Friday, 1 November 2013

Letter/Story 70 Part C Background.

                Part C   -   The Second Special Weekend.
                                                                               Posted by Shandra
Hi Shandra again,
         This week the first section of Katrina’s Story comes to its climax with its very surprising ending. More about that soon.
         The second special weekend took place about six weeks after the first. This time they were a bit more organised with the arrangements for Katrina. Now she took a taxi and brought Elizabeth back with her. 

Points in this Story.
          In this story, we read how Katrina receives the new bikinis which they will be wearing for the weekend. Here it almost feels like they are being pushed when they are told to get changed. It seemed to Katrina like it was an order to put the bikini on rather than a suggestion. It appears as if Sarvesh and Amita were pushing the girls in a direction they might have not been so comfortable with.
          The second interesting point is the development in the relationship between Katrina and Elizabeth. When Elizabeth discovers Katrina watching her in the spa pool, rather than lowering into the water to hide her nipples, she comes over and begins touching Katrina’s breasts. This looks as if it could have developed into a very close and sexy relationship except there was something bigger about to happen which will get in the way. 

The Climax.
         The climax of this story begins when Katrina finds herself in a game of strip chess. The outcome is she ends up having to strip everything off. She seems have taken it OK once she got over the shock but Elizabeth didn’t. The girls fall out and Elizabeth leaves the house while Katrina stays on to continue with the weekends.
         Why did we play it that way? Well, we had intended in Elizabeth becoming involved in some sexy adventures, in fact, one was partly written for her and Katrina to have a relationship, but then we decided that another married couple would be better. So Elizabeth was dropped from the story and Brian and Mega were added.
        This is not the last we will see of Elizabeth. There was always that question as to where this relationship between these two girls might have gone so much later we decided to bring her back into the series again to explore it.

         Next week we find out what happens when Joseph discovers a treehouse in the forest behind their new house. Also, watch for Kim's first story coming up soon too.

Extra Added September 2015.
Hi from Susan,
        This theme between Katrina and Elizabeth was picked up again by me. Shandra was writing about a relationship between these two girls but it was never used. Recently Kim found her notes in our junk folder of discarded stories etc. Kim brought the idea up at a writers meeting and I decided to explore the idea. The outcome was in Sept 2015 a story was published Story 160   Elizabeth in Mumbai.
        (Go read it now or you can wait until you come across it later.)

Friday, 25 October 2013

Letter/Story 70 Part B - Katrina’s Story One.

Part B – The First Special Weekend.
            On the Friday evening, Elizabeth arrived and was dropped off at the gate after 5 pm. She walked through the lower garden gate left open for her and locking it behind her. She came in through the back door of the guest house to wait there for me. Nobody was seen by her because everybody was getting ready to leave in the van.
            I made a show of packing a small bag as per usual but just before the van arrived to take the staffs into the town I was slipped away to join Elizabeth into the guest house. I was surprised how easy I slipped away unnoticed just like Sarvesh said it would be. But I did notice Amita greeting all the staffs and wishing them a happy day off. She does not usually do this and so I knew she was helping take the attention from me.

Letter/Story 70 Part B Background.

                Part B   -   The First Special Weekend.
                                                                               Posted by Shandra
Hi, Shandra here now.
        Last week we followed Katrina through a series of events which finally led her to become involved in the special weekends. Now, this part opens with that first weekend about to begin. In an earlier letter, Sarvesh told us a bit about these weekends but we will learn a lot more as we follow Katrina through her first one.
        I will not go over the whole story since you will obviously read it yourself. I want to show you three interesting points which link to themes running through past and future letters. 

The Red Swimsuit.
       First, let's look at Lizamoa's red swimsuit. Back in Letter 27, Mike brought Lizamoa a red one-piece swimsuit. She was visiting New Zealand with Joseph since she didn’t own a swimsuit they had to buy one. The suit was actually quite sexy as being unlined, it clung tightly to the breasts of the wearer, particularly if it became wet. After Lizamoa wore it to the beach in Letter 29 when she went swimming, it sort of drops out of the story for a long time because after that Lizamoa tended to wear a bikini or less than that when she was swimming.
        It is not entirely clear why it was left in India and how Amita came to own it, considering it didn’t really fit her. Amita herself even wonders why it was left but of course, it was a logical step for Katrina since for her first swimsuit it was sexy but not too over the top.
       For some reason, it really made a difference to Katrina that the red one-piece had been purchased by Mike. There appears to be a special attraction developing between these two, well at least on Katrina’s side there is. 

