it seems to be well received with our readers too.
      Did you read the real mud story in my background. About me showing nipples to Ayaka's dad. LOL

    2. Yes, you were inspired ! I remember VERY well ! I also know it was good enough to inspire Anne and Ayaka as well !!
      I did catch that part...I bet that was the highlight of his entire visit.

    3. Hidden Details my Friend
      I think you must be realising that we like hiding little stories deep inside our blog. Anne often says they are the little gems, the rewards for those who take time to dig deep. Me giving a nipple flash to Ayaka's Dad is a good example. Just 3 sentences, about 30 words. I didn't intend to. It was just having smaller tits I often go braless around home. Which is usually fine and no-one would know unless my blouse was lighter and it got wet. He didn't show he noticed and I didn't think at the time to look down but I found it moments later when I went to take my blouse off. Ayaka and Anne both confirmed it too.

      Now let me show you a little trick. You want to know who the girl is on the right hand side. Her name is always at the top. See the title "The Letters of Shanti and Joseph" well under this are the words "My name is ..........." the name in there is the name of the girl in the background. For this week Susan. The photos go in a regular cycle with no relationship to who wrote the weekly story. Last week Shandra, this week Susan, next week me, Kim and then Ayaka after that etc.

  4. So what has the Beautiful Thai Princess been up to while our back was turned?
    Mud fights, sex in the mud, shocking that dear old lady! You naughty girl! I always thought you were the nice one, the gentle one of the bunch and look what is going on here. Yes that sweet little ass of your definitely need a sharp contact with my hand for a number of times. No until you promise to be good, until you promise to do it again with me.

    Joking aside this is a great story Kim. One of your admirers above write a sensational story, a well written and constructed story. I must be in full agreement to this. You said Mud, Rain and Sex in your title so I sort knew what was coming, particularly when you began talking about landscaping. But still the mud scene built well, The mud fight I think set the mood for everyone.
    That man above, Peter I believe, said he wanted that young one, the hot sexy Ayaka in the mud with him. Well he can have that, just leave the older Japanese girl for me. Anne, a very sexy and determined, strong willed girl. A maturity and wisdom beyond her yeas. But then I look at that photo of Sexy Sue. Wow, we all know how she got that name. I roll in the mud with her would be a delightful experience too. Maybe the exotic attraction of the Indian woman. In the background, appearing to be a quiet, gentle girl, but in the thick of some of the most sexiest writing Then again Mr Peter maybe you have it right, that appearance of innocence hiding the powerful sex appeal Ayaka. Which leaves me with the Beautiful Thai Princess, Princess Kimberley. Yes we could get her hair muddy too.

    I am like an old man rambling. Like a child in a sweet shop. To many delights which one to choose. But we all have our dreams and fantasies. Just knowing these girls and reading their blog has been an exciting journey for us all.
    Love you guys

    1. Oh James the Thai Princess can be naughty if she wants to. Very naughty indeed. As for smacking my sweet little arse. Do I pull my jeans down or will you do it?
      I must admit there was something sexy about this idea of the mud. Just playing with the mud, having a mud fight, rolling in it rubbing it all over our bodies, tearing our clothes off would be sexy enough. The sex is just the cream on the cake, or as you naughty boys would say, the cream in the pussy. LOL
      You can't decide who to go rolling in the mud with? You poor dear - such a tough decision. Let me make that easy for you there James. Just pick me! Don't worry about the others, they can have their turn afterwards. LOL
      Princess Kimberley

    2. Well said my dear.
      A roll in the mud with you Kim, my beautiful Thai Princess. Yes! Yes! I do believe you would be right there. You certainly have the look of the Thai woman, that restrained beauty, a beautiful face crowning a beautiful body without openly flaunting it as many women would. My body against yours, sliding around in the mud, would that turn sexual? Of course it would, probably has before we even commence.

    3. My Dear James
      The thought of rolling in the mud with a handsome man, such as yourself. The soft rain falling, the slimy mud all over clinging to our bodies, the feel my body against yours and yours against mine. So hot so sexy.
      Thank you for your description of my looks and beauty. Never had it put like that before. I also like how you commented on each of us girls in your original comment above.
      Princess Kimberley.

