Thursday 11 June 2015

Story 146 Mega and Brian move to New Zealand

         The big day finally came when we left India. It had been a rush to get things ready. Just so much to do but with our kind friends from India and the girls from New Zealand we got it all done.

         Hi, Brian here.
         I not really much of a writer but it seems I have been given this story to record. Shanti told me if I get the main details down she will help to finish it off.
         Jenny has told you how she and Shanti came over to help during those last few weeks. Those girls were amazing; they seemed to know just what needed doing. Thank you, girls, you were a great help.   

         I worked hard of my plant business. Got a good contract from the town government to provide flower plants for the town. I also had a list of people wanting gardens. We were so busy I had to employ a couple more people.
        When the business went up for sale, I number of people came to look at it but most didn’t seem to understand how selling plants was so profitable. One man openly said he just wanted to pull down the shop and rebuild on the land.
       Then one day, two of my staff asked to talk with me. They wanted to buy the business but didn’t have enough money. I was happy for them to have it; I knew they could make it work so I gave Sarvesh a ring. He said he would come over after we closed. I asked the two workers to stay back.
         I won’t bore you with details but just that Sarvesh took 60% of the business and they took 20% each. He would be a silent partner and allow them to run things, just being there to advise and help if needed. They signed a contract where each month they had the option of buying more of the company from him. In the meantime, he took a share of the profits to cover his involvement.
        It was the perfect arrangement, it freed me from the business while I ensured it would continue under good management. My two staff are very grateful for what I had done.   

        With all the work I’d done and the beautiful gardens, our house sold very quickly too. I think that fountain I had installed in front made a big difference too.
       So soon we were packing to be ready when the container came. Jeevan and Sarvesh had suggested we use a shipping container which they would then get to New Zealand. It gave us room for all our furniture as well as space left over so I added tools and equipment for my new business in New Zealand. Sarvesh said that I was to take as many tools and equipment as I wanted but everything should be cleaned thoroughly first. I even went out a brought more as well. I had a long talk with Joseph and he advised me what things I might need in New Zealand and what I could buy here where it was cheaper.
         In the end, we had the container completely full.  

         With the business sold and the house sold Sarvesh arranged to get the funds transferred to a New Zealand bank. It would be placed on deposit for us. All I needed to do was open an account and claim the money plus interest when we were in New Zealand. I didn’t realise you could do that. He just laughed and said its surprising what can be done when two bank managers get together.
         Now we were in their big house with only enough clothing to keep us going. Our plan was to travel without much as we were moving to the New Zealand winter so cold weather clothing would need to be purchased as soon as we arrived. The clothing we left behind was packed and would be sent to Steve in a following container of Indian produce destined for New Zealand. 

         The only thing I missed was one more nudie weekend. Sarvesh tried to arrange it for us but it just didn’t work out. Anyway, it was probably just as well since it rained most of those last few days we were there anyway. Very unusual for the dry season. Mega said it was India crying to see us go. Between you and me, I don’t think India even noticed we were gone.
        We did get to spend some naughty evenings with our friends at their various houses which both Mega and I enjoyed. I even got to spend a last night with beautiful Katrina again too when she managed to slip silently through a small back door into the guest house where Mega and I were staying. She was gone in the morning before the servants came on duty. 

         The flight was long and as we were still tired from all we had done the past few weeks, so I think that didn’t help us too. The girls were good. Both Jenny and Shanti seemed so full of energy all the time. I don’t know how we would have made it without them.
        Finally came that moment when we arrived at our new home, the moment when we touched down at Auckland International Airport. We were soon through customs and meeting our friends, then into the van heading for Jenny & Peter’s house. This is where we stayed for the next few weeks.
       To our surprise, the boys had been busy here too. There was a selection of properties for us to view, a bank visit to transfer the money into our new accounts and a visit to the boy’s car yard for a car. I thought we would be buying a car and had put aside funds for it but then Mike threw the keys to me.
       “Here mate, take her away. She’s yours.”
       Both Mega and I weren’t sure what he meant.
       “How much Mike?” I asked.
       “Nothing. She’s yours.”
       “But we have to pay.”
       “No, not at all. It’s our gift.”
       I walked over to the car they had chosen for us. It was a lovely car so it must have been expensive. They would never tell us the price. There were just some forms to sign for ownership and we were done. Later Mega valued the car online and discovered it was expensive. Thanks, guys, that was so good of you. Thanks also for the small truck you found for us as well.
       We selected a property after a few days and with their help, we placed an offer. We settled a few thousand above our offer which they all said was a good price for the area. There was a three bedroom house and two larger buildings. There was also a lot of land for gardens. I could tell straight away that the soil was good for growing plants. I was unsure how we could manage so much land but Joseph has suggested that we fence off the back half and grow cattle for beef there until our business requires the extra room. This seems a good idea as he has offered to help us.
       So now we are waiting. All we needed is our container, and then we can move in. 

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