Elizabeth and Katrina.
         There seems to be a relationship between these two girls which is hinting at being closer than just two friends. Both seem to be attracted to the other with Katrina caught looking at Elizabeth’s nipples in the spa pool, and Katrina waking up to discover her friend holding her breast.  We can sort of wonder where this might be going. 
         This was intended as a side-line to Katrina's adventures on the Nude Days. Where this was going was undecided when this story was written as Anne's diary tells us of some spirited debates going on among the writers over Elizabeth.

The Bikini.
          During this story, Amita offers to buy bikinis for the two girls. These bikinis come with matching cover-ups and skirts so they could be used at other times besides swimming. Both girls were surprised at this but the story for this weekends with the girls agreeing to wear them.
         As a hint, I’m going to tell you this bikini will play a more important part in future sections of Katrina’s Story. Now I'm going to end before I give too much away.

        Next week the first section of Katrina’s Story - Part C, is going to come to a surprising ending.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Letter/Story 70 Part A - Katrina’s Story One.

Part A – Learning About  Letters                                                                 

        My name is Katrina; I work for Sarvesh and Amita as the servant in their house. Some of you will, of course, be surprised to be getting this letter sent from me. Since I am the centre of this adventure Amita thought it was very good for me to be writing it. But I must be the honest person and admitting that she and Hansini have helped me a lot with it too. I am very unknowing to doing a lot of writing, especially the English.
            Do you remember me? Unknown to me I have already been appearing in The Letters Book in two different letters. First, it was in Letter - 52 and then again in Letter - 56. But we will get to these soon.

Letter/Story 70 Part A Background.

                Part A   -   Learning About Letters.
                                                                               Posted by Shandra
Hi, Shandra and Reshma here.
        This week we begin a story which eventually turned into the largest story in the entire letters series. We have divided it into a number of sections so we could fit them closer the rest of the letters. Of course, some of these sections, such as this first one, had to be sub-divided into parts again for posting on-line.  

Purpose and Theme.
         The idea behind this story is to take a younger single woman through the various stages from first hearing about the special weekends to becoming involved herself, then finally losing her virginity and fully participating in the sexy adventures. It is a long drawn-out story but I believe it will be worth it in the end.
        The second purpose of this story is to provide a strong link between the stories of Vol 4 where the New Zealanders are still in India to the stories of Vol 7 where they all meet again at the resort in Australia on the Great Barrier Reef. Through Vols 5 & 6 the letters became more of a loose collection of stories without much of a theme or direction. We needed something to keep the series on track and drive it forward to the holiday resort. Katrina’s Story is one way we did this. 

        As the title suggests, the story is written by a girl called Katrina. She works for Sarvesh and Amita in their house as some kind of a maid/servant. As she explains in her story she accidentally comes across the sexy side through a series of events which will eventually lead to the point where Sarvesh asks her if she can help them on their special weekends.
       Since Sarvesh didn’t want to involve any other staff, Katrina asked her friend Elizabeth to help. Both girls knew it would involve adult activities such as nudity but they were both interested in making the extra money, so they agreed to help.
       This is where we leave the story this week just before Katrina’s first special weekend.  

Katrina and I.
       When I began writing this story the intention was it would be a replacement for the story by Hansini Letter/Story 66 so you will notice that they are similar in some ways. Of course, later, we decided to keep both stories and develop both characters in different ways.
       In some ways, Katrina's route into Letters is similar to mine. Although I was there at the beginning, I wrote that first letter, I was not involved in the sexual side until a lot later. That is what happened with Katrina as well. Her personality is similar to mine too, a bit shy, a gentle nature, but able to be cheeky and sexy when she wants too.
       You will notice that in the early letters Lizamoa has the role of being the 'darling' of the series, the girl everyone loves, but this attention moves to Katrina with Lizamoa slipping into the background a bit more. This is why we did some stories about Lizamoa over the last few weeks because we knew she was going to fade a bit once we get to the Nude Resort in Vol 7.   