    4. Dear Princess Kimberley.
      What better way to while away long hours of a sleepless night than to exchange pleasant words with one such as yourself. You and I rolling in the mud! Any chance of returning to sleep was gone after reading that! I love the way you openly describe it, nothing short of attention grabbing. I like your words and even better the images they convey.
      Now in my case, handsome might be pushing the image, let’s say the handsomeness of maturity.
      Thank you my dear,

    5. My dear James
      I believe you are selling yourself short. Everyone has beauty about him or her, within them. The secret is to look for it. This is the power of writing like this. We can see the person without being distracted by their outward appearance.

    6. Knowledge and wisdom beyond your years, with beauty thrown in as well.
      Thank you my dear.

    7. And Thank you James.
      It must be you who draws all that knowledge and wisdom. We all love the way you write and the things so say.
      You have added a lot to this blog James.

  5. Hi Kim
    You have an interesting set of comments here. A fitting end to a good story.
    Paul and I loved the way you built this story using the landscaping to take you where you wanted to go. I could see Joseph wanting to tell his friends back in India about his new garden. At the end of the story you could tell be was proud of it, even if it gave him erotic memories. Ha Ha
    Then came the rain. Everyone knows the rain comes just when you need it the least. I mean if it was pouring in the morning they wouldn't have started. That's normal in New Zealand. Well on a farm anyway.
    Then that first handful of mud. Of course Shanti would throw it at Joseph. Who else would she throw it at. But then came a surprise with Lizamoa going to her husband's defence. Nice one, missed Shanti and hit Steve. I laughed at that.
    Then those two girls in the mud fighting with Peter going in to help his wife. To his surprise they turn on him and he ends up naked. Well done Kim. Then it is all on.
    I am unsure why you brought Joseph's mother into it. It seems something to do with a future story. I don't know about that.

    Yes Kim a well written story with that complex action scene handled well.
    Both Paul and I love it.
    Kirsten and Paul.

    1. Thank you Kirsten and Paul
      I have been waiting to hear from you.

      You have a good understanding of the people in the story. You seem to know what many of them will do and how they will likely react. That is good. Remember I showed you an earlier version of this story when I stayed with you a few months ago. Well remember I had Joseph throw the first mud. You told me then you thought Shanti would be more cheeky and more likely. So I changed it. A lot better now.

      I am very happy with the final result. I am very happy with the comments and feed-back too.
      Thanks Kirsten and Paul.
      Thanks everyone else too.

    2. Yes Kim, I agree with Kirsten,
      A good selection of comments. 34 in fact not counting this one. I notice that hit rate and comment rate is climbing on almost all posts now. I find I enjoy the comments as much as the posts now.
      Keep feeding us good posts, fun, witty and suggestions for our blog. Or you could just drop us a comment and say Hi.

  6. keep ur good work kim gopi

    1. Hi Gopi
      Thank you. Yes I will try and write my best.
      And I hope you keep up with reading our stories too.

  7. Lovely Kim
    I see they call you The Sexy Thai Princess.
    A very good name. It took us a while to get to know you when we visited the farm. We both thought you was very shy, But then we discovered another Kim, the sexy one Wow! What a sexy girl you are.
    I think that sexy Kim came out to write this story as well. It is a sexy story, it deserves to be held up there among the best too. That mud scene was so sexy. And coming from you Kim made it even sexier too. Lets put this another way, I would be happy to roll in the mud with you Kim. For that matter happy to roll anywhere else with you too.
    Love you Kim
    And give my love to the other girls

    1. Hi Rochelle
      Thank you for the nice comments on my story. I am very pleased with the reaction from our readers.
      There seem to be a lot of people with the impression I won't get dirty. Well maybe this story proves I can get dirty, very dirty. In fact I found the idea of fighting and sex in the mud to be quite erotic. Definitely a big turn-on. I also think one of the things that makes this story is that it is so unusual.
      Now that name. It was started by my boss Simon, but since he used it in a comment here, it has become more of a nick-name. But I must admit I do rather like it.
      Oh I'd be happy to roll with you anywhere.
      The Sexy Thai Princess.

  8. I can't really see much difference.

  9. I can't really see much difference. What has been changed.

    1. I don't think the difference in the rewrite is so obvious. It is more there are lots of smaller changes. Nearly 80 I believe. They have not changed the original story but made it read a lot better.