Special Page.
        We have created a page entitled “Katrina’s Story” and as we publish each section of Katrina's Story, we will add it to this page as well. That way you will eventually be able to read the entire story in one place. This page is going to be Reshma's project. She will, of course, make some minor changes as she moulds the separate posts back into a single story. 
        There could be some differences where one version gets an update while the other doesn't but we will try to keep them the same as much as we can.

The Office Conversation.
Hi, Reshma here.
        I was getting this story ready to upload but I wasn't happy with the office scene. This conversation is an important turning point in the Katrina Story. Before this she is just a maid/servant, after this, she begins moving towards becoming an active member of the Indian Team. For such an important part the conversation appeared stiff and unrealistic. I mentioned this to Anne and she said to talk with Allan. Allan and I sat down together and had a go at improving it. I hope you like the result. Anne and Shandra both did.
       We wanted to get Katrina thinking she was about to be fired by Sarvesh, to first show her worry, then how she resigned herself to the fact she was losing her job. We then wanted to show her confusion when it became obvious this wasn't happening as she expected. We also worked on some of what he said as well, so you could say it became complete rebuild of this conversation. 
        We then went on to change little bits throughout the story until finally, we decided it was good enough for publishing.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Letter/Story 69 About Lizamoa

            Hi, all of our friends in India. Here we are doing well and we are happy to hear that you are all keeping well too.
            Now, this little letter is going to be a bit different. This letter is about one person, Lizamoa, but it was not our intention for her to write any part of it. We have heard a lot from Lizamoa lately as she has written about us, so we decided we are going to write about her. Well, that was our plan but as you will see below it didn't work out like that.
            We have seen the success which Joseph has made with his job and buying the house but his wife has made a number of successes of her own. So without anymore from me, Lizamoa – this is your life. (Well your life since you came to New Zealand anyway.)

Letter/Story 69 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Anne
       The return story from New Zealand completes the theme about Joseph and Lizamoa moving to New Zealand. It is, as the title suggests, about Lizamoa and how she settles into life in a different country. Where this story is important is that it links to future stories by giving us theme ideas and background.
        As always, we were looking for something a bit different, a new way of doing a story. We did this by having each of the New Zealand characters add something about her. The purpose of this story was to show how Lizamoa settled into her new adopted country and open the way for future stories about her.
        I had not been very happy with this story. The idea sounded good but the finished story didn't seem so good and I was almost ready to dump it. (Maybe I still should have done that.) The other writers convinced me to try and rescue it. During a re-work, I manage to inject some humour into it but again there was still the problem of not much sex. Well, that was until Susan decided there should be and added that piece done by Lizamoa herself. It was a surprise that she did that but it works rather well so I left it in. Finally, Susan added the little touch at the end by Joseph. My original intention was not to include anything by him. 
        So that was the story. As I said above, maybe it shouldn't have made it to publishing, maybe it should have been deleted. Anyway, it is in now so I suppose it can stay there.

       This is the last of this short series before we get to the beginning of Katrina’s story next week. This will be a very long story stretching through a number of parts and a number of sections. It will finally come to its big conclusion when they are all in Australia on the Great Barrier Reef. Reshma has added a special page and will collect all these parts to make one complete story so you might like to check that out too.        

Friday, 4 October 2013

Letter/Story 68 Nudie Weekends

Hi to everyone in New Zealand. (Well our friends actually.)
            This letter from India is being written by myself, Sarvesh. My purpose, rather than telling you about another sexy adventure, will be telling you about our 'special weekends.' As my wife, Amita calls them, our 'nudie weekends.' But first I have been asked to give you some news on events happening over here.
            Everyone here is in the very best of health. Our business ventures are beginning to show success and I am pleased I choose Jeevan as a partner because he is proving to be a very capable and resourceful fellow. We did not secure any contacts to start importing food from outside India and so we decided to confine our activities to sending Southern Indian products to the north and bringing Northern Indian products back south. This has proved to be very successful. Almost every day a railway waggon is either arriving or departing with our products.
            Joseph, you will be happy to know Mootie is doing well in the Game Reserve. He is looking at a possible extra tourist venture of opening up the small lake area for special parties, guided by park rangers and transported in park vehicles. This could prove to provide some much-needed funds for the Reserve, while still protecting that special area of the Reserve.
            Jeevan & Mandara have had their baby girl and both mother and baby come through it very well. Amita has spent too much time with Mandara and now she is talking about maybe we should have a baby too. Well, this is something we need to be thinking about first I told her but we all know she will have her way before very long. 

Letter/Story 68 Background

                                                                               Posted by Allan
Hi, Allan here.
        This is not so much of a sexy story but instead more of a fill-in story where Sarvesh gives us some background on the sexy weekends he was organising.  

The story was added for two reasons:-
         First, this part of the volume was a bit one sided with the stories from New Zealand. So we felt it might be good to find out what was going on in India.
         Secondly, we wanted to set the scene for the stories written by Hansini which appeared two weeks ago and the big story by Katrina in two weeks' time. Both these stories were set against the 'special' weekends Sarvesh was holding so we felt we needed to bring you up to speed on these weekends and what happens in them.

        Now the character Brian is named after one of Susan's boyfriends. He did a lot to help with many of the stories, particularly the ones at the resort on the Great Barrier Reef so we decided to honour him with his name appearing in the stories too. As you will see by reading the writers page, Brian disappeared after a while as Susan and he split up but his name remains here to remind us of the help he gave us.

Update on Brian - October 2013.
        Brian does a Goggle search and rediscovers the blog. After discussions between him, Susan and Anne he begins to start adding background material to stories he helped write. Later he and his wife begin writing Brian's Page.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Letter/Story 67 I’m So Horny!

            Hi to all of you in India.  It is Shanti here.

            Thank you for such a good letter Hansini. You did a good job. I especially enjoyed the part about playing strip chess. We talked about doing that once when we were at Sarvesh’s house but we never did.
            That certainly is a new version of a stripping game.           

            I also like your comments on Liz’s story. Did you read that Mike, Peter and Steve? Hansini called you “funny fellows.” I that is good! A good way of putting it, if you get my meaning.
           Thank you also for your comments about my story on the beach. Yes, it was very sexy. I was so excited and turned on by it all. When I did cum, it was so intense. Just thinking about it again while I am writing to you, it’s sexy. 
           I don't know that you could plan for something like that to happen. You just need to take advantage of it if it happens. A lot sexier don't you think? Writing about it now is turning me on again. LOL Enough of that! I have to get this completed for Jenny's letter.

Letter/Story 67 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Susan

        Here is a little story which I had a lot of fun writing. We wanted to do something funny and I was struggling to come up with an idea. Then I remembered that scene where Shandra had written about Jenny and Joseph at the hot pools back in Letter/Story 64. I decided this idea was worth exploring further.
        Anne and I were talking. “You know how pregnant women have cravings?” I said.
       “Yes,” she replied. The look on her face told me she had no idea what I was on about.
       “Well, what if we wrote a story about Jenny having cravings?
       “OK, but how would this be funny?”
       “You missed my point. Her craving is for sex. As much sex as she can get.”
       “Oh, good one!” laughed Anne. “That sounds fun. So she’d be after all the guys then?”
       “Yes, something like that. I’m not sure how I’ll play that yet.”
         So that was what happened, I started on this story. It was written fairly quickly and I had fun doing it. When I completed it, I read it at a meeting. They all loved it. There were some small changes suggested by the other writers, for example, Jenny having twin girls, but what is posted this week is almost the same as when I wrote it back in 2008.  The twins idea was added to set the scene for some sexy future adventure involving these two girls in Letters the Next Generation.
       It was never meant to be anything more than a fun thing. I had fun writing it and I hope it amuses you to read it as well.
       Recently Anne added that introduction to sort of tie these stories together.  

       It is rather interesting how as we are publishing these stories with a pregnant theme, which were written in 2008, here in 2013 Anne and I are both pregnant too. Anne says that this is no accident either because as she was working on this volume back in December she began thinking about it herself.
       So once again it appears our lives have been influenced and changed by the Letters Project.

Index of Letters          Return to Letter/Story 67       

Friday, 20 September 2013

Letter/Story 66 Finding Out About “Letters” Part B.

Part B – My First Nude Day.

            That was how things were left for a few weeks until one day when I was at home I received a phone call from Amita.
            “Hello, Hansini,” she greeted me. “We are having a special day for our friends. It would be nice if you both could come too.”
            I told her that I would check with Mootie but I’m sure he would be OK with it. She then explained that they were planning for us to come Friday evening and have all day Saturday and then go home on Sunday. Would we be able to do that?
            So that was how the second day at their place began. This time all the servants were sent off for the day and so we had the entire place to ourselves. When we left home I made sure my new bikini was packed if not anything else because I was sure I would be spending most of the day around the pool anyway.
            We arrived Friday night to find Jeevan and Mandara already there and they were expecting another couple, Brian and Mega, as well. When we were all there they had a lovely meal for us then we settled down for an evening in the house.
            It was a good evening and we had some fun playing on the pool table as well. I had never tried pool before and it was fun to learn. Not that I was any good at it.
            We shared the guest house with Brian and Mega. It was a nice house, almost as big as our house too. The next morning we sat down to breakfast and they told us about the plans for the day.

Letter/Story 66 Part B Background

                Part B   -   My First Nude Day.
                                                                               Posted by Shandra
Hi, Shandra again.
         Since I wrote this story almost completely myself I will be doing this second background as well. Last week we saw how Mootie and Hansini got into the sexy weekends organised by Sarvesh. Now Hansini continues here story by telling us about the second time they went up to visit Sarvesh and Amita.
         After going topless in the pool the first time Hansini was sure she would do so again. She said as much while talking to Mega although she did say going nude was taking it a bit too far.
        Then came the chess game. It seems for some reason Hansini was very good at chess which is rather unusual for an Indian girl. Well her husband Mootie seemed confident she could beat anyone as he boldly boasted about her to Sarvesh.
        The game was played on a large garden chess board out beside the pool. We once played a game on one of these large outdoor chess sets at a winery north/west of Auckland. I couldn't play back then but I moved the pieces for Susan. Anne did the same for Allan. Of course, we keep our clothes on but that was the basis for the game in the story. Of course, now I've learnt to play I could add more detail to the story. 
        They were just about to start playing when Sarvesh suggested they play strip chess. That was a shock for Hansini but after thinking about it, she felt confident enough that she could beat him. She agreed to play. This is rather bold because she really had no idea just how good he actually was.
        The game was going well until Sarvesh realised he was losing and changed his strategy to take as many of her pieces as he could. Hansini decided she needed to do something in a hurry or else she would end up naked even if she still won the game. Her attack was devastating and almost wiped Sarvesh out but it came at a cost. Hansini was left at the end of the game in only her bikini bottom. Suddenly Amita came up behind her and with a tug had her bottom pulled down leaving her naked. From then on Hansini decided to remain that way.
         I must confess that last bit was a Susan addition which meant I needed to change the end of the story too.  It would take Mega another weekend before she became bold enough to finally go naked as well. In the original version, Hansini and Mega get naked together on the second special weekend. But now I like the new ending better. 
         Next week the New Zealanders reply with a story of their own called “I’m so Horny.”

Friday, 13 September 2013

Letter/Story 66 Finding Out About “Letters”. Part A

Part A – Meeting Lizamoa.

            Thanks you Lizamoa for a very enjoyable letter. Here all of us in India enjoyed it very much. So we were impressed with your method of solving the problems of babies and mother-in-laws. A very clever solution.
            Going nude in a public place. Now that is very bold to be doing. We all enjoyed the story of going to the hot pools. Especially the part about Joseph having sex with a very pregnant European woman in a public pool. And those funny fellows telling all the jokes, I am hoping to meet them some day.
          Thank you also, Shanti for your story too. That was very sexy to be doing that on the beach. Did you really lay there with the pussy open while your husband Mike did that to you? And thinking there was that man sitting so close watching. Yes, this is the very sexy story. Here in India, we were all happy to receive and read it. Thank you Shanti and also you Mike for doing that to her so we could all enjoy it.
           We are sorry it has taken so long for us to send a reply story but I hope this one from me will make up for it. 

Letter/Story 66 Part A Background.

                Part A   -   Meeting Lizamoa.

                                                                              Posted by Shandra
Hi Shandra
          I was involved in Anne’s story back in Letter 61 I had helped write about how Hansini had first found out about the Letters Series and how she and her husband became involved. That letter was supposed to have been sent by Joseph and so since they left for New Zealand straight after that they could only tell us part of Hansini’s story. We needed to write the other half, a task which was given to me.

         When we came to write Hansini’s story, I was wondering where I should start and how I would do this. We began with the idea that Amita had asked Hansini to write her story before she had a chance to read any of the others, it was obvious that this her story was going to have to overlap Joseph’s earlier one. While reading that other story again I was looking for ways I could tell this same story but from Hansini’s viewpoint instead of Joseph’s.
        Here is the result. Is there too much-repeated material? I hope not but maybe there is. Part A really covers most of what has already been covered to some extent in other stories but I hope from a fresh viewpoint and from a new character in the Letters Series.  

        Next week in Part B Hansini will continue with her story to cover events we have not seen before. Keep in mind that all through this period we are building towards the big story of this volume where Katrina the young servant-girl begins writing her series of stories. A lot of what we cover in these stories is setting the scene for Katrina to build on.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Letter/Story 65 Nudist Exhibitionism.

Hi, it is Shanti again.
          Thanks for that great letter Lizamoa. I agree with you, things are going well for you guys. I also want to add that we enjoyed having you all staying in our house. I know it was a lot of people in one house but it all went well. Of course what happened between Joseph and Jenny at the hot pools was fun too. A total surprise for all of us but sexy fun. It set things for Mike and me swapping with them for the night which was a pleasant surprise too.
          Finally, before I get on with my story I want to say you have found a very nice house, set in the bush like that it is very beautiful and nice inside too. 

Letter/Story 65 Background

                                                                               Posted by Ayaka
Hi from Anne.
         When we rebuilt the old Vol 5 into two volumes we added a number of new stories. To help with these we invited the three new members of our writing team to do a story each. This is Ayaka’s first attempt at a full story herself. Later in this volume, we get to read Kim’s story then Rajah opens the new Vol 6 with his story. But for now, let me hand over to Ayaka. 

Hi, Ayaka here.
          I wanted to try a complete story for myself. I had done a lot of work, adding to and improving other stories but never done one myself. When I brought this up at a meeting everyone was keen for me to have a go. As Anne mentioned above, the rebuild in early 2013 gave me this chance.

          I have always liked the story Shandra wrote about Lizamoa putting on a sexy show for that guy in the Game Reserve. This was back in Letter 14. Doing that I have always thought it would be so hot.

          One day I was talking to a friend of mine on-line in a chat program. He is a very lot older than me but I like him and so I was thinking about some sexy idea for some fun for him. I told him a story of us being at a beach being nude and I was giving a sexy display for a stranger walking by. This was very sexy for both of us and it led to us doing the cyber-sex and both making the good orgasms. He told that this was one of the best he had in a very long time. I was so happy for that too. So happy I had made him do that.

          When Anne said I could do a story I suggested this to her. She liked the idea but did warn me not to copy that other story but instead do something different for myself. Of course, I had to change the names to people within the story and later needed to make a few other changes as well. 

       Now my story was completed and we were wondering where to place it in the series. Because of the way I had written it without any reference to other letters it really could have been placed almost anywhere within the Letters Series. Like Anne said above, they needed a couple of extra stories to build Vol 5 up a bit and so to my surprise it was placed here even though the surrounding stories had been written long before I ever heard about the Letters Project. 

         So I want to dedicate this story to my online friend. He will know who he is when he reads this. It is not what we did on-line, I know this, but it came from that idea so to my friend I want to say thank you twice. First for the two great orgasms you gave me and second for the great story idea too. Big kiss to you!